God is Unseen

August Heinrich Plinke oil on canvas Gehilfe beim Kupferschmied August Heinrich Plinke oil on canvas Gehilfe beim Kupferschmied

People say that, if God would exist, he would make it plain, he would show himself; but as it is now we cannot see God anywhere: therefore God does not exist.

This reasoning might make sense in a way, but as I see it, it makes more sense that God remains hidden and cannot be seen. Why?

If God would show his power openly nobody could deny him, that is true. But herein lies the reason IMO that he does not do this: he doesn't want people to worship him because they have to. He wants people to worship, yay, love him out of their own free will.

So he hides himself, but leaves traces for us to recognize that he exists, but not too many, because he desires that we seek him, that we humble ourselves. He wants us to have faith in him based on our reason, when we observe everything and recognize what he has made.

And the people that are proud, that see it as more probable that chance has created everything than God, when it is quite obvious that chance cannot have brought forth all the complexity we see: they are not honoring God but following vain ideas, and that's exactly what they should do from God's point of view as I see it.

God doesn't want to have anything to do with haughty people. Only the humble should be able to find him. The proud will never admit that they don't know, that their wisdom is lacking. But the humble will admit their deficiencies and they will seek refuge in God at some point.

So it makes a lot of sense to me why God is not doing what some atheists demand: they want proof they say, but God doesn't give them this kind of proof. He has given enough proof already, but if that is not sufficient, it is only good that anyone who denies this should follow his own reasoning to the end.

Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest. Place my yoke on you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is pleasant, and my burden is light. (Gospel of Matthew 11:28-30)