reuben is a developer

it's me

(80/100) days of code

  • interview was interesting, only behavioral because of some scheduling stuff
  • redid my portfolio in grid and did a lot of leetcode
  • next on the table is JS30 and implement a new layout for YDKJS exercises

(79/100) days of code


    • read YDKJS a lot:
    • finished Scope & Closures
    • finished this & Object Prototypes
  • turns out i know a good amount of what's presented in those books

  • might follow through with Types & Grammar, but in the interest of time, plus the fact that an interview isn't a test of my textbook knowledge... i will be jumping into problem solving with real frontend JavaScript, plus DS&A tonight/tomorrow

  • also fixed up a typo on my latest blog post

on the plate for tomorrow:

  • quick and dirty portfolio refresh with grid
  • Async & Performance

(78/100) days of code

  • cool video:

  • phone interview went well, onsite on monday

    • studying up on JS
    • leetcode for DS&A
    • gotta brush up on explaining my projects
  • adding questions to YDKJS today (jk tomorrow lol)

  • TIL:

    • i'm already pretty familiar with the event loop, it turns out
    • i'm good with asynchrony and event delegation
    • any asynchronous code is pushed to the task queue once it resolves, it is NOT immediately pushed to the call stack
    • the task queue executes only when the call stack is empty, and the first entry in the task queue is always the currently running script
    • the microtask queue happens with promises; it is basically a “sub-task” queue, as it only executes when the current task it is associated with is finished

(77/100) days of code

  • completed JS30 day 23
  • phone screen tomorrow at 8, after graveyard at 1am tonight yikes
    • spent a good amount of time preparing

(76/100) days of code

  • wrote a blog post:

  • stuff i learned:

    • all about different web APIs
    • node isn't really all that different from django, i'm kind of excited to learn it now
  • curious stuff:

    • window and document both have prototypes inherit from EventTarget
    • many node elements inherit from EventEmitter:
      • http, https, http2
      • WritableStream, ReadableStream, DuplexStream
  • questions?

    • what's the deal with the event loop? every time i hear about it it seems to be more and more central to JS. i felt like i knew it, but i guess it's one of those things i still have to wrap my head around

(75/100) days of code

  • wrote two versions of a small crawler script to hit a database to access PDF files, one client-side and one in node. unfortunately neither worked because of permission issues on the database side