Royyan Wijaya


Hi—everyone, I bring joy news today. Finally, after the journey I wrote before. You can read them on my blog with the same prefix title.

Today, I am announcing that I already publish the thing that I learned so far (HTML+CSS). Yes, I published my website using my own code, learn and build it from scratch. You can visit my website at

Finally, I can create a website that I really want. The interface, the content, the dark mode—until the font that I love. Now I combining both Pangea Text Font as a body, and Nikolai Font as a header and navigation links.

The Codeney series would not stop here. I am planning to build something bigger in the future. Something that I really want next. But I cannot implement it yet. It’s a lot of work I guess, but I still got the spirit. My heart still beating, my head still burning—and my eyes are always sleepy.

I feel blessed today, I wish you too. Have a nice day!

This is the Codeney #06—The Publish. See you on my next #code journey.

I love my own title, it’s simplified my complicated case into a good sentence.

So, as the title said, everything is work—until I move to the next task. Creating the CMS! Yeah, I love torturing my own brain, sorry brain. I will give you some good movies later, I will buy you some awesome tasteful foods, and I will entertain you with a good video game as well—once we finished these cruel things.

My latest problem with CSS in the previous short and unmotivated article was solved. Finally, I can manage to craft a good CSS exactly like what I want. And you know what? My joy and pride feel are just end up one day only. Because after everything I code before, I have to move to the next task. And this is the beginning of another episode of frustration.


As the title said, the Yesterday issue is not solved yet. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good evening.

This is the Codeney #03.5—The Yesterday Issue. See you on my next #code journey.

Talk about the responsive issue I had earlier, does it solve? The best answer is yesn’t. But, actually, it works smoothly between devices even with the smallest pixel device (320px). All of the elements work exactly like what I want, except this what I should call them? I think the “Hover-up Squad” would be a cool name.

So, this Hover-up Squad is actually a drop up feature I want to implement on my Footer. The first thing I do is created it, by doing that, I have to find a tutorial on the internet to be able to finish that thing. Because I am cannot do it before. Thanks to Drew Overcash for his awesome tutorial.


After I dealing with the initial issue which is the light or dark mode toggle. Now I got another issue, it’s called “Responsive”. Sure, I spent a night figuring out what the fuck is wrong with my code. Nothing change with yesterday, it always has an issue of its own.

I try different methods—which is I was using the @media screen, the width, and the min—max width. All of them are did not works like exactly what I really want. I have no idea which one is the most reliable.


Yesterday, I do a web design practice. First, before it started, I do the design in Figma—and then I begin to open my VS code program. Creating index.html—then continue to the style.css.

In the first 2 hours, it began smoothly like what I want and it does look the same as the design on Figma. After that, I began to implement the dark and light mode toggle. It was there on the design as well. And guess what? Yes, I cannot implement it correctly. I do inspecting the elements on my browser—and actually, the code does change, but not with the visual. It still shows the light mode.