shermix's blog

A lair to write on my adventures with open source, codes and life alike.

  • Revised concepts of express, node and REST partially.
  • Finsihed the intorductory part of


#Jan20 #daysofcode

111 Days and the tide has settled with QC35II for good. Godspeed again soon, XD

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele

#quote #Sep19

  • Learnt about time complexity analyisis, BST, AVL, Priority Queues and Heaps for my Data Structures and Algorithms course at university.


#Sep19 #daysofcode

Health, responsibility, passion, and maintaining a healthy environment for those three things and being focused on it. That's what I got when seeking answer for Nirvana.


#quotes #featured

11 entries 4h 35m

  • Roughly completed and got hang of Vue.js with “Introduction to Vue.js” by @sdras on @FrontendMasters!


#Sep19 #daysofcode

15 entries 6h 15m

  • Somehow completed “Complete Intro to React, v5” by @holtbt on @FrontendMasters!
  • Decided to go back to Vue after reading the “Comparing Frameworks” doc on VueJS page.


#Sep19 #daysofcode

10 entries 4h 5m 33s

  • Learnt about authentication basics, security config, API basics
  • Learned how to test routes, controllers and database operations
  • Learnt how REST is implemented in API patterns
  • Used Postman as an API design tool
  • Learnt to use JSON Web Tokens with Passport JS for auth
  • Opened 3 pull requests on ODIN Project repo for typos and formatting error in NodeJS course

And that's a wrap for my journey through ODIN Project's curriculum. The topics which are not yet religiously covered include Forms and Sanitization, Testing, Security Configuration, advanced usage of Webpack and design patterns like SOLID. They are ought to be covered when building the upcoming personal web app side project.

The project idea is not yet completely decided but it's roughly gonna be a blog coded from scratch with Vue.js (Yet to learn), and all the other tooling and stack I've come across through course and other materials. It will include additional components like a commenting system, a minimal Ask Me Anything forum just to itch and practise out all that I've learnt in theory till now.

Winter is Coming, and this time it's for code 🍻


#Sep19 #daysofcode #featured

9 entries 3h 24m 12s

  • Finished Express module. Though did not do justice with the form section for topics like sanitizing data and stuff.
  • Learnt more on the usage of the app and routes middleware.
  • Briefed with some other modules like async, JSDoc, moment-js and some built in express modules.
  • Learnt more on the usage of pug.


#Aug19 #daysofcode

18 entries 6h 50m 39s

  • Halfway through Express Module under NodeJS from ODIN Project
    • Learnt fundamentals of using Express like middlewares and their chainings, routing, and set up a skeleton website with Express generator
    • Got a basic overview of pug templating engine
    • Briefed with fundamentals of Mongoose ODM like Documents, Models, Schemas, Middlewares and hooks, Virtual document properties and made a cluster with MongoDB Atlas service
    • Deployed the express web app on Heroku's git platform
  • Used morgan and nodemon in the express web app.
  • Learnt about UML Class diagrams from wiki.


#Aug19 #daysofcode #featured