shermix's blog

A lair to write on my adventures with open source, codes and life alike.

“Practice the art of interpreting situations constructively.”

#Aug19 #quotes

Well, so it happens I'm mostly done with Eloquent JS and JS info except for the exercises. I've Databases portion left from the ODIN project as backlog which can be comfortably covered in labs. So that makes me to finish up the remaining prerequisite JavaScript course from ODIN and then continue with the list on Notion for NodeJS and Express. Aim to complete the backlogs by 24. Have data structures and algo test on Monday so will be having a break till 26 and then sprint meself to complete most of ODIN course theory content by 5 of next month. Also, ODIN along with its project should be completed with references before October's commencement. The date can be extended to end of October if the projects are linked to courses from Frontend masters.

~Day 26

#Aug19 #weblogs #daysofcode

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  • v 1.0.0 : 21 Aug 19 > shermix is born.

I'm on Twitter, Github and have a keybase account where you can get my other verified social links.

Just another mediocre potato learning Javascript and stuff for his passion of web. Loves open source and being on an edge of adventure wherever he is. An INTJ-A and a professional headbanger.


I use a Dell Inspiron 7567 laptop which runs on Ubuntu-based Pop_OS! from System 76, which is mostly plugged in with the Brainwavz HM5 Studio Monitor Headphones.

Desktop Environment: Gnome w/ Unity extensions, Code: Visual Studio Code w/ Monokai Pro

Want to know more? Hit me up on my Twitter.

Elsewhere on the Web

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” Paul Carus, summarized from the Dhammapada, verse 165

#Aug19 #quotes