New stuff going on. Back to my roots. 2X FullBody – NE Style, 1X Intensity Day, 1X Volume Day, concurrent periodisation, keep the accessories, rotate main lifts every 3 weeks. 2X conditioning – sled work and neck work. That's training.


8-5 daily. 90 mins deep work. 10 mins off. Got to train the focus muscles. (technically 8 hour 20 but got to account for nonsense that comes up too.)

That will give me 5 sessions of deep work daily, which is pretty good.

If I divide this into 1X Mandarin daily, 1X Startup daily, then 3X switching between ½ subjects, really getting into material – the gains will compound gorgeously.

Let's get after this. Then I've got some hours post for reading, leisure, whatever BS I'd like to do.