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For those who have bone practicals coming up, here's a few tips and tricks that helped me for my bone practical. Of course, always make sure to study by going to a study hall that (hopefully) has bones that you can borrow while you're there and study with.

  • Words and Vocabulary:

    • anterior = front
    • posterior = back
    • lateral = away from the middle
    • medial = towards the middle
    • supra = above
    • infra = below
    • epi = above
    • -cyte = mature cells
    • -blast = immature cells
    • foramen = big holes
    • foramina = small holes
    • process = pointy things that sticks out
    • condyles and epicondyles = small bumps * epicondyle = raised boney area above condyle
    • fissure = slits
    • fossa = shallow depression
    • notch = cavity within the bone
    • sinus = cavity within a bone
    • head = knob-like projection for joint
    • facet = flat projection on joint
    • tubercle = small, rounded projection
    • tuberosity = large, rounded projection
  • The Skeleton:

    • Axial Skeleton = head + spine
    • Appendicular Skeleton = everything else.
  • In the eye socket:

    • Ethmoid = behind the eye sockets.
    • Lacrimal = closer to the tearduct, next to the ethmoid.
  • Cranium:

    • Sutures * Coronal suture (front), Sagittal suture (divides parietal bones bones — think of it as the arrow that's getting shot at the coronal suture), Lambdoid suture (the back — the sting of the bow).
    • Fetal Fontanelles * Anterior Fontanelles = at the top of the skull, near the front. * Posterior Fontanelles = in the back near the lambdoid suture.
  • The vertebral column:

    • Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx
    • There are 7 cervical bones, 12 thoracic bones, and 5 lumbar bones. * A good way to remember how many bones? “Breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, and dinner at 5” OR “7 cats chased after 12 turtles only to run into 5 lions.”
    • C1 = Atlas * The Atlas has the superior articular facet which articulates with the occipital bone on the skull.
    • C2 = Axis * The Axis has the dens which is the pointy projection that points upwards.
    • Pedicle vs Lamina * pedicle = closer to the body * lamina = closer to the spinous process
  • Humerus, radius (lateral), ulna (medial):

    • Henry ran under.
  • Hand:

    • Carpals, metacarpals, phalanges. * Cats Munched on Paper.
    • Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate and Hamate * “Some lovers try positions that they can't handle.”
  • Leg

    • Femur = big bone
    • Patella = knee cap
    • Tibia = medial bone beneath femur, medium size. you know you're looking at the anterior side when you see the anterior crest.
    • Fibula = lateral bone beneath femur
  • Foot:

    • Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
    • Calcaneous = heel
    • Talus = articulates with tibia (at the medial malleolus) and fibula (at the lateral malleolus)
    • Navicular = rectangular bone between talus and cuneiforms
    • Cuboid = cube like bone on the lateral side
    • Cuneiforms = three smaller bones on the medial side, above navicular
  • Apps:

    • Complete Anatomy = Email customer service with your student email address and ask them about discounts for students. The student discount is 50%, so make sure to take the opportunity!
