study blog.


Regardless of your major and future career goals, college can be incredibly difficult. It's stressful journey with highs and lows. No journey looks exactly the same and there's no shame in that. For some, it takes them four years. For others, it takes them a little longer. What matters is getting that education.

This blog is aimed to help students — particularly nursing students — succeed. I'll be filling the posts with tips that have helped me survive school so far (and things that impeded me along the way), my personal notes from class (handwritten), study guides (sometimes typed and most likely handwritten) I make from class notes as well as stuff from my classes' textbooks, advice I can think of, advice that my mom has given me that may help you, advice from my professors and advisors, links to textbooks, or even scans of stuff I get in class.

Admittedly, there's also a bit of selfishness on my part here as I plan to use this blog as a means to study, as well. It gives me a chance to reinforce lectures and labs since I will be rewriting notes for clarity's sake. I am by no means a professor, but I'm hoping that by putting myself in that mindset of helping others understand the material, it will help me. After all, in order to fully say that you understand a concept and can apply it, you need to be able to teach it yourself and do it in simple terms.

At this time, this blog's content will be focused on pre-clinical courses (so things like Anatomy & Physiology, General Chemistry, Public Health, Statistics, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, English). Later on, depending on how things go, things will shift to those nursing clinical courses. Although, if/when that transition does occur, I will still be posting general study help as well as advice and what not.

If you have any questions or need advice, send them either to or to Please note that there are certain questions that I can't (and maybe won't) answer. If/when this is the case, make sure to go to your college/university's advisors for your major/program and ask them. Don't be shy, they're there to help you, as are the professors in the department.

Good luck to everyone and happy studying!
