
A place where I can untangle my mind, and set it free!

Just checking in!

AAAAAHHHH....Introducing my show, The Mind, Untangled. – a place where we can “untangle our mind, and set it free...”!

The video is at the bottom of this quick article...


This project of mine has been on the back burner for quite some time now, but it has taken off! Life happened, COVID happened, life happens. period. But there are no more excuses.


There are many ways of accomplishing our goals, and technology can be one of them – as in here, you will find my first show featured on ZOOM, featuring Adam Waring (also known in the Coil and Cinnamon Community as AussieNinja), and on Twitter as @CryptoAdam. Give him a follow!!

I am not going to give much detail here in this article, since we have a great video to watch, where it is RAW, UNEDITED, and REAL...because “we've all got something” going on in our lives, and it is great to talk freely about what is tangling our minds!

I will say this though – in this edition of my show, Adam and I share our thoughts on anxiety, and well, life in general. I thank him for his time, and great talk!! Oh, and let's not forget the appearance of Madison and Clarissa, and my dog – Mimi.

If you are interested in appearing on my show to just have a talk about anything and everything to untangle your mind, reach out to me on Twitter – @minduntangled, FaceBook – The Mind, Untangled., or Instagram – The Mind, Untangled.

Sit back and relax – and enjoy, until the next time!

I hope you enjoy the show - *P*eace and love to you all! 🥰

Sandra – The Mind, Untangled.

Cooking With Sandra & Julianna

WELL - This article has been sitting here for oh, a couple of months...I know, right? It's been since September, and well, I have been contemplating on sharing this article because truth hurts, and as much as you replay the scenarios in your mind, as much as you try to make sense of it – sometimes, it still doesn't make sense. So I figure, if I just let it go and share, maybe it will lift a bit of weight off my shoulders?

So, on September 17th, I conducted a poll through Twitter, with this:

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...! My next article on @Coil

will be to share my thoughts on whether the quote “Silence is better than unnecessary drama” is indeed, a wise choice, when in a relationship. What do you think?! Keep an eye out for the results in my article!”

And, here were the results:


True – 28.6%

False – 28.6%

Depends on the situation – 42.9%

These results are only based on 7 votes, but hey – that's okay! I am still going to give my point of view about this topic, because truth is, it is a tricky question and can be seen in many different ways.

Let's outline the quote here by the anonymous author:

Silence is better than unnecessary drama

It's almost like I have to repeat that phrase to myself so that I can truly understand it. I mean, nobody wants drama, especially when in a relationship with someone you care for or deeply love. Yet at the same time, nobody wants to be left unheard. In that aspect – when it comes to something that is meaningful to us, do we not have the right to say something? If we do not speak our thoughts, then how do we keep pushing forward to better ourselves for the “next” time? If we keep our thoughts in and allow our minds to get all tangled, then how can we learn in order to avoid the unnecessary drama? How can we truly understand the situation, or ourselves, if the silence is not broken?

This song comes into my head when I think of this topic when it comes to relationships. Powerful in so many different aspects for so many different situations. Have a listen – it's a beautiful song and the words are so meaningful...

I figure drama can be created when there are different opinions. Different morals.

Every person has a right to their own opinion, to their own feelings, and is it not reasonable to say that the unnecessary drama can truly be avoided even if we spoke out? But, even if we spoke out and there is drama, then isn't it safe to say that maybe, just maybe, that will open the eyes of the other person to help them realize that maybe they were in the wrong? For whatever the situation was?

The problem with this, is that because we all feel that we are “right” because of the way we feel, we automatically assume that it's okay to speak hurtful words. To say things that really, truly do hurt our feelings...

A friend of mine once told me – “maybe they're not saying *that* to you because they don't want to hurt your feelings”. My response to that was, “But why can't they feel free to be open and honest with me? Why can't they trust me to know that if they are open and honest about 'situation', then I would be more accepting of that 'situation'? What is there to hide? What is the secret?”

These are all thoughts that go through my mind, as it gets tangled into a dark web. I questioned myself with different mind turning like crazy as I asked myself so many questions, belittling myself for things I didn't even do wrong...

*I truly believe* that when in a relationship, the two people are best friends. They are your “person” – the ones who we confide in, the ones we pour our hearts to, sharing all our *fears* and *anxieties*. Sharing our *hopes* and dreams. Yes, we have our friendships, even a best friend, but when in a relationship – I feel that the person who you are with, is the one you should be going to **first** about a situation or something that is on your mind...whether good or bad.

As I sit here and write this, I feel like sometimes I am contradicting myself, because is there really a right answer to this? I guess it really does depend on the situation...


Silence can be powerful; yet, people can take it the wrong way. Silence can be used for many different reasons, but I guess what I'm talking about here, is that when silence is used in response to a “situation” that truly means a lot to you, it allows us to collect our thoughts and reconsider words that may come out of our mouths in anger. It may not necessarily be the “silent treatment”.

And, it doesn't always mean that you are angry at someone. It's just that some people are quick to say what they think, without really thinking about what they say. And is it really important? Is it really necessary? Sometimes, when words are said in the heat of a moment, it can truly hurt someone - mentally *and* emotionally. Whether in a relationship or a friendship.

So what do we do?


If not already, I hope that you will consider subscribing to see my further points. As always, thank you for your continued support. Thank you to those who did take the time to answer my poll.

And on one last noteremember - you have a right to your opinions. Your thoughts. Your emotions. We all do. Whether we choose to speak or remain silent – think first about the other person and how your words and/or actions would affect them. It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, as long as it makes sense and is intended only for the better, in your situation. Kindness goes a long way, and whether it is a friendship or relationship, words always do matter. ❤️

And, if you haven't already, more of my thoughts in my article here, “Silence”. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to any comments on Twitter!

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”


A song while shredding paper!!

Poetry – No Longer A Fool

Just The Two Of Us – BAKING!

When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.

– Unknown

The skies are dark, as the clouds slowly creep in, and the wind picks up as you gaze at the beauty. In the distance, you see the sun creeping in, as a rainbow appears in the distance. And you just look up in wonder. And you feel hope. You feel peace.

After hearing really sad news today, I felt like sharing a couple of videos just for laughs (at the end of this article).

Mental health really can be a bitch...

Sometimes, you just don't know what people are going through and why they feel the way they do. Sometimes, as hard as you try to help someone, it just pushes them further.

Sometimes. You just really don't know.

So don't judge.

Don't assume.

Don't think you know what you don't know.

Understand the truth. Be there for the people who need support.

Life is full of ups and downs, and that's why I always say – cherish the times with those you love.







It all really does go a long way.

A quote by Matt Haig,

Soak up the views. Take in the bad weather and the good weather. You are not the storm.

Sadness and depression comes and goes. And sometimes, it engulfs our minds, causing us to think negative and act negative, and leaves us feeling hopeless.

The thing is, there are truly people who love you and want to help. There are people you can reach out to, as much as you may not want to, you can. Find that person, who will take the time to understand and just. be. there. for. you.

I hope that this can help someone. I have witnessed how mental health can truly take over. How it can really damage peoples' souls. It sucks, big time...

I've been there, and I've been lucky enough to pull out, with the support and love of my family and close friends. And yes, sometimes I still have those moments, but I reach out to my “person”. I hope that if you are experiencing troubled times, you can find the strength and courage to reach out to someone too.

Peace and love to you all. ❤️

Below, I share some more thoughts.

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”


Oooops, I did it again!!

Hello everybody, this is Bruno!!

Yes, I decided to get another puppy, and he's our newest addition to our family!! If you haven't read my thoughts on Puppies and Anxiety, you can read it here, An Apology Letter. It's a letter I wrote to my two puppies that I found new homes for, because truth be told, I couldn't handle having two at once. My article explains it all...

During these times, I have seen so many posts about puppies and dogs, and I have had the idea in my head for quite some time now – maybe we can try it again. I have prepared myself mentally for the arrival of Bruno, and I must say – so far so good! Great, actually!!

I did this video with him, because it's a great song (Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol), and it's one of the times he just lay there and sat with me on the couch. I was having a lazy day, and it was so nice to just forget the world for a few minutes!! My favourite part of the song goes like this...

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Actually, Nick – if you can do this song, that would be so awesome!! And for those of you who don't know who Nick is, he is known as NickelNDime here on Coil, Cinnamon and Twitter. You should follow him for his great music, his lessons, his gaming, and also his great articles!!

Okay, back to my article, and Bruno...

When Mark said to me that one of his customers may have a puppy available, I jumped at the idea!!! And well, we welcomed Bruno to our home almost two weeks ago! I knew the girls really wanted a puppy, and I thought -

OMG, I just can't get enough of him...

I never really knew how easy it would be, a little puppy! Sure, there have been a few potty accidents, but he has adjusted really well! And, he gets along with Mimi – bonus!!

I find that it has been less chaotic in my head – and well, he distracts my tangled mind – and I will snuggle up with him – and he just really, **really** calms me down!! I love it!

I admit, he may be a bit spoiled, but how can I resist NOT spoiling him??!!

In all honesty, I didn't know how I would react to having a new puppy at home or if I would be able to handle it. But he truly has been a blessing, and I am thankful for having him to brighten my days!!

This is a short article, but I just wanted to make a point that puppies (and pets in general), CAN bring joy to one's life. I think it's just about finding the right one, at the right time!!

Just these past couple of weeks, my anxiety has actually gotten better. My mood has been really great, and it's fun watching this little guy playing and doing silly things!!

It's weird because it's a whole different experience than it was with Molly and Nova, but if I hadn't experienced that, I wouldn't have known how easy it really can be!

I hope you enjoyed the short videos, and here's one more to close this article! Isn't he just adorable?!

Peace and love to you all!

People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.

- Kim Culbertson

I came across the above quote, and thought to myself, “Well isn't that true!!” I also came across a story that I want to share. Maybe you've heard it before, maybe you haven't – but it's been told for many, many years, in different forms – an old wives' tale, perhaps?

I think it is important, and a great reminder as to who we surround ourselves with – who our real friends are – who our “people” are.

It's a story about a woman and her snake.

There was a woman who had a snake as her pet – a python, whom she loved very much.

Every evening, the woman would sleep with her pet python, as it sprawled her body, spreading itself from her head to her toes. The woman cherished this bonding moment.

**Until she noticed something was wrong.**

After weeks of sleeping with the woman in her bed, the snake suddenly stopped eating. The woman wondered why, as she became concerned, and decided it was time to take the snake to the vet. It didn't make sense to her as to why the snake was refusing meal times that it normally used to love.

**It seemed as if the 7-foot python** was starving itself, and when the vet asked about their daily routine, he was shocked to hear that the woman and the python slept together every night.

When the vet asked the woman if the snake sprawled out along her body or curled up to her at times, she confirmed that the snake did indeed.

It was then that the vet explained to the woman that there was nothing wrong with the snake – it was actually sizing her up. Every time the snake was sprawling itself along her body, it was preparing for its next big meal – HER!

It turns out that the snake was patiently waiting until the perfect time for it to snatch up its prey, its next big course, and in this case – the person it was most close to – its owner!

The moral of this story is that there are people in our lives who are close to us. They may seem like our best friend, and we confide in them our deepest thoughts. We learn to trust them.

But sometimes, that trust is broken.

At the end of the day, people can be like snakes – they will intimidate and manipulate you until you give in to their evil ways – until you give them what they want. They become envious and jealous of you and try to destroy your happiness.

You have to separate yourself from these types of people before it’s too late!! It's crazy because you think you know someone, then all of a sudden, their mask comes off and their true colours show. The person you thought they were to be, the friend you thought they were, actually turns out to be the exact opposite!

Don't get me wrong, clearly not everyone out there is like that, and this is only my point of view based on my past experiences.

Friendships really do make our world a happy place, but there are those that tend to bring us down and sometimes, there is not a heck of a lot you can do about their behaviour. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to be around those people...

This story is a great lesson because it can teach us that even the people who are close to us, the ones who hug us, call us or text us every day – can have mean intentions. It teaches us that not everyone is who they portray themselves out to be.

Don't fear the enemy who attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.

- Unknown

You need to surround yourselves with honest, kind, and loving people. Recognize the “fake” ones, and don't feel guilty about moving on.

You need to look out for yourself, and your mental and emotional well-being.

Remember – treat people as you wish to be treated. A kind word, a helping hand – it all goes a long way!

Below for subscribers only, I share more deeper thoughts...thank you to my true, real friends. You mean the world to me!

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”

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