On Communication

I'm a fan of the phrase, β€œIt's better to ask forgiveness than permission”. I'm not sure how well that works out in the real world, but I'm a fan.

For projects at work, there's a legal team. If anything goes wrong, the company is in trouble. I've been told when you get into open source, the first thing to do is register an LLC. I don't have an LLC yet 😨.

Did you know GtkSpell has a patent concern section on their site? These types of things interest me, and ignite a fire of fear within. I always thought Open Source was the land of the free and the do what you want with it. The more I look into it, the more I want to remain in corporate development environments.

The road to ruin is paved with good intentions, is a phrase I'm not a fan of. It's also the phrase I feel I've been acting on.

I've found that a lot of developers (open or closed source) are pretty open to communication. Like asking for a recipe at a restaurant, it's sometimes awkward. If the chef gives you the recipe, you're ecstatic.

Communication isn't just for getting the secret sauce or permission, it's also so someone will possibly say β€œStop” before it's too late. Not that hopes offer legal protection.

I've been having a lot of fun working on open source though. In a time of quarantine, it's been fun finding new communities.

My company these past few months has been Persona 5 Royal. I'm on the final month of the game... it's all ending too soon, and I need to reconnect with real people 😝. I'm just kidding on that last part.

To be completely honest, trying to find a sense of purpose during the Coronavirus has been tough. Communication and work in the open source community has been somewhat checking off that box.

Day 2 of #100DaysToOffload