

day three

Spent most of the day messing with my laptop. Did some light distro-hopping from Ubuntu 20.04 to Manjaro XFCE (never tried Manjaro before but I’ve always loved Arch) and then finally a quick GNOME swap — GNOME is home for me.

This normally wouldn’t be such a long process but I was at work (limited supplies) and my laptop relies on a Broadcom WiFi driver that I have to spend time acquiring with a shared internet connection from my phone (and signal is poor).

My fiancée and I are going back to our somewhat restrictive diets which my stomach will be extremely happy for — even if my heart will think otherwise. I’m looking forward to the cooking that will be taking place.

This is day three of my #100DaysToOffload journey.

day two

I woke up energized today. It might have been because yesterday was so enjoyable. I didn’t have a coffee in the morning before work — which later caused some discomfort.

I spent most of the day at work. It was a decent day. I was especially glad it was overcast so I could wear my usual long-sleeved attire.

Coffee to me is more than just energy. There is something about the mood it sets when I’m sipping it and working on whichever task I’ve chosen. So, of course, I had to get one from the cafe. I wasn’t paying much attention either but I found out too late that lactose had found its way into my cup.

I used the instant pot to make curry tonight and it turned out better than I could have hoped, even with some ingredients missing. I am so excited to keep using it! It’s so simple to clean too.

Here lies day two of my #100DaysToOffload journey.

day one

I don't know what I will do for the remaining ninety-nine days, but today I'll write about how wonderful it was to be outside today. Not because of being stuck inside due to the current pandemic, but because my allergies weren't acting up, the sun was just the right amount of heating on my skin, and I was able to enjoy the balcony while munching on some food.

More precisely, I sat in a camping chair, laptop resting on a mini table, soaking up the leftovers of the sun peeking through the leaves from the trees in the backyard.

I haven't lived here for too long, and this is the first time I have spent any decent time out here.

This is my first #100DaysToOffload post, on May 10th 2020.