Ukraine on My Mind

Interesting and fun things I've learned about Ukraine

This happened on March 1, a week after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a speech to the European Parliament. A veteran German interpreter who was translating for a German news outlet broke down and was talking through his tears with a choked voice while translating Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's speech.

Keep in mind that the translator is German, not Ukrainian. The speech moved everyone. Behind her mask, EU president Ursula von den Leyen is fighting back tears.

You can watch it on Youtube by googling: Moment Ukrainian translator is moved to tears during Zelenskyy's European Parliament speech

Glory to Ukraine!

Jean Clark Townsend

Anyone who still thinks Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a minor and distant matter needs to read this statement by a Russian propagandist. Stunning and horrifying, it details their intent both toward Ukraine and the West. Because of the twisted logic and terms, it can take some effort to read. You just have to keep reminding yourself that “Nazi” means anyone who doesn't want to be Russian (and yes, that means you). This entire thing describes black as white and white as black.

A note about the accusation that the Russian language was attacked in Ukraine. It was. President Petro Poroshenko, who preceded Zelenskyy, made Ukrainian the sole official language instead of keeping it both languages. President Zelenskyy does not agree with this. Poroshenko was very focused on separation from Russia. He separated the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Russian one. His third goal was to strengthen Ukraine’s army, and the progress he made helped make Ukraine’s resistance to Russia possible.

This was published in April of 2022, less than two months after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


What Should Russia Do with Ukraine?

Timofey Sergeytsev

We wrote about the inevitability of Ukraine’s denazification as early as last April. We do not need a Nazi, Banderite Ukraine, the enemy of Russia and a tool of the West used to destroy Russia. Today, the denazification issue has taken a practical turn.

Denazification is necessary when a considerable number of population (very likely most of it) has been subjected to the Nazi regime and engaged into its agenda. That is, when the “good people — bad government” hypothesis does not apply. Recognizing this fact forms the backbone of the denazification policy and all its measures, while the fact itself constitutes its subject.

This is the situation Ukraine has found itself in. The fact that the Ukrainian voter was choosing between the “Poroshenko peace” and the “Zelenskyy peace” must not deceive you: Ukrainians were quite happy with the shortest way to peace via a blitzkrieg, which was strongly alluded to by the last two Ukrainian presidents when they were elected. This was the method used to “pacify” home antifascists in Odesa, Kharkiv, Dnipro[the RU original uses the city’s former name “Dnipropetrovsk”], Mariupol, and other Russian cities — the method of total terror. And ordinary Ukrainians were fine with it. Denazification is a set of actions aimed at the nazified bulk of the population, who technically cannot be directly punished as war criminals.

Those Nazis who took up arms must be destroyed on the battlefield, as many of them as possible. No significant distinction should be made between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the so-called “nationalist battalions,” as well as the Territorial Defense, who have joined the two other types of military units. They are all equally complicit in the horrendous violence towards civilians, equally complicit in the genocide of the Russian people, and they don’t comply with the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis must be punished in such a way as to provide an example and a demonstration. A total lustration must be conducted. All organizations involved in Nazi actions must be eliminated and prohibited. However, besides the highest ranks, a significant number of common people are also guilty of being passive Nazis and Nazi accomplices. They supported the Nazi authorities and pandered to them. A just punishment for this part of the population can only be possible through bearing the inevitable hardships of a just war against the Nazi system, waged as carefully and sparingly as possible relates civilians. The further denazification of this bulk of the population will take the form of re-education through ideological repressions (suppression) of Nazi paradigms and a harsh censorship not only in the political sphere but also in the spheres of culture and education. It was through culture and education that the pervasive large-scale Nazification of the population was conducted, ensured by the guarantees of dividends from the Nazi regime victory over Russia, by the Nazi propaganda, internal violence and terror, and the 8-year-long war against the people of Donbas, who have rebelled against the Ukrainian Nazism.

Denazification can only be conducted by the winner, which means (1) their unconditional control over the denazification process and (2) the authority that can ensure such control. For this purpose, a country that is being denazified cannot possess sovereignty. The denazifier state, Russia, cannot take a liberal approach towards denazification. The denazifier ideology cannot be challenged by the guilty party that is being denazified. When Russia admits that Ukraine needs to be denazified, it essentially admits that the Crimea scenario cannot be applied to the whole Ukraine. In all fairness, this scenario was also not possible in the insurgent Donbas in 2014. Only the 8-year-long rebellion against the Nazi violence and terror managed to result in an internal unification and deliberate, explicit, broad-scale refusal of retaining any association with or relation to Ukraine, who has identified itself as a Nazi community.

The period of denazification can take no less than one generation that has to be born, brought up and matured under the conditions of denazification. The nazification of Ukraine has been going on for more than 30 years — starting from as early as 1989, when Ukrainian nationalism was given legal and legitimate forms of political self-expression and led the movement for “independence”, setting a course for Nazism.

The current nazified Ukraine is characterized by its formlessness and ambivalence, which allow it to disguise Nazism as the aspiration to “independence” and the “European” (Western, pro-American) path of “development” (in reality, to degradation) and claim that “there is no Nazism” in Ukraine, “only few sporadic incidents.” Indeed, there isn’t a main Nazi party, no Führer, no full-fledged racial laws (only a cutdown version in the form of repressions against the Russian language). As a result — no opposition or resistance against the regime.

However, all listed above doesn’t make Ukrainian Nazism a “light version” of the German Nazism of the first half of the 20th century. Quite the opposite: since Ukrainian Nazism is free from such “genre” norms and limitations (which are essentially a product of political technologies), it can spread freely just like a basis for any Nazism — both European and, in its most developed form, the American racism. That’s why there can be no compromise during denazification, as in the case of the “no to NATO, yes to EU” formula. The collective West is in itself the architect, source, and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Banderite supporters from Western Ukraine and their “historical memory” is just one of the tools of the nazification of Ukraine. Ukronazism poses a much bigger threat to the world and Russia than the Hitler version of German Nazism.

Apparently, the name “Ukraine” cannot be kept as a title of any fully denazified state entity on the territory liberated from the Nazi regime. The people’s republics, newly created on the territories free from Nazism, must and will develop on the basis of practices of economic self-government and social security, restoration and modernization of systems of essential services for the population.

Their political direction cannot be neutral in practice: the redemption of their guilt before Russia for treating it like an enemy can be manifested only by relying on Russia in the processes of restoration, revival, and development. No “Marshall Plans” can be allowed to happen on these territories. No “neutrality” in the ideological and practical sense that is compatible with denazification can be possible. Individuals and organizations who are to become tools of denazification in the new denazified republics cannot but rely on the direct organizational and force support from Russia.

Denazification will inevitably include de-ukrainization — the rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component in the self-identification of the population of the historical Malorossiya and Novorossiya territories, which was started by the Soviet authorities. Being a tool of the Communist superpower, this artificial ethnocentrism was not left unclaimed after its fall. It was transferred in its subservient role to a different superpower (the power above states) — the superpower of the West. It needs to be brought back within its natural boundaries and stripped of political functionality.

Unlike, for example, Georgia or the Baltic States, history has proved it impossible for Ukraine to exist as a nation-state, and any attempts to “build” such a nation-state naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct that has no civilizational substance of its own, a subordinate element of an extraneous and alien civilization. Debanderization alone will not be enough for denazification: the Banderite element is only a hand and a screen, a disguise for the European project of the Nazi Ukraine, which is why the denazification of Ukraine means its inevitable de-europeanization.

The Banderite elites must be eliminated; their re-education is impossible. The social “bog,” which has actively and passively supported them through action and inaction, must go through the hardships of war and internalize the lived experience as a historical lesson and the redemption of its guilt. Those who didn’t support the Nazi regime and suffered from it and the war it started in Donbas must be consolidated and organized, must become the backbone of the new authorities, their vertical and horizontal framework. History has shown that the tragedies and dramas of the war time benefit the peoples who were tempted and carried away by their role as the enemy of Russia.

Denazification as a goal of the special military operation within the limits of the operation itself means a military victory over the Kyiv regime, the liberation of the territories from the armed supporters of nazification, the elimination of hard-line Nazis, the imprisonment of war criminals, and the creating of systemic conditions for further denazification in peacetime.

The latter, in its turn, must begin with the establishment of local governments, militia, and defense institutions, cleansed of Nazi elements, the launching on their basis of constituent processes to create a new republican statehood, the integration of this statehood into the close cooperation with the Russian agency on Ukraine denazification (newly established or reorganized on the basis of, for example, Rossotrudnichestvo), the adoption of the republican regulatory framework (legislation) on denazification under Russian control, the definition of boundaries and frameworks for the direct application of Russian law and Russian jurisdiction in the liberated territory in regard to denazification, the establishment of a tribunal for crimes against humanity in the former Ukraine. In this regard, Russia should act as the guardian of the Nuremberg Trials.

All of the above means that in order to achieve the denazification goals, the support of the population is necessary, as well as its transition to the Russian side after its liberation from the terror, violence, and ideological pressure of the Kyiv regime, and after their withdrawal from informational isolation. Of course, it will take some time for people to recover from the shock of military hostilities, to be convinced of Russia’s long-term intentions, meaning “they will not be abandoned.” It’s impossible to foresee exactly in which territories such a mass of the population will constitute a critically needed majority. The “Catholic province” (Western Ukraine, made up of five oblasts) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The exclusion line, however, will be found experimentally. Behind the line, a forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine will remain, with the formally banned Nazism and hostile to Russia. This is where the haters of Russia will go. The threat of an immediate continuation of the military operation in case of non-compliance with the listed requirements must become a guarantee of the preservation of this obsolete Ukraine in a neutral state. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory. From the exclusion line to the Russian border, there will be a territory of potential integration into the Russian civilization, which is inherently anti-fascist.

The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with a military phase, will follow the same logic of stages in peacetime as during the military operation. At each stage, it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will become the results of the corresponding stage. In this case, the necessary initial steps of denazification can be defined as follows:

— The elimination of armed Nazi formations (which means any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, informational, and educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;

— The establishment of people’s self-government institutions and militia (defense and law enforcement) of the liberated territories to protect the population from the terror of underground Nazi groups;

— The installation of the Russian information space;

— The seizure of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels that contain Nazi ideological guidelines;

— Mass investigations aimed to establish personal responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity, the spread of Nazi ideology, and support for the Nazi regime;

— Lustration, making the names of accomplices of the Nazi regime public, involving them in forced labor to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities (from among those who have not become subject to the death penalty or imprisonment);

— The adoption at the local level, under the supervision of Russia, of primary normative acts of denazification “from below,” a ban on all types and forms of the revival of Nazi ideology;

— The establishment of memorials, commemorative signs, monuments to the victims of Ukrainian Nazism, perpetuating the memory of the heroes of the struggle against it;

— The inclusion of a set of anti-fascist and denazification norms in the constitutions of the new people’s republics;

— The establishment of permanent denazification institutions for a period of 25 years.

Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Because this is a purely Russian business. And also because it is not just the Bandera version of Nazi Ukraine that will be eradicated. The process will also, and above all, affect Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration, the mechanisms of subjugation under the superpower of the West and the United States.

In order to put the Ukraine denazification plan into practice, Russia itself will have to finally part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, acknowledge itself as the last authority in protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that deserve to preserve and that the West ultimately abandoned, losing the fight for itself. This struggle continued throughout the 20th century and found its expression in the world war and the Russian revolution, which were inextricably linked with each other.

Russia did everything possible to save the West in the 20th century. It implemented the main Western project that constituted an alternative to capitalism, which defeated the nation-states — the Socialist red project. It crushed German Nazism, a monstrous offspring of the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was its outstretched hand of friendship, for which it received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.

Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately rejected all these sacrifices, devalued Russia’s contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help that it had selflessly provided. From now on, Russia will follow its own way, not worrying about the fate of the West, relying on another part of its heritage — the leadership in the global process of decolonization.

As part of this process, Russia has a high potential for partnerships and alliances with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and which are not going to put on its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not have been liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, which the population of Ukraine will have to understand as it begins to free itself from the intoxication, temptation, and dependence of the so-called European choice.


* An extremist organization banned in Russia.

Translation: A team of Ukrainian volunteers

The term “Banderite” comes from the name of a Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bander. He was also a fascist, so some Ukrainians love him because he fought for a Ukrainian nation, and others hate him because he was racist and fascistic. It’s a handy term for the Russians so they can equate Ukrainian nationalism with fascism and call Ukraine’s desire for autonomy a commitment to fascism.

After the February 2023 earthquake in Türkiye, Ukraine sent 88 emergency responders to Türkiye. That included specialists in search and rescue operations, doctors, dog handlers, and firefighters. They also built tents for people whose homes were destroyed and set up generators. 

By then, Ukraine had spent almost a year dealing with similar devastation at home due to Russia’s attack. The expertise gained at home probably helped them be more effective in Türkiye.

This may or may not be a coincidence:

1. When Stephen Bandera (1909-1959) was elected head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, fighting for an independent Ukraine, he said “Thank you for the sentence.” He could have meant a death sentence, or maybe just a kind of servitude.

2. In 2015 Volodymyr Zelenskyy came up with the idea for a satirical TV series about a high school history teacher who accidentally becomes president of Ukraine. One of his students makes a video with his phone of the character ranting against government corruption and saying “Give me a week as President and I’ll fix things” then posts it. The theme song for the show, Servant of the People, Dmytro Shurov, also known as Pianoboy, contains the worlds “Everybody knows what I am sentenced to: Servant of the People” and “On my belly I have a tattoo: ‘Servant of the People.’” When Zelenskyy decided to run for president, he formed the Servant of the People party and won, a case of life imitating art.

You can watch the whole three-season series on Netflix. Or you can watch the first episode for free on YouTube with good subtitles. It begins with the three oligarchs who control Ukrainian politics discussing the upcoming election. It’s fun. Take a look.,vid:HEvjsjvXQM4,st:0

3. Ukraine had been at war against Russia for eight years when Russia escalated it on February 24, 2022, planning to occupy the rest of the county. The US offered to get President Zelenskyy and his government out so they could set up a government in exile. Zelenskyy’s response was immediately famous:

“The fight is here. I need weapons, not a ride,”

Boris Johnson and others keep saying how brave that was, but Zelenskyy said “I am not brave. I am responsible.” This is the sentence he has accepted: to be the servant of the people and do whatever that job requires.

If this is not a coincidence, it is a thread of some sort.

Here’s where a word about Bandera would be in order. He is highly controversial person. In 2016, two years after Russia first began attacking Ukraine, the Ukrainian government decided to change the name of Moscow Avenue in Kyiv to Bandera Avenue, referring to his patriotic aspect, but this was contested, especially by rabbis, because of Bandera’s antisemitism. After the 2022 invasion it was renamed Heroes of Kharkiv.

As leaders, Bandera and Zelenskyy have little in common besides devotion to Ukrainian independence. Zelenskyy is a Jewish president of a pluralistic country whose population is united by their sense of Ukrainian nationality and commitment to democracy.

According to Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, Bandera aimed to make Ukraine into a one-party fascist dictatorship without national minorities. He collaborated with the Nazis and his followers murdered Poles and Jews. Both his nationalism and his acts of terrorism got him in trouble. He spent years in Polish and Nazi confinement and eventually was killed in Berlin by a Soviet KGB assassin. The assassin used a double-barreled Soviet poison gun which sprayed cyanide into the face of victims. It killed them instantly and left no trace, so the victims were declared dead of a heart attack because symptoms apparently are similar.

There are Ukrainians who really don’t know much about him except his fierce dedication to Ukrainian independence and are proud to call themselves Banderites. This is unfortunate because anything a Ukrainian does in the way of praising Bandera supports Putin’s narrative that Ukraine is a Nazi country. Russians call Ukrainians both fascists and Banderites interchangeably.

Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

“Ukraine is alive and kicking.”

With these five words, on On December 21, 2022 in his speech to the US Congress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy summed up the Ukrainian National Anthem.

Zelenskyy did not speak against the Russian people but said that they are like the Ukrainians because they also have a war to win against the Kremlin.

The first 3 words translate as “still not dead is Ukraine.”

Ukraine has endured abuse in the past, especially from the always-genocidal Russia.

Ukraine’s history is too long and complicated for me to comprehend. To sum up, over the last thousand years there have been lots of movements in and out of different ethnic groups and changes of borders, countries, empires, and rulers. It started with the Vikings, who gave first Ukraine (first known as Kyivan Rus) and Russia their names, derived from Rus, which means “oar” and stands for the people who came by boat from Norway rowing up the Dnipro River. There have been centuries of deportations and suppressing of the Ukrainian language and identity. None of this has really succeeded and it has resulted in modern Ukraine having a strong sense of identity not based on ethnicity, language, or religion, much like the United States. Russia has continually tried to wipe out Ukraine’s national identity by repeated efforts at Russification, replacing Ukrainian language, legal systems, burial rituals, religion, etc., for Russian ones. Some of the previous governments in Ukraine over the centuries have been sort of democratically elected by an elite group. The Cossacks always elected their leaders. They maintained a separate identity and some independence from the current rulers because they were tough, itinerant, and a useful military ally. The Ukrainian identity has held onto these values throughout the centuries and enshrined them in their anthem.

Ukraine is still not dead, neither its glory nor its fighting spirit.

Young Ukrainians, fortune will still smile on us.

Our inhuman enemies* will die like dew evaporating in the sun.

And, Ukrainian brothers, we will rule our own country.

We will give soul and body in order to be free.

We will show, Ukrainian brothers, what stuff the descendants of Cossacks are made of!

*The word in the third line, “inhuman enemies,” actually is the word for some kind of supernatural female monster, like a harpy or gorgon,” (воріженьки). The Ukrainians now call the Russian soldiers “orcs,” a reference to Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings. It’s a good modern equivalent, but one I doubt will be substituted because it doesn’t fit the rhythm.

“Fortune will smile on us” is true today. Ukraine’s strong allies are providing military aid.

This is a nice video of the song that has English subtitles:

Amelia, a 7-year-old Ukrainian refugee, sang it at a fund-raising concert in Poland:

She first got attention in early March, 2022, when she was among the many people sheltering deep underground in the subway. She began singing “Let It Go” from the movie “Frozen,” which lifted everyone’s spirits.

Here is that charming video.

This video of border guards defending the Azovstal steel works was posted on an Australian website. It was their last act of defiance before they had to surrender. They’re not such great singers, especially the dog, and I bet the guard holding the dog is singing an octave higher than her comrades:

They end with: Slava Ukraini! (Glory to Ukraine!) followed by the traditional response: “Heroyam slava!” (Glory to the Heroes.)

Alina Panina, who is a border guard and dog trainer, was released in a prisoner exchange a few months later. The Russians are still holding her husband and her dog.

As a result of Putin’s actions, Ukraine’s anthem has been sung all over the world, from Chicago to small British towns to Australia. A recent video shows a man standing in the square of a Russian city singing the Ukrainian National Anthem at the top of his lungs. He probably got arrested.

Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

This story is an essential part of Ukraine’s sense of who they are.

In the year 1676 Sultan in Turkey, who was a Muslim, wrote this elegant letter to the Cossacks:

As the sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the sun and moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God Himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians – I command you, the Zaporogian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.

The Cossacks, who were Christians, sent a rude response:

O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons. We have no fear of your army; by land and by sea we will battle with thee. Fuck thy mother. Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig’s snout, mare’s arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow. Screw thine own mother! So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won’t even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the moon’s in the sky, the year with the Lord. The day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

The Cossacks’ letter was “found” by an ethnographer-hobbyist from Dnipro in the 1870s. It may be a forgery, it’s a good story, and it’s true that the Cossacks did not surrender.

200 years later Ilya Rapin, made a huge a painting 6 ft 8 in by 11 ft 9 in painting called ”Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire.“  He started it in 1880 and finished it 11 years later. The Czar bought it and it now hangs in a museum in St. Petersburg.

But Rapin wasn’t satisfied with it. He felt it didn’t show the rudeness and defiance of the Cossacks vividly enough, so he made another painting.

It is shown in the opening credits of the Ukrainian TV series “Servant of the People”  where the everyman-who-accidently-becomes-president character, played by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, walks by it on his way to work. It actually is not in Kyiv but hangs in Museum of Fine Arts in Kharkiv, which is 19 miles from the Russian border. In any case, the Ukrainians are very familiar with it.

100 years later, in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine declared its independence.

In 2014 Putin invaded Crimea and Donbas and they have been at war ever since.

In 2017 a group of Ukrainians posted a photo on social media a re-construction of Rapin’s first painting and entitled ”Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire” (otherwise known as: “Cossacks of Saporog Are Drafting a Manifesto”). The original is on top obviously:

Putin posted an essay “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” on July 20, 2021 claiming that Ukraine doesn’t exist and its destiny is to be part of Russia. In response, members of the Ukrainian parliament, some wearing Ukrainian clothing, posted this photo of themselves:

After Putin’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, some Ukrainian soldiers posed, photographed themselves, and posted it.

You can see all these pictures in this article:

Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

Borsch is Ukrainian. In fact, it’s the Ukrainian national dish. 

 You thought it was Russian, huh? And spelled with a “t” on the end? Nope, that’s the Russian spelling.

 Recipes vary in different parts of Ukraine and by individual people. There are lots of good ones on line. Some contain meat, some don’t. It’s usually served hot but may be served cold in the summer. 

 The Moosewood Cookbook has a couple of good vegetarian ones (but they stop being vegan when you toss a glop of sour cream on top when you serve it.)

 No, I didn’t have borsch at Thanksgiving, but I’m thinking of making some tomorrow.