
Working on the Unified Theory of Stuff has been a fun exercise. Like I mentioned in my last post, I'm quite the minimalist. Not from an anti-consumerism perspective, but from a lots-of-shit-everywhere-stresses-me-out perspective.

As an artist and artisan, I have a natural fondness for the minimal – a piece should contain only what it needs, no more.

I told a friend my dream is to live in a big, white warehouse, only taking things out when they are to be used, and swiftly stowing them away when they're not. Half jokingly...but half not.

“Stuff”, “clutter”, “possessions” – however you want to label them – absolutely must earn their way into my life.

If the thing doesn't make my life better – no, much better – and make me happy, it's gone.

In my world all “stuff” is unmercifully pruned. Meticulously cut. Given to charity, recycled, or simply thrown out without the slightest emotional reaction or second thought.

So, yeah. This overarching principle – we'll call it “Earn Your Keep” for now – is where I'll start fleshing out my beloved Theory and its tenets.

#minimalism #theory