

Reduce defect leakage using ai testing service

Defect leakage is a common problem in software testing, where defects that were not identified during testing end up being released into the production environment. AI-based testing services can help reduce defect leakage in several ways:

Automated testing: AI testing services can automate the testing process, which can help identify defects faster and more accurately than manual testing. Automated testing can cover a larger range of test cases, reducing the likelihood of missed defects.

Machine learning: AI testing services can use machine learning algorithms to learn from previous test results and identify areas of the application that are more likely to contain defects. This can help prioritize testing efforts and reduce the likelihood of defects slipping through the cracks.

Continuous testing: AI testing services can provide continuous testing, running tests on every code change, which can catch defects before they have a chance to propagate through the system. Read for more Information: Reduce defect leakage using ai testing service

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