
Same Old Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Day 8 of Yumenikah : Future

—Kura watches a match with Miyu where she only has her eyes on a certain middle blocker, as she always does.


Kura walks into the stadium with Miyu by her side. The tension isn't quite high as the match hasn’t started yet, but lots of people have taken a seat already. Well, that’s understandable remembering this is an EJP Raijin vs VC Kanagawa after all.

“There's our seat!”

Miyu points at two empty seats and quickly drags Kura there. After they scoot around some people, they finally sit down at their booked seats, only a few seats above the most bottom, where they can see the field clearly. Miyu who has experience of nearly a decade of picking good seats is quite proud of her luck this time and smiles happily, while Kura is busy looking around the stadium.

The sight, the sound, the pounding feeling of waiting for the match to start… her right-hand falls on the simple ring wrapped around her left ring finger. It seems nothing ever truly changed.

“You know, I was wondering.”

Miyu's words make Kura turns her head to face her friend.


“I’ve never asked you.” She tilts her head and gazes at Kura, making the woman inch away in fear.

“What, Miyu?”

“Why did you two marry on the 12th of March?”

Kura blinks a few times in confusion and shock. It has been two years since their marriage, so it’s truly a bit late for Miyu to ask that now.

“Why are you only asking that now?” The woman raises her eyebrows.

“I just remembered.”

Kura sighs and shakes her head. Her friend can be forgetful sometimes, but no harm in telling her something her husband is quite fond of.

“It was Rintarou's idea.”

Miyu nods. “I'm not surprised.”

Kura shot her friend a sharp glare and Miyu just laughs it off.

“So, so?” She waves her hand, trying to move off the topic.

“It comes from 'suna', 2 and 7, then 'kura', 9 and 6. Then he just adds it up.” says Kura.

Her friend perks up at the explanation. “Oh! So that's why your wedding is on the 12th of March! 123, right?”

Kura nods, looking down at her wedding ring again. Even after all this time, she can still remember clearly the day Suna lays on her lap as he suggests a day for their ceremony even though it’s only a day after he proposes. She got annoyed at how fast he can think of that, but deep inside her heart, she can’t believe how much affection he showed when it comes to her, considering how deadpan he usually is.

“Oh, it has started.”

Miyu’s voice and the crowds’ noises break Kura from her train of thought. Both teams walk out to the field. They line up and bow to each other before going off to their part of the field. Of course, Kura searches for a certain person amongst them, a middle blocker from EJP Raijin—

So their eyes meet.

The brown-haired man locks eyes with his wife and gives her a ghostly grin that she knows wouldn’t even be visible to his teammates. Slowly, he raises up his left hand and kisses the back of his left ring finger.

Kura laughs. He doesn’t even wear his ring in matches since she knows he’ll break it sooner or later that way, so she told him to just put it away. But he still did that gesture every time.

Miyu whistles at the two and shakes her head, calling them lovebirds under her breath. Kura who clearly hears the nickname pushes Miyu’s shoulder lightly before turning to give Suna an encouraging smile and mouths a sentence.

‘Do your best, Rintarou.’

‘Thanks, Kura.’

Reading his lips, Kura chuckles. Even after everything, even after their marriage, some things stay the way they did.

Suna Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Day 7 of Yumenikah : Wedding

—Till death us do part.


The striking bouquet of alstroemeria is far from the first thing Suna notices when Kura walks down the aisle.

Her father holding her arms while almost crying, Kura putting on a brave face like usual, and the elegant white dress they picked a few months ago burns itself his eyes as he can’t suppress his grin. Kura rarely wants thanks or compliments, but now, he wants to shower her with the word beautiful until she turns red and accepts it.

But of course, he can’t do that now. He’s on the altar with his perfectly tidy suit and hair, waiting for Kura so they can officially be married. So he keeps that feeling tucked and takes a deep breath, trying not to lose himself at the sight of his soon-to-be-wife.

Finally, Kura stops at the altar, standing beside him, and the wedding can start.

Time seems to fly away as Suna can’t take his eyes off Kura until it comes the time to say his vow. Kura turns over to meet Suna, then the officiant looks at him. Taking a deep breath, the man starts speaking loud and clear.

“I, Suna Rintarou, take you, Asano Kura to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish. As always, as I have done before. till death us do part.”

They link hands, and the officiant then asks her to say her vow. Suna can see Kura almost bites her tongue under her veil, but the woman perseveres and starts talking:

“I, Asano Kura, take Suna Rintarou to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish—”, she smiles, her tone changing, “—in spring full of joy or winter full of sorrow, no matter what, I’ll always stay by you. You’re the only one I want to be together with my whole life. Till death us do part.”

“Then, you may now kiss the bride.”

As soon as those words left the officiant's mouth, Suna let Kura’s gloved hands go and takes a deep breath. His hands are shaking, he’s sure of it, but he tries to keep his usual collected deadpan face and lifts up the vein before putting it back to Kura’s head. As she lifts her head and her labradorite eyes meet Suna’s emerald ones, she smiles through the tears and mouths a sentence—

“Thank you for staying by my side, Rintarou.”

The man can only let out a silent laugh, tearing up himself before finally planting a soft kiss on her lips.

The crowd claps and cheers, some, like Atsumu even howl to Suna and Kura’s amusement. The woman takes her husband's hands in hers and wipes her tears with the other one before planting her head on his chest. Suna pats and runs his hand through her veil and rose-brown hair while intertwining their fingers.

For now and forever, they are husband and wife, tied together under a single surname.

Second Button from the Top Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Day 4 of Yumenikah : Dress/Suit

—Kura pricks her finger while making 'minor adjustment' to Suna's suit, and Suna can only wonder what is this seemingly important minor adjustment.



Kura pulls her finger back and stares at it. Blood starts to pool on the small wound and footsteps rush to the living room.


Suna stands near the doorway, worry adorning his face.

“Are you okay?” He starts walking toward the woman who just shakes her head.

“No, I just … pricked myself.” She looks back down at her finger. “It doesn't really hurt.”

But Suna still stops in front of her, on the couch, and crouches so he can meet her eye line before holding her wrist and looking at her with a serious face.

“Let's run your wound under running water.”

“No, it's fine. I'll just wipe it off.”

Suna sighs. He knows how stubborn and strict she can be when it comes to herself.

“You'll get blood on the suit, Kura,” he says, “and I know you'd hate that.”

Kura boos at his words. “I know you'll say that.”

Suna doesn't mind dirt or tears since he's an athlete and that's just daily stuff for him, but to Kura, oh, God forbid she accidentally wet his shirt. She'll go on a panicked cleaning in a second.

“Well, I know you best after all.” Suna scoffs with his deadpan face. “But I'm serious, you need to get this washed.”

“And if I don't?”

Suna opens his other arm wide. “I'll carry you.”

Kura blushes at his suggestion. “R-rintarou! This is just a simple wound!”

“Ah, I don't know. Maybe you don't want it cleaned because you also have a sprained ankle and can't move from the sofa. So I can't be too careful.” Suna continues with his usual deadpan.

“Ugh … fine.” Kura huffs and stands up before showing him her ankles. “See? No sprained ankles.”

She knows he was sarcastic, but there has been more than one occasion where he has picked her up because he's worried about her, so she doesn't want to tempt him now.

Let's leave the bridal carry for the wedding, she thinks.

Suna hides his chuckles. “That's good. Let's go then.”

So, Suna leads her toward the kitchen where they store their first-aid kit. Kura carefully washes her wound under the running water while Suna grabs a bandaid and puts it over her finger which Kura thanks him for.

After making sure Kura's wound is fully treated, the couple walks back to the living room, and Suna finally decides to ask the question he’s been holding back on.

“What were you sewing anyway?”

“Minor adjustment.” Kura plops onto the sofa and picks up Suna's suit again, putting it on her lap.

It's still a few months until their wedding, but his suit is finished first before Kura's dress. Suna watches as Kura pats the suit with a smile. It's a simple, elegant, black and white suit with a long tail, crafted to perfectly fit the man.

So what adjustment is she making? Suna thinks.

As if knowing what he's thinking, Kura carefully separates the shirt from the blazer and opens the shirt, the second button from the top. Then he shows the buttonhole to him with a proud smile.


Suna leans down and finally sees it. Over the buttonhole, there's an unfinished crooked heart, the red thread still hanging with the needle, its size so small that if the shirt is all buttoned, he’s sure he won’t be able to see it.

“We don't have a sewing machine and I'm not the best at sewing,” she says bashfully, “so I did my best with the needle.”

While listening to her, the man moves to sit beside his fianceé, gawking in awe at her small gesture that means the world to him.

“Remember the time you gave me your second button?” Kura muses, closing her eyes. “Just think of this as a thank you.”

Hearing those words, Suna can’t help but let a shaky but genuine smile on his face. This is … more than he thought she would do. He thought she was just adjusting the length of the tailcoat or fitting the collar more, but no. No, what she did is far more important.

Without saying anything else, Suna quickly wraps his arms around Kura, making sure he doesn’t embrace her in a way that’ll make the needle still on the shirt prick her again. Kura is surprised by the sudden hug, but she eventually wraps her arms around Suna too and lets the tension on her shoulders go.

He puts his head on her shoulder and exhales. “I should be the one who thanked you.”

“Maybe we both need to thank each other,” says Kura.

“For once you're willing to accept a thank you?” The man snickers, still not letting go.

Kura laughs hearing those words. He's right. She wasn't one who can accept gratitude easily or genuinely as she used to think everything is a duty, something she must do so she can be a perfect person. But, now that's not the case, because—

“Well, you teached me how to.”

Plan and Proposal Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Day 3 of Yumenikah : Proposal/Engagement

—When Suna comes to her work, Kura never expects him to asks for a specific book, moreover to propose with a quote from it.


Note: *Takes time before yesterday's fic—a flashback you may say


Suna’s proposal wasn’t exactly a … common one.

That day, Kura was just working as usual. Going to the local library at 8 AM, preparing the logbook, checking in the returned books, and other mundane stuff. She usually goes there with Suna in days where he doesn't have a match like this, but said he has a meeting with his teammate at 10, so Kura shrugs him off and goes to her work by herself.

What she didn’t foresee is Suna preparing to propose to her today, and him coming to the library in the afternoon when the visitors are at the lull.

The tall man walks in and immediately locks eyes with Kura who's currently receptioning. Of course, Kura is shocked, but Suna, who's wearing a mask and his jersey jacket, just waves at her casually.

“I thought you had a meeting today?”

“It's done.” He leans over the desk. “Are you on your break yet?”

Kura looks back to her colleague, wanting to say she still has half an hour before she can go on break, but to her surprise, her colleague pauses sorting the returned books to give her a thumbs up.

“I can take it from here.”

“No, your shift hasn't started yet,” Kura whispers in surprise, “I can't let you take over.”

“Oh, shush. It's just half an hour, and it's not peak hour. I'll be fine.”

Kura was about to complain about how the last time she said 'it's not peak hour' and left Kura to go to the bathroom for a second, and suddenly there's a big family with around six childrens coming in, but she realizes something and narrows her eyes.

“It's not because you're an EJP Raijin's fan, right?”

Her colleague laughs and feigns ignorance. “I wonder~”

Kura sighs. She knows this one colleague is a fan of her fiance's team and often asks her about his matches or anything random about him. Kura always entertains her and answers as best as she can with her knowledge of volleyball. So if she's only doing this right now in an attempt to curry favor with Kura so she can ask about her and Suna's latest meeting with Komori … she wouldn't be surprised.

While the two are chatting, Suna makes sure to fill the logbook through the computer, not wanting Kura getting annoyed at him for skipping that step.

Finally, after her colleague reassures her that she'll be fine, Kura accepts her offer.

“Fine, I'll go.” The woman sighs. She walks out of the receptionist desk. “I'll cover part of your shift tomorrow then.”

“No, it's fine,” her colleague says, “I don't think you'll have the time to clock in anyway.”


Before Kura can think much about her words, Suna tugs her arm and pulls her away with the force that almost makes her stumble.


Her colleague waves at them before they disappear behind the tall shelves of the fiction section. After that, Suna starts to walk at a normal pace again, pulling off his mask.

“I have a book I wanna ask you about.”

Kura raises an eyebrow.“Then it can wait until my shift is over, can it?”

“Can't I be selfish sometimes?” He chuckles. “Anyway, I wanna ask if you've read Pride and Prejudice?”

“It's a classic, of course I have,” she says, “are you … interested in reading it?”

Suna isn't the type who reads books for fun. He often asks her what she's reading and for excerpts of the 'fun parts', but he'd rather spend his time on social media. So this is quite a surprise.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “It seems interesting.”

Kura brushes off questions about his sudden interest in books and points at the nearby shelf. Fortunately the library section there is empty and located in a crook, so their chat doesn't bother anyone.

“Then it's over there,” she says, “I'll grab it for you.”

Suna chuckles, letting go of her arms and moves to hold her hand instead. “Thank you Ms. Asano~”

Kura shakes her head, but smiles at the nickname. “Yes, yes, Mr. Suna.”

Then Kura leads them to the correct shelf and starts browsing around before finding a Japanese version of the book, located just a bit taller than her arm's reach. She thought of asking Suna for help, but she's the one who offers to get it, so she refrains and starts taking it herself.

“It's right here—”

But as Kura starts to pull out the book spine, Suna takes a step towards her, standing just beside her, the afternoon sun behind him.

She glances at him for a second, about to voice a question.

“Will you marry me?”

The words leave his mouth without hesitation, without a moment where Kura can really think about what it really means. So she just stays silent for a few seconds as her arm freezes midair.


Kura pulls down the book she was reaching for and blinks a few times, her mind still trying to comprehend what those four words mean.

“I … huh?”

He takes a step closer towards Kura, putting his hand on hers. “'In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will no longer be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.'”

Kura now finally realizes what just happened—what Suna just said.

“R-rintarou ….”

“We'll choose a proper ring together for the wedding later.” He gives her the most sincere smile she ever sees coming from him. “But for now, you'll still say yes, right?”

Without Kura even realizing it, tears start falling from her eyes, down to her cheeks. She cowers a bit under the book in her hands before

“Yes. O-of course, yes—” Kura smiles, choking at her tears. “Rintarou … you … how long have you been planning this, huh?!” She lightly hits his chest with the book in her hands.

“I thought … I thought I'd propose first next week, but you beat me to it.” Kura laughs amidst her tears. Next week they will dine at a fine-dining establishment after waiting for a few months, so she thought she'll propose there. After all, it's been seven years since they've been together.

“Surprise, right?”

Kura covers her flushed face with the book, a thousand mixed feelings inside her heart as she gazes at the intricate hardcover—thinking back on how Suna casually quotes Mr. Darcy—and immediately crying harder.

“U-ughh, I'll get tears on the book ….”

Suna laughs. “I don't think you're still able to worry about the book at a moment like this.”

Kura tries to wipe her tears, but fails. “O-of course I do! It's the library's item after all!”

Seeing his now-wife's concern about the book, he quickly leans down and pulls the book down from covering her face before giving her a peck on the lips, clearing her mind in an instant.

“Mhm,” he muses, “you're taller than on our first date. I can kiss you easier now.”

Kura almost yells in frustration if she doesn't forget they're inside a library. So she just hits him again with the book, this time a bit harder, causing the man to stagger with an 'ouch' and a laugh.

“Once a Do-S, always a Do-S.”

Suna pinches her cheek lightly. “You still like me though, right?”

Kura just grumbles and complains, which only makes Suna laugh even more, thinking about how cute this side of Kura is.

“Shall we go back then, hm? Wouldn't want to keep your friend waiting on what answer you give, right?”

With his words, Kura finally realizes that her colleague must've been in on the proposal. So as soon as they get to the receptionist desk, she quickly reprimands and points at her colleague for not giving her enough heads up.

But all she answers with is a 'congratulations', so eventually Kura just shuts up and Suna finally can thank her for her help, which she answers with an 'anything to see my favorite middle blocker happy'.

Considerations Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Day 2 of Yumenikah : Ring

—Kura takes a lot of things too seriously, including when explaining why she prefers a certain style of ring. At times like that, Suna doesn't hesitate to stop his future wife from going on to the deep end.


Notes: *Takes place after engagement, before wedding


Kura said she doesn’t want an intricate ring for their wedding.

“It’s a waste of money and resources. I don’t particularly mind about jewels, and besides, something intricate and with big jewels might break or chip off in your line of work, Rintarou, unless you intend to wear it as a pendant or even put it away, and I understand if you need to do that.”

She rambles on and on about the design they’ll need to pick, something Suna recognizes she does whenever she’s worried about something. He just gazes at her with his usual deadpan, humming along a few times as he shifted his position on the sofa times and times again.

It’s not that he doesn’t care, but these, right here, are two of Kura’s biggest vices: overthinking and overanalyzing.

“A model that emphasizes its jewel also tends to have small details, details which are, in my opinion, add the same depth to the design as a carved ring.”

So he needs to stop her now.

“Then, considering the economics—”

“Nope, stop right there.” Suna cups her cheeks until she stops talking. “Stop thinking too much.”

Kura struggles against his hand, looking up at him unamused. “Lhet mhe gho.”

“Not if you still insist on telling me the pros and cons of the rings we’ll need to choose,” he says.

She sighs. “Fhinee! I whon't.”

Suna finally releases his grip on Kura, and the woman sighs as she flops back on their living room couch, leaving the television in front of them unwatched. After all, it’s currently playing again Suna’s last match which she already watched live, so she already knows how it went. EJP Raijin won, of course.

“We’ll get something inconspicuous, I agree and I understand your concerns. As for the price, I’ll handle it,” he muses, leaning on her head. “Just stop thinking about it too much. You’re tiring yourself out.”

Kura scrunches her face for a second and sighs again. “You’re right … I need to calm down a bit ….”

The man chuckles and moves to see Kura’s face. “So, when should we go?”

“I’ll check again for the opening schedule,” she says, “but first, well, I’ll need to measure my ring size. I’ve seen how to do it yourself so it won’t take long.”

But before she can stand up from the couch, Suna picks up her left hand first and leans towards her, and brings it to his lips.

“No need,” he says before kissing the base of her ring finger. “I already know your ring size.”

Kura blushes. “W-wha—”

He tilts his head and grins against her finger. “What?”

“N-nothing …. “ Kura swallows her curiosity and looks away, while Suna reminisces the few times he measures her ring finger while she was asleep on his lap. It took a few times since Kura is a light sleeper, but he knows her size quite accurately now, and seeing her flustered face was worth the hassle.

“S-so!” Kura tries to move away from the topic and Suna’s grip. “Um, I’ll just check on the website to see what selection they offer ….”

But the man doesn’t let her go and instead takes the chance to tease her.

“No no no, Kura. Don’t you wanna ask how I know?” He leans towards her even more, cornering her on the sofa.

“I don’t need to know! I-I’m sure you’re just … a psychic or something ….” She glances away, her face starting to get red from imagining how attentive he must be to get her measurements.

Suna chuckles. Even after all this time, Kura is still easily embarrassed by any amount of affection. And he loves it. He loves the way she’s able to convey a lot of emotions when he pressed the right button—and he always does.

He wraps his arms around her before cooing in a rare gentle voice. “Don’t be embarrassed like that, future Suna-san~”


Kura tries to move away from his embrace, but eventually fails and just resigns to her fate of being hugged by Suna Rintarou.

In the end, they went out and get a pair of rings, one similar to the other, simply engraved with a set of woven vines and small, unobtrusive diamonds on hers, that went around in an unbroken circle; a symbol of growing and endless love, the employee said.

At that time, Suna glances to see his future wife’s reaction upon seeing the ring wrapped around her finger perfectly—and feeling glad she still has the same shine in them as the day he bought her that pair of earrings.

Priorities Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

—Sometimes Kura is too serious about her study until it's detrimental to her health and worries Suna.


“Are you sure you'll be okay?” Miyu frowns. She slows down a little, trying to match Kura's steps in the hallway that’s already starting to get crowded. The rose-brown-haired girl dodges the student that nearly bumps into her, and mumbles sorry before answering.

“As long as I can retake that test, I'll be okay.” She raises her voice a little since she's not sure Miyu can hear her small voice between all the chatters near them.

Talking a little louder makes her throat itch though, so she involuntarily coughs—even when she tries her best to hold it. A few students glance her way, some harsher than others, so Kura can only lower her head and mumbles another sorry. If only she didn’t forget her mask at home ….

“You're obviously still sick. I don't think Morisawa-sensei will let you even go near her.”

“Then I just need to convince her to let me take the test from the other end of the room or something,” Kura says. “I just … don't want my score to be permanently red.”

Miyu stays silent for a few seconds. Her friend can be phenomenally stubborn when it comes to her scores, and there’s nothing much she can do about it.

“Sure, I get you … but still …. “

Kura blinks a few times as she’s able to hear the ends of Miyu’s words. She's quite sure she fell asleep a second ago, just after her head spins around into a centrifuge. And that's … not good. Is she starting to lose her consciousness? Now, just when she’s about to meet the teacher?

She tries to regain her composure before answering. Miyu doesn't need to realize that she's getting worse. “I'll go home after taking that test if that makes you happy.”

“You definitely need to do that.” Miyu nods. “If not, I'll punt you home myself.”

“You're strict …. ” Kura breathes out while chuckling lightly. She keeps her head down the whole time, trying to minimize the dizziness that's starting to take over her head and body.

At the same time, Suna walks out of his classroom following Osamu. Just like usual, they’re going to the cafeteria to get lunch. But, amidst people walking down the hallway, Suna can make out two familiar girls walking toward where he is. A burgundy-haired girl is chatting with a rose-brown-haired girl holding her head down.

He stands still for a moment. Isn't that … Kura? But he thought she wasn't going to go to school until next week. What is she doing? Has she recovered already?

Suna quickly grabs Osamu's right shoulder, making the latter turn his head back. “Osamu, you go first.”

After taking a glance at Kura in the distance, Osamu nods. “Well then, I'll leave you to it,” he said. He leaves Suna alone and continues to walk to the cafeteria while Suna dashes towards Kura, worry starts growing inside him.

When he gets close enough to the two of them, Miyu finally notices him.

“Oh, hey, Suna-kun.” Miyu grins. “Hitting the cafeteria again?”

Kura slowly raises her head and their eyes meet. To be polite and not wanting him to worry seeing her in such a pathetic state, she smiles at the boy. But even Suna can see it looks even weaker than her usual one.

He takes a side step, avoiding colliding with a student that's walking the opposite way. “Yeah. I was going with Osamu though.”

Miyu nods, the three of them now stopping in the middle of the hallway to talk.

“Welp, he must’ve been hungry for leaving you alone like this,” she says, “but that’s Osamu for you!” Miyu stretches her hand upwards. Hearing her joke, Kura laughs silently, eyes now peeled again at the floor. And Suna can’t look away from her.

What's up with her today? Suna ponders. Is she still sick? She's more silent than usual ….

Suna moves in front of Kura. “So, what about you, Asano? Where are—”

But before he can finish his sentence, Kura mumbles something incomprehensible before she holds her head and her feet start to wobble.

Realizing what will happen, Suna quickly shortens the distance between them and grabs her shoulders, catching her before she can fall. Some people around them gasp at the scene. Others take a few steps back.

Still, due to her inert weight, they both stagger and Kura falls to her knees, but Suna quickly hugs her closer, leaning her against his shoulder before wrapping his hand around her back.

His heart races like never before. He never thought his fast reaction time could help him outside the court like this.

“K-KURA?!” Miyu crouches beside her friend. “Damn it, this is why you shouldn't go to school today … you're still sick …. “

“U-ugh …. ” Kura slowly opens her eyes again, regaining consciousness. But Suna only tightens his grip on her shoulder.

“Kura? How are you feeling?”

“I-I'm fine. Just lost my footing a bit there.” She lets out a breath. It's obvious she's trying to distance herself from Suna, but his hand on her back forces her to stay still. “Sorry to make you worry, Suna-kun … but I'm fine. Really. I can stand up …. “

“No way you're okay.” He furrowed his eyebrows. He can feel her warm breath on his shoulder and his worry starts to spiral. Then he turns to glare at Miyu. “Why is she still at school? Why doesn’t she go home?”

“That's what I've been telling her to do! But she still wants to retake that stupid history test!” Miyu sighs and shakes her head. “But that doesn't matter now. I'll just bring her to the infirmary first. You can go—”

Suna cuts Miyu off. “No need. I'll carry her.”

” ... what?” Miyu and Kura ask at the same time.

While Miyu sounds more surprised, Kura can only mumble in a confused tone as she, again and again, tries to back away from him. Her consciousness is wavering. She's awake one second and not for another. And because of that, she's not sure if that Suna Rintarou really said he'll carry her or if she's starting to have a fever dream.

“T-that's not needed. I can walk. I'm fine.” Kura can only mumble. She's unsure if the heat on her cheek is because of the fever or because she started to catch the faint scent of Suna's shampoo.

But the boy is seemingly unfazed.

“You know Kura, you can be stubborn at times,” says Suna before he puts his right arm under her thighs, before pausing for a moment to ask something he almost forgot. “Ah, you wear shorts, right?”

“Um, I do, but you don't need to do this please Suna-kun I'm fine—”

Suna disregards her plea and in one motion, manages to lift Kura into a bridal carry with ease. Kura yelps and quickly covers her face to cower from the people starting to direct their attention to her.

“S-suna-kun, I said I’m fine.” She holds onto the corner of his blazer.

“No. It’s too dangerous to let you walk alone like this.”

Kura can’t deny his words. After all, her legs still feel a bit numb, and with this headache, she knows she won’t be able to walk down the stairs. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Her vision has started to flicker again.

“I-I'm sorry .… ” she mumbles, keeping her face covered by her hand. “Sorry for ... bothering you like this,” her voice slowly trails off as she loses consciousness again.

After ensuring Kura is asleep, Suna turns to Miyu. “Let’s go.”

Miyu nods and both of them start walking towards the infirmary with the girl leading him and clearing their way from gawking people. While they’re walking, Suna looks down at Kura who’s sleeping soundly in his arms, the heat of her body bothering him for how hot it is.

Just … what's with this girl? She really… can't calm down. She always tries to present herself as perfectly as she can even at the expense of her health. Looking at Kura's covered face once again, Suna sighs as his heart sinks. What will he do with her?


Suna watches outside the infirmary as Kita stands at the bedside, scolding Kura for her carelessness.

“But the last day for retaking the test is today …. ” She whimpers.

“It doesn't matter,” says Kita. His voice is colder than usual if that’s even possible. “If there's a choice between your health and test score, your health is more important.”

Kura lowers her head. “I'm sorry, Shinsuke-senpai …. “

“Just don't do it again.”

“I promise I won't do it again.”

As he watches, Suna can only wonder, who told the captain about her collapsing? News does travel fast inside a high school but for simple news like a random student to be traveling that fast to someone like Kita? He’s not the type to rush from his class when he hears about something like this.

Before this moment, Suna never knows how much Kura matters to Kita. And it bothers him.

But his train of thought is broken when Kita finishes his lecture and walks out of the infirmary, passing by him. The captain nods and greets him.

“Don’t loiter around. Go back to your class after this.”

Suna nods, hiding his emotions behind his deadpan face as always. “Yes, captain.”

Kita then leaves to go back to his class, and Suna finally takes a step inside. Kura, who has been cradling her head and blaming herself for being so reckless, finally looks up and notices the boy’s presence. But he’s still the first one to talk.

“Getting scolded as soon as you're awake mustn’t be a good experience.”

Kura sighs, her voice is a bit raspy. “You tell me.”

He stops at the bedside and puts his hands inside his blazer's pockets. There are no other students there and the nurse is out to fetch more medicine, so they can talk comfortably.

“So, how are you feeling now?”

“Much better.” Kura smiles at him. “Thanks to you too, Suna-kun.”

Suna is sure his heartbeat skips for a second. He had never seen her smile that genuinely before.

But Kura doesn’t seem to realize the impact she has on him as she’s already busy looking around. After taking a second to process that Suna is the only one in the infirmary, Kura looks around. “Where's Miyu?”

“She went to class first,” says Suna, clearing his throat. “She said she'll tell the next teacher you're staying at the infirmary, and also tell Morisawa-sensei that you're unable to retake the test today.”

“That's too bad .… ” Kura sighs. “But I guess I'll just have to let this one score go empty.”

Suna watches as Kura groans into her hands, still sad over this score that’s not quite significant when he remembers how Miyu said Kura already has a nearly perfect score on everything else for that subject.

Why is she so obsessed with her score anyways? Suna's eyes narrow. She's not as tenacious as Kita, so unlike him, she always needs to try harder, and he sometimes even sees her outright fail while she just tries to keep cool, insisting that she’s okay, that everything is fine. But it doesn’t, does it?

Kura let out one more long sigh before looking up again, her eyes filled with disappointment, very unlike her usual self. Then, she glances at him, and only now Suna realizes how flushed her face is.

“Suna-kun, I want to ask you something, and sorry if I'm wrong ….” she mumbles, “but did you … call me, um, Kura … when I fell?”

Instead of answering, Suna just stands there in silence. On purpose.

But Kura didn’t know that, so all can do is steal glances at him, sweat running down her back. She was already embarrassed that he had to carry her like that, and the possibility of him calling her by her first name without any suffix is making her even more flustered.

Only after half a minute which feels like an eternity to Kura, he answers.

“Ah, did I?” His face is deadpan, as always.

Kura clears her throat. “Y-you did … didn't you?” she averts her gaze and mumbles to herself. “Or did I hallucinate it?”

He shrugs. “Well, in any case, I think that's a good hallucination, Kura-chan.” Suna snickers a little.

She nearly jumps out of bed. “T-there you go!”

So he did do it and she didn’t imagine it!

Suna tilts his head, enjoying her small outburst. “Do you dislike it?”

Gripping the bed's sheets, she answers with a whisper. The emotions inside her heart fight with each other, and she can’t figure out what they want.

“N-no, I guess? Not at all …. “

“Then it's fine, isn't it?”

“I … guess,” her voice starts to trail off. She needs to rethink what this feeling currently surfaces when she hears her name coming from his lips, but not now. She needs to rest before Kita scolds her again.

Suna watches as Kura nods to herself full of determination. He wonders what she’s thinking about and why can she still be that serious even after she fainted.

“Since you’re still sick, want me to go home with you? Just in case.”

Kura almost coughs at the proposal. “W-what? No, I can go with Miy—”

“You’re supposed to have club today, right?”


She only remembers now. And there’s no way their instructor would let Kura join or even wait for Miyu until the practice is over. So Suna is right, she’d need to go home alone today if she doesn’t accept his offer.

… but wouldn’t it be embarrassing?

Kura purses her lips together, thinking about the pros and cons while Suna watches in amusement.

“So?” he asks again after a few minutes of silence from Kura.

The girl pulls on her fringe and sighs. Even after weighing the embarrassment, she still thinks that it’s better to go home with Suna, considering she might still faint on the way.

“... we can go together, I suppose,” she says, “um, you’re house isn’t on the opposite way of mine, right?”

“No, we just turn at a different intersection.”

“I see.” Kura nods, trying to hide her part embarrassment and part excitement. “It’s okay then.”

“Great, okay,” he says, “I'll come back after school to pick you up.” Suna turns away from her and starts walking towards the door.

Kura nods. “Have a great class.”

But suddenly Suna stops and turns around again, muttering under his breath.

“I nearly forget—”

Suna walks back to Kura and leans towards her, tucking her fringes and some of her bangs behind her ear, causing the girl’s face to redden even more.


Then, without another word, he kisses her forehead softly before as quickly moving back as if nothing happened. The girl can only let out a silent panicked scream before a ghostly smile appears on the fox’s face.

“Get well soon, Kura.”

Arrangement Enciodes Silverash x Dr. Althea

; cw blood ; #perpetualmate


“That was unnecessary, my friend.”

“Better than acting too late,” Althea mutters, wiping her hand clean. “Their company will bite harder in the future if I let the new contract get through.”

She looks up at the mirror, her dull gray eyes gazing at the head of the Silverash house standing near the wall opposite the sink. The stern lines of his face are highlighted by the fluorescent light flickering from above them, the same light that causes Althea's iridescent hair to shimmer even after most of it has been splattered with blood and washed with water.

There’s no sound in that bathroom other than the two of them and the running water from the only functional sink, the building being abandoned as it is. Althea bathes her hair in the water again before turning off the sink until it creaks.

She’s grateful at the very least the light and the water aren't cut off yet so she can change her clothes and refresh herself. She looks down at the black ankle-length A-line dress and matching blazer, something similar to Enciodes’ casual wear. She told him to come and pick her up with clothes—any clothes—and to make sure neither Amiya nor Kal’tsit knew about it. However, she never thought he'd pick something that matched his. Oh well.

Althea turns away from the mirror and looks at Enciodes.

“I’m done,” she says. “We should go back.”

The man takes a few steps toward her. The clack of his shoes against the cracked marble floor is deafening.

“You missed a spot, Doctor.”

Enciodes leans forward and down slightly, caressing her cheek with his gloved fingers before wiping the blood staining the corner of her lips. The moment passes slowly as the nonexistent clock in the room ticks before the man speaks up, his voice low.

“My friend, if we ever become enemies, will you strike me down like that? Will you let your blood consume me until there is nothing left?”

Althea pauses for a second.

… was she too harsh out there? She made sure that the charlatan would still have a chance of survival, but hearing Enciodes asking something like this … makes her realize that the man must've seen something that worries him. She wonders what worries him.

“I don’t think you’ll just let me attack you, though,” she says, “and you're not the type to just go down like that. I know how you are in a battle.”

In her mind, for him to only lose a hand and around 30% of his blood wouldn't be a big deal. Someone will heal him and he'll stand back up before raising his blade again and finishing what started.

Enciodes responds with a ghost smile. “I see. Glad you see me the same way, my friend.” As he lifts her face with his thumb, their dull gray eyes and harsh expressions meet. Althea doesn’t say anything. “You are a worthy opponent.”

He closes their distance and plants a kiss on the Doctor's lips. The mix of his warmth and scent is a welcoming break from the tang of blood still in the air. Althea returns the kiss while grabbing his sleeve, and pulling him closer.

Enciodes peer into the woman’s eyes, searching for the sign of buried guilt she may have after the act she has just done. But all he finds are justifications rooted deep in forgotten memories and a silver-backed mirror gazing back into his soul.

He stops the kiss and licks the corner of her lips, his teeth lightly grazing her lips as he makes sure none of her blood still sticking there. The woman turns her head slightly in response before muttering a thank you and pulling away from him completely, still not breaking eye contact.

All this talk about what he’s worried about … Althea doesn’t even think what he fears will happen. She knows even when they become enemies, he wouldn’t do something as reckless as deceiving her just for a cut in a deal before throwing Rhodes Island to the authorities as a cover-up—it’s not a high enough stake for him. Not quite as high as destroying a train and its track for a grand plan to further your country's development.

And that's not something she can stop by pulling out her Arts.

“Now then, shall we depart?”

The feline speaks as he holds out his gloved right hand for the Doctor to accept. She puts her hand in his and marvels at how her hand fits perfectly in his.

After making sure they didn’t leave anything behind, Enciodes guides her, making sure they look natural. Just an ordinary couple who just came to the cinema around the corner. They stepped out of the bathroom in sleek, clean clothes into the busy street, leaving Althea’s old coat burned down into crisps in the dumpster and the barely alive company owner gasping for breath in the alleyway.

For today, they are partners, and partners support each other, no matter how much unknown there is still in each other's eyes.

Small Steps Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

—Suna helps Kura who isn't used to physical touch with small steps before he kisses her.

For Kiss Day Yumefess 2023 #.KissKissMlyt


Kura is not someone too experienced with physical touch. So when Suna asks to kisses her, he's surprised she even let him.

Now she stands in front of him, looking stiffer even than her usual stoic self, as Suna is holding her right cheek.

“Is it okay now?” he asks.

Kura lets out a long breath and closes her eyes, bracing herself.


Suna pauses. Is it really okay? She always looks like she's forcing herself, but now she looks uncomfortable more than anytime else.


“Yup. Yes.”

”... okay then.”

Suna starts to lean forward slowly, until when his breath hits her skin where she flinches and Suna immediately stops.


“M-mm?” She keeps her eyes closed and her voice slightly trembles but she tries to play it cool. Suna sighs and caresses her cheek.

“If you don't want me to kiss you, you could always say no.”

Kura immediately opens her eyes and gazes at Suna with a thousand mixed emotions in those gray irises.

“N-no, it's not that,” she says, “I … I'm just not used to something like this ….”

“Is that so,” says Suna.

The two of them goes silent for a second, before Suna thinks of something and mumbles:

“Small steps then.”

Kura looks up at him as he kisses the top of her head lightly, a gesture the girl is more comfortable with. Kura burrows her head a bit, but she let Suna continue.

Then, he raises her left hand and presses her fingers against his lips, Kura slightly moves, feeling ticklish from the sensation. Suna hums but still move to now kisses her on her forehead, a gesture as warm as it is gentle.

As he pulls back, a ghostly smile appears on his usually deadpan face, reassuring her.

“How about now?”

Kura nods. Her face and ears are unimaginably red, but with the 'small steps' Suna has done, she has made her resolve to be braver, something written right on her face. And seeing that, Suna decides she has finally relaxed enough for a kiss on the lips.

But before Suna could lean down, Kura grabs on his tie and pulls him forward as she stands on her tiptoes.

Then, without saying anything, Kura is the one who kisses Suna. It was only a light peck on his lips, a soft feather as her warmth tickles him. The first thought that passes by his shocked mind is how he wished she would stays like that for eternity, for as long as time will, but unfortunately it only lasts for a few seconds.

“D-done,” Kura whispers as she goes back to standing normally. She contemplates on burying her face on Suna's chest, but remembering his reaction the last time she did that, she decides to just avert her face, which only makes Suna able to see her expression clearly with just a bit of an effort.

Out of his shock, Suna slowly reaches out for her cheek again, this time pushing her fringes that's a hindrance to seeing Kura as he turns her head to face him again.

She stands still, more beautiful than ever. The built resolve that was there is now melted and gone, replaced by her true self. Her trembling lips, her reddened face, her almost teary eyes—this is the face of hers only he can see.

Suna immediately chuckles at the realization, catching Kura off-guard.


“Kura, you're definitely too cute~” Suna pinches her cheek with one hand while taking out his phone with another. “Should I take a picture?”

“Nho, I'm not! And dhon't yhou dhare!”

Matter of Valentine's

Kura sighs and puts her phone down. She thought she can keep an unprivated account and interact with her online friends, fellow data scientist, and machine learning enthusiast, keeping her time in Blue Lock only in public as her first ever big job experience, sharing her time in it with others, and sometimes like now, share small bits of her daily life without saying much. It’s only supposed to reach a few people, a small community of her own. But no, that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?

Someone just had to reply to her tweet and ask for chocolate from her using her first name with his official account, therefore making it clear to everyone who sees it that she’s someone to him. To Nagi Seishiro.

And just to make it worse, someone else has to join in because he probably doesn’t wanna get left behind. Kura is sure that, unlike Nagi, that person uses it on purpose. Because she knows one Mikage Reo quite deeply after all.

As she’s busy fuming in annoyance, someone walks into her office room.


And so the first culprit has come.

“What is it, Seishiro?” Kura asks, attention unbroken from her laptop where she’s privating all her other social media accounts just in case. “Aren’t you busy playing your newest game?”

Nagi ignores that question and walks behind Kura, letting his arms fall on her shoulders.

“Where’s my chocolate?”

“Seishiro.” She sighs. “Didn’t you get a lot from your fans too?”

“But Bachira, Isagi, and others also got a lot from their fans too.”

“They’re my friends, so I gave them one no matter how much they’ve gotten from their fans.”

Nagi pouts ever so slightly. “But why not to your boyfriend?”

Kura turns to face Nagi, giving him a sarcastic smile. “Because he can’t read the room.”

The man pauses and plops his head on her shoulder. Kura shakes her head and keeps her eyes on her laptop. Before suddenly, the second culprit comes too.

“Kura!” Reo bursts in. “I haven’t got a chocolate from you!”

“Reo,” says Kura, “what do you think people who disturb my casual daily life behind the scenes get for valentine's anyway?”

Reo laughs nervously, walking towards Kura’s desk. “A box of chocolate?”

Kura stops what she’s doing for a second to meet Reo’s eyes. “Wrong answer,” she says, “they get nothing.”

Both Nagi and Reo let out a sad moan, giving Kura a pang of guilt she tries her best to refuse to acknowledge.

Seeing that strategy fails, Nagi lifts his head a bit and meets Reo’s eyes, encouraging him to ask her the question he’s too tired to ask. So Reo gives in.

“Princess, are you really angry at me?” He circles the desk and stops on Kura’s right side, his amethyst eyes full of worries. He touches her arm and tilts his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad… it was just a joke.”

Nagi snuggles against Kura’s neck. “Mhm, what Reo says. So don’t be mad, please. I want chocolate.”

“Nagi! Now’s not the time yet!”

Reo clicks his tongue at the man, but Nagi only answers with a hum. Meanwhile, Kura sighs. They really know how to break her walls down.

“No, I’m not mad.” Kura turns to Reo. “I’m just slightly annoyed that some people seem to not know how scary certain fans can be.”

“I understand, Kura, don’t worry!” Reo nods as he smiles. “So, please? Will you forgive us?”

“Please, Kura? I swear I won’t try to trap the glassware again next time,” Nagi pleads.

“And I won’t buy everything you call interesting!” Reo grins and claps his hands together. “So please!”

Kura sighs. She gives up. She can’t watch them like this all day. Slowly, she stands up, giving Nagi time to move away from her.

“Okay then. Wait here.”

Without saying another word, she walks out of her office, leaving Nagi and Reo in anticipation.

A few minutes later, she comes back with two boxes in her hand.

“I have one for each of you.” Kura puts them on top of the table. One is decorated in purple wrappers with a big ribbon tied around it, while the other is wrapped in a sleek black color. “I’ve taken notes of both of your tastes and preferences, so everything should be good.”

Nagi and Reo take their respective boxes. Reo is more expressive, with him grinning widely and rotating the box around, while Nagi is more subdued, only looking at the box with a blank expression, but Kura does notice the sparkles in his eyes.

“I was about to give you each one for dinner, but you two can have it now,” she says, “happy now?” Kura puts her hands on her hips, still keeping the annoyed tone in her voice, though now that she’s seen their joyful face, she has forgiven everything. Not that she’ll tell them.

Silence envelops the room for a few seconds before Reo suddenly jumps from his chair and hugs Kura.


“I love you so sooo much, princess!” He tightens his hug for a second before letting go, not letting Kura have time to complain about the sudden hug. “Ah, and about Nagi’s mistake, don’t worry about it!”

Kura is confused, of course. “What do you mean by that?”

He pulls out his phone and opens his account, displaying his latest tweet to Kura.

“See?” he says. “I’ve solved it.”

‘me and @ngseishiro’s beloved’ is the caption of the tweet: a photo of her hand with her engagement rings that Reo had taken around a month ago.


Kura immediately snatches Reo’s phone and reads the tweet over and over again in disbelief.

Realization starts to dawn on her the more she reads it. He really did it. He really tagged Kura in that post too. Kura turns to a statue, her mind freezes at the possibilities of what her future might hold. And at that moment, Reo leans forward and steals a kiss.

“Love you,” he whispers against her lips before letting go of his hug.

“Nagi, I’m gonna eat these in the living room! Wanna join me?” He waves the box in his hand as he walks out of Kura’s office.

“Wait a second.”

Nagi stops in front of Kura, tilts Kura’s head up, and gives her a quick peck too. “Mm, I love you, Kura,” he says, “thank you for the chocolate.”

Then, he walks out with Reo, and Kura is left alone in her office. Reo’s phone is in her hand, and she’s staring down at the tweet that exposes their relationship in just a few words. Sure this is… too sudden for her, and makes her question if Reo really understands when she said some fans can be scary. But on the other hand, she feels free in a weird way. She put the phone to her forehead and sighs. This valentine's is too eventful for her, it seems.


for: Ceri :>


Ceri looks down at the plushie in her hands. A wide grin on her face,

Finally. Finally! She lifts the plushie up. Its black with yellow inner hair is crafted to fit its smiling eyes and mouth, the jersey is in the same color as the real one, and she can’t not mention the softness that she’s sure rivals the one it's based on.

Ceri’s grin widens. This is just like the real thing, then! A Bachira she can hold at any time!

She almost cheers out loud but manages to keep her voice down when she remembers Bachira is just in the other room. Today he’s currently over to watch her paint a new painting, and it just happened to be the same day she got her plushie sent in. So as long as she can keep it down and hide the plushie away before Bachira comes in, she should be okay!

Her attention turns to the plushie again. Because Bachira is still not here, she can indulge a bit more… right?

Slowly but surely, Ceri wraps her arms around the plushie’s body. It’s just a doll, she knows, but just imagining she’s hugging the real Bachira makes her face warm. But as she’s finally properly hugging the plushie, the door creaks open, and when Ceri snaps her head to the door, she sees someone that shouldn’t be seeing her in that position.

There’s a lull of silence for a second before Bachira points at the plushie in Ceri’s arms with a smile.

“That’s a plushie of me!”

Only at that moment, Ceri realizes what just happened.

She tries to hide the plushie away, but Bachira quickly storms her and almost spins her around.

“If you want to hug me so badly then just say it, Ceri-cha~n!”

“I-it’s not like that!” She tries to avert her face from Bachira, but the way he keeps trying to hug her is not letting her. He already wraps his hands around her torso, keeping only her hands and plushie separating them.

“Haha~ Your face is red!” Bachira pokes Ceri’s cheek with his left hand and pinches it lightly. He giggles. “Your cheek is soft~”

His face is getting too close for comfort, and the gesture he did doesn’t help! Panicking, Ceri searches for a way to get her out of the situation.


With all her might, Ceri uses the plushie in her hands to cover both her face and the distance between them.

Suddenly, Bachira’s attack stops.

Ceri thinks he’ll immediately let her go, but instead, he pats the plushie a few times before grabbing it from Ceri's hand and throwing it to the floor. The girl gasps at the plushie lying on the ground, but as she’s about to ask Bachira why, the boy speaks up.

“This plushie is cute, but why hug it when you can hug me, right?” he tilts his head.

Ceri can’t answer right away. She looks away for a second but eventually looks back at Bachira who's still gazing at her with a bright smile on his face.

“Do you want to hug me?”

That's a dangerous question. One that Ceri knows the answer to but she's still afraid to answer. But she also knows she can't let an opportunity like this pass by. So Ceri swallows her nervousness and mumbles an answer.

“If you don’t mind…”

“Of course I don’t mind!”

Bachira squeezes Ceri, wrapping his arms around her torso and nearly reaching her shoulders.


Though still abashed, Ceri wraps her arms around Bachira’s torso too. Her head immediately goes dizzy with the boy’s perfume and warmth coming so close to her.

A part of her mind wants to stay like that forever, but another part of her mind wants the moment to end soon because her heart couldn’t handle it—and she doesn’t know which to follow because both of them hold the same weight in her mind, her mind that’s only filled with Bachira and everything that he is.

After a few seconds that feel like an eternity, Bachira releases the hug. Ceri quickly takes half a step back and fiddles with her eyeglasses, if only to seem like she’s busy, isn’t lonely, or wants to hug him more.

Fortunately, she thinks Bachira doesn’t notice, so Ceri dismisses the thought of asking for another hug and tries to end the conversation.

“Thank you for the hug, Bachira-kun,” she says. “It was… fun.”

But instead of Bachira taking the hint for the ending of the conversation, he instead keeps it going.

“So, so! What do you think, Ceri-chan?” asks Bachira. “Isn’t hugging me straight better rather than hugging the plushie?”

Ceri is caught off-guard for a second, but she then smiles, her face blushing red. Just by remembering it, she can almost feel the warmth of Bachira’s body again.


Bachira laughs, following her nods. “Good to know! Then, next time you wanna hug me, just say so, okay?”

“Really?!” Ceri looks up at Bachira who seems content with what he just said like he didn't just let Ceri hug him whenever she wanted!

“Really~!” Bachira then extends his hand and pats Ceri’s head the same way he did to the plushie.

“B-bachira-kun?” Ceri’s face goes red again.

“Ehehe, like this is okay too, right?”

Though the gesture embarrassed her so, she basks in Bachira’s satisfied face and gives him a slow nod. The boy is elated by her response and quickly hugs her again, almost making her fall in surprise.

In the end, they both laugh in each other's arms, enjoying each other’s presence.