
death, decay, and other things you'll find when you're entangled with yoshida hirofumi

「世界は残酷だと割り切れば/今朽ち果てるのも悪くない」 — Wanna Be Queen Bee, sung by USSS with lyrics, arrangement, and music by halyosy


“...I just want to disappear from this world. I’m tired, Hirofumi-kun. Nothing is worth doing anymore. This world is not worth it.”


Kura waited for Yoshida’s response, but instead of saying anything right away, Yoshida leaned forward, his bangs covering his eyes even more and closing Kura off from his thoughts. The beauty mark near the corner of his mouth was unmoving as his usual smile disappeared. She paused and could only gaze at the boy. His looks never failed to take her breath away, and this time was no exception. The stark color of his piercings seemed to glitter under the dimming sunset. His languid figure looked deep in thought as he closed their distance. The bike rack she put all her weight on felt like it could melt at any moment under the pressure she was under, especially since Yoshida was letting his leg fall on one of the poles, covering her legs and cornering her back.

The girl was afraid she had said something that angered him, but what was reflected in the sliver of his eyes visible to her were nothing but shadows—the ones she was never able to grasp despite their immutable presence in her life. Then he closed them as he leaned his head inches away from her shoulder.

Senpai, if you think this world is that cruel,” he put his right hand on hers, “then how about we just rot away right now?” His voice was laced with those shadows, hushed and buried under the buzz of the outside world. “We can disappear into nothingness together if that is what you want,” he said, still closing his eyes.

Decay and death, Kura lowered her eyes. It’s already a part of her, isn’t it? She had fully embraced them, and Yoshida’s offer only sounded tempting as it rang inside her ears.

She looked down at her feet, at the countless bruises and marks left by her own incompetence, by her being weak. She only survived this long because of him. And aside from Yoshida himself, there’s nothing else left for her in this world. She didn’t have any ambition left, and any semblance of happiness she owed to him. The only real feeling she earned herself is the bitter taste drenching her tongue every time she fell deeper into her failure. So why should she refuse?

“Kura-senpai? What do you want to do?” Hearing her name from him was comforting, but doubt still lingered in her mind.

“Is rotting away with me even worth it for you?”

“I want you to be safe, and I’m willing to do anything for it.” No hesitation in his words.

Kura almost laughed. Dying together is safer, huh? She wanted to say it shouldn’t be, but she couldn’t deny it. She didn’t know if it’s safer for her body, but she knew it was for her soul or whatever they call it. She would rather die together with Yoshida than do anything in this world ever again.

“Mmm, I’ll do it,” she answered. Her dull gray eyes met his dark ones again as he pulled his head back. “But I’ll wait until everything is done. You still have a lot to do, right?”

“Of course.” The boy’s smile returned. She could never tell if it’s genuine. “Then, for now, please promise me you’ll back off from Public Safety.”

Kura nodded. “Anything for you, Hirofumi-kun.”

transpicuous —she didn't understand his motive for helping her and he wasn't one to say what he thought out loud.

[ yoshida hirofumi x asano kura | first meeting ]


The shards of glass lay on the ground, its broken pieces buried under dirt and plants that used to live inside the jar. Some isopods crawled away, leaving Kura crouching and gazing down at them while biting back her tears.

She lost another terrarium.

And this time, the jar she used came from expensive cookies her aunt won’t buy again because it tastes awful. She couldn’t speak about the cookies, but the jar was beautiful. It’s just the right thickness for her to be able to see everything inside, it has smooth flower vines engraving near the bottom, and since it’s fancy cookies, the jar has a tight cork lid she doesn't even need to fiddle with.

But now it’s gone just like that. All of them, months of her hard work scattered on the ground.

Maybe she shouldn’t put her terrarium in school anymore. The area around the field has the perfect sunlight, but perhaps it'll be better if she puts them inside her room, maybe on top of her wardrobe or something. She’ll find a way not to lose them anymore.

Kura pulled up her mask, making sure it covered her nose fully. She should clean up the glasses before lunchtime ends.

Still crouching, Kura grabbed the trash bag leaning on the garden shed, and started picking up a piece of broken glass and throwing them inside. As it fell inside, it hit the remains of a terrarium already in there.

The school garden is empty aside for Kura and the various flowerbeds grown and taken care of by her clubmates, who must be enjoying their lunch right now. Kura sighed. Last week the Screen Devil she hunted down managed to escape and she didn’t get her lunch money, so for now she’ll just have to hold her hunger for this afternoon until she can track it down again.

As Kura was starting to get lost inside her mind, footsteps approached her from behind.

The girl flinched and her body went tense. They should’ve been gone by now, she told herself. They shouldn’t have come back again today. So why are they here again?

Kura held her breath, expecting screeching laughs and fake pity thrown at her, but the voice that spoke to her was a masculine one, someone she had never heard of before.

Senpai, do you need any help?”

She turned to face the voice. Standing tall behind her was a boy wearing her school uniform, one hand inside his pants pocket and one behind his left ear. Kura, who had never had piercings, was astonished by the rows of black piercings lining his left helix. His messy hair and bangs covered most of his eyes, but she still could see his eyes gazing at her with an emotion she didn’t know the name of. A smile adorned the boy’s face, but she couldn’t tell if it was a polite or genuine one.

Having never seen him before, all she knew about him was that he was her underclassman, but nothing about why he was here. The gardening club wasn’t the most popular one, and it was hard to believe someone with—she couldn’t deny—such a handsome look wanted to come and see a run-down club like this.

He glanced at Kura’s hand. “Please don’t handle shards with bare hands, senpai, you’re going to get yourself hurt.” His voice was stoic, yet it was edged by a soft tune from his smile.

“It’s fine,” Kura said. She adjusted her mask and looked back inside the trash bag. It didn’t contain anything besides broken glasses and food wrappers. She didn’t know what the boy wanted, but she didn’t have time for it.

She picked up another piece of glass under a resting worm, but just by luck, she touched it at the wrong angle and a sharp pain immediately pricked her finger.

Kura pulled her hand back, not even fazed. Her thumb was now grazed with the red of her blood, of her foolishness. It didn’t hurt, but it’s still a bummer.

“I told you,” said the boy. He crouched beside Kura, his gaze directed at her finger. “You should wash it off.”

“It’s fine,” Kura repeated. “I’m used to it.”

The boy put his hand under his chin and hummed. “Hmm, you’re used to them breaking your things?”

Kura froze. He saw, then. He saw them coming here and watched. He waited for them to go before coming here. Sweat started running down her back.

“What do you want?” She blurted out, her body repressed a shaking. “Are you their friend?” Her dull gray eyes focused on her boy as her heart pounded.

“No,” he answered without hesitation. “I’m here to see if you need help, senpai. I told you already.”

Help her? Him? Wasn't he afraid of them? Of what they would do to him if he ‘helped’ her? Didn’t he know who they were?


He picked up the glass that pricked Kura and put it away. “Because you’re also a Devil Hunter, aren’t you?” His smile changed a bit.

“So what you’re saying is Devil Hunters should stick together?” Kura scoffed. In the three years she worked alone as a Devil Hunter, all she ever met were people who played territory and those unwilling to kill a devil together because they didn't want to share the bounty. That's also why she didn't bother joining the Devil Hunter Club. No one liked her there.

The boy picked up another shard of glass. “All I’m saying is I wanted to help,” he said, “because you look like you need one.”

“But you’re also picking it up with your bare hands.”

“I’m more careful than you, senpai,” he hummed, throwing the glass inside the trash bag. “Because I don’t clean them up while crying.”

“...touché,” said Kura. She wiped her tears away before continuing to pick up the shards. She has never been good at holding her tears and somehow talking to him made her even worse at it.

The two worked in silence for a few minutes, with Kura still wondering what the boy's true intention was. His words didn’t sound particularly malicious, but his presence did feel intimidating. A thought filled her head. He must be a strong Devil Hunter, unlike her.

After all the broken glasses had been thrown away and the stray plants returned to be planted on the ground, Kura stood up and wiped her hands on her skirt, looking at a job well done. Then, the bell announcing the end of the break rang right on time.

The boy looked up at the school building before standing up and clean his hands by dusting them together. “Well then, I should go back,” he said. “See you later, senpai.”

But before he could walk away, Kura grabbed his sleeves.

“Wait,” her voice almost wavered.

He turned back to face Kura, a smile still plastered on his face.

“Thank you for helping me,” said Kura. No one had ever helped her voluntarily before. So no matter what the boy’s true intention is and whether he wants something from her or not, she’s still grateful for his help.

“You’re welcome,” he answered.

“So, um, what’s your name?” Kura asked as casually as she could. “You might know already, but I’m Asano Kura. Third year.”

“Yoshida Hirofumi,” he said, “first year.”

“Nice to meet you, Yoshida-san, and listen, um,” Kura paused, searching for the perfect words while fiddling with her mask, “if you don’t mind, maybe you could come back here again? Only when you’re not busy and when want to just chill out with plants or something. I-I won’t make you do any gardening, I promise!”

She wasn’t close with anyone in school, and she thought if this boy will always be nice to her like this, maybe he could be her friend or at least talk to her. She was already lonely enough as it is, and she won’t let a potential friend like this go without her saying anything.

After she finished talking, silence.

Kura balled her left hand, as much as the absence of her middle and ring fingers could let her. Was she too forceful? Were her words too harsh? She swallowed her saliva. But before she could ponder for too long, Yoshida let out a chuckle, catching Kura off-guard.

“It’s okay, senpai, I’ll come back tomorrow.” Yoshida smiled even brighter than before. Her heart kept beating faster as he tilted his head slightly, staring at his numerous ear piercings.

Her eyes almost watered again. He… he didn’t refuse.

Kura bowed in a flash. “T-thank you very much! Please only come when you’re free!”

“Mmm, it’s no problem at all,” said Yoshida.

Kura stood straight again and met his eyes, sparkling with the same emotion as before, something Kura couldn’t recognize. He started to walk away again, but this time, he waved at her, which she quickly returned.

“See you tomorrow, senpai. Please take care of yourself~”

“See you tomorrow, Yoshida-san!”

As he disappeared behind the school building, Kura could only think about how lucky she was to know his name, and how maybe the terrarium she lost today brought some luck to her. She hoped.

GIFT Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

Suna asks Kura to accompany him to buy a gift for someone on her birthday. What she doesn’t know is that the gift is meant for the girl that Suna likes and how dense she can be.

Their feelings might be mutual, but the way they convey them can’t be more different.

Notes: *Not dating, but Suna acts like they are lol *Very indulgent, so mostly it’s a bit mellow but everything turns out fine *Suna is… very teasy I think. From 1-10 he’s a 7 or 8 in this, because as I said, very indulgent please don't judge

From: myself To: myself

Hey, let's do our best too for this year. I know we can do it.

Today is Kura's birthday and Suna is bringing her along to buy a gift for someone.

Of course she thinks there's a myriad of better ways to spend her time on her birthday, but she can't just reject an invitation from someone she likes! Especially because this is the first time Suna has called her for something like this! So despite Miyu’s reservation about how fishy she thinks Suna is acting, Kura agrees to meet him for this small errand. But even though she’s really looking forward to today…

Kura sighs before taking another deep breath. Her boots are clacking loud on the pavement as she runs. People are looking at her, the ankle-length-skirt-wearing woman who dashes off from the station towards the popular shopping street in a panic, but she couldn’t care less. Her mind is already filled with other things anyway.

She’s now running 20 minutes late and it’s all because yesterday night she can’t stop thinking about every scenario that might play out for today. The overthinking acts like a domino, making her head hurt and making her only able to sleep a few hours before the meeting time, and at the end, causing her to wake up later than she expected.

When Kura walks near their meeting spot, she starts looking around, and eventually, she finds him. Suna Rintarou, the second-year middle blocker of Inarizaki Boys' Volleyball Club—and quite a formidable middle blocker, based on what Miyu told her—is leaning on a street railing while scrolling on his phone while Kura is cursing herself for making him wait.

She starts running toward him, and while doing it, she can’t help but stare at his outfit. His casual ensemble fits him like a glove. Unlike Kura who doesn’t know much about fashion and needs to ask Miyu if the color of her skirt and shirt clash, Suna’s choice of clothes is more deliberate, cool, and trendy. Just by seeing him Kura feels like she’ll fall in love all over again.

Then, when she gets closer, he finally notices her and pockets his phone.

“Morning, Asano.”

She slows down her pace and stops in front of him. Making sure she’s not out of breath, she answers the greeting. “Good morning, Suna-kun. I’m truly sorry I’m late.”

“It’s fine, I just got here too.”

There’s no way he just got there. Suna might slack off sometimes, as Kita says, but he’s not one to be late. But before she can apologize again, Suna brings up another topic.

“Have you eaten yet?”

”... no,” says Kura.

“Then let’s buy a crepe, there’s a good one around here,” says Suna.

He looks down at Kura’s empty hand. Today she’s using a messenger bag, so she just lets her hands fall on her skirt instead of holding a handbag she sometimes carries. “Wanna hold hands? You look tired.”

“N-no thanks, I’ll be fine.” Her heart hasn’t settled down yet and she doesn’t want it racing so hard it comes out of her chest by holding hands with Suna.

“Well, if you insist,” says Suna. “Let’s go.”

Suna leads the way as Kura walks beside him. She can finally breathe normally again and finally notices how much they look like couples around them. Shopping streets like this are a popular destination for a date, especially on holidays like today. Too bad she’s not there today with Suna as a couple… she gives a wry smile to herself.

“You don’t mind crepes, right?” Suna suddenly asks, snapping Kura out of her thoughts.

She nods. “I like everything, honestly.”

Suna cocks his head at Kura, “so you don’t mind a cucumber-filled crepe?”

“O-of course I mind!” At those mere words, Kura yells in panic. “What kind of monster can eat something like that?!”

Crap. Kura lowers her head. She really just rants about cucumbers in front of him. Aah, what if Suna dislikes her now?!

Kura steals a glance at Suna’s face. He still has that blank deadpan expression he usually has, so… he doesn’t seem to mind. That’s good. Next time she’ll make sure not to show her more uncool side in front of Suna!

Before she knows it, they stop in front of a big crepe shop with a long line in front of it.

“What will you get?” asks Suna.

Kura reads the store menu hanging near the waiting line, and after a few silent minutes of mulling over how many variants there are, she finally picks one.

“Custard and cream,” she says. It has a recommendation sticker beside its name and it looks fulfilling enough for a breakfast replacement, so it should be enough for her.

Suna nods. “Then I’ll take the strawberry jam and strawberry ice cream one.”

After Suna insists he’ll go order, Kura gives him her money and insists back that she’ll pay for her crepe, and waiting on the tree near the shop for around fifteen minutes, watching the couples walking around in a bit of envy, Suna finally comes back with her order which she eats without waiting too long.

The custard and cream crepe is delicious, with it not being too sweet and having a perfect balance of custard and cream, none of them overlapping the other's taste and instead complementing the crispy crepe.

Seeing Kura’s joyful face, Suna can’t help but chuckle, a gesture which she unfortunately missed. Then, Suna touches her shoulder, making her stop eating and turn her attention to him.

“Can I taste yours?” he asks.

“Ah, sure.” Kura peels off the tissue around the crepe a bit lower so Suna wouldn’t eat into them before handing it to him. “Here you go.”

But instead of taking it from her hand, Suna just bit into it as she held it. Kura is shaken, but keeps her hand from shaking as Suna gets closer and bite the crepe.

Pretty. The word pops up in Kura’s mind as she can see Suna’s eyelashes flutter when he leans down. His dark brown hair is also so immaculate. She doesn’t know if he style it meticulously, but up close it’s so neat yet looks just messy enough to be natural. And as Suna pulls away, Kura can’t help but think how many times does she have to fall all over for him again.

Suna munches in silence, seemingly enjoying the taste of her crepe for a few seconds. Then, he handed her his crepe.

“Wanna taste mine too? The ice cream isn’t too bad.”

Kura nods. This time she holds Suna’s crepe, not wanting to be awkwardly close to him before taking a bite of some of the ice cream and the crepe. Unlike her custard and cream, the strawberry one Suna has is far sweeter for her. Maybe it’s because of the jam spread on the crepe, or maybe the ice cream is just that sweet.

Then, drip.


A bit of ice cream falls on Kura’s bottom lip, and before she can get it, Suna’s right thumb traces the dripped ice cream and effectively, half of Kura’s bottom lip. He then licks his thumb nonchalantly.

Still with a blank expression, Suna looks down at her. “Isn't that bad, right?”

Kura is sure she almost faints. But she keeps it together, ignoring the silent scream on the back of her head. What was that? What was that?!

“M-mhm, yeah…”

While Kura gives Suna’s crepe back and he finishes his, Kura can only look down at hers, unable to think straight about anything other than what whatever just happened is called.

“Aren’t you going to finish yours?” Suna asks, throwing the trash inside a nearby trash can.

“Ah, sorry,” Kura mumbles, “uh, we’re going now? Should I just throw it away or something?”

“No need to panic, Asano.” Suna puts his hands inside his pants pocket. “Just eat it on our way to the shop.”

Kura silently agrees with him and both of them finally continue walking to their destination. She munches on the rest of her crepe as they walk, with Suna not saying a thing. And despite how noisy everything around them is, the silence between them takes the forefront of her mind. Even the overthinking seems to stop just so she can realize how quiet Suna is. Is she boring him already? She fears the worst.

Just ask something. Anything, her mind says. She had a thousand questions for him just now, and her mind insisted she should just pick one and end the silence. So Kura gathers a bit of courage before speaking up.

“Uh, Suna-kun, may I ask something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Who is this birthday present for?”

He hums for a second, thinking, before finally answering in a nonchalant tone.

“A girl that I like.”

Kura almost drops her crepe, but she recovers from the shock quickly enough and manages to hold her ground. Though her grip on the crepe tightens just a bit too much, and parts of it crunches under pressure.

“Is that so,” says Kura. She tries to keep a smile on her face, but it looks as sad as always. At least she’s walking a bit behind Suna, so he won’t see how disappointed she is right now. She can only let out a small sigh and look down at the stone pavement under her feet.

She knows this birthday present won’t be for her because what kind of person takes the one the gift is for when buying it, especially because her birthday is today, and buying a present right on the big day seems a bit counterintuitive. But knowing the present is for someone he likes… Kura doesn’t know if she would even consider coming along if she knew this from the beginning. Too little too late, though. She’s already here, and it wouldn’t be polite for her to just say ‘I can’t bear hearing the person I like muse about someone else so I’ll go home first’ before taking off in tears, so she needs to bear with it. Just for an hour or two.

As Kura is busy mulling over the circumstances she finds herself in, Suna stops walking and stares right at her, even leaning down so he can meet her limestone eyes.

“Why do you ask?”

Trying to contain the shock of being so close to Suna, Kura looks away, but he follows her movement intently and she can’t escape his gaze.

“I’m just… curious,” she says, “it’s not every day you invite me somewhere like this. I’m interested in what kind of thing you need me for.”

“Ah.” Suna hums again, backing away from Kura. “I don’t know much about girls, so I thought your opinion on gifts I’m gonna choose will help.”

That hurts. That hurts too much. Kura is glad that he trusts her enough to get her opinion on something important to him, but she wishes it’ll be for something related to something other than the girl he likes.

A few minutes later, they stop in front of a jewelry shop. It’s a high-end one, Kura thinks, with the silver theme going around the shop and how classy the glass interiors are from what she can see outside the glass window. Kura finished her remaining crepe before walking inside the store, following behind Suna.

They’re greeted by a female employee. She smiles and talks to Suna.

“Welcome, are you buying something for your girlfriend?”

“Something like that,” says Suna. Kura tries to ignore how much that hurts her and keeps smiling.

Suna then turns to her. “What do you think would be a nice present?”

“Earrings, maybe? If she’s wearing one that is.”

Kura can’t deny that she answers that while thinking of her earrings that went down her shower drain the other day, but well, that’s a piece of jewelry she has on top of her head, and if Suna doesn’t like her suggestion he can always pick another one. He’s not someone too shy to convey his opinion, after all.

But hearing her suggestion, Suna nods and faces the employee.

“Can you show us the earrings section?”

“Right this way.”

The employee walks them to lines and lines of earrings, each displayed inside a transparent box and placed on a shelf. She says to call her if they need any help before disappearing to the entrance again.

Suna then starts the conversation again.

“What kind of earring do you think a girl your age would like?”

“If you’re asking me, I prefer something more elegant,” says Kura. “Earrings too big might get in the way or get confiscated by teachers, so something simple is a must.”

A thought then pops into her mind. “Ah, the type of earrings you’ll buy also depends on her personality though … if she likes flashy earrings maybe you can sacrifice the flash for a more intricate model. That is if you want to follow my advice and keep the size small.”

Suna nods, looking over the earrings. “I’ll follow your advice, Asano. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” says Kura. But a question still burns in her mind, and before her mind can protest about how quiet the tension is between them, she asks Suna the question.

“... if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of girl is she?”

He stifles a laugh which catches Kura off guard, but quickly recovers and changes into his usual expression again. “She’s dense but interesting. I think she tries her hardest at everything, but she usually tries too hard and ends up a bit pathetic especially when she fails, yet refuses to tell anyone about her failures,” he says, “she always tries to look perfect and only shows her other faces to certain people, but it’s easy to break her walls down. Also, I bet she thinks she’s not dense even though she is. She's really bad at anything emotional.” He finishes it off with another stifle of laughter.

Hearing all of that, the first thing that Kura wonders about is … what does he see in that girl? And besides, aren't most of the things he just described can fall under insults?

As she scrunches her face in confusion, Kura realizes that Suna has been staring at her. Directly at her, gazing into her eyes. And it’s making her more nervous.


“Nothing,” he says before returning to browsing for earrings.

Suna is particular about what he’s going to buy. It takes him around two hours to narrow the search into a few earrings, and with Kura’s help, they manage to cut it into one pair of earrings.

“What do you think about this one?”

“The design is nice, intricate yet simple… but isn’t it a bit too expensive?” asks Kura. They’re just high schoolers, and the price written on that tag isn’t a high schooler’s pocket money.

Suna holds the earrings in his hand, his eyes never leaving them. The gray sapphire on it reflects the store light and glimmers bright, coloring the short silence between them.

“Nothing is too expensive for her.”

As he says that, Kura can see a genuine smile on his face. Something he doesn’t show to many people. His usual deadpan face is cool enough for her to fall in love with him, and that smile is enough to make her feel like she’s not making a bad decision by falling in love with him—even with her current situation.

“I’ll ask for it to be wrapped up. Can you wait here?”

“Sure,” says Kura.

She stares at Suna’s backside as he walks away and talks to an employee before handing over the earrings. Watching how he acts about anything related to the girl he likes is unfair. It feels unfair. It hurts. It feels like she shouldn’t even be here, she shouldn’t be able to see that genuine smile, she shouldn't even accept his invitation. Only someone he likes should be able to see that side of him, not someone like her, who probably means nothing to him.

If only … if only Suna would think about her like that too ….

A wry smile creeps up on her face. What is she thinking? She should be happy that Suna has someone he cares deeply about. But no matter how she twists it, she can’t help but feel the pit in her stomach only going deeper every time Suna talks about the girl he likes.

When she realizes it, Suna already waves at her standing near the cashier. He’s probably done, she thinks as she walks to the cashier. She should stop thinking so negatively for now, since she wouldn’t want to worry Suna.

Kura stops beside Suna who’s paying for the earrings that are now nicely boxed inside a square velvet box, tied neatly with a gray ribbon the same color as the gems on the earrings. With a smile, she brings up a sentence she knows the answer to will only hurt her even more.

“You really care about the girl you like, huh, Suna-kun?”

“Of course,” he says, grabbing the box from the cashier before glancing at Kura, his pale citrine eyes meeting her. “Wouldn’t you do that too for someone you like?”

“I guess,” her answer is quiet, though she knows she will do most things for someone that she cares about. Just look at her now, accompanying her first love to buy expensive earrings for a girl he likes even though it pains her so much.

She clenches her chest to stop it from hurting. No. She can’t feel down, this is her birthday after all, and she’s also in front of someone she likes. Get a grip! She tells herself, taking a deep breath. Kura’s mind wanders. Maybe when she gets back she’ll call Miyu and go eat some kebab or whatever. Anything to take her mind off her unrequited love.

Finishing the purchase, they walk out of the store. And before Kura can ask where to next, Suna stops walking and turns around towards her.

“Here you go.”


“Your birthday present.”

Kura looks down at her hands. The square box looks small in Suna’s hands, but now that it’s in her hands, it feels a bit too big.

“S-suna-kun, this is—”

As she looks up, he meets Suna's eyes. The grayish-yellow tint in them looks even more beautiful than she thought, causing her heartbeat to fasten even more. He’s leaning down, but Kura doesn’t realize that until he tilts his head and places a peck on her lips, lingering a second longer than she anticipated, his breath hot against her already warm skin.

“Happy birthday, Kura.” The corner of his mouth twists into a playful grin as he pulls away. “Hope you can catch up to my height this year so I can kiss you more easily.”


Both Kura’s heart and mind stop for a few seconds, unable to comprehend everything that just happened. But Suna doesn’t wait for her. Instead, he pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of Kura’s face. And the shutter is what brings Kura back to reality.

“W-WHAT?!” Kura takes panicked steps back. “W-wait what just… what did you mean… I-I—”

Her mind can’t keep up with her racing heartbeat. Every word that Suna has uttered today flows through Kura’s mind, every meaning in it covered by the sly fox’s deadpan face finally making sense, and with it, anger and embarrassment bubble up inside her.

“Y-you Do-S! You did it all on purpose, didn't you?!” She points at him, her face redder than ever. Gears on her head are overheating as she can’t believe how she was thinking about ‘if only’ and feels jealous whenever Suna talks about the girl he likes when in reality, she has fallen into his trap all along.

“If you like me you can just say it directly, you know! No need to go through this… complicated ritual of yours!” Kura grabs onto Suna’s sleeve. “If you do so, I can answer it easily!”

“That’s not fun. Just saying it wouldn’t make you show more of your sides.” His eyes glimmer with mischievous intent, something she recognizes pops up now and then when he looks at her. “Besides, I wouldn’t try any of this if it weren’t so obvious that you’ll say yes anyway.”

It’s that obvious? Is it that obvious that she likes him?! She knows Miyu has pointed out how Kura unconsciously keeps looking at Suna when someone tells a joke, but is it that obvious that the person itself would notice it?!

“I can’t believe it,” Kura’s world crumbles down. This whole time Suna knows she likes him and he just acts so nonchalantly around her? “Aah, I want to disappear,” she mumbles, covering her face with her birthday present. “I can’t, this is too much…”

He pats Kura’s head, the over twenty centimeters height gap is nothing to him as the taller one.

“Don’t mind,” he says, the casual tone the same as he always uses when he says that to his teammates. He ruffles Kura’s hair while the girl herself is still fuming in anger and embarrassment. She knows Suna hides something under his deadpan demeanor, but she never thought it’ll be… whatever this is!

“Now let’s go walk around some more. Today is our first date after all.”

The word ‘first date’ makes Kura’s heart go crazy again, but Suna is happy he got the reaction he’s aiming for. Not only on the field, even with something like this, Suna can control the ‘blockers’ into giving him the result he wants. He snaps another picture of her.

“Stop that already, geez! Stop trying to embarrass me!” Kura complains, trying to move away from Suna, but he quickly grabs her shoulder and pulls her closer, earning a soft yelp from her.

“Calm down, Kura, you’re going to make people look at us, you know?” says Suna, the deadpan expression of his wavering under his ghostly grin, “or maybe you’ll only calm down if I kiss you again?”

“A-as if!”

While trying to avoid Suna’s gaze, Kura can’t help but scolds herself. She can’t believe she falls for someone like Suna! She can’t believe how she thought the deadpan manner of him is cool, or how with this whole teasing escapade he’s doing, he’s only falling for him more. Just how bad is her taste?!

But most importantly, she really can’t believe how he falls for her back.

Confection Oki Kouji x Asano Kura

Sometimes Kura forgets that Oki is popular, and only remembers now when she’s looking at Oki being crowded by a bunch of C-rank girls with chocolates in their hands.

Kura taps the box in her hand nervously. She hasn't had the chance to give it to him, so maybe she's too late. After all, he's already holding a lot of chocolates, and if those girls also give what they hold, the amount of chocolate he has will be able to feed him and the Ikoma squad for two weeks.

As Kura ponders, her fear comes true when Oki suddenly speaks up with a smile.

“Ah, sorry everyone, but I've accepted quite a lot today,” he says, “soo give me the rest next week, okay? Let me finish these first.” He follows with a chuckle.

Oh no. She is too late.

Kura swallows the bitter taste in her mouth and takes a step back. Now the feeling that she's late is confirmed and lined underneath with a massive red pen. But, ah, well… this is her fault. She should've remembered how popular he is and searched for him earlier.

Stuffing the box inside her messenger bag, Kura grits her teeth. So much for valentine.

As soon as the crowd around him disperses, Oki lets out a long sigh as he looks down at how full his hands are. Sure he’s happy receiving each one of them, but he can just imagine Ikoma’s reaction when he brings this much chocolate back to the squad room and asks them to help him eat some. After all, he can't eat too much, and forget the one chocolate he’s looking forward to the most.

The one from Kura—-his fellow sniper, someone he looks up to, and someone he has feelings for.

She’s more of a serious type, but somehow she always does these kinds of celebrations. He doesn't know exactly why, but all that matters is that he knows that sometimes she has her eyes on her and he’ll probably be on the list of people she’ll give chocolates to.

Oki starts to walk to his squad room, smiling to himself.

He just can't wait.

Kura hasn't given him chocolate yet. And it's almost evening.

Oki glances at the reddish-brown-haired girl and sighs. Her hair and jacket sway around as she’s busy getting the next dummies they’re going to shoot at, all while humming a tune from a popular video game that Akari—-her squadmate and childhood friend—-likes. Oki sighs. Their training is almost done, and there’s still no peep about her valentine’s gift.

This afternoon they’re training behind Hayanuma’s building, so Oki thought she’ll wait until they’re alone together to give him chocolate. She really likes planning ahead of time and pulling the strings later to look like she’s not trying hard, but well… it doesn’t seem like anything is happening. Oki even thought that maybe valentine isn’t today and maybe those girls this morning mistake the day too, but remembering how Maori gives giri to the whole squad and the chaos that ensues, he thinks he’s the only one hoping that the day is wrong.

Kura walks towards him, who's currently sitting on a bench located under a tree shade. Hayanuma is surrounded by parks and trees, so the benches behind their building are located as close to the trees so it won’t feel hot in the afternoon. But now it’s already evening, and all the tree shade is helping with is covering his slight frown from the girl he likes.

She eventually stops beside him, and Oki puts back his usual smile, hoping Kura doesn’t catch his expression just now.

“One more round and we’ll be finished for today!” Kura stretches her arms and laughs. “Maintaining a stable training regime sure is tiring sometimes, huh,” she says.

Oki just nods along, still can’t get his mind off the chocolate he’s waiting on.

Suddenly, as if answering Oki’s prayer, Kura claps her hand and smiles. “Ah, I just remembered! I have something to show you.”


He almost jolts up from his seat but holds it back with a smile.

Then, as Kura rummages through her messenger bag for her 'gift’, his mind wanders: what kind of valentine’s gift will she give him? A bunch of confectionaries passes through his mind. Maybe classic chocolate? Or maybe truffle? Candies? Cake? He doesn’t like sweet stuff that much, but if it’s from her, he can eat anything!

His train of thoughts continues. Will she give him pudding? Pies? Chocolate-covered fruits? Or macaron—-

“Here you go.”

Instead of chocolate, she hands him a trigger.

Laughing nervously, Oki looks up at Kura. “Senpai, what's this?”

”...a trigger?” Kura pauses in confusion. “Did you suddenly forget what a trigger is?”

“Uh, no, it's not that…” his words trail off. Oki exhales through his teeth. How can he say that he wants chocolate without saying it directly? He doesn't want to come off as needy, but he wants to receive something from her! He turns his mind around, thinking of a way to nudge her into talking about chocolate.

Maybe… he can talk around it?

Oki inches closer to Kura and starts speaking.

“Actually, senpai, I've been wondering about something~”

Kura, who quickly realizes that he’s closing their distance, stifles a laugh. “About what?”

“About if you remember what day it is today.” He finishes with a smile.

Hearing that question, Kura instinctively pulls her bag closer to her lap. Crap, she curses herself. The memories from this morning flood back again alongside the bitter taste in her mouth. Is Oki toying with her? Does he want to show off how many chocolates he gets that are totally better than what she made?

“Of course,” she exhales, sounding as calm as she can. “Valentine, right?”

Oki raises an eyebrow. So she remembers?

“And um, are ya not giving one to me…? Did I do something?”

Kura's laugh is bitter. “You didn't want any, right?”


Oki's heart sinks into his stomach. What is she saying?

The girl averts her eyes and lets out a long sigh. “It's just… this morning, I heard you talk to the C-ranks about how you're not accepting anymore, and I maybe kinda feel bummed because I actually wanna give one to you, but, eh, my chocolate is not as good—–”

“No no no! You got it all wrong, senpai!” Oki cuts Kura off and grabs her right hand. “I turned them down because I want one from ya!”

Before Kura could answer, Oki pulls her closer, and scents of lemon and hints of lavender she had never felt coming from him before envelop her.

“I’ve been waiting for your chocolate, senpai, for a long time. I know you’re not that into making chocolates and stuff, but I remembered ya said ya likes to give everything when it comes to making something for those you’re interested in,” says Oki, “so I’m just wondering if maybe… ya will give one to me?”

With the last word Oki says, Kura snaps back to her senses and pushes him away in embarrassment. “N-not if you get that close!”

Oki snickers, letting Kura back off but still not letting go of her hand. “Senpai, yer turning red~”

Kura just mumbles an angry response while grabbing the box from inside her bag and plopping it on Oki’s empty hand. The box is wrapped in light blue paper, with clear plastic on the top part. From there, Oki can see that inside the box is a plastic divider with different confectionaries, from chocolates, truffles, macaron, candies, and even some decorated small cakes with a doodle of his face on them.

“It's honmei. All of it,” says Kura, “I don’t know what you like so I make everything I can think of.”

“Honmei? Really?!” Oki’s eyes light up. He expects to get something more special since he knows his feeling is not entirely one-sided, but homemade? This is exceeding his expectations!

“Aah, I never thought someone like ya could make homemade confectionaries like these, senpai!”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing~” he hums happily. “I’m just really really really reaaaally happy you decided to give me something for valentine.”

“Is that so,” says Kura. She averts her eyes. Aah, she wants to scream out of happiness and embarrassment now, but she needs to appear calm in front of the person she’s interested in. So she takes a few deep breaths and tries to move away from the black-haired boy.

But when she thinks she can compose herself just well, Oki pulls on Kura’s hand and forces her to get up close to his face. He puts the box of confectionaries in between them, before tilting his head a bit and leaning in—-placing a kiss on the box, right across where Kura’s lips are.

Their eyes meet, and Kura can feel herself melting away when Oki’s azure eyes glint.

“Thank you very much, senpai,” he grins, then murmurs near Kura’s ear. “I like ya.”

Kura's hands go limp. She wants to push him away so he doesn’t hear her heartbeat, but maybe now is too late. Her heartbeat already spikes so hard she wonders if someday it’ll ever go this high again.

“A-ah, yes. Of course.” Her mind is buzzing with white noise. The answers she has just spouted out are the result of her fried mind trying to work despite everything. She has never been good at something like this, and all Kura can do is avert her eyes from the bright light in front of her. “Mm, yeah, happy valentine, Kouji-kun.”

Oki snickers. “Senpai, that’s not an answer~”

The girl realized that words that were coming out of Oki’s mouth can be considered as a… question, as a proposal, and she fakes a few coughs. “I need to think about it first,” Kura mumbles, “give me two months.”

“Eeh~? Isn’t that too long?”

“Well, it’s because I can’t think straight when you’re that close!” Kura sputters and tries to put up an annoyed face, but fails.

“Is that so?” says Oki. “So maybe if I get closer you can think more clearly~?”


Oki lets go of Kura’s right hand, and quickly wraps his arm around her waist, earning a yelp from her. Kura’s face goes from a shade of pink to burning red. “Wait! T-time out! Time out!”

But Oki doesn’t heed Kura’s words and closes their distance even more, making Kura let out a small whimper, trying to hold back her voice. He laughs at Kura’s response and plants his face on the crook of her neck. Aah, he’s glad she’s still thinking of him.

He smiled. Kura can’t see it, but he’s as embarrassed as her right now, and it’s better if she doesn’t see his uncool side right now.

Oki glances at the box of confectionaries in his hand. How can such a box bring him so much joy? He may never know.

From inside the Hayanuma building, Akari glares at the two of them with disdain in his eyes.

“Aah, do they think people can’t see them from the kitchen?” Akari mumbles, scooping a strawberry ice cream into his mouth. “Well, Kura is as dense as a rock so maybe not. But Oki-kun? Man, that guy…”

He sighs and puts the rest of the ice cream on his bread before putting them on top of each other. He focuses his gaze on Kura who’s still trying to escape from Oki’s embrace with a red face.

Way to ruin valentine, best friend. Akari huffs. Way to ruin his lonely, lonely valentine.

“Whatever,” he says through gritted teeth, “I’ll just go back to playing Cupid Parasite.”

As he walks away from the kitchen and the two lovebirds, Akari bitterly mumbles about how Kura will just have to pay by buying him a few takoyaki tomorrow.

“Do you think I can become a black trigger?”

“Kura.” Akari frowns. “Let's not talk about that. We're in the middle of a patrol.”

But Kura just smiles and continues talking to Akari through their communication device, restricting the conversation to only them and leaving the rest of their squad oblivious to their chatting.

“I really hope I can, honestly.” Kura put her Casuarius over her left shoulder. “I mean, I have quite an amount of Trion, right?”

Akari shakes his head. He doesn’t know how to answer that. She’s right, of course. She has almost enough Trion to have a side effect, and with her determination… he thinks she’ll make it just fine if that's what she wants.

Akari looks at Mikan and Hanzou who are busy talking about something else far in front of them. The sound of their talk and footsteps are drowned out by his thoughts.

To him, a black trigger is a morbid, scary thing.

He never tells anyone about it, but holding someone's Trion—an important organ to Border agents as a whole—as a weapon is a terrifying concept. It's like holding a dead body and controlling it however you like with the person having no say in anything.

Some say it's an important legacy and a powerful weapon one should use in honor of the creator, but Akari fails to see it. All he sees is the potential guilt he will be consumed by every time he holds it.

He still remembers when they tried to see his compatibility with Fuujin.

The sleek trigger fits right in his hand. His move with it is as natural as it can be. He even managed to cast a few of those ribbon blades even with his limited Trion. But throughout the testing, one thought echoed in his head:

This person is dead.

Jin-san's mentor is dead and you're holding him in your hand.

It's not his fault. It's not Akari's fault Jin's mentor died to manifest a black trigger which he can use perfectly fine, but the taste of fear starts mixing in with guilt in the back of his mouth, and he steps away from the testing as early as he can.

He doesn't know what scares him. Maybe it's the concept of black trigger. Maybe it's how he knows he'll never manifest one with his amount of Trion. Maybe it's how they're so powerful and he can't stand a chance alone against one of them.

Akari sighs.

Or maybe it's because Kura has the opposite mindset of him. The engineering curiosity to rush in where angels fear to tread, as he calls it.

“Why now, anyway?” he asks, “why are you talking about it now?”

“It just kinda sprung into mind,” Kura answers. “Anyway, what do you think I will be?”

He pauses, thinking about a lot more things than he's asked about. He glances at the empty houses they pass before looking back at his childhood friend.

“A sniper rifle, because you lean more into sniping.”

“Aah, nice one,” says Kura. She misses the hesitation in Akari's voice, as she always does with emotional details. “I might be content if I become as strong as my Casuarius.” She lifts her sniper rifle and chuckles at its details. “Now that is a worthy legacy for me.”

Stop saying it like that, Akari wants to protest. But he keeps his mouth shut.

It’s unlike him to keep a secret from her, but just for this one thing… he doesn’t want her to know about his fear of black triggers.

Kura pauses her blabbering for a second and looks at Akari.

“But if I become a sniper rifle, you wouldn't be able to use me, being an attacker and all.”

Those words struck Akari deep. He almost stops walking, but he drags his feet forwards and keeps his pace up so Kura can’t see how shocked he is.

He doesn’t want her to die. Of course not. So he never imagined himself holding a black trigger made by her.

But now, he can picture it.

He can picture Kura crumbling away into a trigger. He can picture himself dropping down his weapons and running to whatever is left of her, clawing through the debris of buildings to search for the black trigger.

He can picture the trigger turning into her beloved Casuarius as soon as he fishes it out.

And he can picture his hand that never touches a sniper trigger freezes as he doesn't know what to do.

This is the last legacy of his best friend, and he can't even do anything with it.

Akari clenches his fist.

If Kura ever manifests a black trigger and he can't use it, he'll never see the last remnants of her again. Because there will be no grave to visit. No body to be mourned.

Every breath Akari takes is sharp and chilling.

He doesn't want that. He doesn't want Kura to disappear.

“You never know.” Akari forces a playful tone onto his answer. “I might pick up sniping just to use your black trigger.”

Kura laughs. “Ooh~ How romantic~ We have a future perfect all-rounder right here!”

“Like you’re not going to be one anyway.”

“I almost forgot about that,” she answers with a chuckle. “Well, we can both be a perfect all-rounder, at least until I move to engineering!”

Then the conversation died out for a few minutes, their silence filled in with Hanzou complaining about the mochi served at a party he attended yesterday and Mikan answering with short nods.

But there's still a question bothering Akari.

He glances at Kura who's now busy inspecting her trigger and turns on the communication channel between them again.

“Why do you want to create a black trigger so bad?”

Without missing a beat, Kura smiles and looks up to Akari. Even with how dim the moon is tonight, Akari can still see the glimmer in Kura's gray eyes.

“I wanna be useful even after I'm gone.”

Akari can only sigh at that smile.

Sure she's his childhood friend and they're quite inseparable, but he never understands her fully. They're a bit too different on a few fronts, and their approach to battle can't be more different.

There's always a sort of dissonance between them, but Kura always handwaves them as 'humanly'—whatever her definition of that is.

But he hates that dissonance. He hates how Kura acts as if that dissonance means he couldn't care more about her, or that he couldn't see that Kura likes to throw herself away for others.

She's his best friend, and Akari wants her to know that it means he wants to care for and understand her fully, even if he can't.

“I understand that,” says Akari, his voice almost trembling, “but please don't try to die on me, Kura.” His maroon eyes are more serious than usual, catching Kura off guard. “I beg you.”

Kura stands agape, words escaping her.

It takes Juuzou scolding her for stopping walking in the middle of a patrol through the comm and Kura uttering a small apology before she finally continues walking.

It never dawns on her that Akari is worried about her.

To Kura, being able to manifest herself as a black trigger will be an achievement. The last part of her bucket list, so to say.

But she's always dumb when it comes to the matter of the heart. So of course she forgets that turning into a black trigger means she must die in the process, right in front of Akari's eyes.

“Sorry. I let myself get away too far,” Kura mumbles, walking closer to Akari. Then, with a smile, she nudges the black-haired man. “But don't worry, I will still fight as much as I can. I won't let myself turn into a black trigger that easily.”

Akari laughs. “I sure hope you won't,” he answers, putting his hand on Kura's reddish-brown hair and messing it up, earning him a complaint.

Maybe this is fine, he thinks. Maybe he doesn't have to understand Kura fully.

Maybe communicating what he wants and Kura acknowledging it is enough for now. She should understand what she needs to do. Because hey, they're friends, aren't they?

“Why are you dressed up nicely like that? Isn't it kinda pointless?”

Everyone in the Tamakoma Branch's living room goes silent.

Hyuse crosses his arms. “We're just going to visit a few stores, after all. Nothing important.”

Kura's heart drops to her stomach. It hurts so much. Even with only those words she already wants to cry. Aah, she's weak. She hates how weak she is.

But she forces a smile and nods along. “You're right.”

“H-hyuse-kun!” Usami steps in and pulls Hyuse away. She turns to Kura with a panicked face. “Sorry, Kura-chan, he doesn't mean that!”

“No no! It's fine!”

They really will just be going to check out some stores that sell mechanical parts and an all-you-can-eat buffet that Mikan recommended to her the other day. And she's just going with Hyuse because he wants to check out the stores in question. The whole buffet thing is just a cherry on top of their plan. Nothing important. Nothing special. Nothing to be excited about.

Why did she decide to wear a fancier dress and put on more makeup than usual anyway? Nothing is going on between them. She touches her cheek. All of these… What is it for?

Konami follows Usami's move and stops eating her dinner just to scold the horned neighbor.

“Hyuse! Apologize to Kura, now!”

But he doesn't budge. “Why should I apologize? I only told her the truth.”

Kura holds her chest. He's right. He's right. She keeps telling herself. But the feeling in her stomach is getting stronger and she just wants to puke it all out. With a soft voice, Kura starts talking.

“Excuse me, Usami-san, I'm going to the toilet.”

“Eh? Kura! Wait up!”

But she ignores Konami's protest and walks away in a hurry. Her footsteps are the loudest thing in the building.

Seeing Kura, Karasuma puts his plate away and slowly stands up. Reiji glances at the black-haired guy who's now staring woefully at Kura's back. It's clear what he wants to do.

“Are you going to follow her?”

Karasuma nods. He then walks away, leaving Reiji sighing while the members of Tamakoma-2 sitting around the table with him are chatting among themselves.

“Hyuse doesn't really understand, huh,” Yuma mumbles as he continues eating his food.

“Mm, I don't think he knows,” says Osamu. He glances at Hyuse who is still standing with his usual neutral face.

Chika drops her head. Kura must be feeling awful right now. “I hope Kura-san is alright…”

Meanwhile, Hyuse is annoyed with Konami who's looking angry at him, and Usami who keeps glancing in the direction of the toilet in worry.

“What is it with you two? I didn't say anything wrong.”

“But you hurt her feelings, Hyuse-kun,” says Usami, “you see, she dresses up nicely because she's looking forward to spending time together with you and wants to look her best.”

“Yeah! Kura thinks going out with you is something special!” Konami pipes in.

Special? With him? And that's why she's wearing that dress that looks elegant, the opposite of her usual cool formal squad uniform?

“Why would it be special?”

“Stupid!” Konami bonks him. Hyuse doesn't react much. “What do you think that is, huh? That means Kura thinks of you highly!”

Usami nods. “And I can't say for certain but I think Kura-chan has feelings for you.”

Hyuse looks dumbfounded. “Feelings?”

Feelings? What constitutes these 'feelings'? Does the quaintness he feels when he's with her count as 'feelings'? What about the thrill when he gets to see her fighting? Do those constitute 'feelings'?

“Duh.” Konami rolls her eyes. “She likes you, dumbo.”

Like…? As in the romantic feeling? Does Kura like him?

“Konami! Ssh!” Usami puts her index finger in front of her lips and gestures to Konami to shut up. Konami huffs before shutting up.

Turning back to Hyuse, Usami starts speaking again. “My point is if you don't like her thinking of you as more than friends you need to tell her gently. Kura-chan is reasonable. She'll definitely see you as a friend again.”

“That… hm,” Hyuse mumbles. This is hard. He needs to think about everything first.

Meanwhile, Kura walks out of the toilet and sits down, laying her head on the wall. Her mind is just clearer now, fortunately.

“Why am I crying over something like this…” Kura sighs, tearing the tissue on her hand apart. “I hate myself. I shouldn't be allowed to have emotions.”

Suddenly, footsteps echo down the hallway and a masculine voice calls out to her.


“K-kyousuke-kun? What is it?” Kura wipes the last signs of her tears away and turns to Karasuma.

Karasuma pauses for a second, noticing her slightly red eyes. He then walks towards her. “Are you okay? You just took off running like that…”

“Not really,” says Kura. “I feel dumb.”

“Please don't be so harsh on yourself, senpai. Hyuse-kun just still isn't accustomed to our world and culture.”

Kura stands up, putting the shreds of tissue in her pocket. “I guess I shouldn't be, but I just don't know how to feel! Because not even deep down, I know he's right! I know I shouldn't be making such a big deal over eating some buffet and checking out a few stores. It's something I do with Akari all the time, damn it! My dumb self just had to think it'll be special if I go with Hyuse-kun.”

Karasuma stops in front of Kura. He doesn't like seeing her in tears. He doesn't like her being sad over Hyuse. He doesn't like seeing her heart being broken like that.

She knows, right? She knows that he likes her, but she still...

Senpai, I think you look beautiful.”

Kura looks up and stares at Karasuma's golden eyes.

“The dress suits you nicely. I really like the pendant in the middle of your collar and the flower motif on your skirt makes you more elegant.”


“I think your eyeshadow compliments your eyes. I know you said your eyes look dull, but they never are. They're the brightest gray I've ever seen.” He takes another step forward and the back of his right hand fingers brushes Kura's burning cheek, pushing her hair back. “You're stunning, senpai.”

Kura can't say anything. Every time she wants to, she chokes on her words. Her mind is getting fried and tears begin swelling again. Why would he say something like that?

”...t-that's cruel, Kyousuke-kun,” she finally manages to whisper, “telling lies like that… that's really cruel. You're getting my hopes up,” she finishes with a weak laugh.

“But I'm not lying.”

Karasuma closes their distance even more. With a few steps, he backs Kura up against the wall and leans down, putting his forehead on her. Kura can feel his warmth as he closes his eyes and sighs.

“I never lie when it comes to you.”

Kura's heart stops. Tears that have already swelled start falling off one by one, some dripping down to Karasuma's hand. But he still doesn't budge.

Her mind is empty. Her body heat is skyrocketing. She truly doesn't know what to do. What should she say? What should she do? And why is it that of all things in this world, feelings and how to handle them are the hardest ones to learn for her?

She takes a deep breath.

“Kyousuke, I…”

Before she can say anything, a force pulls on her arm and suddenly, her face is up on someone's chest. That person is holding her close with only one arm wrapped around her shoulder. Kura can't see anything clearly, but this familiar sweet vanilla fragrance...


It's Hyuse?

“Hyuse-kun,” says Karasuma. “What are you doing here?”

“The right question is what did you just try to do?” His tone becomes sharper. Is Hyuse angry? What's happening?

“Hyuse-kun?” She tries speaking, but he just holds her even closer.

“Kura and I still have a date to go to. So leave us.”

Date? Kura starts panicking. He's calling it a date? And now, of all time?!

“I see,” Karasuma's voice is flat, but Kura knows how many emotions he keeps bottled under them. “Well then, enjoy your date.”

The black-haired A rank stays true to his word and starts walking away, leaving Kura in Hyuse's embrace.

Though, for a second, Karasuma stops walking and talks to her again.

“Kura-senpai, please remember everything I just said.”

“M-mhm, sure.”

Then he continues, his footsteps echo disappears after what feels like a thousand years to her.

“Hyuse-kun, can you let me go?”

“Ah, sorry.” Hyuse lets go of Kura's body and she dashes back a few steps. She then takes a few deep breaths to clear her head. She manages to get out on time. If she's just a few more seconds in his arms, she'll get intoxicated by his fragrance...

“So can we go now?”

Kura snaps back to reality. “Um, sorry?”

He put his hands inside of his jacket pocket. “Our date. We gotta go before the stores close.”

There it is again. The date word.

A taste of guilt fills her mouth every time Hyuse calls it that. The guilt from remembering what Karasuma just said to her a few minutes ago, and the guilt from letting him just walk away.

Besides, why is Hyuse calling it a date so suddenly? She knows he has a strong feeling for responsibility, so maybe it's because he's thinking about her?

“Hyuse-kun,” says Kura, “please don't worry about me. You were right and I did just blow our nights out into a,” she makes air quotes, “date,” she says. “If you're uncomfortable going out with me, you can just turn me down—”

“No. No one put me up to this. I have thought about everything and now I understand. You're looking forward to our time together. You enjoy my company. That's why you wear that fancy clothes.”

Kura is struck for a second. Did Usami and Konami tell him something? Why did Hyuse suddenly become… warm? Or is this just a deeper layer of him?

“And I do, too.”

He reaches for her hand and puts it on his. His hold on her hand is gentle, caring. “I was confused why you're looking and acting differently from usual when it comes to me. But now I know why.”

Leaning down, Hyuse hugs her. He lays her head on the crook of her neck, causing her body to shiver with each breath he takes. Hyuse is cold, unlike Karasuma. But his cold goes well with her warmth, creating an equilibrium that she hoped would last forever.

“I'll get ready for our date,” his voice is soft, a whisper in her ear, “just wait for me in the living room.”

As soon as Hyuse lets go and walk away, Kura is left alone.

After a minute of taking deep breaths, she starts pondering what just happened within the span of the past thirty minutes. Her mind processes then break down everything, and Kura wants to break down along with her thoughts. Sure her mind can keep up, her heart can't!

Both Hyuse and Karasuma have feelings for her. She puts her hand over her chest and exhales. She already knows about Karasuma, but Hyuse is news to her. So what should she do?

And now what she has in her hand is… brewing trouble. Kura clenches her first and sighs. At times like this, she can only hope she's as good at feeling as she's with Triggers.

“Good morning, Border! I’m Sakurako Taketomi, Operator for Ebina Squad!” Sakurako opens up with a cheerful greeting. “This is the day five of day division, where we’ll be witnessing clashes between the lower rank squads; Yoshizato squad, Hayakawa squad, and Chano squad!”

“As for the commentator, this time, we have Agent Asano and Itou, the aces of Hayanuma First!” Sakurako gestures to Akari who’s sitting beside her and Kura sitting next to Akari.

“Hello, it's been a while,” says Kura, raising her right hand. While Akari adjusts his mic for a second before speaking.

“Sakurako-san~ How are you? It's nice to be able to commentate again,” says Akari.

“I'm pretty good! Pretty good! But it's too bad your captain can't join us today…”

Akari runs his fingers through his black hair in an attempt to tidy them. “It just can't be helped. Oda-kun's narcolepsy does keep him down for quite some time.”

“That's all fine and good though since our higher-ups know about his health problem and have given him a pass,” Sakurako says. “Moving on to our commentators… while Agent Itou sometimes drops by here, Agent Asano, you're not a face people usually see here, huh?”

Kura closes her eyes, keeping her arms crossed. “Ah, that… I've been busy tweaking the weight of Casuarius, and I'm hoping to lighten its weight by the end of next month,” she says, “my aim is making it at least as light as Ibis.”

“Well,” Akari butts in, “it's just too bad you can't use any of your prototypes in Rank Wars. We would've finished Suwa squad clean last round if only you used a poison bullet on Tomoe.”

“Right~?” Kura sighs.

“For those who didn't know, Agent Asano here is known for her engineering ability. She has even crafted a few prototype triggers on her own! Casuarius is a sniper trigger that she owns exclusively! How great is that?!”

“Yup yup. If any of you wanna know about details of a certain trigger and how to change your triggers yourself without breaking it in half, feel free to ask me,” Kura says, “but I must make clear, I can't create a prototype trigger for you because I've been reprimanded enough times already. Any question other than that is fine to me.” She finishes with a light laugh.

Sakurako also laughs. “It might sound peculiar for an agent to know so much about engineering, but she's actually going to move to engineering in the next few years, so catch a lesson with her while you can!” Then Sakurako turns to Akari. “Speaking of prototype triggers, you have one too, right, Agent Itou?”

“Exactly.” Akari grins. “I have Limpet, a spear and shield trigger in one. The shield is adapted from Escudo, so it's as thick as it can get. Also, since it's as tall as me, it's effective at blocking any sort of attack. And the spear is adapted from Yoneya-san's model—with his permission, of course—but unlike his spear, the Limpet's spear has a shorter stick and longer blade so it can reach more. Even without the shield, you can use it as a spear or even a swordstaff!”

Sakurako clasps her hand over her mouth. “Woah, do you think it can be added as an official trigger?”

“Depends on what the engineering team and directors think,” Kura pipes in. “Casuarius is already on its way being tweaked by the engineering team, but Limpet is too… hm, what's the word?” She throws Akari a glance.


“Right.” Kura nods. “It's far too focused on defense and will hinder mobility. And even though using it without the shield is doable, the power of the spear alone is not as good as say, Kogetsu. Not effective if you're going to use it to attack, especially on the real battlefield. I think the only one aside from Akari who can utilize Limpet fully is Kou-kun from Suzunari-1.”

“Agent Murakami and his side effect will definitely make learning Limpet easier, huh!”

“And since he's my mentor, my style overlaps with him, closing the gap even more,” says Akari.

Sakurako nods in understanding. “Hearing about your prototype triggers makes me think that Hayanuma-1 can join the top B ranks if only prototype triggers are allowed.”

Akari elbows Kura, giggling. “Our sniper here wouldn't want it though. Right, Kura?”

Kura mumbles a complaint of how painful Akari's jab is before talking. “Well, no one in Hayanuma-1 is interested in climbing up the ranks. We're already busy with our schools and… other stuff. Also, personally, I'm just not interested in seeing how competitive the top ranks are.”

“Like Tamakoma-2,” says Akari, “they're tough. Climbing the ranks in such a short time takes powerful passion and sharp eyes towards their goal. I admire them.”

“Tamakoma-2 is powerful, but other top ranks can't be overlooked too.”

“And that's why I'm looking forward to all their future matches!” Akari clasps his hands together. “It would also be nice if I can have one with them!”

“That's the 'Rook' for you! Looking forward to a match with powerful foes as casual as that,” says Sakurako.

“I'm gonna prove how much of my title is true.” Akari chuckles.

Sakurako looks at the timer for the match for a second. “Well, Yoshizato squad hasn’t picked a map yet so I think we can go for a few more questions.” She looks at Kura. “First, Agent Asano, as the former captain and the ace sniper at Hayanuma-1: If you're given the chance to fight the top ranks, which team you wouldn't want to face the most?”

“Only one?”


Kura hums. “Definitely Ninomiya squad.”

“The number one is always the scariest one, right~,” says Sakurako, “what about the top three?”

“Ikoma and Ouji,” Kura answers without missing a beat.

Akari stifles a giggle, distancing himself from the microphone as best as he can.

“Ah, now it's a bit scattered. Do you have any reason why?” asks Sakurako. “Your team has the same number of members as the Ikoma squad, so you're on quite an even ground in countering their attacks.”

“N-no, I don't think it's because of that, pfft—” says Akari, unable to fully contain his laugh. He starts turning away from Kura.

“Akari, stop laughing.” Kura grabs the back of his collar and pulls him to sit straight again. She then sighs and looks around, trying to find a fitting word before Akari blurts out something dumb.

“I, uh…” Kura mumbles and clears her throat. “It's because they have Kouji-kun and Kazuaki-kun.”


Kura can feel her ears heat up as whispers start to go around. But she continues.

“They're formidable opponents, especially because I usually train with Kouji-kun. He most likely can read my movements, and even without knowing my movement he's already a good sniper. Especially because he's also a mobile sniper and can catch me up,” says Kura, “and as for Kazuaki-kun, short-range is just bad news for a sniper, right? And I don’t think I’ll have time to charge up my Ibis if he keeps chasing me, haha. Akari is a good defender, don’t get me wrong, but his mobility is limited, and if Kazuaki-kun decides to pursue me, he can split us easily.”

“That's interesting!”

Akari fakes a cough to compose himself and pipes in. “That’s what I think our team is still lacking, honestly. Just more cohesion so I can cover my teammates better. It would be bad if Kura gets the attention of more than one attacker or Haimura gets out of the range of my raygust.”

Sakurako nods. “Right, cohesion is important for a squad in the battlefield, Rank Wars or not.”

Kura sighs in relief as Akari and Sakurako continue talking. At least the pressure is off her. She was afraid she's gonna say something that implies she has a relationship with them or maybe even accidentally reveals that she's just bad at dealing with them.

“Speaking of Agent Oki and Agent Ouji,” Sakurako adjusts her mic, “they're waving at you from there, Agent Asano!”


Kura snaps her head to where Sakurako points. And there they are, sitting next to each other while wearing their respective squad uniform, gaining small chatter from the C rank around them.

Crap. Crap crap crap. She doesn’t know they’ll be here!

Unsure what to do, Kura raises her right hand and waves it in a nervous motion. “K-KOUJI-KUN! KAZUAKI-KUN! GOOD MORNING!”

“Good morning,” says Ouji. His smile is as calm as usual. “Please don't mind us, just continue commentating.”

Oki chuckles. “Mornin’ senpaai~ Keep up the good work, wouldya? We’ll be seeing ya later!”


“Aw, but you do have a good relationship with them, aren’t you, Agent Asano?” asks Sakurako.

Kura averts his eyes and makes a ‘uhhh’ noise. What should she answer with? What kind of strings of words does she need to make sure weird rumors aren’t flying around? What is the correct response?!

“Uh, yeah, I sure am.” Kura follows with a nervous laugh.

“I mean, it’s more than that, actually.”



“Shut up you goblin! We're still live!”

“Sure sure~” Akari adjusts his mic. “Just don't stay mad for long though, because it would ruin your event after this~ You know, your dat—”

Without warning Kura forces Akari’s head into a dunk as she looks over to the panel in front of Sakurako, earning an almost scream from Akari. “Taketomi-san, look! The map has been picked!”

“Oh, is it?!”

And while Sakurako is busy with the panel, Akari struggles to get out of Kura’s hold.

“Kura, release me. The match is about to start,” he whispers.

“Not if you keep misbehaving like that,” says Kura, “now, promise me you won’t talk about non-important things again. We’re supposed to commentate about the match.”

“Suure! Just, let me go!”

Sighing, Kura releases her grasp on Akari’s neck and lets him sit up straight again. “Sorry for the uproar, Taketomi-san.” Kura bows slightly at the operator, keeping a strained smile.

“No, no, it's fine! A lively commentary is always welcomed here!” Sakurako waves her right hand in a dismissing motion. “Besides, it’s great to know more about our field engineer!”

“A-ahaha, yeah…” Kura looks away in shame.

“Now, let’s talk about Cityscape C, the map for this match!”

Sakurako then proceeds to talk about the details of the map, with Akari piping in. Kura tidies up her hair and tries to compose herself. This is not what she hoped would happen, but she hopes the C ranks still see her as a cool field engineer. Because that’s what she wants to be viewed as by her junior!

For a second, Kura glances at the seats where Ouji and Oki are sitting. They’re still looking at her, being charming as always. Oki mouths a ‘do your best’ while Ouji flashes a smile.

Damn it. She looks away, back to the main screen. If she looks at them for one more second, she’ll go haywire again and she must focus on her commentary for now. But to be honest with herself, she doesn’t think she can ever focus while those two are there.

Why do they have to be so charming anyway… this is bad for my health, Kura thinks to herself, crossing her arms together.

Day 3 of YumeLokalWeek : Weather

Suna Rintarou x Asano Kura

“It’s not letting up…”

Kura puts her hand forward, catching the drops of water in her hand. Today it rained too. And the clouds only seem to get grayer every second, making her more skeptical that she can get home before it’s getting too late.

“You’re still here?”

The voice asking that question is familiar to her, so Kura faces the source of the sound.

Suna Rintarou, her… friend, is standing near the shoe boxes, god knows since when, with his bag on one shoulder and an umbrella on another.

“Ah, Suna-kun, I’m waiting for the rain to let up.” she put her right hand back to hold the box she’s carrying, shifting the ache on her left shoulder. “What about you?”

He walks beside Kura before opening his umbrella. “I was just about to go home.”

Kura feels slightly jealous that he has an umbrella.

“Is that so... “ she forces a smile. “I also wanna go home and catch up on the new episode of that crime drama, but I’m stuck here.”

“That’s too bad,” says Suna, eyes glanced over at the box Kura is holding. Realizing he’s looking at the box, Kura brings it up.

“And I’m carrying this french horn so I can’t really hold an umbrella even if I have one.” she laughs and shakes the holding case a bit. The metal french horn inside rattles.

In response, Suna just nods. He puts the umbrella over his head and starts to walk out the school’s entrance. “Well, then, I’m going home first.”

“Be careful on the way home, Suna-kun,” says Kura half-heartedly as she watches Suna’s back.

If only she can go home too, she sighs. The umbrella Suna is holding looks enough for two people… but...

As if knowing she’s thinking about something related to him, Suna suddenly stops walking and turns around, staring back at her. “Mm, what is it?”

Kura averted Suna’s eyes for a while. Should she really be asking him about going home together? Is it polite to ask something like that?

Then she thought again that well, he’s... sort of her friend, isn’t he? Even though sometimes he likes to poke fun at her while the other times he just silently glances at her, maybe she can consider him a friend. So Kura decides to say what’s been on her mind.

“I just thought you were going to offer to share an umbrella or something,” says Kura with a dry laugh, trying to make her words sound not too serious.

“...that, huh,” says Suna, looking up to the sky. He’s thinking again, she knows it from his expression.

When he glances back at Kura, she can see a twinkle in his eyes and a ghost grin on his deadpan face, “that can be arranged.”

After blinking in confusion for a few seconds, she sighs. God, he even pokes fun at her at times like this.

Usually, Suna likes to hear her asking for something politely—which is something she already does on a daily basis anyway—but in Suna’s case, it seems he derives some sort of weird joy from it, so she stops doing it altogether when it comes to interacting with him. But no matter, this time will be a one-time thing. She just needs to ask Suna to share his umbrella politely and she can get home drenched free.


He shakes his head. “Nope, wrong name.”

...wrong name?

Does Suna have any other name than Suna Rintarou? Is he someone else in disguise or something? And she usually refers to him as Suna-kun, so she doesn’t know what’s wrong with it so suddenly.

“What’s the right name then?” Kura tilts her head a bit.


“Rin…” Kura’s voice trails off as she realizes what Suna is asking for her.

He’s asking her to call him by his first name. And for someone too shy and reserved like Kura, that’s hard. Really hard.

“No way.”

Suna responds with his usual deadpan face, “but I thought you needed the umbrella.”

Well, he’s right. She needs it if she wants to not miss that newest TV series episode (and also to not break her hand from carrying the heavy french horn case all the time until the rain stops). But… she closes her eyes, sighing through her gritted teeth. That’s too embarrassing.

“Don’t take too long. I need to go home myself.”

“Yes, I know,” Kura mumbles to herself, eyes still closed.

Maybe just this time, she thinks. Maybe just this time she’ll swallow any embarrassment she feels and just… say it. Say her friend's name. It shouldn’t be that hard, isn’t it? It’s just saying a name after all.

Taking a deep breath, she starts talking.


“Without the suffix.”



“Aagh! Why do I have to do this!” Kura grumbles in frustration, keeping her head down. She’s never really close to any male students and calling one with his first name like this is a first for her. But she must push on. She holds her breath for a second and tries again.

“...Rintarou, will you... share your umbrella with me?” Those words come out a bit shaky and barely audible, but it seems Suna can hear them clearly because when she opens her eyes to take a peek, Kura can see the tall middle blocker nodding to himself.

But just when she’s about to let out a sigh of relief, Suna speaks up again.

“One more time.” And she swears she can hear him chuckling behind those words.

“N-no ‘one more time’!” Kura takes a step forward, feeling her face heats up even more every second. “I’ve asked politely, so just, please, share your umbrella with me!”

“Yes, yes, here you go~” With a small chuckle, he bends down, angling the umbrella so it can cover the short girl and the case she’s holding.

Kura steps under the umbrella, trying to fully get inside it but not getting too close to Suna. Because the closer she gets, the louder her heartbeat becomes. And she 100% doesn’t want him to know how much her heart is racing right now.

As they start walking, Kura feels a bit guilty for not thanking Suna. And maybe she needs to do it now, before the adrenaline rush from saying his first name disappears and she needs to face two embarrassing breakdowns.

While still trying to fight off the heat from her face, Kura mumbles, just loud enough for Suna to hear. “Thank you for the umbrella, um...” just one more time, she whispers to herself, “... Rintarou.”

For a second, a genuine smile appears on Suna’s face, before just as quickly being replaced by his usual deadpan face again.

“Mhm, you’re welcome, Kura.”


From a distance, Atsumu and Osamu look at the not couple walking out of school.

“So that’s why he wants my umbrella…” Atsumu mumbles to himself. That Suna can be so forward yet dances around what he wants at times. He said he’s serious about pursuing Kura, but he likes to tease that poor girl who—from what he knows—doesn’t understand how love works.

He sighs. He just hopes Suna will sort things out sooner than later and he wouldn’t need to sacrifice his umbrella again.

“Hey, Samu, give me your umbrella.”

“No way.” his twin moves away from him, holding his own umbrella. “Why did you give your umbrella to him anyway?”

“It’s for the greater good!” Atsumu tries to reach the umbrella but fails. “So just give me it! You can go home without the umbrella, Samu!”

“Huh? Why me! This is my umbrella! You should be the one going home without it!”

And so the two continue to fight until a teacher who’s passing by scolds them for yelling loudly rather than going home.

“I never do anything wrong.”

He put his cup back down, ceramic clanking against the marble table. Sidaine stares at the half-full cup of tea with a lemon in the middle of it, swaying and swaying, as if following her heart flutter.

“...pardon?” her voice is weaker than she intended it to be.

“Armel said what I did was wrong, didn't he?” Nathanael’s amber gaze bore through her soul. “But someone of your standing must know what a necessary evil is.”

The question struck Sidaine like lightning. Of course she knows what that is. Images of the Rulers she had helped kill flashes through her mind one by one. Her stomach churns.

Of course… she knows.

“I’m just doing my job,” says Nathanael as he examines Sidaine’s trembling hands. “I’m helping him.”

“I do the necessary evil that doesn’t involve blood,” he pauses, right hand combing back a few strands of his black hair back, “and he does the rest.”

“Still—” Sidaine tries to speak up, but her words are stuck in her throat after meeting the man’s eyes. The narrow amber eyes fit Nathanael’s defined poker face greatly, and they never fail to petrify her.

“Still,” knowing what Sidaine was about to say, he continued her words.

“He’s the one who wears the crown, right?”

Sidaine gives a weak nod.

Nathanael picks up his cup of tea again with his long slender fingers, ones he never uses to neither chokes someone, pushes someone off a cliff, pulls a trigger of a gun on someone’s temple, nor holds a butcher knife that goes through someone’s ribs—if what all Armel said are true.

Nathanael’s hand is the cleanest one of them all, yet he’s the one that runs this whole bloodied country.

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown, as William Shakespeare said.” His poker face doesn’t change. “But the one who put the crown on his head is also equally heavy.”

He sips his tea.

“Everything that I do is for the benefit of the country, Sidaine.”

The half-empty ceramic cup hits the marble table again.

The lemon sways again.

“I’m sure you already know that.”

Sidaine drops her head, looking down at her empty cup. “I… do.”

She hates how she knows Nathanael is not fully in the wrong. He’s just doing what he needs to. And he’s doing a great job at it. Doubt starts swirling in her mind.

Is she ever in the right at all?

Is trying to take down the one keeping the country running the right thing?

He really deserves a hug, you thought as you stare at Azul who’s unconsciously pouting as he reads the same paper he’s been holding since a minute ago. And an idea—not a really elaborate one, but an idea nonetheless—crosses your mind. So you wait enthusiastically for him to finish his work.

As soon as he puts the papers down, you stand up from your chair and approach him. You stop just beside where his chair is.


He looks up from the table and looks at you confused.

“What are you doing, Kantokusei?”

With both your hands spread open, you shrug and laugh. “Asking for permission to hug you,” you said, “you don’t want a hug?”

His eyes dart around the room, looking at anything but you. “Well…”

“Your work is done, right?”

”... yes.”

“So you have time?”

With hands slightly shaking in panic and cheeks slightly red, he pushes his glasses up. “Of course I do.”

Ah, he’s really cute when he’s embarrassed, you thought to yourself.

“Then, I can hug you now, right?”

“R-right now?”

“Right now.”

There’s nearly a full minute of you standing in silence and Azul looking at the ground, probably thinking, before he lets out a defeated sigh and slowly looks into your eyes.

“Well, it’s okay… I guess.”

Hearing his response, you almost jump out of joy. But you contain your excitement and walk closer to his chair and stop right in front of him.

Azul takes off his glasses and puts them on the table. Then, he turns towards you. Still a bit hesitant, his hands wrap around your body and grips the backside of your shirt. His head slowly rests on the crook of your neck.

You place your left hand on his back while your right hand runs through his hair, slowly stroking the strands.

At first, he tenses up, but he slowly gives in and lets out a long sigh, this time sounds more tired than before. You smiled. You’re glad he can relax around you.