As life returns to semi-normal...

Tuesday's Bowl Games

... I'm finally all caught up on my chess work, and I have two College Bowl Games to watch today.

My schedule was thrown off enough during Christmas week that my chess work was cut back quite a bit. Oh sure, I moved in some games almost every day, but today was the first day in almost a week that I've been able to work on every single game for which I have moves pending.

Now I've got plenty of time-cushion built up in all my games, so I'm not under time-pressure anywhere. And of my twenty or so ongoing games there are only about ten that require serious study and analysis. Still, it's good to be back to where I can give all my games the attention they deserve.

And today's chess work is out of the way giving me plenty of time to enjoy Oklahoma State in the Cheez-It Bowl later this afternoon and Texas in the Alamo Bowl tonight.


And the adventure continues.

Posted 29/Dec/2020 ~ 15:20 Central Time #RoscoeEllis #blog #SeniorLiving #football #chess

by Roscoe