Sunday 2024/Sep/01

Prayers, etc.: 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 06:00 – the Angelus 07:10 – Praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, followed by The Memorare. – Today's Traditional Rosary is prayed as day 18 of 54 of the 2024 Novena for our Nation. 07:30 – Priests Canceled For Defending Catholic Morality Announce A Victory – Return to Tradition 07:50 – Your Responsibility Is To Keep The Faith | Msgr Ronald Knox – Return to Tradition 08:10 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: The visible outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the baptized at the beginning of evangelization confirms the vital importance of baptism. Still today, in pagan regions, missionaries can recognize baptized people by their faces – faces which are open, relaxed, trusting – whereas the pagans give an impression of servility, fear and distrust. 10:15 – Mass Readings for this Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost as found in my St. Andrew Daily Missal include Introit Psalm 85, 1-3; Epistle Galatians 5, 25-26; 6, 1-10; and Gospel Luke 7, 11-16. 12:00 – the Angelus 16:40 – prayerfully reading The Athanasian Creed, followed by today's Daily Meditation found in Benedictus Magazine. 18:00 – the Angelus 18:20 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Sunday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: bw= 221.23 lbs. bp= 146/76 (65)

Diet: 06:50 – ½ pb&j sandwich, 1 banana 10:00 – applesauce & cottage cheese 11:15 – cole slaw 12:15 – cheese sandwich 13:30 – ice cream treat 14:30 – snack on fig newtons 15:30 – large meat lovers lasagna

Chores, etc.: 08:50 – bank accounts monitored 09:10 – moved in all pending CC games 09:30 – work on home budget 09:45 – follow NFL news show 11:00 – SUNDAY SPECIAL with John Rich, Darren Beattie and Sean Davis – 09/01/2024 – The Dan Bongino Show 12:30 – tuned into the Texas Rangers Radio Network ahead of their afternoon game vs the Oakland A's 17:00 – after an exciting 10th inning win by the Texas Rangers, I've switched over to the radio broadcast of the Black College Hall of Fame Classic Football game, Benedict College Tigers vs Virginia St. Trojans, Trojans are ahead 16-7 at halftime. This game was “called” due to lightning and heavy rain early in the 3rd quarter. 18:15 – tuned into LSU Tigers Sports Network ahead of their football game vs the USC Trojans, kickoff scheduled to take place shortly.

Chess: 08:30 – monitor bank accounts activity 09:00 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Sunday, 2024-09-01 ~19:00 #DLSEP2024

by Roscoe