Roscoe's Story


Another Online Meeting Tonight

Knights Webinar

The one thing I miss most during the current pandemic/lockdown situation is time spent with my brother Knights: working on Council projects, attending Fourth Degree events, monthly face to face Council and Assembly meetings, etc.

Though some Council projects at some places are slowly coming back to life, I am still holding myself under a strict self-quarantine since, given my age and health conditions, I fall within that narrow demographic most vulnerable to dying from the pestilence.

I'm VERY glad the younger guys are getting active and participating in events and programs again while following the guidelines of their parishes. And I'm looking forward to the time I'll be able to join with them again. But that time, for me, isn't here yet.

Thankfully, both the Council and the Assembly I belong to have started holding monthly business meetings online. And Supreme now hosts frequent training Webinars for Knights, like the one I'm following now on my tablet and pictured at the top of this post.

And so the adventure continues.

Published on 27 August 2020, ~20:00 CDT, this is my post number 61/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #SevenTwoProject #KnightsOfColumbus #Webinar

by Roscoe

Sent to me by a brother Knight in the Philippines.

Yesterday I received a text message from the Grand Knight of my Knights of Columbus Council here in San Antonio, TX. He told me about a temporary situation our Council is facing and asked me, as one of his officers, for my help. Of course, I told him I'd be happy to help.

This morning I found the above image sent to me by a brother Knight in the Philippines. It's the cover of a publication from his District pertaining to their mid-year organizational meeting. God willing, I'll be meeting some of my brother Knights of the Visayas Jurisdiction later this year when I'm in Cebu City.

Whether I'm here in South Texas, or 8,500 miles away in the Philippines, I'll be connected to and working with my brother Knights. It is comforting to know that.

#SevenTwoProject #SeniorLiving #personal #KnightsOfColumbus

by Roscoe