Roscoe's Story


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

Here's wishing a happy Thanksgiving Day for all my family and friends.

And here's a tip to help make the day happier: TURN OFF THE NEWS! Seriously. It's mostly fake news, lies, and fear-mongering anyway, designed to keep you in a panic mode so you'll keep watching and listening (and watching those commercials).

As a former news junkie myself who is in the process of pulling away from that hubbub and hooplah, I find that the further away I get from it the happier and less stressd I am. There's no way to totally avoid it, of course, but a few minutes a day spent with reliable sources is all we need. It's all I need, anyway.

Much healthier for mind, body, and soul is focusing on little things, simple things. Smiling and waving to neighbors, listening to good music, reading, prayer, really relaxing.

I hope you all can find moments of simple happiness on this Thanksgiving Day. I know I will.

The adventure continues.

Published on 25 November 2020, ~ 20:45 Central Time.

#RoscoeEllis #blog #SeniorLiving #Wednesday #Thanksgiving #happiness

by Roscoe