Roscoe's Story


Screenshot Habitshare app

Tomorrow is Septuagesima Sunday and that makes this a perfect time to set up my 2020 Lenten Project. To help me hold to my Lenten discipline, I've downloaded the free Habitshare app to my Android phone (see the #screenshot above) and entered Daily Prayer as my first “habit” – a discipline I want to maintain throughout Lent.

Yesterday I caught a YouTube broadcast of Dr. Taylor Marshall with Dan Burke. Dan explained toward the end of that show how he and others used the social aspect of the #Habitshare app to help build and maintain good habits.

The social aspect of Habitshare, giving and receiving support from friends who also use the app, is one of its strong points. The app can be operated in a private mode, in which one uses it to record progress but chooses not to add friends, and not share any data with anybody.

Since I've just now set up my Habitshare, I don't yet have any friends to share it with. Do you have the Habitshare app on your Android or iPhone, and would you be interested in sharing a similar project with me? Let me know, okay?

#SeniorLiving #SevenTwoProject #Lent

by Roscoe