Roscoe's Story


No, I'm not watching tonight's VP “Debate” Show.

My decision was whether to watch that political debate, or catch a scary movie on TV. I've opted for The House The Dripped Blood, a cheesy British horror film from the 70's. And I'm convinced I made the better choice. Better for my peace of mind anyway.

Over the past several days I've been consuming much less “news” than has been my custom since, well... forever it seems. And my mood has improved noticeably. The reason for less news? More chess.

My load of Correspondence Chess games has become much larger: I've got 20 active games going now, thanks largely to a 7-player tournament that's just getting underway. And I'm taking these games much more seriously than the casual games I've been playing. Hours of daily chess study, with my mind clear and focused, simply does not allow for the distraction of “news” shows designed more to provoke anger and fear rather than impart balanced, factual information.

This places me in a win-win situation. More time spent with my chess, and serious study of that, is healthy in and of itself. And having less time to dwell on the emotionally charged, mind grabbing “news” spread by most popular media sources is good too.

A few hours in the morning with my coffee and chores provides me time to monitor current events and analysis from a mix of sources playing in the background. And another hour or so in the late afternoon or early evening similarly spent is more than enough for the news.

And so the adventure continues.

Published on 07 October 2020, ~20:30 CDT, this is my post number 77/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #chess #news

by Roscoe