Summit Supercomputer Calculates True Value of XRP

Inserting thousands of datasets from metrics that span the full spectrum of global finance and industry, the Summit supercomputer in Oak Ridge, Tennessee finished the most complete assessment to date of the actual value of the digital asset XRP Saturday.

“We're quite confident in the results,” said Dr. Leonard Mingus, Chief Data Processor of Obscure Asset Valuations at IBM. “And we think holders of this asset are going to be very pleased. Very pleased, indeed.”

Dr. Leonard Mingus, lead computer scientist behind Saturday's massive project crunching the data required to achieve the world's most-accurate XRP price valuation ever seen.

The project, funded in part by blockchain payments company Ripple, hoped to prove once and for all that the highly-criticized digital asset was indeed being affected heavily by market manipulation.

“I double-checked their results with my own supercomputer,” said Ripple CTO and co-creator of the XRP Ledger. “I call it the 'David Schwartz's Brain' supercomputer. And I more or less concur with their valuation...”

Coil subscribers can see what the Summit Supercomputer determined was the REAL VALUE OF XRP below

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