Can LSD save the planet?

My older brother slipped me LSD when I was 7.

I'm not sure if that's why my brain works the way it does (slightly introspective and always seeking to avoid danger) but I know it played a part in bringing me here – to this moment, with you.


Because like it or not friend, we find ourselves at a time in history when the planet is experiencing the next great extinction of life. And you and I are in the pipeline of vanishing species (there's that danger thing again).

So, since we're floating down the river in the same boat – and it's taking on water – I was hoping we could work together to bail ourselves out of this mess.

And I was hoping we could get started today.

What can one person do to affect climate change?

While scientists, organizations & individuals work on solutions from every angle – it will ultimately take action from all of us to get ahead of this impending calamity.

Unfortunately, there is no easy fix. A magical machine capable of sucking excess carbon from the atmosphere has yet to be invented...

So here's where you and I come in...

We're kinda like the story of David and Goliath (underdog fights the giant and wins). To paraphrase, when David stepped into the ring to face the giant – spear in hand – the crowd gasped ' David, he's so big how can you possibly harm him'? David replied 'He's so big, how can I possibly not'!

The problem of a warming planet is undeniable. Time to act is running out. Anything we do to slow our trajectory will help. To that end, here's three easy ways you can help slay the giant:

(Oh – on a side note? LSD can produce longterm effects in the brain. One of them is often experienced as a feeling of 'oceanic connectedness' to the universe. Just so you know – I feel ya. I'm happy you're here with me, doing what we can to make a difference).

#1 Plant a tree

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow. This is called carbon sequestration. Experts agree it's an essential component of slowing climate change before temperatures rise to dangerous levels.

So grab your shovel and plant a tree in your yard. Or join forces with groups & organizations targeting specific environs. Your efforts will go far in helping to reach a goal set in the UN Paris Agreement on climate change.

#2 Vote

If you really want to help fight climate change – vote. Mark your ballot for representatives who are working to change laws and protect the earth.

While the finger is often pointed at big industry – fossil fuel pollution continues because the laws allow it. Removing those in office who are influenced by the very perpetrators of global warming is paramount.

You can also vote with your dollar. Where you choose to spend your money is a powerful way of voting each day to support local communities, fair wages, and a healthy planet.

#3 Change your diet

Reports state that eating a more sustainable diet can have a BIG impact of the planet. In fact, it is estimated that industrialized agriculture & factory farming around the globe are responsible for nearly 25% of our climate problems.

Small changes in how we eat can go a long way in reducing our collective footprint. Adopting meatless mornings, choosing vegetarian meals or eating more locally produced foods are simple ways we can all do our part.

Feel like you want to do more? Search the web to find a plethora of organizations & agencies working on your behalf – and get involved. Or join local groups in your community who are putting the planet at the top of their agenda.

Now for the question you really want to ask...

What happens when a 7 year old takes LSD?

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