I really wanted to write a serious post on Universal Basic Income, since there's been much sniveling about it lately from our overlords in Silicon Valley.

Y'all, it's awesome! Basically, this group of rich nerds are feeling guilty. Guilty that they are building robots to replace human jobs. Their logic is: with so many robots, we won't need humans to do these jobs anymore. Our robots will cause their jobs to go away. We need to make sure they are taken care of. So let's tax the robots and give that tax money to the less fortunate humans! We'll decide on an amount that will eliminate poverty and everyone will be equal! Free!

Years ago I would have been horrified by a proposal like this. But now, I think it's freakin' awesome. If some dumbass wants to volunteer to give me money, why be so principled?

They want to give me money. I'm ready to take the money.

I've spent a lot of time and tears in life fighting lefties. I'm tired. They are going to make me a victim whether or not I agree with them. So...why the hell not?

For example: if somebody says something I don't like, I can just call them a sexist. Or, better yet, a misogynist. My great awakening (coming soon) made me realize I don't have to muster the energy to argue a well thought out, logical, historical and factually accurate reason as to why women can “do things”! It's so much easier to just call them one of a grab bag full of names, make them feel guilty, and get them to shut up, thereby winning the argument by technical knockout.

People don't want to hear that you are strong, capable, smart, tough and you'll figure shit out because you're a badass. People want to make themselves feel good. So I say let's let them do that.

I love seeing narcissists at work.

“My [insert Silicon Valley cliché du jour] is going to change the world. It's going to “disrupt” your livelihood. Truth is, I feel bad that I'm awesome and you're not. Understand this: you are the poor schmuck and I am the awesome one. Well, that's unfair, man. So, tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to lobby for a tax on my WORLD CHANGING THING to throw you some scraps so you can feel good. Better yet, so I feel good and remain awesome and admired for being so compassionate. Don't worry, mortals, you will be fed.”

I love this. We can live out our days on the farm. Frolicking and chasing birds while the smart people make their robots.

Would Henry Flagler ever have proposed such nonsense? Hell no. But that's okay...he didn't know any better. The fact that our modern-day tycoons have thought of this for us proves we've evolved. They see our future selves, digging around in the mud for our supper after their awesome “apps” have disrupted our lives and are just doing the right thing. They're just trying to save us.

I say bring it on! I'm tired of working for my food. These robots are obviously so superior I don't know if I'll ever be able to keep up.

For the low, low price of $1500-$2000 a month, I, a peasant without robots, can finally be secure in the world. That means I can finally stop struggling and still eat. I can finally rid my mind of the ideas, the dreams, the anxiety of where I'll be in five years. My food will just appear.

I will be able to wander off into the wilderness and make art. Ponder things. Be without poverty and without worry. All while my patrons in the dusty valleys do their world-changing things to benefit the poor saps who are still compelled to work for their living and dignity.

I say. Bring. It. On!