
“Kak Raiden!” Teriak Tomo dengan wajah berseri menghampiri Wanita yang baru saja keluar dari Gedung tersebut.

“Baru aja mau pesan gocar” Ujar Raiden ketus, tapi yang namanya Tomo mah emang yah cuma merespons dengan cengengesan sebelum mereka berjalan bersama ke parkiran.

“Mana mobil kamu?” Tanya Raiden celingukan, kayanya jalan parkiran biasanya bukan kesini deh…

“Hah? Kan aku naiknya motor?” Tanya Tomo balik kebingungan, Raiden sudah menjerit sedikit dan sekarang lagi berharap di otaknya ‘Please motor Beat, please Beat, dear archon tolong motornya Tomo beat’ Dan sesampai mereka di tempat parkiran, jeng jeng jeng!!!

“Kak kok diem nih, gamau naik?” Tomo yang sudah naik motornya lengkap dengan helm bertanya kepada Raiden yang masih berdiri membeku disana. “Ini motor kamu…?”

“Hooh, KTM 1290 Super Duke GT nih kak!” Sahut Tomo bangga, Raiden Cuma bisa geleng-geleng kepala. Gimana bisa dia yang seumur hidupnya kalau ga nebeng beat Yae dan pakai mobil naik moge setinggi ini?! Tapi apa yang dia harapkan sih dari anggota geng motornya Beidou, yakali di geng motor dia pakai beat? Dengan berat hati Raiden memakai helmnya dan berhati-hati naik ke motor Tomo.

“Siap kak?” Tanya Tomo yang hanya dibalas dengan anggukan ragu dari Raiden yang membuat Tomo nyengir lebar dan langsung tancap gas melesat keluar kampus.

“TOMO LEBIH PELAN DONG???” Teriak Raiden yang dilihatin satu kampus “Hehe maaf kak, udah pelan nih” Jawab Tomo padahal mah emang sengaja biar dipegang erat, paha kak Raiden hehe. Setelah mereka keluar dari kampus, rakyat kampus langsung bergosip terheran-heran

“Lah itu kak Raiden sama Tomo?”

“Hah, kemarin bukannya sama Xiao?”

“Anjing si Tomo pake pelet apa cukkkk?!”

Ajax thought he finally met his soulmate that night, there’s a but though. Who the hell had their meet cute at some trashy Halloween party? Still for him from the moment he saw her he knew she was special, so so pretty, there was something about her that made his eyes linger just a little bit more longer. He gathered up his courage, introducing himself to her. Her name was Lumine, she was there with her twin Aether. You would thought if things were like that then things would proceed smoothly right? But Ajax probably drank too much liquor to gather up his courage that he forgot to ask for her number, with that Ajax lost the love of his life. He did try and search through all of his acquaintances at that party, trying to get a lead. Yet the only thing he got was they disappeared like a thin air after that night. No one, not even their closest relatives knew where they were now. “Damn it!” Ajax hissed when cold breeze hit him snapping him from his trip down to memory lane. If only he wasn’t drunk enough, if only he was cool enough to do it without liquor, probably he would know where she was right now, probably took her out to a coffee date, and right now trying to impress her with trashy pick up lines. Oh, what could have they been. “In another life time then princess” Then with one last huff of his cigarette, Ajax was out of there. He was now in his second cycle of live, living in a world really different than earth. He was born as Ajax, lived in Snezhanya, fell into the abbys, joined the Fatui and got the name Childe, the 11th of Fatui Harbringers. Yet nothing turned up, he never seen a glimpse of her, let alone saw that bright amber eyes again. Were they really not meant to be after all? Ajax was ready to let all of it go until that day. The fated day where he met her again, for the second time. She still looked the same, like she never changed. As a traveler this time, from a different nation, someone wanted, but Ajax knew there was no way he was going to let her go this time. “Ojou chan” He called her, their eyes met but from the looks she probably didn’t remember him. But that’s okay because this time he was going to not lose her again for the second time.

Or seeing that body running that blonde hair, and amber eyes he couldn’t forget even if he tried, there she was, he finally met her again “Hello Ojou chan” He called out to her, this time not letting her slip up again.

“Sleeping with your professor again to get an A?” You know that voice all too well, it belongs to none other than the successor of Pax Group and the person you swore you hate the most in this universe, Marius von Hagen.

“Oh, fuck you Marius” You just rolled your eyes at his remarks, it wasn't like his remarks completely missed the mark, you did sleep with your professor. Not for grades tho, you just can't resist the temptation for Professor Ritcher, I mean who can anyway? He is young and hot, you aren't the one to blame in this case.

Both of you know each other since childhood, friends from the same group of close knit people in high places. You hate his guts and he in return, hates you too. But the universe has a funny way to trap both of you in the same place. Like now, meeting each other at a random frat party by another rich kid you both know.

“You know you can call me if you need someone to hook up to, no need to get entagled with our professor” His cheeky remarks never change, one of the thing you hate about him.

“Don't your little miss attorney girlfriend will get sad if she heard this? Poor her” You retorts back sarcastically, he in return just letting out that little chuckles out of his lips like usual.

“Keeping tabs on me now? Are you jealous?”

“Oh hell no, I mean who didn't know about it you were practically running around all week with her beside you” Is he out of his mind? Look of disgust appeared on your face. You don't even interested in anything that has his name on it, even more his personal little love affair.

“It is true, but really don't you feel jealous even just for a little bit?” Then he puts his hands up on your waist. You know what he wants and there's no way you are letting him have it tonight or any time again. For someone who hates each other guts, you guys hook up way too much for it.

“We both hate each other Marius, it will be better if we don't stay together like you having your hands around my waist, don't want people to start guessing other things”

“You said that, but you don't remove my hands from your waist” Ah, why is he always the one with the good lines? It is true, as much as you drive each other mad, you two are too good in bed together.

“I hate you” You said, but your arms already reach for his neck, face inching for a kiss.

“And so do I” He replied while locking his lips with yours into another heated make out session. All that suckling, nibbling each other lasted all the way to the bed room of someone in this house. Both of you dont know who sleeps in it, but it's going to be yours from the time being since Marius locked the door.

While your lower half press again each other, he sucks your neck giving hickeys every where. One hand groping your ass and the other on your neck. Your legs hooked around his while your hands scratching his back and pulling his hair, the way he likes it.

“Keep it down on the hickeys, Professor Ritcher is going to meet me tommorow” You said through gasps and pants.

“Professor Ritcher this, Professor Ricther that, he can't possibly fuck you better than me” Marius is very very much annoyed, how could you talk about another guy when he is making you feel good like this?

“Sound like you're the one who's jealous- Oh god!” You gasps when Marius suddenly sucks on that sweet spot of yours.

Marius know your body like the back of his hand, and you know his. Both of you surprisingly were each other firsts, as much as you hate to say it. Instead of talking to resolve your what knows problem now, both of you never do it instead opted to fuck each other. Both of you may not know how to talk properly to each other but at least you know how to sleep with one another. After a minute more of tongue dancing around each other, Marius throws you on the bed.

“Why can't you do it gently?” you protests, getting out of your shirt, can't risk Marius ripping off another shirt of yours again.

“Don't be a spoiled brat now” He said while throwing his clothes away showing his muscular body. It still takes you aback even if you have seen it countless of time, of course you don't let it show on your face.

He walks up to the edge of the bed, before crouching down then take one of your foot. With his cheeky face he smirks at you while kissing it before giving your feet a stripe of his tongue.

“So are you ready for it?” He asked you for the last time, you know after this there is no going bad and it's a very very bad idea. You wish you never met Marius von Hagen or keep staying together wkth him like this. But you know yourself better than anyone, you can't resist that devilish smirk.

“Oh fuck you” You said it again, Marius just smirked back as a response before delving for the main course of this whole night.

Kokonoi Hajime was a sweet, charming sneaky bastard, no wonder he stole your heart from your first encounter. Without knowing who he really was, you fell for his theatrics act. Hajime would never laid a hand on you, he would never dare to ‘accidentally’ broke you, you were his precious little fragile doll after all. With his charming and sneaky ways, Hajime swept you off your feet, he played all of his tricks and cards beautifully, your mind would think you did all of these for yourself but no, all of these were for Hajime. What a beautiful, manipulative bastard.

Unconsciously your life started to center around Hajime, you built your life on his attention, being an object for his affection, just for every little praise like ‘pretty’ or ‘beautiful’ to escape from Hajime’s lips. He was everything you couldn’t do without. Like now, Hajime hadn’t call you for one day and you already becoming a wreck, losing your mind just because you hadn’t receive a single phone call from him. A bouquet of white flowers did came this morning with a love letter indicating he was yours forever, but didn’t you already tell Hajime your favorite colour on flower was blush pink? But would it matter now? If Hajime told you, your favorite flowers were white flowers then so be it. After all who would you be if you weren’t Hajime’s little doll? You were just so lost of the sight of yourself that you just realized now, who the hell was this person in front of you?

Usually a bouquet and love letter from Hajime would send you over the moon, but this time those gestures didn’t feel romantic somehow. You looked straight to the mirror in front of you, this look wasn’t the ‘you’ that you knew at all. New bangs, your hair parted in different style, a new make up look, what’s next? A picture of that woman from Hajime’s locket carved on your face? This wasn’t you at all, this was the woman who Hajime wished to sleep beside him at night instead of you. You wanted to get out of it, you had to get out of it, you realized this wasn’t healthy at all. You missed yourself, your real self that long disappeared since Hajime came into your life.

Then a ring from Hajime came and suddenly all that talked about finding yourself again dropped to the ground, all of it. You answered the call immediately trying to sound cherry, like nothing ever happened. Hajime had you wrapped around his fingers so bad. “Did you like the flowers I send over this morning?” Why would he asked you that if he knew what’s your answer going to be? “I like it!” “Of course you like it, it’s your favorite flowers after all” He said over the phone. Lies, he knew it wasn’t yours favorite, it was somebody else. But you went along with, nodding to everything he said next. The longer this phone call lasted, the more it broke your heart. In your mind you knew that you had to escape this, but you couldn’t bring yourself to it. First you already lost yourself, then lost your position being Hajime’s little doll? You couldn’t lose two things that identified yourself at once. Even though you knew that even if you looked like from the outside you were with Hajime now, your heart was yearning for your old self. Many said being crazy in love was sweet but it was wrong, at least for you. You wished somebody had told you before you fell into this pit hell that losing yourself in someone as ‘the act of love’ wasn’t heaven, it was hell.

“Man you were fucking fantastic!!! The way you strumming those bass and…” Chatters Baji away endlessly since the practice ended, Akashi don’t even respond anymore tired of Baji’s never ending praise. “Shut it Baji” Replies Sanzu who’s tired too hearing Baji’s excessive praising

“What? Are you Jealous?” Baji respondes with an annoyed tone “The fuck, you wanna start a fight here asshole?” Oh dear, here again comes another bickering from the two of them. Honestly, Akashi really need a fucking break from them today but they are here to do business, he can’t leave now.

“Calm the fuck down, the band is making an entrance now” Akashi finally opens up his mouth, when a band called black dragons or something eh, they don’t really pay any attention to it. Instead, the one they pay attention to is their guitarist. Let’s hope he is everything Sanzu had hoped for.

“Damn, he got the looks!” Sanzu is now excited, Akashi just smirks back nodding along with him. “Let’s see if his looks is as good as his playing” Contrast to what he is saying right now, Baji’s face is actually brimming with anticipation. He even grins, showing his two teeth with fangs. The music starts then and they are actually enjoying the performance. When the performance ended, let’s just say they are blown away.

“That was fucking rad! Especially the guitarist! He carried the band tonight, what’s his name again?!” Baji’s excitement goes through the roof, he can’t wait to be in a band with a man like this. Just wait when you meet him Baji, hope that excitement doesn’t melt away. Akashi just chuckles and is looking at Sanzu now who’s dead silent but you can clearly see the glimmer on his eyes.

“Kokonoi Hajime, what do you think about him Sanzu?” “He got the looks, he got the skill too! Man, we have to get him!” Yells Sanzu with the same level of excitement as Baji, but of course Sanzu has another commentary to make “The vocalist is fucking awful tho, I’m far better than him” Smug look appears on his face.

Baji really wants to reply something back but he has to agree with Sanzu this time “Hate to admit, but you are right. That Madarame guy may has the stage name, but his vocals is not it” “When was I never right?” Sanzu retorts cockily, then another arguments happen again and again, not an unusual scene for Akashi anymore even though he has been only with them one day.

“So are we keep going to talk about this here or we are going to really talk to him?” Akashi again breaking their arguments, he is really tired of the two of them non stop bickering. “Oh yeah almost forgot about it, where’s our guy?” Sanzu is looking around, not spotting the guitarist. “Isn’t that him?” Baji points finger to a man on the bar, women are lingering all over him.

“That’s our guy, let’s make our move” Commands Akashi and then they make their way there approaching the ever eccentric guitarist. “Kokonoi Hajime?” Calls out Sanzu, making eye contact with the said man. “Yeah and who might you be?” Replies Kokonoi, looking up to meet Sanzu’s eyes. “We got a business offer for you, care to join us?” Smirks Sanzu then a mischievous glint appears on Kokonoi eyes, safe to say he is intrigued now.

“Okay then follow me, later ladies I will be right back” Kokonoi then gets up from his wink leaving the bar to a more secluded seat but of course after he gives wink that made all of his ladies swooned. When they take their seats on the seat Kokonoi leads them to, the talk begins.

“That is some performance you put there man!” Baji says, starting this with a praise. “I know” Kokonoi just scoffs, snapping his neck cockily. The excitement Baji’s had before is miles gone now. “He got a nasty attitude huh?” Whispers Baji to Akashi where he only replies with “I already told you”

“Let’s cut this short, we want you to be our guitarist” Sanzu offers Kokonoi offers immediately right at the bat, without any little talks like Baji. Kokonoi a bit startled, but can’t say he is disliking this kind of attitude. “Why should I join your band?” “Because we are going to be-“ Before Baji can says something more, Kokonoi cuts him off, getting straight to the chase.

“Before you start saying anything about your ambition, let me get this straight. I don’t care, I’m in a band just to get laid” Can’t say the others are shocked, they have seen the way Kokonoi behaves with those women before at the bar. But with the way the sentence rolls off his tongue easily, he is really something, isn’t he?

Sanzu’s smile is getting wider, you can tell he already likes this guy. “Well we have a show at Santa Monica in two weeks” Okay, now this is the real shocker. The rest of them don’t even know it. “THE FUCK? YOU NEVER TELL US?? ME???” This is Baji yelling loudly, making a few heads turn to their tables.

“Well I’m on this band just yesterday so, eh” Akashi just shrugs it off, but clearly Baji is bothered by it. “I forgot to, I just accepted it last night” Says Sanzu nonchalantly, like he has no sin at all “Still-“ then again Baji gets cut off again by Kokonoi “And? What about it?” “Don’t you understand? New city, new girls to fuck” Sanzu says with a wide smirk which Kokonoi replied with the same wide smirk.

“Okay then, I’m in” With that Kokonoi agrees, shaking hands with Sanzu making the deal official. “That easily???” Says Baji a bit confused “Welcome to the band man, don’t forget to come to the studio by nine tomorrow” Akashi is ignoring Baji’s comment, he welcomes Kokonoi with a hand shake too.

“Will do, thanks Akashi” Replies Kokonoi, returning the hand shake “Am I the only one who’s still in disbelief?!” Then that’s Baji ending this evening with a kinda comical reaction.

The classic story of all rock and roll band members, a fucked up childhood inducing a trauma on the later part of your life. Well, I have that classic story. Kinda fits for a rock band vocalist don’t you think? Anyway enough with the chit chat, let’s dive in to the story of the fucked up vocalist of a rock band, Sanzu Haruchiyo.

It all started from here, this shabby house on the downtown side of LA. Men came in and came out of that house every day, sometimes the same men came back, sometimes completely different men came in. I don’t know them nor do I bother getting know them, what I know about them were how they were willing to put some cash on just to hear the ugly hag, I mean my mom doing those totally fake high pitched moans.

And that was the condition I lived in since the first time I could ever remember. Pretty fucked up, huh? It’s hard to grew up right when your mom was a whore, no wonder I became like this. Probably that’s what y’all have on mind I bet, well you were not so damn wrong, but not 100% right either.

She was ignorant of me, she didn’t care a single thing about me as long as I kept my lips shut and lived like I was nonexistent when I was on that house, so it was okay at least she didn’t put her hands on me. She didn’t give a single fuck about me, or so I thought. Until I was six, she moved out, left me alone on the fucking porch, the only thing she left me was a note saying that I was a hindrance, a curse for her and it was my damn fault looking so much like my father.

The fuck? They were the one who created me and the one she shitted on was me? What a bitch, and that was how my first trauma appeared, abandonment issue. As I waited there, a man that looked a lot like me and I had never met before appeared. So this jerk was my father, the first thing he said to me was “Get in the car brat” then he ranted on about how pricey my tuition was gonna be, and he didn’t need some fucking mistake like me to re appear on his life.

If I had the guts to scream at him back then I would scream that If I could choose there was no damn way I want an asshole like this to be my fucking father. But that wasn’t the worse thing he ever did to me. You saw these two scars on the both corners on my lips, he ‘did’ it. Technically he didn’t, but I said it to the police anyway.

How come my fucking shitty childhood involved some police drama you say? I got tired of being treated like a punching bag, over the years he made me as an errand boy to buy him drugs then he went on being high and that was the moment where the abuse came from or either his new girlfriends came in saw me, shit on me then he beat me for being ‘rude’ to his so called girlfriends.

It happened on a sunny Saturday where I finally snapped, I still remember it as clear as the day. It all started because I was singing too loudly then he came, barging in. “Shut it brat, can’t have sex if you keep it up with your lousy voice” “Really? The last time I remember when our neighbor had fire and people were screaming loudly you still had a fucking sex with her!” I screamed back, you should have seen the look on his face, it was priceless.

“Or was it another girl? I forgot, after all you changed girls like the east coast weather!” His face was as red as tomato then it came, a punch flying straight to my face making my nose bleed, “Keep talking like that and I will burn down this room you ungrateful brat!” He lit his cigarette, he was crazy, a gene that runs through my veins.

You shouldn’t took his words lightly, I knew it but oddly I didn’t bat an eye instead I did probably the most horrifying thing he had ever seen with his own eyes. I grabbed the burning cigarette with his hands, pressing it on both of my lips corners.

It fucking hurts, but if it was the price to get out of that shitty home I would gladly do it all over again. He was dead silent before he registered what even happened. When he finally realized what just happened, he quickly snatched his hands away. Letting the cigarettes drop to the wooden floor, and there was fire on the floor spread ing quickly all over the house.

“SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!” He screamed, calling his girlfriend to get out of the house. You asked where was I? I was already outside telling my neighbor who called the police on him my fake sob story about my freshly burnt scar and how he burnt the house because he wanted me dead. While he maniacally screamed like a crazy person earlier, I jumped from the window on my room that was how I got out of the house.

Dang, the act that I put on back then was really damn good, maybe I should rethink my career decision and become an actor instead?Everyone bought it including the police, of course he denied it but who would you believe between a regular drug user guy and an eleven year old boy with tears streaming down his face?

And that’s how I put my father behind bars and burnt his house down. Cool right? Should have done it sooner though. Maybe if he at least just once said he is sorry, and show me real affection maybe I would forget it, maybe it wouldn’t be like this. But who fucking cares? I was better off without him anyway.

The first time I started a band was on middle school but my band always ended up in a rowdy fight me, don’t know why, don’t care too. Then somehow along the way I formed a band with Baji, Takeomi and Hajime. Want to find out more? Hop in to Baji’s story then, see ya there fuckers!


Hari kelulusan tiba juga, hari yang ditunggu-tunggu selama empat bulan ini. “Yuzuha sayang selamat lulus ya nak!” Seru Mama Shiba setelah upacara kelulusan selesai. Seluruh keluarga Shiba berkumpul merayakannya, bahkan si Papa Shiba yang jarang pulang. Yah sebenarnya bukan semuanya sih, secara teknis Taiju dan Hakkai memang ada disini memberi selamat kepada Yuzuha tadi tetapi sekarang mereka sibuk ribut merebutkan siapa yang akan mengajak Mitsuya kencan.

Yuzuha juga sedang menunggu seseorang untuk muncul sih. Katanya di chat bakal datang sih, tetapi tetap saja Yuzuha sedikit khawatir bagaimana jika tiba-tiba dia batalkan. Tetapi kekhawatiran Yuzuha sepertinya tidak akan menjadi kenyataan, karena yang ditunggu sekarang sudah datang.

“Juju, selamat lulus sayang” Disitulah berdiri Hanma menyodorkan satu buket bunga sebagai hadiah kelulusan, lalu menyapa kedua orang tua Yuzuha. “Kirain ga datang” Balas Yuzuha bucung tapi pura-pura soalnya kita tahu kan Yuzuha mah senang ga kepalang “Yakali ga datang, aku aja nungguin empat bulan” Sahut Hanma

“Hm, yaudah ayo ikutin gue. Pa, Ma Yuzuha pergi dulu ya” Ajak Yuzuha menggandeng tangan Hanma, jujur hati Hanma berdegup sedikit lebih kencang ketika tangannya ditarik Yuzuha. “Kita mau kemana nih Ju?” “Udah lo ikutin aja” Ucap Yuzuha lanjut menyeret Hanma hingga ke depan pintu ruangan yang mereka berdua know all too well. “Loh ruangan ini kan...” Seru Hanma sumringah “Udah jangan planga plongo ayo masuk” Yuzuha pun membuka pintu ruangan tersebut lalu mereka berdua masuk.

“This brings back memories, siapa yang sangka gue kangen ruang bk” Celoteh Hanma bernostalgia melihat ruangan ini. “Lo inget ga Ju? Kita pertama ketemu disini, pdkt disini, jadian disini juga. Almost of our firsts happened here” Lanjut Hanma lagi masih celingukan melihat ruangan ini. “Iya ini juga tempat dimana kita balikan” Ucap Yuzuha tiba-tiba mengenggam tangan Hanma. “H-hah?” Untuk pertama kalinya Hanma terkaget-kaget sampai melongo. “I-ini beneran-” “Ya kalo lo mau” Sahut Yuzuha memotong Hanma. “Jadi gimana balikannya di terima ga nih?” Tanya Yuzuha sambil tersenyum manis, aduh kalau kaya gini jawaban dari Hanma sudah jelas sekali bukan?

Yuzuha dengan nafas tersengal-sengal akhirnya sampai juga di depan ruangan Hanma di rawat setelah berlari dan di teriaki perawat di rumah sakit sepanjang koridor. Yuzuha memberanikan diri terlebih dahulu, dia menghela nafas panjang sebelum membuka pintu kamar tersebut.

“Teh zuhaaaaaaa” Ucap Hakkai menyambut Yuzuha, Yuzuha hanya mengangguk. Karena Yuzuha sudah ada disitu Hakkai pamit keluar ruangan memberi privasi kepada dua muda mudi lain di ruangan ini. “Hai Juju” sambut si tersangka yang terbaring di kasur di tengah ruangan itu. Hati Yuzuha langsung merasa terkoyak melihat pemuda di tengah ruangan itu dalam keadaan babak belur. Air matanya hampir jatuh, namun Yuzuha menahannya.

“Lo kenapa bego banget sih” Ujar Yuzuha menghampiri Hanma di pinggir ranjangnya. “Ya kan Juju yang bilang jangan gelut” “Tapi gak gitu juga, masa sampai lo babak belur gini...” Yuzuha tahu sebentar lagi air matanya akan keluar, yah walau tidak ada Hakkai dia malu untuk menunjukkannya kepada Hanma. Maka Yuzuha memeluk Hanma, menyembunyikan wajahnya di dalam pelukan agar tidak terlihat oleh pemuda yang di peluknya.

“Gue gamau lo gelut karena gak mau lo babak belur Shuuji...” lirih Yuzuha pelan, air mata sudah mengucur pelan dari kedua matanya. “Iya lain kali gak babak belur, jangan nangis dong ju...” Ucap Hanma mengelus kepala gadis yang di dekapannya sekarang. Air mata Yuzuha malah semakin deras membasahi pipinya. “Shuuji dodol” Ucap Yuzuha kesal yang malah di iyakan oleh Hanma “Memang dodol” “Dodol banget, jelek, bego” “Emang bener” Kali ini di iringi tawa Hanma yang membuat Yuzuha semakin kesal.

“Lo ga sadar apa gimana kalau waktunya tiba dan lo sadar gue ga semenyenangkan dan semenarik itu?” “Selamanya bakal menarik karena Shuuji selamanya sayang Juju” “Gue serius Shuuji, gue manaada menariknya-” Kali ini Hanma yang memotong perkataan Yuzuha “Juju terus bilang dirinya sendiri ga menarik, padahal ini aja udah menarik bukan? Juju marah-marah tapi khawatir sambil nangis lagi malah jadinya meluk gue, padahal gue udah nggak gelut lagi. Kayanya selamanya gue gabisa prediksi Juju mau nya apa dan gimana” Jawab Hanma panjang lebar, namun Yuzuha masih belum bisa percaya.

“Gimana seandainya suatu saat lo akhirnya nemuin pattern gue, dan akhirnya hidup dalam ke monotonan sama gue?” “I doubt it, we are talking about me and you here. But if that ever happens then, I'll love it karena dasarnya yang gue cintai itu orangnya, Shiba Yuzuha. Kamu tahu kan jatuh cinta itu bikin orang bego, yakali aku bisa prediksi kamu dan kalaupun bisa, I'll still love it.” Balas Hanma panjang lebar, tapi Yuzuha nya masih aja denial. “Don't say things you don't mean, I hate it” “They once said, when you know, you know and I know since day 1 you are the one for me” Balas Hanma lagi membiarkan air mata Yuzuha yang semakin deras membasahi baju nya.

“Udah jangan mewek ih, sini aku puk-puk palanya” Hanma pun mengacak pelan rambut gadis yang masih mendekapnya. Hakkai daritadi sebenarnya sudah ada di depan pintu kamar, cuma gimana mau masuk... masa ngerusak momen. Maka terdiam lah Hakkai di koridor rumah sakit yang sepi, sendirian tanpa ada yang menemani selama dua jam.

“Hanma lo segini aja?!” Lawan anak-anak geng itu menghantam Hanma. “Dah gue bilang gue ga gelut lagi” Jawab Hanma hanya bertahan tanpa melayangkan satu pukulan pun. Wajahnya sedikit babak belur, dan ada beberapa tendangan yang tidak bisa di hindari oleh nya. “Lo gila!” Seru Osanai melayangkan pukulan terakhir yang menghantam wajah Hanma sebelum akhirnya mengintrusksikan anak buahnya untuk pergi. “Gila apa ya gue ngos-ngosan cuma lawan mayat jalan yang ga ngelawan sama sekali” Ucap Osanai kekuar dari gang itu meninggalkan Hanma yang masih berdiri.

“Fuck, it hurts” Ucap Hanma masih bisa terkekeh sebelum jatuh terbaring di jalan. Hanma berusaha berdiri namun badannya tidak kuat. Sialnya ponselnya juga tertinggal di rumah. Nasib ini mah untuk melarat di sini semalam. Pikirnya begitu sih tiba-tiba ada sosok yang meneriaki namanya dari ujung gang.

“BANG HANMA????!” Suara ini berasal dari Hakkai, Hanma menandainya. Hanma hanya menjawab santai “Iya adek ipar, gotong gue keluar dari sini dong” Hakkai langsung panik menghampiri Hanma terlebih saat melihat keadaannya. “ADUH BANG HANMA PARAH BANGET LUKANYA, LO NYARI MASALAH SAMA BOS ATAU DRAKEN??? PERASAAN BAIK-BAIK AJA???” “Ya nggak, Osanai sama gengnya tadi yang gebuk gua” “HAH KOK BISA?” “Ya bisa, gue kan ga gelut lagi. Juju kan gasuka” Jawab Hanma nyengir, Hakkai udah ga habis pikir lagi ini kakaknya pakai pelet atau Hanma emang udah gila. “Bingung banget gue sama lo bang...” Ujar Hakkai geleng-geleng kepala “Angkat gue dulu deng ga kuat nih” Mereka pun keluar dari gang itu dengan Hanma di bopong Hakkai di punggungnya.

”...terus hari itu gue gelut sama Taiju terus di bk di perbanin lo lagi, mulai saat itu gue langganan ke bk buat di obatin lo” Hanma akhirnya menyudahi cerita nya. “Ngapain sih langganan babak belur?” Tanya Yuzuha yang masih bingung sama hobinya Hanma di strap di bk terus di obatin “Nyari perhatian” Memang bukan Hanma Shuuji tanpa jawaban ngawur dan di luar akal.

Yah tapi, Yuzuha puas dengan jawaban ini. “Jadinya cocokan silver atau yang bronze?” Tanya Yuzuha lagi “Yang silver aja, it suits you better but anything suits you so the gold is fine too” Hanma pun memberikan wink nya yang entah sudah dia lontarkan berapa kali selama mereka jalan. Untung saja Yuzuha sudah terbiasa dengan perilaku buaya lelaki didepannya.

“Gue ke kasir dulu ya” Ucap Yuzuha melangkah cepat namun di hadang oleh Hanma. “Nggak usah, gue aja yang bayarin” “Gak mau Shuuji, kali ini gue bayar sendiri” Tunggu dulu tadi Yuzuha beneran manggil Hanma dengan Shuuji? Hanma shock, sehingga tidak sadar Yuzuha sudah di kasir saja membayar belanjaannya.

“JUJU BENERAN NIH MANGGIL SHUUJI?” Teriak Hanma menyusul Yuzuha yang melangkah keluar dari toko perhiasan itu. “Mau di tarik?” Balas Yuzuha santai seperti tidak ada kejadian apa-apa. “Ya nggak...!” “Kalo gitu nih, terima hadiah dari gue” Yuzuha tiba-tiba menghentikan langkahnya dan menyodorkan sepasang anting dengan desain yang sama dengannya hanya saja yang ini berwarna bronze.

“Ju ini jadi second matching earrings kita nih? Beneran buat gue kan? Gue ga mimpi kan-” “Bacot, terima gak!” potong Yuzuha yang sudah menahan malu daritadi, hadiah di telapak tangannya belum juga di ambil Hanma. “Ya terima dong, makasih ya Juju sayang” Hanma pun langsung memasang anting itu di kedua telinganya “Cocok kan?” “Hm” Balas Yuzuha sekenanya apdahal detak jantung Yuzuha udah ketar-ketir ga karuan.

“Gue merasa kecolongan nih, lo mau apa Ju? Satu toko perhiasan ini?” Celeruk Hanma tanpa di pikir terlebih dahulu yang langsung di sikat Yuzuha “Gausah macem-macem” “Gramedia?!” “Makin ngawur” Dan begitu lah kencan mereka selesai dengan perdebatan tidak berguna ini.