

sat in a café at 5'oclock, there was miwa kageyama staring silently to the people who passed by. her head was heavy with thoughts, too heavy that she didn't even realize a presence besides her. “miwa??? hey miwaa” said the person waving her hands to catch her attention until she finally looked up to find the last person she wanted to see in the moment, alisa haiba.

“hey! are you okay there miwa? you looked so dazed, i'm worried you know” she said with a cute pout. oh dear god, please gave miwa the strength she needed to not lip locking with the woman in front of her right now. “anyway can i sit here? sitting alone in a café ain't fun you know” she continued, seemed like she didn't even need miwa permission because she plopped herself instantly after saying that.

the space between them was so close, she could smell the floral scent coming off from her clothes. it would be nice if miwa could drapped herself on alisa's embrace. no, no, no what were you thinking miwa?! miwa immediately slapped herself for thinking such things. this was why she didn't want to meet alisa haiba, she made miwa thought of unlogical things that wouldn't happen sooner or later.

alisa haiba made her did some unquestionable things to a person that she barely knew over a month. calling her up late at night, thank god alisa never asked why. wanting to hold hands with her or kiss that kissable lips that've been chattering away besides her. miwa knew this wasn't right, that was why she was avoiding alisa. also what would her family thought about this? the world we living in is a heteromative society after all.

there was also a possibilty that alisa didn't swing this way and everything about their relationship would crumble. she needed time to recollect her thoughts, was this just a mere attraction or was she really catched feelings this early? wasn't this too fast? but alisa always knew where and when to find her, and there was no way in a world miwa could reject her.

“miwaaaaa, i am asking you if you wanted to come over sometimes or not?!” alisa spoke, a little bit annoyed because miwa hadn't responded to her question for sometime now. miwa thoughts though was a different matter altogether, it froze when she heard that question. what, alisa haiba wanted her in her house??!?!?!?! was this an invitation??? or maybe let listened to her question once more, maybe she misheard right?

so miwa asked alisa to repeat it once more, turned out her hearings was still okay. soo???? alisa haiba really did asked her to come over to her house????? “so what's your answer miwa? i've been waiting long enough” alisa said again with her pouty lips. ahhhhh, really... dear god in heavens, miwa would ask you for your forgiveness later. because in the moment, all she wanted to do was to crash her lips against alisa's. so she did, she kissed alisa's lips in front of all those spectactors in the café. fuck the society, miwa didn't want to care anymore. this time she would do things differently, who knows anyway?maybe alisa could be her one and only.

alisa was taken a back, but not like she mind it. in fact she've been waiting for this moment for all her life, so she kissed miwa back. after a few minutes they parted ways, gasping for oxygen. “about your offer, i think tonight will be a great time for me to come over” miwa answered her with her eyes looking away, blushing red color evident on her face. alisa face lit up, “that's tottally fine, shall we go then?” with that, hand in hand they walked out through that café.

The 1

He played in nationals, he won many matches. He was one of the best setters in Japan, scratch that the whole world maybe. Atsumu Miya had it, he had everything tangled around his fingertips. He was on the top of his world, he was the best he could ever be. Yet there was one thing he could never gonna get. Something that he lost years ago. His heart.

Atsumu remembered that night, when he ran through his usual routine. Yet he stopped in front of the bus stop, he thought it was “him”. Nope, there was no one there. Atsumu just cursed his damned mind, why would Atsumu remembered him in this time of his life? When he was at his best? It was so uneccessary. Though here we were, the next morning with Atsumu renting an entire theater alone watching a rice field documentary. Atsumu wasn't interested with it, but this documentary probably was going to be “his” favourite. if he watched it tho.

Seeing all this rolls of film were being put together to make a documentary, Atsumu wondered what would their roll of films be? The greatest film of all time, well if only they stayed together.

They were something didn't they? But without the heartache Atsumu didn't know if he would reach what he had right now. The heartache made him grow, made him reaching the stages that he thought were faraway. It just that, it would've been fun if he was the one. “Ah shit, I miss you Shinsuke” He muttered, a tear rolling down his cheek. Thank God he rented the entire theatre for himself today. Who the hell cried during rice field documentary? Just Atsumu.

Kita Shinsuke were cleaning through his house when he stumbled upon his highschool album. Nostalgia filled the air while he opened the first page. He saw their teams photo for their last match, then he saw a photo where Ginjima and Suna jeering against each other. He chuckled a little bit, reminiscing his highschool days. He flipped over the pages, until he reached the last page.

There was a picture of him and Atsumu together, just the two of them. Shinsuke smiled brightly, this was taken at their first date. Atsumu was so cute back then, confessing to him while being a stuttered mess. Blush adorned his face, Kita remembered that expression on Atsumu as clear as the day. When would you saw Atsumu Miya like that again?

All of this pictures made Kita thought about Atsumu again. What he had been up to right now? Probably good, his career was sky rocketing after all. But he heard some scandals about him that was a bit unsettling, like Atsumu ever constant changing partners in bed. It was so like Atsumu, if Kita still could stand beside him he for sure would hit the back of his head. He needed to change that bad habit of his. But who was Kita anyway? He wasn't part of Atsumu's life anymore.

Kita didn't know what exactly made them drove apart, acting like a strangers. He didn't know what the catalyst of their break up. It sort of happened, the distance between them. Maybe it was because of their transation to adulthood? Or was it because of Kita's aloofness?

If they went back to the past, if you asked Kita in the past. It would've been Atsumu, emphazises on would. Kita shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking about this. It wasn't his bussiness anymore. A smile curled on Kita's lips, after all he remembered that soon a new chapter of his life was going to begin soon.

It's been a long time since the last time Atsumu stepped in Hyogo, his hometown. Work as a volleyball player made him busy. He went to take a look at his surroundings. Ah, he knew this tree. It was Kita's favourite tree, the one that planted in front of the church. He fell into a trance, remembering their memories together. They had their first kiss under this tree after all.

Atsumu would've spent all day under this tree, reminiscing his memories if it wasn't for Osamu voice snapping him back to reality. “Tsumu, it's going to begin soon!” “Ah yes, 'Samu saved me a sit would ya?” With a nod Osamu then disappeared without a word, leaving Atsumu alone again to his reunion with the tree.

A few minutes later, Atsumu was already seaten beside Osamu. A creak of the door opened, like everyone else his eyes immediately darted to the creaked door, revealing the man of the day today. Kita Shinsuke stood there with his tuxedo. Atsumu swore he never saw someone as beautiful as Kita today. He then proceed to walk down the aisles, approaching his groom that waited in front of the altar, Aran Ojiro. How Atsumu wished it was him who stood there, vowed eternity, sharing a kiss that sealed the deal with Kita.

Regardless of Atsumu's feelings, the ceremony went down smoothly. Now the rest of the guests were swarming the just married couple with congratulations, including Atsumu. “Congratulations Kita san” He said, shaking his hands with Kita. “Thank you Atsumu” Then Kita gave him a smile, a long time had passed since Kita's smile was directed to him.

Standing there in front of Kita, made Atsumu wondered. If one thing had been different, would everything be different today. He knew it was too late, but the temptation was hard to resist. “Atsumu?” Spoke Kita again, “Ah yes, once again congratulations Kita san” Atsumu replied, gritting his teeth to persist then releasing his grip on Kita's hand, letting his heart went away with it too.

Nothing would change anyway, he didn't want to ruin Kita happiness. Not when he saw him smiling so brightly, opening a cork of Rosé. For him and the rest of the guests to toast to their happiness. Atsumu sipped the Rosé, it tasted like his heartaches, bitter. It would've been sweet if it was him instead who was smiling and had the same ring with Kita.

Though, what the use of thinking all of this? Because the chosen one was Aran. Time to face the music, Atsumu. All of the what ifs, were useless. We had to live in reality after all and the reality was, he wasn't the one for Kita neither was Kita for him. The 1, was a choice you made not a string of destiny that pulled you together, or soulmates. No, it was a choice. Kita picked Aran. As simple as that. And today, Atsumu let his heart broke again to the realization even in the end, he wasn't the one.

He played in national, he won many matches. He was one of the best setters in Japan, scratch that the whole world maybe. Atsumu Miya had it, he had everything tangled around his fingertips. He was on the top of his world, he was the best he could ever be. Yet there was one thing he could never gonna get. Something that he lost years ago. His heart.

Atsumu remembered that night, when he ran through his usual routine. Yet he stopped in front of the bus stop, he thought it was “him”. Nope, there was no one there. Atsumu just cursed his damned mind, why would Atsumu remembered him in this time of his life? When he was at his best? It was so uneccessary. Though here we were, the next morning with Atsumu renting an entire theater alone watching a rice field documentary. Atsumu wasn't interested with it, but this documentary probably was going to be “his” favourite. if he watched it tho.

Seeing all this rolls of film were being put together to make a documentary, Atsumu wondered what would their roll of films be? The greatest film of all time, well if only they stayed together.

They were something didn't they? But without the heartache Atsumu didn't know if he would reach what he had right now. The heartache made him grow, made him reaching the stages that he thought were faraway. It just that, it would've been fun if he was the one. “Ah shit, I miss you Shinsuke” He muttered, a tear rolling down his cheek. Thank God he rented the entire theatre for himself today. Who the hell cried during rice field documentary? Just Atsumu.

Kita Shinsuke were cleaning through his house when he stumbled upon his highschool album. Nostalgia filled the air while he opened the first page. He saw their teams photo for their last match, then he saw a photo where Ginjima and Suna jeering against each other. He chuckled a little bit, reminiscing his highschool days. He flipped over the pages, until he reached the last page.

There was a picture of him and Atsumu together, just the two of them. Shinsuke smiled brightly, this was taken at their first date. Atsumu was so cute back then, confessing to him while being a stuttered mess. Blush adorned his face, Kita remembered that expression on Atsumu as clear as the day. When would you saw Atsumu Miya like that again?

All of this pictures made Kita thought about Atsumu again. What he had been up to right now? Probably good, his career was sky rocketing after all. But he heard some scandals about him that was a bit unsettling, like Atsumu ever constant changing partners in bed. It was so like Atsumu, if Kita still could stand beside him he for sure would hit the back of his head. He needed to change that bad habit of his. But who was Kita anyway? He wasn't part of Atsumu's life anymore.

Kita didn't know what exactly made them drove apart, acting like a strangers. He didn't know what the catalyst of their break up. It sort of happened, the distance between them. Maybe it was because of their transation to adulthood? Or was it because of Kita's aloofness?

If they went back to the past, if you asked Kita in the past. It would've been Atsumu, emphazises on would. Kita shook his head, he shouldn't be thinking about this. It wasn't his bussiness anymore. A smile curled on Kita's lips, after all he remembered that soon a new chapter of his life was going to begin soon.

It's been a long time since the last time Atsumu stepped in Hyogo, his hometown. Work as a volleyball player made him busy. He went to take a look at his surroundings. Ah, he knew this tree. It was Kita's favourite tree, the one that planted in front of the church. He fell into a trance, remembering their memories together. They had their first kiss under this tree after all.

Atsumu would've spent all day under this tree, reminiscing his memories if it wasn't for Osamu voice snapping him back to reality. “Tsumu, it's going to begin soon!” “Ah yes, 'Samu saved me a sit would ya?” With a nod Osamu then disappeared without a word, leaving Atsumu alone again to his reunion with the tree.

A few minutes later, Atsumu was already seaten beside Osamu. A creak of the door opened, like everyone else his eyes immediately darted to the creaked door, revealing the man of the day today. Kita Shinsuke stood there with his tuxedo. Atsumu swore he never saw someone as beautiful as Kita today. He then proceed to walk down the aisles, approaching his groom that waited in front of the altar, Aran Ojiro. How Atsumu wished it was him who stood there, vowed eternity, sharing a kiss that sealed the deal with Kita.

Regardless of Atsumu's feelings, the ceremony went down smoothly. Now the rest of the guests were swarming the just married couple with congratulations, including Atsumu. “Congratulations Kita san” He said, shaking his hands with Kita. “Thank you Atsumu” Then Kita gave him a smile, a long time had passed since Kita's smile was directed to him.

Standing there in front of Kita, made Atsumu wondered. If one thing had been different, would everything be different today. He knew it was too late, but the temptation was hard to resist. “Atsumu?” Spoke Kita again, “Ah yes, once again congratulations Kita san” Atsumu replied, gritting his teeth to persist then releasing his grip on Kita's hand, letting his heart went away with it too.

Nothing would change anyway, he didn't want to ruin Kita happiness. Not when he saw him smiling so brightly, opening a cork of Rosé. For him and the rest of the guests to toast to their happiness. Atsumu sipped the Rosé, it tasted like his heartaches, bitter. It would've been sweet if it was him instead who was smiling and had the same ring with Kita.

Though, what the use of thinking all of this? Because the chosen one was Aran. Time to face the music, Atsumu. All of the what ifs, were useless. We had to live in reality after all and the reality was, he wasn't the one for Kita neither was Kita for him. The 1, was a choice you made not a string of destiny that pulled you together, or soulmates. No, it was a choice. Kita picked Aran. As simple as that. And today, Atsumu let his heart broke again to the realization even in the end, he wasn't the one.


if people were going to go by their sins, you probably would be greed. you were a greedy little shit, yes you knew that. people didn't need to remind you, you fully aware of it. besides there were two pretty boys who always managed to remind you of your greed.

how could people told you to choose between them? they were the best on their own world, and you wanted it both. they just never tasted them both, probably why they told you to “make up your mind” . not like you loved them anyway, or their financially state too. just a lil' bit physically obsessed with both of them.

well first of all, who could blame you? after all when sakusa kiyoomi with his flexible wrists wandering around your body, making you shudder with anticipation. not to mention with his flexibility, he was hands down the best guy you could probably found in the world for fingering. the way he could twist his fingers inside you, reaching something you didn't know even exist. damn, sakusa kiyoomi was something ya know? don't mention his perfect pretty face, almost made you want to ruin him everyday with your hands twisting and curling around his hair. you knew that was kiyoomi's weakness after all. so tonight, with one sway of your hips and a wink to his direction you knew you already got your target 1 in the palm of your hands. you knew you were going to come tonight, he knew it too. not like kiyoomi didn't want to get teased by atsumu about scratches on his back or marks around his neck tomorrow.

so then, just picked kiyoomi? they all probably said that. but how could you? not when there was an utter perfection aka meian shugo, the hot daddy captain. if you wanted to ruin sakusa, it was different with him. you wanted him to ruin you, probably until your legs couldn't afford to walk for a week after it. who didn't want his commanding voice on the court to be used in the bedroom telling you to lay or sit on his lap or maybe to get on your knees? either way he then proceed to make you see stars like never before, chanting his name like a mantra. you didn't know how to think straight with him, one second you were begging him to stop the next second you were begging him to going faster and harder, to wreck you until you were numb of pleasure. and again shugo's body is perfection, that abs wew damn,,, you wished you could see it everyday. you wanted him marking you like he own you, maybe visible to other people? you had no shame after all, so what's the risk? with shugo you had to be more direct, he wanted it to be direct. he wouldn't give it to you if you gave him just hints, you needed to be clear about it. so here you were, approaching him who stood beside the bar. you then suddenly liplocked your lips with him making him startled, then you said your magic words “i want you daddy” for sure with that devil handsome smirk shugo was not going to let you just go by for tonight after pulling that stun.

so, who were the one you were going to fuck tonight? easy, both of them. well you already made up your mind, you wanted them both so you were going to get it. here they were in front of your door, surprised at each other before looking at your cheshire cat smile at both of them. “i want you both” their faces were surprised again, but it changed fastly to a face that you knew were going to bring you the best night of your life. “you are going to regret that doll/sweetheart” was their response.

needless to say, you were completely wrecked and had the best fuck of your life.

Post Game Filth

EJP Raijin just won their first game of the season, you were high, everyone were high. After the game everyone immediately went to Komori's place to party. Why his place? because he was the only one who was ready to party at any given time and had dozen of contacts.

Booze were everywhere, everyone was cheering loudly, playing a game, drinking or making out. They didn't know a clue about what their all doing exactly, it probably because of all the high tension left from the game.

And certainly for Suna, the post game adrenaline still rushed through his veins. Likely there were still too many left, since he was no dropping a beat from fucking you at such an high speed since the game was over. You two were away from the crowd huddling in Komori's living room. Suna showed no mercy, fucking you hard on Komori's kitchen counter.

“F-fuck, rin!” You whimpered, gripping his hair, balled a hanful of them with your fist. He forced his tongue deeper than ever in your wet cavern. His pace was rentless, assaulting your insides with his damned skillfull tongue.

He gripped your thighs with both of his hand roughly, there would be bruises on there for sure tomorrow. You could felt his lips that touching your other lips went up making his trademark smirk. Ooh, this wasn't going to be nice.

“Rintarou don't you dare-” All of sudden he fastened his pace, making you gripped his hair more tightly, yanking him deeper than he ever was inside yours. He loved how your fingers raked around his hair, he couldn't help but wanted to tease you more. His tongue easily found your sweet spots, lapping and curling in it until you were crying his name and making incohorent noises you didn't know you could make before. It was a surprise no one came for you two being how loud you two were here, but they probably were too busy fucking around with each other to care.

“Don't yer like it babe?” His breath hitched in front of your lips, making you shudder. Shit, your insides were clenching tightly again. He looked up to you, his smirk going wider when he saw your flustered state. Oh, how he was going to enjoy ruining you this night. Before you could make a come back he dived in right into you again, honestly his tongue was god given with how he could made you begging for your release. Hitting all your sweet spots inside, suna knew your body like it was his. Your thighs hugged his head more tightly, wanting for more frictions from his tongue.

“R-rin i'm gonna-” Your breaths were unsteady, he knew it too by the way your walls clenched around his tongue, you were close.

“Then come for me baby,” And with one curled tongue inside you, you came undone. Liquid flowed from your body, painting suna's face white. It was not the first time, but you were still embarassed no matter how much times he already eating you out. You refused to meet your eyes with his, still looking away and your hands covering your blushing face.

“Oh c'mon miss lawyer, ain't the first time we done this right? Well technichally the first time in public since we were official” Then he chuckled, your face turned into a pout. You glanced at him, attemping to make a come back and failed again this time. You saw suna licking the white as much as he could with his tongue, then gathered the place his tongue couldn't reach with his fingers then licking it to your mouth. God, that was hot. You pressed your thighs together again just from that sight. Obviously the sly fox knew you were looking at him, he put that show for you after all.

“The night is far from over princess,” Suna then stood up, lifting you up to continue this in either one of Komori's empty guest bedroom. You looked over him with that smirk and bulge from his pants, you knew you wouldn't get much sleep tonight.


Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we Fell down the rabbit hole You held on tight to me 'Cause nothing's as it seems Spinning out of control

It all started out innocent, one little kiss between a drunk young volleyball player Miya Atsumu and the famous global wide volleyball player Nicholas Romero. Atsumu pressed a kiss confessing his feelings to Romero drunkenly, and who could resist Miya Atsumu with that damn charm? So, Romero entertained him. It supposed to be just for one night, until it was not. They kept coming back together to spend more time under the sheets, tangled together. It came to the point it was getting out of control, they couldn't get enough of each other, the secrets escapades becoming a not so secret, becoming more and more risky and dangerous.

Didn't they tell us don't rush into things Didn't you flash your green eyes at me Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds Ooh didn't it all seem new and exciting I felt your arms twisting around me I should've slept with one eye opened at night

Nicholas Romero, knew this was wrong. He had a family, a son and a wife. Yet, he couldn't get enough of Atsumu Miya. There was something about him that got Romero attached and so whipped. Everytime he called him with that needy voice, he always immediately gave him what he wanted. Like right now, with his arms carrying his back while Atsumu whimpering and trembling figure beneath him, begging for more and more. Romero knew he should stop this, but in the moment all he cared was how perfect Atsumu the expression Atsumu made right now. So lewd, so erotic, it made him got more excited to fuck him until he see stars today.

We found wonderland You and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever, eh We found wonderland You and I got lost in it And life was never worse but never better, eh In wonderland, eh In wonderland, eh In wonderland, eh In wonderland

It was wonderland for Miya Atsumu. He found it accidentally, yet it became his wonderland. Nicholas Romero was all he had wanted, and now he got him wrapped around his fingers. Life was never better, no one managed to fuck him as good as Romero. And with just one call, he came! Giving Atsumu the pleasure he needed. But what Atsumu loved the most was his tender touch after they did it. He always treated him like Atsumu was something delicate, something fragile, like this meant something more than this. Atsumu Miya never wanted to leave this, he hoped it could last forever. Semmed he expected too much.

So we went on our way Too in love to think straight All alone or so it seemed But there were strangers watching And whispers turned to talking And talking turned to screams

Atsumu wanted more, he didn't want to be the one on the side and Romero foolishly obliged. They were an affair that should be hidden away, the public shouldn't found out. Yet they were testing it, getting bold and bolder. They wouldn't admit it, but at one point they fell in love with each other. Romero stopped coming just to attend to Atsumu's need, he started to come for a stay at home date, giving him cuddle. Taking it a step further, a step risker, like a walk at the night while walking hands. Romero started to ignore the calls from his real family, devoting his spare time for Atsumu. Between the teams it was not so much of a secret, the captain told them to be mlre discreet yet they ignored it. With their meeting frequency increased, people started to whispers until it spiralled into gossips and rumours, they became a scandal. And the worst of it, a photographer caught them holding hands. It became viral, with the games they were playing this was bound to happen anyway.

Didn't they tell us don't rush into things Didn't you flash your green eyes at me Didn't you call my fears with the treacherous cat's smile

Ooh didn't it all seem new and exciting I felt your arms twisting around me It's all fun and games, still somebody loses their mind

At first it was fun and exciting, the affair was new. They didn't know it would end like this. Their careers could be risked with this new found scandal. Romero family loses their mind, his wife the most shook one of them all. Their PR Teams brainstormed together to take this scandals down without harming their careers. Both of their teams ultimately theid captain commented like 'I told you so, you should be more careful' So, here they were both in each other arms. Atsumu was a crying mess, he didn't want to lose Romero yet this was his careed he been dreaming of since childhood. Romero just reassuring him everything will be alright at the end, even if he himself was a mess because of it. So, they shared one last kiss. Would this be their last? They didn't know yet.

Oh darling, we found wonderland You and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever, eh We found wonderland You and I got lost in it And life was never worse but never better, eh

In wonderland, eh In wonderland, eh In wonderland, eh (In won-) In wonderland

I reach for you But you were gone I knew I had to go back home You searched the world for something else To make you feel like what we had And in the end in wonderland we both went mad

They thought they could kept it forever. Such a bunch of fools. In the end, Romero had to leave. Went back to his original family, taking it as far to even transfered team. While Miya Atsumu went back to his playboy habits, became the most hottest bachelor wanted in volleyball world. Both of them moved on, like nothing happened. Well, from the outside. Inside of them both were screaming for each other after all. With Atsumu ever changing partner, searching for someone like Romero yet no one was him. While Romero even when he was with his family, all he could think was Atsumu. They were searching for fragments of each other in other people, of coursd they couldn't find it, they knew it. In the end they both went mad in the wonderland.

Oh, we found wonderland You and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever, eh (Last forever) We found wonderland You and I got lost in it (Got lost in it) And life was never worse but never better, eh (Never better) We found wonderland You and I got lost in it (Wonderland) And we pretended it could last forever, eh (In wonderland) We found wonderland You and I got lost in it (Wonderland) And life was never worse but never better In wonderland

Come Back...Be Here

You said it in a simple way 4AM, the second day How strange that I don't know you at all Stumbled through the long goodbye One last kiss, then catch your flight Right when I was just about to fall

“I have to catch a flight to London tomorrow” Kenjiro hampir tersedak meminum kopinya, bukankah Eita baru menghabiskan waktu satu hari saja bersamanya?

“So, let's make today memorable” Sahut Eita lagi, jika Eita sudah berkata demikian apa hak Kenjiro untuk menolak? Berawal dari satu cumbuan menjadi entah berapa, Kenjiro sudah tidak menghitung lagi. Hingga akhirnya ciuman terakhir mendarat di bibirnya sebelum Eita pamit, mengejar pesawatnya ke London. Meninggalkan Kenjiro sendirian di ranjangnya yang terlalu besar ini.

I told myself, don't get attached But in my mind I play it back Spinning faster than the plane that took you

Kenjiro pikir dirinya sudah gila, apa yang ia dan Eita punya bukanlah sebuah hubungan. Hanya sebatas 'mantan rekan setim' iya itu saja. Lalu mengapa yang terbayang hanyalah rasa dari kecupan terakhirnya bersama Eita? Dan memori itu terus diputar, berulang-ulang di pikirannya.

And this is when the feeling sinks in I don't wanna miss you like this Come back, be here Come back, be here I guess you're in New York today I don't wanna need you this way Come back, be here Come back, be here

Kenjiro tidak ingin mengakuinya, namun ia sadar. Dirinya mulai candu akan Semi Eita, rasa ketergantungan, selalu ingin dekat, singkatnya ia mulai jatuh dalam lubang yang dikatakan cinta. Kenjiro tidak menginginkannya, dia tidak ingin memiliki perasaan serapuh ini apalagi kepada pria yang selalu bergerak seperti Semi Eita. Dia tidak ingin menangisi karena rindu akan hangat sentuhan tangan Eita di sudut kamar tidurnya, seperti yang dia lakukan saat ini.

The delicate beginning rush The feeling you can know so much Without knowing anything at all And now that I can put this down If I had known what I know now I never would have played so nonchalant

Rapuh, jatuh cinta adalah perjalanan yang rapuh. Sangat mudah untuk jatuh, lebih mudah lagi untuk tersungkur sejadi-jadinya hingga tidak dapat bangkit lagi. Kenjiro tau itu, dan karena itu pula ia menyesal bertemu dengan Eita lagi setelah sekian tahun. Sejujurnya selain pertemuan mereka setelah sekian tahun, lalu malam-malamnya dibawah selimut kasurnya bersama Eita, dan memorinya ketika masa SMA menjadi rekan timnya di klub voli, Kenjiro tidak tau apa-apa tentang Eita yang sekarang. Jatuh cinta tanpa mengetahui apa-apa tentang yang didambakan sama saja bunuh diri. Jika Kenjiro tau, perasaanya akan bermanifestasi seperti ini kepada Eita iya akan menolak uluran tangannya malam itu atau bahkan menghindari pertemuannya. Jika saja waktu dapat diputar kembali...

Taxi cabs and busy streets That never bring you back to me I can't help but wish you took me with you

Sudah dua minggu tanpa kontak sama sekali dari Eita, apakah dia begitu sibuknya tampil di London? Sehingga bahkan 5 menit saja tidak dapat ia sisihkan untuk Kenjiro? Kenjiro menghela nafas berat, melihat taxi dan jalanan yang lalu lalang dengan bising dihadapannya. Ia tau ini mustahil dengan betapa sibuknya jadwal seorang mahasiswa kedokteran, tapi jika saja Eita bertanya apakah Kenjiro ingin mengikutinya tampil? Maka jawabannya adalah iya dari Kenjiro.

And this is when the feeling sinks in I don't wanna miss you like this Come back, be here Come back, be here I guess you're in London today And I don't wanna need you this way Come back, be here Come back, be here

Perasaan di relung Kenjiro semakin mencekat, dia tidak ingin menginginkan Eita seperti ini. Mungkin sebagai 'teman' di kasurnya boleh saja, namun yang jelas bukan seperti ini. Dimana ia terus menerus mendambakan afeksi dari Eita, bukan karena nafsu tapi dari lubuk hati terdalamnya. Mendambakan bahwa didalam hati Eita, ialah yang nomor satu. Ia mengharapkan cinta Eita. Namun kita semua tau bahwa kenyatannya, realita itu pahit. Sepahit Americano yang diminum Kenjiro untuk mengejar thesisnya setiap malam.

ah-ah, oh-oh Ah-ah, oh-oh (Aah) ah-ah, oh-oh

This is falling in love in the cruelest way This is falling for you and you are worlds away

Jatuh cinta seperti ini adalah cara jatuh cinta yang paling kejam. Kenjiro dengan bodohnya seperti mengundang masuk kemalangan dengan sengaja. Membiarkan Eita mencuri hatinya dan membawanya entah kemana, kemungkinan di London, di belahan dunia lain. Kenjiro membiarkan dirinya tersiksa tanpa kepastian, tanpa pengertian, tanpa pengenalan. Ini bagai memulai cerita bukan dari prolog namun ke kompleks. Inilah jatuh cinta kepada Semi Eita, kejam, jahat, terlihat memikat saja walau menyiksa, namun Kenjiro sialnya jatuh kepadanya.

New York, be here But you're in London and I break down 'Cause it's not fair that you're not around

Kenjiro berbisik pada angin agar Eita cepat kembali. Namun harapan itu tak kunjung terkabul. Kenjiro sudah muak, muak dengan perasaannya yang membuat dirinya mabuk dan disaat bersamaan menggila. Ini tidak adil, setidaknya bisakah Eita berada disekitarnya jika ia dengan kejamnya membuat Kenjiro jatuh cinta kepadanya? Tetapi Semi Eita bukanlah lelaki yang akan selalu ada, bukanlah lelaki yang dengan jadwal yang tetap, hidupnya tidak menentu pacuannya. Perasaan ini menyiksa Kenjiro apalagi ditambah realita dan thesisnya yang kunjung belum selesai. Wajar bukan bila sehari ini saja Kenjiro meluapkan perasaannya yang tertimbun selama ini?

This is when the feeling sinks in I don't wanna miss you like this Come back, be here Come back, be here I guess you're in New York today And I don't wanna need you this way Come back, be here Come back, be here

Ditengah raungan tangisannya, Kenjiro mulai mengerti, mulai menerima. Kenyataan bahwa jatuh cinta dengan Semi Eita nyaris nol persen untuk direalisasikan ke hubungan jangka panjang. Hubungan mereka tidak akan bertahan lama, kalaupun terjadi malahan akan menjadi hubungan jangka pendek dan meninggalkan bekas memori yang tidak indah diingat. Namun biarkan saja untuk kali ini, tanpa kalkulasi, tanpa prediksi dan deduksi akan hubunfan ini, biarlah Kenjiro melangkah ke unsur kejutan yang tak pasti.

ah-ah, oh-oh I don't wanna miss you like this (Aah) ah-ah, oh-oh come back, be here (Aah) come back, be here

Dering demi dering berlalu, Kenjiro belum putus asa juga sepertinya. Sampai akhirnya ada jawaban dari yang disebrang sana. “Ya, halo? Ada apa Kenjiro?” Dan suara itu saja yang Kenjiro butuhkan saat ini.


So It Goes...

You were huffing and panting beneath Sokolov, the only sounds heard where skin slapping against each other besides your constant moans and his grunts.

On his board backs, there were red scratches everywhere. The artwork your nails were too invested in. His face was a mess, lipstick stains decorated his face from your kisses. But his face was a masterpiece honestly, how could he still look this damn good?

When you were together, everyone else dissapeared, forgetting that there was Kageyama Tobio Schweiden Adlers setter, his teammate, staying next door to his hotel room. Did he woke up from your loud yelping? Or maybe Sokolov's moaning for your name? You didn't care, you both were getting too caught up at the moment with much more important bussiness.

“Don't ever make me jealous again” Sokolov was usually super chill, well not this time. His stern voice sent jolts down your core, but you were not gonna let him off without a come back.

“Bet your heart were skipping so fast when you saw me beside Inunaki, Ah!” The instant you said it, he moved at a brutal pace. you couldn't keep up at all, you were screaming incoherent words and your vision getting hazy. Not the first time you made him jealous, he also often loved to mess with you like this. He did a number on you, you did a number on him? But honestly who was counting? Who cares anyway? Both you and Sokolov certainly not because the results were always satisfying like this.

“Tat- tatsuto!” You screamed so hard, there was no way Kageyama wouldn't heard this for sure this time, unless he's not in his room. His pace was unforgiving, he just smirked seeing you couldn't adjust at all with his pace.

“That's why i say don't be a bad girl,” He then kissed your neck, finally slowing down a little bit after you both reached your high.

“Well you know that i'm not a bad girl but i do bad things with you daddy” You said while he was collapsing beside your drenched body,

“A good girl never make her daddy jealous and earlier you made me jealous baby girl, am I right?” He answered back, now hugging your body to face him.

“Your fault for keeping my feelings in a gold cage then,” You said, only to tease him. You really didn't mean it. But you can feel his body tensed a little bit. Like the information above, you both were not even together for real. Just for time like this, I guess.

“You want a real relationship with me? Tell me I'm not the only one who wants this for a while now” His face certainly wasn't tired anymore. You panicked, certainly didn't expect this kind of reaction. You never prepared an answer for this, but now it's getting down to this, how would you answer him? You didn't expect him to fall for you. He could have every girl he wants in this world, so you never predicted the outcome he would fall for you. And did you want a relationship with him? Did you really want him that way? After debating for a while you finally opened your mouth.



So It Goes...

You were huffing and panting beneath Sokolov, the only sounds heard where skin slapping against each other besides your constant moans and his grunts.

On his board backs, there were red scratches everywhere. The artwork your nails were too invested in. His face was a mess, lipstick stains decorated his face from your kisses. But his face was a masterpiece honestly, how could he still look this damn good?

When you were together, everyone else dissapeared, forgetting that there was Kageyama Tobio Schweiden Adlers setter, his teammate, staying next door to his hotel room. Did he woke up from your loud yelping? Or maybe Sokolov's moaning for your name? You didn't care, you both were getting too caught up at the moment with much more important bussiness.

“Don't ever make me jealous again” Sokolov was usually super chill, well not this time. His stern voice sent jolts down your core, but you were not gonna let him off without a come back.

“Bet your heart were skipping so fast when you saw me beside Inunaki, Ah!” The instant you said it, he moved at a brutal pace. you couldn't keep up at all, you were screaming incoherent words and your vision getting hazy. Not the first time you made him jealous, he also often loved to mess with you like this. He did a number on you, you did a number on him? But honestly who was counting? Who cares anyway? Both you and Sokolov certainly not because the results were always satisfying like this.

“Tat- tatsuo!” You screamed so hard, there was no way Kageyama wouldn't heard this for sure this time, unless he's not in his room. His pace was unforgiving, he just smirked seeing you couldn't adjust at all with his pace.

“That's why i say don't be a bad girl,” He then kissed your neck, finally slowing down a little bit after you both reached your high.

“Well you know that i'm not a bad girl but i do bad things with you daddy” You said while he was collapsing beside your drenched body,

“A good girl never make her daddy jealous and earlier you made me jealous baby girl, am I right?” He answered back, now hugging your body to face him.

“Your fault for keeping my feelings in a gold cage then,” You said, only to tease him. You really didn't mean it. But you can feel his body tensed a little bit. Like the information above, you both were not even together for real. Just for time like this, I guess.

“You want a real relationship with me? Tell me I'm not the only one who wants this for a while now” His face certainly wasn't tired anymore. You panicked, certainly didn't expect this kind of reaction. You never prepared an answer for this, but now it's getting down to this, how would you answer him? You didn't expect him to fall for you. He could have every girl he wants in this world, so you never predicted the outcome he would fall for you. And did you want a relationship with him? Did you really want him that way? After debating for a while you finally opened your mouth.



So It Goes...

You were huffing and panting beneath Sokolov, the only sounds heard where skin slapping against each other besides your constant moans and his grunts.

On his board backs, there were red scratches everywhere. The artwork your nails were too invested in. His face was a mess, lipstick stains decorated his face from your kisses. But his face was a masterpiece honestly, how could he still look this damn good?

When you were together, everyone else dissapeared, forgetting that there was Kageyama Tobio Schweiden Adlers setter, his teammate, staying next door to his hotel room. Did he woke up from your loud yelping? Or maybe Sokolov's moaning for your name? You didn't care, you both were getting too caught up at the moment with much more important bussiness.

“Don't ever make me jealous again” Sokolov was usually super chill, well not this time. His stern voice sent jolts down your core, but you were not gonna let him off without a come back.

“Bet your heart were skipping so fast when you saw me beside Inunaki, Ah!” The instant you said it, he moved at a brutal pace. you couldn't keep up at all, you were screaming incoherent words and your vision getting hazy. Not the first time you made him jealous, he also often loved to mess with you like this. He did a number on you, you did a number on him? But honestly who was counting? Who cares anyway? Both you and Sokolov certainly not because the results were always satisfying like this.

“Tat- tatsuo!” You screamed so hard, there was no way Kageyama wouldn't heard this for sure this time, unless he's not in his room. His pace was unforgiving, he just smirked seeing you couldn't adjust at all with his pace.

“That's why i say don't be a bad girl,” He then kissed your neck, finally slowing down a little bit after you both reached your high.

“Well you know that i'm not a bad girl but i do bad things with you daddy” You said while he was collapsing beside your drenched body,

“A good girl never make her daddy jealous and earlier you made me jealous baby girl, am I right?” He answered back, now hugging your body to face him.

“Your fault for keeping my feelings in a gold cage then,” You said, only to tease him. You really didn't mean it. But you can feel his body tensed a little bit. Like the information above, you both were not even together for real. Just for time like this, I guess.

“You want a real relationship with me? Tell me I'm not the only one who wants this for a while now” His face certainly wasn't tired anymore. You panicked, certainly didn't expect this kind of reaction. You never prepared an answer for this, but now it's getting down to this, how would you answer him? You didn't expect him to fall for you. He could have every girl he wants in this world, so you never predicted the outcome he would fall for you. And did you want a relationship with him? Did you really want him that way? After debating for a while you finally opened your mouth.
