5th May
at home, no work :–)
woke very early this morning, it was 6.40am when I went dowstairs and made a cup of tea. I think I had a snooze thought before getting up properly.
So productive day, I cleaned the bathroom and downstairs loo thoroughly, and even took down and washed the shower curtains. I like the way they are so dry and fresh when they've just been washed rather than slightly 'crusty' when they've been hanging about.
Cut the grass back and front. Natalie sowed some grass seeds by where the bins have ben moved, which has grown pretty well and I mowed it on a higher setting. The broad beans survived their 1st night outside ok
And I did the paintwork out at the front of the house around the bin store. I did sand down the flakey bits give it all a good wash and prime the bare bits about 10 days ago or so, and never got around to the gloss work. I had just about enough which was fortunate. Some little flies then went and landed on the wet gloss and I'm hoping I can pick them off tomorroe when everything is dry. So for the record, the new bin lid that Matthew fitted for me last September has now been painted.
I haven't paid a lot of attention to the news today as yesterday I got so cross. I did see just now that one of those scientific advisers has resigned as his (non resident) girlfriend visited him over the lockdown. Of course, that adviser in Scotland also resigned over visiting her 2nd home but that tory minister who's name I can't remember moved to his 2nd home with his famly and somehow that was all ok!? I know I have walked with both kathy and Sarah, which is breaking the rules, but we were outside. and I don't have a public position of course
no signs of fever or cough
monday 4th May
I could not go to sleep last night, got up about 3 times as cos I was awake I kept needing a wee. Then of course, slept in in the morning.
The morning just went – I did run the hoover over the house but that didn't take long. I washed my work uniform (at 60 degrees!)
Went to Sainsbury and again there were no eggs. I still have some but interesting that there weren't any again. plenty of loo roll.
The best thing was I went for a walk with Sarah – around Balcombe. The sun came out and it was lovely. We chatted the whole way around. The main excitment was walking through a field of cows – actually bullocks – and one on his own, was in our path and staring right at us and when we got closer he had horns! by the way, the science is that if you avoid eye contact with the cow it'll leave you alone, but he was staring us out. Now I'm a bit frightened of cows (I blame my mum :–)). so we decided to walk the long way around the field . By the time we came around the far edge and could see the cows behind us – the starey one was still looking at us but fortunately didn't come towards us.
I've planted out some more kale and courgette plants and also 19 broad bean plants. The runner beans in the greenhouse have been nibbled by the sodding snails
I was watching channel 4 news and their main item was around the voucher scheme for children on school meals – which seems to have been mismanaged (surprise surprise) and schools are having to find money out of their own pockets or work with local charities. The minister – Vicky Ford – was being interviewed. Now I get that the solution will be imperfect but her attitude, words and tone were such that she clearly DID NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT VULNERABLE CHILDREN. I shouted at the telly I was so angry, and I had to do something, so I emailed her boss (another tory of course) and told of my reaction and that I wanted her don't give a shit attitude to be investigated. I felt a little better having emailed but I expect when I get a reply back, I'll be shouting and angry again as I doubtless will be fobbed off. I used my JP title which I almost never do. That's the 2nd email I've written to an MP now as I wrote to Mims Davies a couple of weeks ago
Night night
3 May (plus 2nd May)
I was so tired last night that I didn't write my blog. Did the 'late' at work which meant finishing at 6 rather than 4.30. Came home with a thick head and so tired. I went to bed at 9pm, took some paracetamol and ibruprofen and checked my temperature twice. First it was 37.0 and half hour later was 36.6, both normal so I didn't have coronavirus. I like having a cold flannel for my forehead its very soothing
there is a care home we visit and they have been requiring the nurses to complete a form before we've been allowed entry. They shouldn't have ever been asking for this and I'm not supposed to complete it. So yesterday I arrived and said I couldn't complete the form, and why, and they wouldn't let me in. I had 5 patients to see, so they'll have to manage them. I did feel sorry for the carer, it wasn't their decision, but he was clearly out of his depth, didn't know the signs of infection and didn't know what an aeseptic technique was. This is all going to blow up into something serious.
Last night I watched a stupid film on netflix where the resume sounded promising (light hearted) but it was really poor. It was 'love wedding repeat' – don't waste your time. Then I fell asleep (for little while – that reference comes from a favourite series G and I like to watch)
More work today, it was actually busy but not onerously so, and nothing too complicated. Sorted some catheter problems out and saw some 'regulars'. I finished on time which is a bonus.
Poor Jaspy gets so upset about being left outside all day. I mean he has a fur coat. But if I didn't there would be a smelly present in the bath for me. Yesterday he was miouwing crossly when I pulled up in the car at the front and came running to see me. I can't even make a cup of tea, I have to feed him first. He's just crying. The other day, there was a kitty stand off between him and fluffy ginger, eventually fluffy ginger got bored. One bonus of my job is sometimes I get to say hello to cute kitties of my patients – today I met 'Duchess' who was a very fluffy lady with beautiful brown / ginger / tabbie markings and eyes that looked they had black eye liner around them. She is an old lady and allowed me to pet her. :–)
I didn't watch that film I mentioned the other day as the sound wasn't loud enough to hear properly and whatever I did, I couldn't turn it up any higher, and it kept buffering (I think thats the right term). eventually I gave up.
This evening earlier I watch a film I recorded off BBc2 called Oranges and Sunshine about a social worker discovering children had been deported to Australia post WW2; I would recommend it. Its likely to be on I player
tomorrow the plan is to take a walk with Sarah in the afternoon, that will be lovely and i'm looking forward to it
1st May
Not quite sure where today has gone. No work today. I left all last night's washing up messy and had to clear up this morning. Did some washing, but it rained most of the morning so had to hang it up inside – first time for ages. I wanted to get hold of Nit Nat as the plan was for her to come back tomorrow, eventually I spoke with her on, which was lovely, we had a nice chat. The good news is her job starts on 18 May. Unclear if Ch can move back in as K seems to be making a fuss about me being a nurse and the extra risk is causes to the girls.
The weather was weird – at lunchtime the sun came out, then it disappeared and there was lightening and hail. Then later I sat in the garden for half and hour in the hot sunshine with a cuppa and read. Still not finished Hag-seed.
Crochet done, another square finished, fire safety online training done (boring), went to Sainsbury. There were no eggs (not that I needed any). I used my new Health Service Discount card for the 1st time
Wasn't so bored today weirdly – probably due to being at work yesterday so I appreciated the time to myself. Gina rang me :–) I had sent her some seedlings of courgettes, tomatos and Kale for her veggie patch. Things are growing in the garden and greenhouse though the snails have had a little nibble at a few bits – not unduly though. I do like to see things growing and get a bit upset if they are too nibbled
I found a recommendation on the Guardian about a short film which is available from today and I'm going to watch it later – its dystopian – which I like, called 'The Good Book'. Here is a link
30th April 2020
it was so cold this morning I had the duvet snuggled around my shoulders to keep the warm in and really didn't want to get out of my cosy bed and go to work. But I did. The cat took one look at the rain and did a runner upstairs when he thought I was going to put him outside but came back when tempted by food
There is a new allocation system at work – its been automated – cos we all know that always works brilliantly – and I took a look and thought – there's no way I'm going to do all those visits. But I started, and got to 2nd visit at time I planned for as I had a meet a colleague (patient has mental health issues). Anyway the carer was there and says patient had fallen some time yesterday, cut his head and this morning he was mumbling and not coherent. He couldn't even hold a cup of tea to start off with. I did some checks and bottom line he was hypothermic, so called for ambulance, yes I get to ring 999, and he got taken in to hospital. In the meantime I worked out how to put his central heating on. I think he'll bounce pretty much straight back out but his house will be lovely and toasty warm, having turned the thermostat up to 21 degrees. That took an hour and a half, so way behind! it is really tricky to put on PPE outside in the rain and wind, as an aside.
I took the lemon cake I made yesterday into work and it was almost all eaten, mainly crumbs left and I had compliments on how yummy it was. I've come home this evening and had crackers and jam, plus cereal for my dinner. Oh well. better tomorrow. I was going to go for a walk tomorrow with Sarah, around the Balcombe lakes, but she rang me earlier saying she wasn't feeling very well so cancelled until next week. She's got a cough so I hope she's not coming down with the virus. I'm still ongoing convincing myself I'm coming down with it and then the sore throat, tickly cough, hot flush all goes away and I'm fine.
I see Martine is buying new books (that is permitted). I can't even finish Hag-Seed. I have made progress and nearly ¾ through and must just finish it. I did finally finish the Guersey potato peel literary society , but that was a re-read after watching the film last Autumn. Day off tomorrow before whole weekend of working. I've got more weekends booked in now for later in May and even June, plus both May bank holidays.
now plans for tomorrow? dunno.Mind you Nit Nat is probably coming home Sat, so think some shopping for food is needed.
Its like I can't sleep enough – I had well over 8 hours last night. Didn't wake either. Could easily have slept more but wanted tea more. Then a cup of coffee after, with some brekkie. and the cat had to be fed and put outside for a while (not in that order)
So I baked today – flapjack and lemon cake. Both delicious. It started to rain just as I was ready to leave the house for my permitted daily exercise. By the time I got home I was wet but who cares. I didn't shop today, didn't need anything. I took a couple of pictures of some spring flowering shrubs – the colours are so lovely.
I've been pretty bored really, I did more crochet and finished another square for Matthew plus made good progress on a 2nd. Watched some TV. Avoided the daily political broadcast as that's what its become. Else I would have been too angry.
I have been thinking I might paint my porch area, I read in the Guardian that a darker colour makes the light of the next room more apparent.
I didn't see anyone today – definitely socially isolating but Geoff rang me (twice) which is unusual, whilst on the train and then again when he got home. I'm so relieved his foot is apparently on the mend and no further surgery is needed. Where that relationship is headed, is a question for another day
I'm kind of relieved to be going back to work tomorrow, but when I get there I might not feel the same. Maybe its because the weather has changed. I might have more to write about going to work tomorrow.
yesterdays writing only got published this morning as the web site thought I was spam. However I emailed and very quickly they white listed me.
So I slept well last night though the cat woke me at some awful hour and I chucked him outside as he was bouncing around. He was very cross with me this morning and spent the entire day asleep on my bed or my lap. I cleaned and mopped my kitchen floor today – I do this maybe twice a year. that sounds awful, I do vacuum it frequently its the mopping I don't do very often and I remember the time Matthew dropped his lunch at Christmas and was very ill for over a week with a bug. So I was a bit bored today to be honest, I did some e learning (work) and went into the office for a skype training on verification of expected death. I got the time wrong so went early but at least I was early not late which would have been a bugger. its piddled it down all day which kinda feels frustrating having worked so many days and now having 3 days off together, but hey ho. I watched the rest of the Netflix series I started yesterday. I also watched some of the Government briefing and as usual just felt very angry about the tone and lack of proper answers to questions. It just feels too political and patronising. The whole thing is crap and answers are not being given and there's not enough honesty. I don't even expect them to get it right all the time but there's no owning up to when things are wrong.
Its very quiet here, would have seen no one if not gone into the office. I did nip out late to get milk (and chocolate shhh)
So how do I feel? Slightly sick from the chocolate, not sure how I will spend tomorrow, I still want to move house but that's not happening anytime soon. In limbo but that's how a lot of people are. I'm not tearful or depressed or anxious
Of something from my training which struck me – apparently some religions / cultures don't 'permit' women to handle dead bodies – not sure why, but strikes me at 'old hat'. don't know why – do they think we will contaminate them in some way with our 'femaleness'?
anyway things are growing a bit in the garden from all the rain. I completed another square for Matthew's blanket
27/4/2020 found this idea from my sister, who I admire greatly. Might be a good way of recording my time in 'lock down'. Sitting on Monday evening on the sofa with the cat next to me. I watched 2 episodes off Netflix of Unorthodox about a Hadidi (?) woman who has 'left' her husband and gone to Germany. I did a bit of crochet but my enthusiasm is waning. Felt hungry and had some cheese and a few cashews sneakily. I'm trying to keep going with keto but keep falling off the wagon and then sometimes wonder why I'm doing it. But if I don't, I end up eating too many shortbread biscuits and have no self control. I have been feeling worn out working, which isn't what I want. So have given myself 3 days off. but I'm popping into the office tomorrow to do some training – verification fo expected death – a happy subject. But I don't get upset about patient's deaths, they're not my family and I have no reason to be sad about them dying as such
I am not very good at doing nothing. I seem to have to try to fill my time with activity. I hoovered the whole house this morning. used the last bit of the varnish on the little wooden table outside and potted up lots of plants and planted out some kale. I had a sneaky meet with K for some peppermint tea in her garden and a walk. Fish and veg for dinnner. what else? not much, time for bed.