Baby Bow Saw – Cleaning Up The Surfaces

I decided I didn't like the little spots of tear-out and places where the grain left me with a rippled surface, so I spent an hour today going after the pieces of the saw with a card scraper.

Smoothing one of the arms of the bow saw with a card scraper

Bow saw after smoothing the surfaces with a card scraper

I also cleaned up the shoulder on one of the tenons on the cross-piece. That makes the arms of the saw sit more in-line with each other so the saw blade won't be stressed more than it needs to be.

The citrus looks a nice yellow with the tung oil on it, but I've decided the frame of this saw is going to get decorated because it really looks nice with the coffee colored lines on the yellow, so I started sketching ideas. Have a few, but nothing I'm willing to commit to the surface of the wood yet. Built a couple bookcases, and I'm out of pine 1×6s now, so I phoned the lumber yard to get more, which I'll pick up in the morning, then unload, and then I'll start finishing the three built cases that are sitting in my shop. Probably be Wednesday before I even get back to sketching design ideas for this.



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