Deep Mind Shaft Thoughts


Covid Restrictions, time to end them

It has now been one year since I've been able to visit with my mom who is living in a local nursing home, due to visiting restrictions from the Covid-19 virus. During that time I have done every kind of alternatives that they have offered including, 'Window Visits,' 'Lobby Visits,' and, 'Video Calls,' but no in-room visits with actual contact with the person like holding their hand etc...

My mom is 84 years old now so every day with no visiting is like months in a younger person's life. Thank God she has a telephone so I can talk with her each day to see how she' s doing. I also send her cards once a week to try brightening up her day. Just today I took up a bag full of candy and snacks for her. You need to ring the huzzer at the front door and then wait for someone to get it and take it back to the room. While I was there I got to wave at her through the window in her room.

Every resident in the home and all employees have received some version of the covid virus vaccine (both shots) but still no in-person visiting.

Why? Everytime we ask they say its up to the state health department when they will allow in-person visiting again. Living in PA. where our current govenor Tom Wolf is acting more like a King then a publicly elected official who knows when he'll get off of his power trip and open the state back up again.

For any of you asking why I just don't get my mom out of the nursing home and take care of her myself, I wish I could do that. In the last year and a half that she has been in there I have spent many nights praying for an answer on a way to do just that. But I suffer from several health issues myself including heart problems and trouble with my legs.

It's time to let people visit their loved ones again in nursing homes.

#Covid, #NursingHomes, #VisitingRestrictions