
I do not understand why you persisted

Broken as I was, pushing you away

I'm done with love, I told you

Grieving, waiting for dissolution

You felt the lie in my words, I think

Waiting, hurt by my constant rejection

Me, trying to save you

You, refusing to leave

'I love you,' you confessed, terrified

My acknowledgement without reciprocation

I cannot, I told you

Terrified that i might be wrong

Hurting, one too many rejections

You disappeared

Me, wondering, worried

Knowing it was what I deserved

Returning, you had a new crush

I was happy for you (no I was not)

An unexpected sadness

Admitting, finally, that I might still feel

I was hurt

(I deserved it)

I was jealous

(I was a fool)

I think I have feelings, I said

You knew

I've been stupid, I sighed

Yes, but I love you, you said


A question i cannot answer

But I love you too

For all my fatal flaws.

#poetry #writing