That supposed inevitability that
We are asked to accept as canon
With our purposes served we
Are to be discarded.
But are we so meaningless
Fibers in the cosmic tapestry
Forgotten soon after last breath
Footnotes in other lives
Half-remembered moments?
We are so much more.
#poetry #writing #death
Passionate, or perhaps just a bitch
Full of broken glass and fire
Opinionated, vocal, unrelenting
A sprinkling of sex for flavor
A fiction, touching on truths
That I didn't mean to disclose
In this, a timeline darkened by despair
I see a people, not bound by threat of violence
But addicted to thier oppressors' chains
And I wonder; would they celebrate their freedom
Or beg those from who they've been freed
To make them into slaves once more?
#poetry #writing #despair
One does not make a deal with the devil
And expect to come out unscathed
But with the light of this world guttering
Perhaps it is time to arm myself
With the knowledge that she can provide
I do not turn away from the light
I embrace darker measures for darkest times.
#writing #poetry
I remember my younger self
Knowing that I could never be enough
Perpetually dissatisfied, despairing
My unworthiness writ in every failure.
To she who struggled with despair
Who sought unattainable perfection
Trapped in a cycle of self-hatred
Looking for peace that would never arrive:
You have ALWAYS been enough
And you ARE worthy of love
Perhaps if I tell you then
Someday, I'll believe me too.
#writing #poetry #selfcare
Evils once contained
Have broken free of their prison
And fascism, cruelty
Are ascendant, have risen
In mythology, heroes
Kept their darkness at bay
But reality's crueler
Complacency created these days
Viral, that's what I am
Words shifting perspective
Reason as a cancerous growth
Poison, seeping into your system
Truth, that deadliest of toxins
Operating from the shadow you cast
And taking you down, cell by cell.
#writing #poetry #revolution
It is impossible, they say
Denying the results
Telling us we are mistaken
Ridiculing us to our peers
And then
When they can no longer deny
They steal the work
And call it their own.
#writing #poetry