This world lost its sense of wonder
Its people bound to cold half-truths
Sold the inevitability of its descent
By prophecies peddled by monsters
Who seek to profit from hope's demise
It is time to awaken, sleeping heroes
To cast off the shackles you've donned
Take up your swords, your pens
Scream defiance
And fight. Fight and win.
#poetry #writing
A tiefling, seething
Never believing their scheming
Seeing through their lies to their meaning
Their institutions gleaming, seeming
Perfect but hiding the rot teeming
In the foundations, in the ceilings,
This teethling tiefling-
Fuck. I should be sleeping.
#poetry #writing
In a moment
Life overturned
Gaslit by doctors
Sold snake oil
Told to be patient
Sleeping to escape
Dreading dawn
That I was once whole
That I may be once again.
#poetry #health
Grasp your panic and fear
Trap it in a box in your mind
Cast it into the recesses of your psyche
Emotionless, a caricature of bravery
But later
Resurfacing, the clasps rotted
Festering panic
Infectious fear
Will break free
Will break you
The price, with interest, paid in the end.
#poetry #writing
Today, I give thanks
For those who tolerate my fictions
And for those who understand
That there is more beneath this mask.
#poetry #writing
This girl in the mirror
Holding herself to these
Impossible standards, the
Expectation of perfection
She'd never ask of others
Knowing it unreasonable
And doing it nonetheless
#poetry #writing
This world
My birthplace, my home
Whatever happens
I stand ready to defend
You who would let evil flourish
Know this
You're not my first villains
And fate willing
You'll not be my last.
#poetry #revolution
I could turn away
Willing myself to ignorance
But no
I'll fight
Never resting
Envious of those who can.
#poetry #writing
This mask, these masks
Impermanent, I know
Limiting, comfortable
But I cannot stand idle
While everything burns
Cracks in the porcelain
This shade of me, shimmering
My crimson rage
Channeled into words
Perhaps I have time
Time before words become acts
Before this fiction is cast aside
And I die once more for my cause.
#poetry #writing
A momentary glimpse of the divine
Burning me to my core
Wonder replacing skepticism
Tentative hope supplanting despair
Where are you now, my goddess
Was my joy mere imagination
Or is your existence something more?
#poetry #writing