Peepers still asleep hidden in the bogs and ponds; a froggy slumber
A place to gather words before they get lost.
Peepers still asleep hidden in the bogs and ponds; a froggy slumber
How patient we are to wait, to wonder, to hope: the first buds of Spring
Covered feet plow through the remains of a winter too stubborn to leave
Dirty politics; the ones slinging mud like words want us all in muck
That little sparrow zipping through the trees and brush; a familiar friend
February sun on pavement, the thaw of ice now well underway
A composition: the music of a sunrise on a quiet day
Egg of idea, hatched in a nest, on paper; expensive as heck
Divots and canyons – street formations left behind from storms, days ago
for Algot
Rushing by, hurry - the kids are in a flurry of a wild escape