with watermelon seeds we swallowed
as children ...
— Nomi Stone
Wonder what has rooted
inside of us -
despite warnings of elders,
we swallowed it all;
maybe there's an entire forest
growing inside silent places,
the spaces no one else sees,
the seeds of abundance
and stories
Day 15 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Waiting For Happiness'
by Nomi Stone
teach me to never bend again
— Danez Smith
for what we've become:
creases, uncomfortable
patterns folded in, then tucked
inside pants pockets, then
forgotten until after the drier,
pulled apart like a paper
snowball, all compact of ink
and pulp and us
Day 14 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Less Hope'
by Danez Smith
foliation -
afar -
for DS106 Daily Create
And would you learn the spells that drowse my soul?
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
And might you have a bit of magic
in that feather pen of yours,
a little bit of ink of forgiveness
to sketch across my page,
so that in the side margins,
in that edge of art and ideas,
I might settle in, in seclusion?
Day 13 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Work Without Hope'
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
You could make this place beautiful
— Maggie Smith
Use paint,
though it
might splinter
and chip
Use voice,
though it
might wobble
and crack
Use love,
though it
might falter
and fade
This place
will be beautiful,
at some
distant day
Day 12 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'Good Bones'
By Maggie Smith
Then comes a sudden flash of light ...
— Alice Dunbar-Nelson
How long had we sat inside, waiting
for fireflies, for their phosphorous
spirit to spark the night's dark?
Too long to not become logy,
sluggish in a tiny tent filled
between with snacks and teens
who still believed in a bit
of magic, even if not one
of us breathed it out loud
Day 11 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by “Hope”
Alice Dunbar-Nelson
We ponder what patterns matter other than moons and tides
— Patricia Spears Jones
I am listening, ear
against skin, to the way
her heartbeat sings,
a rhythmic trance
from one who's leaning
such a weary body
against mine, and
mine, against hers,
in order to find sync
Day 10 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'May Perpetual Light Shine'
by Patricia Spears Jones
and orchards rooted in constellations
— Muriel Rukeyser
Sometimes, our stories
bud and bloom like flowers,
like stars, like something
golden and delicious
on orchard trees, and
just before nightfall,
we lay back and look up,
connecting them together
to make sense of the world
Day 9 for #AdventPoems24
From “Elegy in Joy”
by Muriel Rukeyser
White is everywhere
this morning – night paint dripping
off frozen branches
for Algot
but we are only believers
— Gabrielle Marshall
A hidden handful of nuts
seeded inside a ski boot
is a lost note that
some critter had endless
amounts of hope
of what might root
when the need arises;
I remind myself
of this, the faith
of the forgotten,
as I toss the same
seeds back into
the world
Day 8 for #AdventPoems24
inspired by 'The Power of Hope Today'
by Gabrielle Marshall