make a song,
with shadows
My fingers
play you,
a blanket,
blue like
I sing
and in
my heart
I shelter
you, secretly
a blackout/found poem for #openwrite
Original Source: Secret by Gwendolyn B. Bennett
Some days start in dark,
a blank slate on which to write
in hope of the light
A tranquility
settles in, while wandering
where river meets rock
A mending, in part,
starts with the heart, then expands
into love, with words
Every time he tunes,
the blackbird's singing, taking
his guitar in flight
the cupboard
is bare
bracing for
effect: dangerous
cutting and
cutting and
found poem from the front page
of the Daily Hampshire Gazette
Just a bit of wind
dancing on the ocean's edge;
a heron in flight
Deep in ground, rooted,
the carrot bides its time, waiting
for an orange shine
In the shadow time
as the sun begins to rust,
we settle in; dusk
Wander in the woods,
where serene and beautiful
greet you in silence