

This will not be a ballad sung for Ouida Keeton, nor a song to be strummed for the history books,

only some words in the form of some verse to remember what always shows true:

the human spirit sometimes hides something much worse that what, at first look, seems like it would do,

and sometimes, one gets what one deserves, and sometimes, one's just passing this world through

inspired by #nwp Write Across America via South Mississippi Writing Project

Listening In At Leontyne Price Musical Park

When Miss Price sang us that 'accomplishments have no color'

the air accompanied her as chords on a stage, her voice, an operatic echo

of streets hummed as aria; the city, as orchestra; this park; as chance for change

inspired by #nwp Write Across America (SMWP)

Eating ain't the only thing we dig in to at Miss Pearl's on Oak and Magnolia

We marvel at the woman behind the counter, too, the gumption it took

to imagine a diner at seventy, and to see it through, too,

so we're not just nibblin' on catfish, we're celebrating what it takes to make one's way

from there to here

inspired by #nwp Write Across America (SMWP)

Squiggles Break My Art

I ve kicked this po em around somuch the words have fa... ...ll.... ….en

a p a r


Paintingwitheditmarks, computer squiGGles break my


Inspired by George Ella Lyon via via #nwp

Words Bring Us Through

Where are the notes when you need them the most

the tongues of strings that have no name but still, sing:

cancion, oran, kanzunetta, laul, canco, abesti song

Rest, then, for when you least expect it to: Words bring us through

Inspired by Dan (Zev) Levinson prompt of language and his “Sundailed” via for #nwp

Circular Revision

Awake with the birds, singing


Wake with dawn breaking to the songs of birds singing


Be awake; Listen! Birds sing this day into being


The day sings you awake


Inspired by Shirley McPhillips and “Uncommon Education” via for #nwp

Every time you lose something — no matter what it is — you find something else… – Patrice Vecchione


Sometimes I wonder which reader found it – that small notebook of scratched stories, pieces remembered only after discovering an empty pocket at the train terminal where I remained, suddenly reminded, how ephemeral is ink, and paper, merely temporary

Inspired by and “Finders Keepers” by Patrice Vecchione and the call to write about something that has been lost via #nwp

With a Kiss From Hippocampus

Dipping fingers inside these fluid lands, inside what we don’t understand, so we go where the flow takes us – it breaks us – this tumbling turmoil off rock and ridge where such creatures live, where monsters like this exist – this fall, it breaks us – it takes us, it makes us humble again, for we might yet comprehend how every drop that comes apart from gravity’s kiss is also a drop where worlds resist the pull, such as this, this water, this rain, this, it takes us, this falling, this calling, it draws us to wonder, again, forward, towards bliss

Inspired by and H.K. Hummel’s discussion of her prose poem: The Fable of the Sailor and the Kraken – and invitation to write about mythological creatures from #nwp Story of a Poem series

Writing Rails of Ghost and Bone

That day we were walking through wooded trails, lost but never alone, when we came upon the remains of rails, the tail end of the past clutching the earth with taut iron fist

how could we resist the sudden urge to grip the hammered steel, slumbering on stone, and wait on the day for an oncoming rumble of ghost and bone?

Inspired by and t.l. sander’s poem “This” and the invocation to play with language and poetry


And it's hard to choose the words that will be your own — from 'A House Called Tomorrow' by Alberto Rios

The child begins with confident marks, blue ink dripping off brush

Her audience revels in the way her words become art and her art, their story

the way the child ignores them all, their advice, drawing only what she knows

as she always will, if only given a large enough canvas and enough room to write

#nwp inspired by Deanna's Advent Poetry