

She wiggled and slipped her collar -

a dog now free to roam;

After wandering about for an hour,

she headed home

for #MastoPrompt

In what now could only be considered a fortuitous bit of chance,

she saw me, reached out, invited me to dance

for #mastoprompt

Chick Corea's fingers fly in the electronic keys of approaching bellwether

I'm spinning discs again, listening alone, in order to Return To Forever

for #mastoprompt

They arrived by night - stealth soldiers coming in through cracks in the seam - and stayed by day;

Try as we might, the infiltration of ants never went away

for #mastoprompt

Imagine colors, a kaleidoscope of chaos, a creative idea, off-kilter, gone wild

for #mastoprompt

Is it carving if it's temporary, if the letters of love are set in sand and not stone, if they are gone before the hour is up?

for #mastoprompt

Feast on these - a banquet of ideas — a nibble's worth of words

for #mastoprompt

Paper shred;

Words like confetti from a broken balloon

for #mastoprompt

By morning, the light makes you, silhouette -

but not quite yet -

for now, my mind races over shadows

for #mastoprompt

Why deny the sky a chance to cry?

Embrace the falling, for within it, falls, I

for #mastoprompt