
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Noah got out of school yesterday, home office allowed me to get him, I walked over as the school is in our street, and saw the biggest smile. Standard questions & answers:

Dad: How was it?

Noah: Yes ! ! ! (Really ..... every time yes ? ? ? )

Dad: What did you do?

Noah: Don’t know dad ! ! !

Dad: Are we going to talk about it when you are in bed?

Noah: Yes ! ! !

Life is so easy ! ! !


So what are we going to do daddy ? ! ?

I had to finish something, but right after:

Is it fun to go to the forrest and play a little ball ? ? ?

Y E S ! ! !

So, I finished up, but had to get some aspirin. We went to the store and Noah came a long. On the way to the store, we saw a lot of tiles/ stones and we started to count them:



And counting


While we were doing so, a little girl behind a window waved at us and Noah and myself waved back. We went to the store and walked back, the same road, we took walking to the shop.

The girl was outside and started the cross-examination.

Who are you ? ? ?

Is that your dad ? ? ?

Do you have brothers and sisters ? ? ?

What school do you go to ? ? ?

You want to play in my room ? ? ?


......... and you thought talking to the opposite sex is hard...... being politically correct and having a tough time finding the right questions is scary?

Just answer if you want to play In her room, that is enough, case closed !!!!

I was thinking about this situation ... how easy is it , of course you have to be outgoing, you have to dare a little, but Noah, with a little push, will ask the correct question, or in this situation, will give the correct answer(s).

BUT is this okay, can we, living in 2020, leave our kids at an unknown address, playing with another little person. What did I know, well her name, let's call her Lady in the remainder of the story, not giving away her families identity ! ! !

I knew she had 3 brothers/ sisters, she was also 5, went to a different school and ...... wanted to play with Noah ..... and of course I knew where she lived ! ! !

Hmm 🤔 ....... what would Noahs mama do in this situation..........

well, Noah, if her father and/ or mother is fine you can play with her for a bit .....

**! ! ! NOT what mama would say ! ! !

**I spoke with her dad, analysing the situation. He shared with me he had to run an errand and in 45 minutes they had to leave the house, so if I was fine with it, he would not mind at all ! ! ! Noah happy, Lady happy .... so they ran inside ! ! !

I went home, took me about three minutes by foot, and started to think about how to bring the story.

Rainbows, Puppies, Kittens playing together .... hmm .....



eh , eh, eh .....

we met this girl going to the store and she wanted to play with Noah, so that is where he is ! ! !

eh ..... ? ? ?


Yeah, sharing it like that, does raise some question, does it not? Not sure honey, if the long story sounds as good as the short story .... but if it doesn't, I probably will sleep on the couch tonight ..... (the last part I thought in my head)

So, I told her the story .... and ......I was on my way back to Noah .....

I already saw them when I walked in the street, playing with a little cart, and I heard they had fun. Lady's dad stood outside and I started talking with him.

If you think the story is weird, it gets even weirder .....



We started talking about our kids and at a certain moment we shared (past) professions. One, was interesting, corresponding, one thing lead to another up to the point where we shared our telephone numbers, so we could contact each other for future play dates ! ! !

Lady's Dad wrote down my name and my last name rang a little bell; so he asked a little bit about it ..... well, we did find out WHY he recognised my last name.

Turns out my mom's birthday was a yearly returning calendar event ..... at his moms place; in other words his mom and my mom were very good friends ...... I mean, REALLY ! ! !

Mutual stories .... digging in the past, this was just too funny that a little girl's wave was the start of a weird, positive weird, encounter. Stories about playing tennis, children, party's, many MANY things ! ! ! We did “not really” know each other, knew about our existence but it were the ladies who had the contact together ....

This was too funny and while going through the past, we walked inside to see the kids watching television, drinking lemonade, spilling lemonade but fully enjoying it.

Lady's mom also came in and only expressed a continuing smile hearing how this story evolved. Too funny ! ! !

Thinking what happened in the last hour I can only think how easy it is when life is seen through children's eyes. Life is not that complicated and having easy going parents does not hurt ! ! !

This Play Date, yesterday, will definitely happen again in the future, if not done by the parents with a nice glass of wine. Once again:

Life can be SO easy going ! ! !


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If you wanted you could have bought VET in 2017 for a good price. IF you would have done that, you probably would have profits of more than 300 / 400 % but we all know about that if and want question:

What is going to be the coin that people are going to talk about in 2023, what IF I would have bought ..... than ......

BTC / ETH / XRP / ....... you fill it in, we do not know... But what if it is eHRt ....

eHRT, a little bit of information:

Eight Hours (EHRT) price for today is $ 0.01245819 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 287.604.

There are 1.6 billion coins in circulation and there is a maximum supply of 10 billion coins.

Bitrue is currently the most active market trading in this.

To view addresses and transactions, you can use block explorers such as vechainstats.com

I spoke about this on June 2nd 2020

I had and interview with John Dempsey, the founding director of 8Hours and we spoke about a lot of things ....

John's introduction already showed us an important word that is going to be central in this blog: Collectibles:

I’m a self-taught hardware and software engineer and a long-time fan of collectibles and games.

So collectibles, that is the key word, and more specific: VIM. Eight Token running on the Vechain Blockchain.

John spoke about it, collectibles you need to feed, in order to actively play with them using the Playtable, well he was talking about the remainder of 2020:



Well he was talking about the remainder of 2020, but the remainder of 2020 is already happening. The VIM's are already out and let's ask somebody in the VeFam that knows about the VIMS. Jase is really into VIMS, knows about it, has them, feeds them .... let's jump in this world:



Who are YOU ? ? ?


Hey I am Jason 'Jase' 27 from Wales. The usual gamer, fitness and most importantly my family are what I focus on most, besides crypto haha.



How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


I only got into crypto towards the end of 2019, crazy story really. I was on some random casino in Cyprus and won £2000 on a slot

I wanted to withdraw it to my bank but they only did bitcoin withdrawals, me not knowing much about bitcoin I made an account to withdraw and now I'm here.

XRPTwin: how cool is that, introduced into the crypto World because of a “slot machine in Cyprus” ! ! !



We know each other from Vechain / VET, when did you get specifically into VET and why ? ? ?


Yes we do, I was on twitter and I believe I found one of Kennys posts about Vechain, I read what he was talking about and the project became exciting to me, i couldn't get enough felt like an addiction.

It was the authentication and tracing I thought was so unique.



8Hours – Playtable, when did you get involved in this, please elaborate ? ? ?


So being a gamer, I thought okay is there anything in crypto involving gaming. I mean 2 hobbies mixed would be amazing and I believe in February/March I found 8Hours.



You like Pokemon Go ..... should I ask, does that make sense ? ? ?


I love Pokemon, not a fan of Pokemon go when I realised I had to walk a mile for the nearest Pokestop ...... I think they were called.



We really come to the actual topic of the blog VIM / VIMWorld, your first impression ? ? ?

**Well, when I first joined, there wasn't much going on, pure speculation and announcements of future events. Of course price was amazing and got myself a nice bag of $EHrT , I was hoping it would become something amazing and

so far I'm so happy with the progress of the developments.



Can you explain something about the VIM collectibles, how does it work .... S level, feeding EhrT?


So there are various ways to get yourself a VIM, giveaways, adopt a vim etc, and you feed this VIM $EHrTs. The more you feed it the higher tier you get, S Tier being the highest tier however there are many benefits to S Tier, receiving eggs to hatch, companions, rewards from the VimPool



What should people know about VIMWorld.


I think people should know, it is catered to a large audience, kids and adults. Soon you will be able to link your VIM to a physical character and use with PlayTable


Okay, back to VET What has been really surprising you, about Vechain related found details this year ? ? ?


I find it amazing how VET is becoming more adopted every day, I read that Travala.com are now allowing payments in VET, which I think will pave way for more companies to trust the block chain.



The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


I wouldn't say coolest, but what impressed me this year is despite Covid-19, Vechain has continued to excel when tracing and tracking imported and fresh food produce.

By integrating Avery Dennison's smart label products and solutions with VeChain ToolChain, the advanced Blockchain + IoT combination can effectively enable the food company to realise transparent end-to-end digital lifecycle management for products.



Anything you want to add, or share regarding VET, EhrT, VIM ... ? ? ?


The Vechain ecosystem is just kicking off, $SHA is potential partnered to launch Inheriti in India soon, which is exciting news to see expansion of the 'VetVerse' haha.

Of course, I am more $EHrT and we are only in Stage 1.

The potential of this project is amazing, with Duel of Vims to come next in stage 2!

Well, always nice to hear “an investor” talk about his investment, as he has done his research, so he can share THE knowledge with us.

Well, thank you Jase, for sharing some information regarding, Vechain, eHRt, VIMS and other Vechain Products. Good luck with feeding your VIMS and maybe we should revisit in half a year or so, for an update, thanks

For the subscriber MORE news, so if you want to subscriber, for only 5 dollars all the extras on COIL, click here


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We have been treated with a lot of nice eye candy ..... with the following Tweeter / Coiler and we need to start with a couple images in one collage:

YES, it is all done by hand and if you had to guess, Y E S, it is all done by KassArt....

Have been talking with him for a little while, but now it is time to meet the artist via an interview.

This one is going to be targeted to the whole art and crypto industry, but also specifically to the German readers that speak English and the English readers that speak German as the interview is going to be part English and eh .... part German ! ! ! So let's see, who is the artist and what else ....



Half English, half German: Who is / Wer ist KassArt


I was born, raised and now live in Germany. My family is kind of scattered all over Europe (Poland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Germany) though. I grew up in the State of North-Rhein-Westphalia (which has a direct border to the Netherlands 😉) and studied Industrial Engineering there.

After graduating I started working for the German Automobile Industry as a purchaser and enjoy my life now close to Munich.

My father once told me: „You always want to do it differently“. And that sentence kept sticking in my head until this day: I am not a big fan of the classical career path. I constantly get ideas about projects, that I want to realise. But since time is limited and people often have more ideas than time, we have to choose what path to follow. As you already know, I love doing art but (recently) there was a time where I took a detour and followed another project for four years until it needed one specific person to get me back on the art track.

And I am so thankful for that

There is this philosophical question, if it is right to force somebody into his or her happiness. And I for sure have no clear answer to that. But in this case in hindsight it is a total „yes“.


Wer ist KassArt und wie ist die Liebe für‘s Zeichnen entstanden?


Ich lebe mein gesamtes Leben in Deutschland. Tatsächlich ist meine Familie aber verteilt in Europa (Polen, die Niederlande, Türkei und Deutschland.) Ich wuchs auf in einem Bundesland mit dem Namen Nordrhein-Westfalen (mit direkter Grenze zur Niederlande 😊) und habe Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen studiert.

Nachdem ich die Universität abgeschlossen hatte, fing ich an in der deutschen Automobilindustrie als Einkäufer zu arbeiten. Ich genieße mein Leben also zurzeit nahe bei München.

Mein Vater sagt mir mal: „Du willst es immer anders machen“. Und dieser Satz blieb mir in meinem Kopf bis heute stecken: Ich bin kein großer Fan des klassischen Karrierewegs. Ich habe ständig Ideen für Projekte, die ich realisieren möchte. Aber da Zeit limitiert ist und man immer mehr Ideen als Zeit hat, muss man sich auf das Wesentliche beschränken. Wie du weißt, liebe ich es künstlerisch tätig zu sein, aber es gab (erst kürzlich) eine Zeit, bei der ich vier Jahre lang eine anderes Projekt verfolgt habe und ich brauchte eine spezielle Person , die mich zurück auf den Kunstpfad brachte. Und ich bin ihr so dankbar dafür.

Es gibt eine philosophische Frage, die sich damit beschäftigt, ob Menschen zu Ihrem Glück gezwungen werden dürfen. Ich habe keine klare Antwort darauf, aber für diesen speziellen Fall kann ich im Nachhinein auf jeden Fall „Ja“ sagen.

Die Liebe für das Zeichnen begann, als mein Onkel mich an den Tisch setzte und vor meinen Augen Bilder zeichnete und spannende Geschichten erzählte. Die Geschichten passten immer zu dem was er gerade zeichnete. Das war so unterhaltsam, weil die Geschichten lustig waren und ich begeistert war, wie gut er die Geschichten mit seinen Zeichnungen zum Leben erweckte.


First drawing, you still remember?


I think every child starts drawing when they are really young. In the kindergarten for example. They will draw their family. Stick figures basically. These will also be the first pictures I made.

When I was little I really enjoyed watching my uncle draw. He drew pictures and told me funny stories he made up during the process of drawing. I remember how he made a Gorilla in a boxing ring – struggling to hold a banana. That must have been something around 1995. These experiences for sure taught me the fun of drawing.

Another thing I remember is that I had an Nintendo64 as a child. And I was drawing pictures from that around 1996/97: Link on a horse (Zelda 64), Turok (Turok) – I think these are some of the oldest drawings I remember. This is so long ago.

XRPTwin: well, that is something I DO remember ! ! ! :–)


Hast du schon mal Preise gewonnen?


Hrm – ich habe jetzt gar nicht mal an so vielen Wettbewerben teilgenommen. Wettbewerbe sind wahnsinnig toll, wenn man seine Zeichnungen einem gewissen Publikum zeigen möchte und die Reichweite erhöhen will. Häufig sind Wettbewerbe aber mit einem bestimmten Motto verbunden. Und das schränkt einen ein, weil das Thema womöglich einen nicht begeistert und dadurch die Disziplin beim Zeichnen darunter leidet. Daher wollen Wettbewerbe sorgfältig ausgewählt sein.

Und deswegen gefällt mir der aktuelle Wettbewerb von Hackernoon so gut, weil es kein vorgeschriebenes Thema hat. Ich bin eh mehr oder minder in diesen Contest hineingestolpert, weil ich ohne es zu wissen, nominiert worden bin.


How easy is it to draw faces???


That depends on the expected result. Starting with smileys (which everybody can do) to photo-realistic faces you have the full range from easy to very hard. I started drawing faces from pictures. You should never stop using references or models to practice drawing. But an artist also has to understand the anatomy underneath. You don’t have to know every muscle but artistic anatomy breaks it down to visible groups of muscles.


Also you got to know about the basic proportions of a skull. That is so important, because even when you have a reference for your drawing, you don’t draw what you see but you draw what you know. It gives you the power to switch the light source and change the shading and make your drawing more expressional than reality.

Another example why knowing anatomy is so important: I am sure you know these art pieces where you have a man on a rearing horse. There is a very famous painting of Napoleon made by Jacques-Louis David for example. I am sure the artist didn’t convince the horse to keep that position for the duration of the painting. The artist has to recreate it. That is why you need to know the anatomy.


Ist es einfach Hände zu zeichnen, Körper , Tiere, Autos?


Ich kann dir hier nur eine ähnliche Antwort geben wie bei den Gesichtern. Die Knochen bestimmen die Form – also lern die Knochen kennen. Über die Knochen „wickeln“ sich die Muskeln. Also lern die Muskelgruppen kennen. Anschließend willst du deiner Figur Ausdruck verleihen – lern also Positionen, Perspektive, Komposition.


Es gibt unterschiedliche Philosophien: Man kann einen Menschen von außen nach innen lernen (Erst Positionen, dann Muskelgruppen, dann Knochen) oder von innen nach außen, wie ich es gerade beschrieben habe. Und wenn du diese Dinge vom Menschen kennst, dann kannst du Zusammenhänge und Ähnlichkeiten zu Tieren erkennen. Auch der Mensch lief nicht immer aufrecht herum. Durch den aufrechten Gang sind die Schulterblätter zum Beispiel nach hinten gewandert aber du wirst dich wundern wie viele Ähnlichkeiten das Skelett des Menschen zu den Tieren hat.

Bei Maschinen ist vor allem wichtig, dass du einfache geometrische Formen und Kombinationen daraus perspektivisch richtig darstellen kannst. Dann noch eine gute Portion Fantasie und Kreativität, dass das Design ansprechend ist, und voilà, du hast dein Auto. Das Verständnis, was die wichtigen Bauteile eines Autos sind, ist dabei auch essenziell. Wie sieht ein Fahrwerk aus? Welche Funktion hat ein Dämpfer, welche Form lässt ein Auto aerodynamisch werden? Du siehst also, dass für gutes Zeichnen auch ein gutes Verständnis der Materie nötig ist.


When did you start looking into Crypto?


First time I got in touch with crypto was 2014. I was travelling to the US to see New York and Boston. On my way back from Boston to NY I used a so called „Mega Bus“. The bus was completely empty except one additional guy who took seat directly next to me and started talking. It was a very pleasant conversation.

It turned out that he was from MIT and he told me about crypto and to keep an eye on it. In the end it was just an interesting story to me.

But even though I didn’t buy any crypto back then – maybe this event primed me for what would come.

During the Bull Run of 2017 suddenly everybody was aware of crypto – so I made a deep dive into the most important ones and I also purchased my first crypto. Since then I juste followed Crypto Twitter diligently.




Wann ist die Liebe für Ripple / XRP entstanden??


Liebe ist so ein starkes Wort. Wir sind ja alles rationale Investoren (wobei ich eine gewisse Emotionalität dem Projekt gegenüber nicht ausschließen kann 😊). Kurz nach 2017 fing es an und ich folgte einigen Youtube-Streamern. Ich glaub Alex Cobb, der damals noch Teenage Investor hieß, war einer der ersten YT-Streams, die ich mir angesehen habe. Ansonsten schaute ich noch den „Modern Investor“ für eine größere Bandbreite an Kryptowährungen an.

CryptoEri, To the lifeboats, Salomon, Digital Asset Investor sind weitere Streams. Wie bei unterschiedlichen Netflix-Serien ist es aber auch so, dass mir mal der eine Stream besser gefällt mal der andere. Technical Analysis halte ich zum Beispiel für Kaffeesatzlesen. Ich bin auch kein großer Fan von Riddlern. Ich mag es lieber, wenn man bei den Fakten bleibt. Aber das muss jeder für sich entscheiden.

Jedenfalls haben mir die ganzen Streams XRP näher gebracht, sodass ich auch davon überzeugt bin, dass auch eine rein rationale Version von mir sich für dieses Projekt entscheiden würde.



Any other coins you are interested in?


Basically coins which are within the Top 10. Bitcoin is the name of the game – Ethereum has massive partnerships but is kind of sluggish when it comes to updating their network. That is why competitive coins like for example Cardano are interesting as well and of course I am interested in the utility fork of XRP: Spark.

By the way: I really like the fire and water metaphors. Ripple stands for a fluid – with liquidity in mind. Flair and spark clearly draw connotations to fire. The next project should maybe called „steam“ – the combination of water and fire 😉.


And any idea what coins are going to do well this year??


Since I kind of feel that the sentiment towards crypto is improving, I guess that a lot of coins are going to do well. Big corporations are embracing crypto like Paypal and Visa. Regulators in the US allowing crypto custody at banks. Big competition coming from the far east. That all should speed up main stream adoption. It kind of reminds me of the saying: All boats rise with the tide.


There is also a DeFi craze going on right now, but I don’t know if that might be a bubble, so I am careful with DeFi coins.


Wird es dieses Jahr einen Bull Run geben? ( Ja oder nein reicht nicht :–) )


Ich habe natürlich keine Glaskugel. Daher kann ich es nicht mit Bestimmtheit sagen. Ich hoffe natürlich auf einen Bull Run. Und da die vorher genannten Fortschritte in der Crypto-Sphäre aktuell passieren, kann ich mir schon gut vorstellen, dass auch schon dieses Jahr einen Bull Run geben kann.

Der Punkt ist, dass die Menschen ungeduldig sind. Wenn wir jetzt noch ein Jahr warten müssen auf einen Bull Run, dann beschwert sich jeder, wie langsam sich der Markt bewegt. Wenn der Bull Run dann vorbei ist und alle zurückblicken, wird sich jeder wundern wie schnell alles passiert ist…ich kann nur den Leuten empfehlen geduldig zu sein.


2020 showed me ........ Das Beste von 2020 war (erste 8 Monate) Das Beste von 2020 WIRD sein (12 Monate)??


2020 was a crazy year. It showed me that nothing is set in stone. It already is a massive difference, when people have to wear a mask in your hometown, your state, your nation. But I also have friends in the Philippines and in the US and when I see photos where people are in the same situation, I get a feeling of how huge the impact of this pandemic is. In my opinion the real economic crisis is still ahead. There will be a big wave of insolvency since the government in Germany suspended the mandatory notification in case a company goes broke until upcoming September. Companies also were allowed to pay their rent later. But they will have to pay it someday. And that day those companies will wake up with empty pockets. So 2020 told me that big changes can always and will always happen.

Das beste in 2020 in den letzten 8 Monaten war die Erkenntnis, dass ich bis jetzt sehr gut mit der Situation klar gekommen bin. Das Jahr zeigt mir also, dass ich dankbar sein kann für das was ich erreicht habe und wo ich jetzt stehe. Trotzdem wirft das Leben uns immer wieder neue Gelegenheiten und Herausforderungen vor die Füße. Es ist also wichtig für mich einerseits dankbar zu sein, auf der anderen Seite man aber nie aufhören soll sich weiter zu entwickeln und hungrig zu bleiben.

Das beste was in 2020 passieren wird ist, ganz klar, dass ich meine Freundin im Oktober wiedersehen werde. Durch den Lockdown haben wir uns nur über Facetime sehen können. Im Oktober können wir uns in einem Drittstaat treffen, wo Amerikaner und Deutsche hinkönnen. Das letzte Mal haben wir uns in den USA gesehen, zum Jahreswechsel 19/20. Es wird also wieder Zeit….


I should ask for a small drawing question ......... a windmill, tulips and an XRP Sign, what would that turn into???


No Problem: here it is:


Eh ...... NO ! ! ! Not so fast, let's give that privilege to Coil Subscribers, so they need to wait just a little longer ! ! !


Die Pandemie, hilft Sie Krypto oder ...... What has been the toughest for you this year because of COVID-19??


Die Pandemie hilft Krypto in dem Sinne, dass es die Digitalisierung vorantreibt. Gesellschaften werden mehr und mehr cashless und Online-Dienste erleben großen Zulauf. Ein Umschalten auf „alles digital“ braucht aber seine Zeit. Solange es Leute gibt, die „digital“ nicht verstehen es nicht die Geräte haben, müssen beide Standards aufrecht erhalten bleiben. Ein einfaches Beispiel: Ein Unternehmen möchte den Gehaltszettel nur noch digital per Mail verschicken. Aber man muss davon ausgehen, dass es Leute gibt, die keinen Computer haben. Also müssen beide Möglichkeiten aufrecht erhalten bleiben. Und manchmal ist das Aufrechterhalten des alten Systems dann immer noch günstiger, als beide Systeme zu bedienen.

Auf der anderen Seite führte die Gesundheitskrise zu einer Wirtschaftskrise. Unternehmen bekommen Liquiditätsprobleme und müssen das Geld zusammenhalten. Also werden weniger Unternehmen experimentierfreudig mit Krypto umgehen.

Von daher gibt es positive wie negative Effekte und ich weiß aktuell nicht welcher Effekt stärker ist.

The toughest thing that happened because of COVID-19? That’s clear – not being able to see my better half. Facetime was a great help, that’s for sure. We talk a lot, do workouts or watch Netflix together. But it will never replace seeing somebody in person.

Well, for the subscriber ..... you have more things to read as the interview is NOT over yet ..... and of course there is a picture you want to see. If you want to see it also, but not a Coil Subscriber yet, click H E R E ! ! !



This week we have seen some rain and those are the moments we had to grab, Noah and myself have a task:

3.000 piece jigsaw puzzle – Noah's Ark

We had been on it before, but now we will finish it. This is part 2 of the going the distance with the 3.000 piece Jigsaw Puzzle ! ! ! Part 1 can be found here:


Last time we started with the side pieces, but now we wanted to do it differently. Starting with the ark, and the animals we wanted to start with: the zebras

I divided the pieces randomly in three boxes

We are separating the side pieces

So we started with the Ark, as you can see we found most of the pieces, the ark is pretty much ...... complete ! ! !

Part of the zebra, only the head is not complete

And the crocodiles are almost totally visible

A tiger staring at us

The giraffes still need some work

and this is what it totally looks like, what is already done

The close up even looks better.

The puzzle is really big; we are progressing though but Noah is going back to school next week, so this probably cuts in our puzzle time. It is a lot of fun to build it together and now we are separating the pink/ orange sky.

We will keep you up to date


Exciting Day today as we were going to “World of Dinos”. Watching Dinos, Touching Dinos, Learning details about Dinos...... in one world summarised Dinos ! ! !

We were invited by a deadly one at the entrance; looking good ! ! ! As we entered a gloomy setting could be seen. Dark, Dino sounds and a scary setting.

The first Dinosaur we saw was the Kentrosaurus. It has a little head, little brain the size of an orange. A funny detail about this Dino was that it swallowed little pebbles to grind the plants in its stomach ...

The next Dino was the Cryolophosaurus, what basically means Lizard with frozen Crest, lived in Antarctica. Good hunter to big to run though ! ! !


Everybody knows the Velociraptor of course. The Raptor from the movie Jurassic Park, can eat a couple people in 30 seconds. It ate little dinosaurs though. They had a whole scene for this dinosaur and a couple were walking around. The first Velociraptor bones were found in Mongolia, China. One of the smartest dinosaurs, made him a fierce one. Was even able to attack bigger dinos than his own size.

The Shadow of the Velociraptor was already scary ! ! !

We had to walk a particular way, but in between we saw a couple bones. This was a Shunosaurus .... eh ....... big.

The Tochisaurus .... the next Dino, was a small dinosaur ....

SMALL ! ! ! ! —–) 4 METERS ! ! !

oh well, it has a nickname Ostrich Reptile and lived in Asia and North America and ate mainly meat. They used to have very large brains and small claws.

And now we were confronted with the Shunosaurus ....“alive” .....
Big herbivore that has a longer tail than its neck. His teeth were round in order to tear plants out of the ground.

The Oviraptor is a bad bad bad kitty ..... The name means Egg Thief, which he was. He did not eat the eggs, what was thought initially but he sat on nests and brooding the nest. Very protective of babies, even other dinosaurs' nests ..... they were deadly sitting on nests, protecting the eggs.

The next one was very alive:


The Dongyangosaurus was found for the first time in 2008. Noah really liked this name and has probably said it like 80 times ! ! ! Not a whole lot known about this plant eating creature, so we also moved on very quickly ! ! !

The next one, really looks familiar, but it is not the one you are thinking of. That one will be presented later. This Protoceratops was friendly, very common, ate plants and was only 2 meters “short”

We did go a little faster and before we knew we were standing in front of the biggest one of them all, absolute huge ! ! !

Please, say hi to the Omeisaurus. 12 meters long and 4 meters heigh. This would definitely scare you, if you open your window in the morning, just woken up, hello neighbour ! ! ! This animal had to eat all day to feed its big corps, no chewing, just swallowing, therefore he also swallowed little rocks, to solve “the plant problem” in its stomach ! ! ! A friendly creature ..... you see a little bit of a turtle in its face ! ! !

We really had a lot of fun ! ! !

One we had NEVER seen was Confuciusornis ... “Bird of Confucius” Has a lot of bird like features, no back tail and his “hands” have big claws ..... killing claws. A nice predator ! ! !

We saw other flying Dinosaurs: the Pterodactylus, in Pokemon world, this would be the Aerodactylus ....small and lived about 150 million years ago. Would have loved to see this flying around. The first Pterodactulus bones were found in Germany in 1780. Not very good at walking but flying ..... like a kite. Hunted fish but lived on the land ! ! !

Little fun in between .... well it was fun all the way. We learnt, walked and had fun ! ! !

And then it was time for the emperor himself. The big guns were brought to our attention. We were introduced to:


THE Dinosaur that has been featured the most in Dinosaur movies. A length of 12 meters and a weight of 6000 kilos, 1 of the biggest out there ! ! ! 50 teeth in his mouth made him having one of the most powerful jaws.He was able to crack any bone with his teeth. Standing up, erected, he was longer than 5 meters and lived in North America. Something people do not really know about the T-Rex, it may have had feathers on some body parts ! ! !

Next up, the Albertosaurus. I did not really want to feature this one, but kinda had to. This Dino, the Albertosaurus is the ancestor of ..... XRPGord ! ! ! Lived in Canada. This one had very small thin front legs with two fingers on it, but showed very long hind legs with three large toes. nice to meet you XRPGaurus ! ! !

The resemblance ! ! !

The Protoceratops, shown earlier looks like a known dino but the next one is THE ONE you know. The Triceratops, well known raptor from the Jurassic Park movies, was one of the last dinosaurs living on earth ....

We also saw a nice skelet of the Stegosaurus; but also a “real” one:

The absolute biggest Dinosaur displayed, one of the biggest of them all, had a hall all by itself, the BrachioSaurus. 40.000 kilos heavy, that is the weight of 8 adult African elephants ..... together ! ! ! He was able to eat leaves from 14 meter long trees and if the tree was too long, he would just push it, until he was able to eat. The BrachioSaurus had a length of 25 meters ! ! !

Dimetrodon lived way before any other Dinosaur walked this earth, he actually lived without any of the other Dinosaurs living on earth ! He would kill his prey by biting with his fangs and he would tore off the meat with his razor-sharp teeth.

That finished off the Dino Tour today. Was definitely nice, we learnt a lot and well, Noah had fun.

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Bitcoin, you can like it or hate it, but it plays a pretty important part in the crypto world. Manipulation is still possible, with all the coins, but Bitcoin whales make the whole crypto investment community shake. If you sell a couple 1.000 Bitcoin, you bet it is going to influence the market and if you buy a couple 1.000 Bitcoin. It is still “Crypto Industry Moving” ! ! !

So, Bitcoin a little bit of Price Check. I saw this feed on my twitter time line and thought it was pretty interesting. Wanted to know more about it, so I wanted to contact the account. BTC alert is the name and it does what it says, alerts. PRICE ALERTS

So, I asked some questions to see who is behind this account and what it does:


BTC alert, can you tell me something about this account, who is behind it and what is the purpose?

BTC alert:

This account was created in May 2017. After the idea of “automated price chance tweets”, our development team of 1 started to implement. The first automated tweet was shared on 2017-10-02 when the Bitcoin price was $4404.


WOW, can you believe that ! ! !

This account is created for actively following prices of Bitcoin via Twitter notifications.

I was not invested any to Bitcoin at that time but I was curious about its price.


WOW, can you believe **THAT** ! ! !


I did not want to go to websites or applications to check the price ....... I wanted to be notified. I thought there were many people like me so I created a public Twitter account. There are and always will be applications for instant notifications but Twitter also gives the opportunity to engage with communities. You can like and share when you receive these notifications!


Bitcoin, bitcoin, can you tell me a little bit of your history, How did you get involved?

BTC alert:

Even back in 2017, I did not own any cryptocurrencies. I was checking the price and opportunities to get involved. After creating this price alert account, I started to look deeper into blockchain.

As a software developer, blockchain -not surprisingly- amazed me more than Bitcoin. After a long and deep research, in 2018, I decided to invest on Bitcoin.



Do you also use Bitcoin as a payment vehicle or is it only a store of value for you?

BTC alert:

Unfortunately I did not have any chance to use Bitcoin as payment other than blockchain transaction fees. In 2020, for most of the people it is still store of value but I think it will change in near future.



Any other interesting Blockchain Projects out there?

BTC alert:

I love Ethereum as an other blockchain project. It is a programmable blockchain and I tried to write codes of its beta chain. I hope to see blockchain having a solid space in our future.



I do have to ask you, ..... XRP is in my name ...., What do you think of XRP

BTC alert:

Ripple is one of the first Altcoins I invested in. I love that it will be widely accepted in a real world solution. I hope it will be used widely for a long time ! ! !


I did not want to say anything about this, but eh ...... you probably mean XRP, although investing in Ripple would have been possible, but the word Altcoins ruins it .......... Sorry ;–)



What has been the greatest thing that has happened this year?

BTC alert:

I think there is nothing we can call great yet this year and there will be nothing happening that can make 2020 a great year.



What will be the greatest thing to happen in the remainder of 2020?

BTC alert:


........ well I guess that is a question, I should not have asked after the last question ..........



Any new features planned for this account ... Price in Pound, Yen, Euro .. Futures, Market Cap, Dominance Indicator?

BTC alert:

You named very likely features. I will not spoil any, but this account will be here, stay here and we will develop new features as long as Bitcoin lives.


Will BTC have an all time high this year?

BTC alert:

In my opinion, we will not see all time high in the last quarter of 2020 ...... but to be honest, even if we have, 20k level is not what we want from Bitcoin. I want to think in longer terms.



What question should I NOT ask you?


BTC alert:

You should NOT ask BTC Alert price predictions. I only share what happened. If you look closer, BTC Alert has not shared any opinions about the future and it will stay like that .... forever ! ! !


Anything you would like to add?

BTC alert:

If people who want to invest or expand his/her investment read the following sentences:

Bitcoin and its sister projects are still children

They can evolve into anything .... in both good and bad ways. Be curious, but DYOR, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.


NO NO NO ! ! !


Do not invest in just a project; it will give you sleepless nights ! ! !

Well, Wise Words. Thank you BTC Alert, we will keep on checking the account


Weeks ago we got a very nice blog by Crypto Eri. She was talking about the dog Hachiko (ハチ公):


An amazing story of course that has been displayed in the 2009 movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale starring Richard Gere and Joan Allen.


This was a remake of the original Japanese movie that was aired for the first time in 1987 – Hachikō Monogatari


Well this is the intro to my today's blog ! ! ! Oh and if you want to know Yes, I ALSO cried watching Hachi: A Dog's Tale

WE HAVE OUR OWN HACHI , here in the Netherlands ! ! !

Well, I should NOT write the Netherlands, should be just a city, but it gives the story MUCH MORE WEIGHT ! ! !

Not a dog but ............................................ a CAT ! ! !

I started to notice our “HACHI” like a couple months ago. Together with Noah, I would go to the playground nearby and stay, only if there where no other kids / parents ... you know Covid-19 ..... Many times we would go really early and we were lucky to take some slides, have some time on the swings and climb, run and laugh a lot....


There was always this cat ..... NO Noah, don't touch him/ her, at the moment we do not touch animals, they might be stray or wild or ...... let's not touch them .... but he is so cute .... NO, sorry honey, no touching ! ! !

That was it ...... but it returned almost every time ..... no no no, EVERY TIME ! ! ! The last weeks, when we cycle there, we always go by and ask ourselves: is the little cat there:

This is the first picture we took of the cat, when we started noticing when we were there, the cat was ! ! !

Of course we can start thinking about a nice story around the cat, but I don't have a nice story. Maybe it is a very dull story, just a cat, living across the street that knows he will get food showing up at the playground ...... N O , we are not going for that story .....

This cat is just the gatekeeper of the playground, the guardian angel of the children .... when they fall, hurt themselves, the cat is always there to take the pain away ......

As you can see we are beyond the point, that:

The cat is dangerous, watch out, or even don't touch.

Noah likes him a lot and wants to take him/ her home ........ cannot do that, it is the

Playground Cat


I have the feeling the cat recognises us .... Probably not, but please let us have our Hachiko Story.

The pictures I have taken, are covering a period of a couple months and if I go to the playground right now, I am pretty sure I will see our hero again.

Sitting on the couch getting ready to come over.

I am coming

One sec, something is ......... bothering me

and ...... here I am ! ! !

Well, I may look rough today, but it is still me, I am waiting here for you ! ! !

That is our Hachi ..... we have been really getting attached to it, talking about it when we are in the area. Always going to the playground .... to see if she/ he is there. And ....... it is always good, to see the cat when we enter the playground again


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I should, I would and now I am doing. Told a fellow Coil Blogger I would re-visit some of the movies that made it into his blog. Maybe I need more than 1 blog, but I will share my memories, which will probably lead to more but, who can tell .... at this moment.

I love the 80's, the music, the movies, the clothes, well the latter one not in particular, but the music ...... love it. If there is a pop quiz that has an eighties theme, you better call me as it will be a guarantee W. I don't know why, but I need a couple notes and I know what song it is .... did I get stuck in the eighties; NO, but I grew up with the music, the movies love it.

Fellow blogger John has shared with us many posts about movies, series. Sharing his ideas, feelings and thoughts why “it” is good or not so good without giving away clues of the ending of the movie, no spoilers.

Eighties movies, love them. Up front you know they have a happy ending, the stories are not too difficult and .... well, you can just enjoy them.

Starting with his first post on Thrillers, nice one, the real fun started on July 26th. The 80's Teen Movies ! ! !


It is almost impossible for me, to get passed the first two movie pictures, actually maybe the first picture, without re-living the movie and the setting when I actually saw it for the first time.

I must have been in my early teens myself when I saw Ferris Bueller's Day Off for the first time. Did not know it at all, but love it.

I had a tennis tournament in the Netherlands and had a good feeling about it. Was already in the third round, won twice with good weather. Well, that changed a little .... the good weather part. It started to rain and during these tournaments you had to be on side as the match would start when the rain was over and the courts where prepared again.

The weather forecast did not look very well, so the organisation decided to play a couple rental movies to entertain the jumpy teenagers. We were able to play Video Games, Table football, PingPong, cannot say these tournaments did not take care of the players.

Ferris Bueller's Day off was one of their picks. I also remember Turner and Hooch being there and the Breakfast Club, but have to talk about Ferris.

I was mesmerised, the Ferrari, oh boy, the Ferrari. We were sitting around, like 6 guys watching the movie and it was a riot ! ! ! Just to share with you, The movie was showed in English with Dutch subtitles. Everybody was glued to the movie

Bueller, Bueller ..... incredible, how powerful, only two words, just a last name repeated twice ..... everybody knows what scene I am talking about .... if you have seen the movie. Gotta love it, the drooling and of course Ed Rooney


and if you say his first name through your nose ..... you are talking about Cameron Frye ..... the guy with the red hockey jersey .... the ultimate worrier, the so NOT Ferris dude.

and of course Sloan ... Sloan Peters. I seriously always doubted the relationship with Ferris, but maybe that was to NOT see her in a relationship ! ! ! She was the cool chick, who went for it , cool cool cool.

I really watched the movie and remembered I did not want it stop raining. We were able to watch the whole movie and also started the Breakfast Club. I said started because during the movie it stopped raining and we had to play again .... Gave me a reason to watch the movie from the start again, but that was not a nice thing. I also like this movie a lot and when I hear the Simple Minds, I re-live the movie again ! ! !



The fun part about the clip, lot's of scenes of the movie inside. Gotta love it ! ! !

Although I wanted to highlight a couple more movies, I could not really get passed one movie. Maybe there is going to be a follow up, but this is what I think about Ferris ! ! !

Source Header

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AND just adding: I ended up winning the tennis tournament in the doubles, together with my brother ! ! !