
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

In the series You like him or ...... Part IV, I reached out to a very smart guy that I talked to before. He is very technical, has a YouTube Channel in different languages and understands Ripple / XRP to the bone. Once again, has people who like him and ........

So, looking at his Twitter we see the following:

Michael iPinky, yes we are talking about Michael Zischeck ! ! ! Michael of course also has a YouTube Channel:

Well over 4.000 followers and 261 videos made; nice amount ....

Many videos will start with the XRP – Song. Always a nice welcome

So who is Michael, let's find out ...


Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines?

Michael iPinky7:

I worked in IT for 25 years, looking for new job opportunities now also outside of IT, kind of as “problem solver” or “coach” as one of my best traits is:

“understanding” the customer and “solving” his problems in a transparent way.

I'm married since 5 years, we have a dog and use the “Corona” lockdown to do some necessary work in our garden.


When did you get involved in crypto when, how, why?

Michael iPinky7:

My workmates where talking nonstop about it. First I didn't wanna know about it: crypto currency, please, no! why? But to engage in their discussions I learned about blockchain, what it is and what variations there are. I stuck with XRP as it's literally the only use case where a high value coin makes sense



When did you get involved with XRP?

Michael iPinky7:

September 2017 I bought my first XRP and was soon after surprised about the performance


When did you start your YouTube channel, and why did you start it

Michael iPinky7:

I think April 2018. I kind of “solved” a riddle of BearableGuy123 Decoder. He meant: “To discuss further I need to open a channel, cause he'd have to discuss more “anonymous” and cannot do on his own channel. so I created my own YT channel. Also BG123 Decoder lead me into deeper research which led me to create the Superhighway theory



Liquidity requires 4 digits, when XRP is handling 10% of Swifts business, care to elaborate

Michael iPinky7:

Unfortunately we don't know too much data about x-Border (SWIFT). But we do know from Target2 and others, those are almost identical in what percentage goes into low/medium/high value payments. Also the “bandwidth” for low/medium/high is comparable. low ~ 50k $ payments

From Target2 we know we have in average every 3 seconds a 50 million payment. Target2 is roughly 20% of global market. So 10% of global market would mean at least every 10 seconds a 50 million $ payment. We also know that every 8 minutes, at 10% every 15 minute a 1 billion payment is sent. This can ONLY be achieved with 4 digits


one question in German: Du hast also angegeben, dass dein YouTube-Kanal für eine Weile angehalten wird, immer noch bullisch: finanzielle Freiheit für immer. Kannst du ein Bisschen mehr darüber erzählen?


Michael iPinky7:

Mein Kanal ist nur nicht mehr so aktiv, angehalten stimmt nicht. Ich mach halt keine regelmässigen Livestreams mehr, nur grad wenn mir der Sinn danach ist weil ich merke, dass viele offene Fragen haben. FFF Financial Freedom Forever. Absolut. Ich bin der bullishste XRP Holder überhaupt. Da XRP der einzige Coin, digital Asset ist der einen hohen Preis braucht, ist die Chance damit FFF zu erreichen am grössten, alle anderen Coins können, sofern die Spekulation dazu reicht, auch hohe Preise erzielen, aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist um ein Vielfaches kleiner


But, what was your favourite video you did ?!?

Michael iPinky7:

I think the superhighway Theory. I still think this is a stroke of Genius from Ripple. Not doing all installations on their own but getting help from partners like Temenos, Finastra etc.



Do you watch a lot of fellow YouTubers; who do you watch if so?

Michael iPinky7:

I almost completely stopped watching other YT channels.. There's not one which delves deeper. And for “news” I don't need to spend an hour watching someone praising donations coming in


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown?

Michael iPinky7:

could be either or... undecided... specific to XRP: going faster, now with banks having almost no liquidity seems reasonable, going slower due to lack of manpower at work may be what we actually see



Vielleicht noch eine Frage auf Deutsch, du hast viele Freunde, aber auch einige Leute, die dich nicht mögen, was denkst du darüber?

Michael iPinky7:

es ist schön neue Leute kennen zu lernen über meine Kanäle. Mit Richard war ich an der Swell, das war eine super Zeit. Manuel ist ein Freund von mir geworden, wir verstehen uns weit über XRP hinaus blendend miteinander. Und dass mich, meine Direktheit, nicht jeder mag dass weiss ich, ist mir aber egal. Schön wärs wenn die die meine Meinung nicht mögen mich damit konfrontieren, aber meistens haben sie Schiss vor meiner Reaktion, dabei bin ich eigentlich ganz froh über Kritik. Manchmal stellt sich heraus: ungerechtfertigt, manchmal ist sie aber auch gerechtfertigt. Das merkt man aber erst im Gespräch in einer Auseinandersetzung, wozu es leider aber eben oft nicht kommt


The coolest thing that happened this year?

Michael iPinky7:

that I lost my job and how I lost it. I was called into a meeting, HR boss, super boss, boss all there. I knew I was fired. The good thing: I could pack my stuff right after the meeting, I was even told not to talk to anyone. Exactly how I wanted to end my job there anyway!




The coolest thing that CAN happen this year

Michael iPinky7:



What can we expect from you in 2020

Michael iPinky7:

You? Social Media? Nothing! If XRP gets to 10$, I am 100% sure of that, we will start supporting my wife's family in Brazil and some friends


Are we going to see a Bullrun in 2020?

Michael iPinky7:

I don't think so, at least not a “general” one. XRP will surge no doubt

Source Hopefully ......... a little bull ! ! !


What Digital Asset is going to lead a possible Bullrun?

Michael iPinky7:



What crypto is going to surprise us

Michael iPinky7:

BTC – climate activists will call for prevent BTC trading, no market, no intention to mine, no miners no transactions, BTC will drop to close to 0 maybe not yet in 2020 but not soon thereafter


Thank you Michael for answering all the questions. It was a load of them, multiple languages, so really a big thank you.


you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to read some more questions and answers ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

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Maybe I have missed the memo, but suddenly I have seen the word gFam all around .... so I wanted to know more about it. Checked Twitter first:

...... wait , wait ..... I know the account was started in May, but 49 followers ..... no no no, let's try to change that .....

Let's check Coil:

Would be nice to see a little growth.

gFam, let's dive into it, who is/ are gFam? I want to find out:


Who are YOU ? ? ?


We're just a small team who are donating our time and resources to create a platform that actually supports creators and hopefully provides a means of income for those affected by the pandemic and automation...



How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


It is incredibly costly and slow to send money internationally. Banks, PayPal, Swift all take huge fees, and so after some really frustrating transactions we started looking for alternatives and found XRP. Now I can support someone in Venezuela quicker than I can send money to my friend who is in the same room with the same bank.

Venezuelan friend bracelet



What is your favourite Crypto and why is it ? ? ?


XRP without a doubt. I still can't believe the validators are volunteers, it's an incredible concept and really heart-warming. I love that it's decentralised but there is still an actual company building infrastructure for it. At this point it seems like the best of both worlds.


Any other Coins you are interested in ? ? ?


Really love Hive as well. It's a true decentralised community with a huge amount of investors and individuals building on and off the chain. It has a mechanism where developers can get paid for improving the blockchain... which all get voted on by the community.



Can you tell a little bit about gFam ? ? ?


Of course... gFam is a platform where creators can receive tips in XRP for their stories and selfies. We're really worried about what the pandemic and automation will do to people's livelihoods both now and in the future, and it's terrible that these huge tech firms take such a huge slice of the revenue pie when it's everyone else contributing content to their sites. We hope that artists will share their creative processes, fitness gurus will share their daily workouts, models will share behind the scenes of their photoshoots, musicians will share the inspirations behind their music... and we hope that their fans will support them with tips, rather than trusting in a subscription model like Patreon. We're hoping that creators don't need to spend years building huge followings to make any money like on Instagram or YouTube, but can be supported per story.


It's also intended to be a huge starting point for creators into the world of crypto. We've already helped a few people get started with Xumm and explain what crypto is. Some creators felt that it's too hard but enjoy sharing their stories, but others have jumped right in and love the tech. It's really exciting to share this potentially life-changing passion with new people. After all, getting XRP into as many hands as possible will help everyone in the crypto community.

Lastly, we hope that once people see the daily lives of others all over the world, and that people share similar hopes, dreams, fears and struggles despite having very different lives, we can build a really caring and supportive community.

Selfie 1976


How much of your time you spend on gFam ? ? ?


At the moment, so much time!

It's very much a work in progress, there are so many things that we're working on on the site, as well as talking to lots of people to help them get over the hurdles to join our global family. Even the posts on Coil take quite some time, but we love it. It's very much a work of passion.


What can we expect of gFam in the remainder of 2020 ? ? ?


We've still got a lot to build out and then later this year we're hoping to start a fairly aggressive marketing campaign to bring creators over from Instagram and Facebook, and into the Coil web-monetisation ecosystem.


So what is the link with Xumm ? ? ?


Xumm is the incredible technology that we use to send tips from content consumers to content creators. It allows us to track the sending, the receiving and the confirmation of the payment within a few seconds, which is absolutely breath-taking. This gives us a huge advantage over, say, a YouTube who requires creators to reach a certain threshold of views, then takes a massive percentage, then pays out monthly but can also demonetise or throttle creators at any time. 3 seconds versus a month? We're feeling confident...



What is a busy day for you ? ? ?


We've all still got our day jobs, so we're working on gFam both before work and after work. To be absolutely honest, none of us have gotten much sleep this week.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


We've been working on gFam for a year... it's pivoted at least 3 times to get us to this point, but we're really happy with how it's turned out so far, and our plans for the next 6 months for the site.

The coolest thing though, was when Ferdi posted a story and a selfie on gFam.

Oh, wait, that hasn't happened yet... hmm, looks like the coolest thing for the year has yet to happen.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Honestly, we expect things to be pretty hard. The pandemic isn't going to be resolved anytime soon and life might have changed forever. Companies will use this time to really push for automation and the world might not ever get a large percentage of the jobs back that were lost in the last 2 months.

It's been really uplifting to see everyone pull together, look after each other and companies look after their employees where they can. It's been amazing that lots of people have been able to successfully work and study from home and we hope there are positive benefits to the environment that come out of all this chaos.


What crypto currency is going to surprise us ? ? ?


We see lots of murmurs from people who bought XRP near the top and have lost heart with their investments. We do think that BTC will rise in price over the next year, and we do think that XRP will start to make strong moves of it's own once investors start to look into Bitcoin but find better technology elsewhere.



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?



Crypto is a huge industry with lots of moving parts.

Some crypto will go up in price as shares start to struggle against a global recession, some crypto will go down as investors need to withdraw as to pay their bills. The crypto industry mostly works remotely so no real change there. Obviously in the US people are getting really concerned with the Fed printing trillions and what that means for their long-term savings, so we hope that crypto becomes a safer haven for the storing of wealth and the development of more fair and balanced technologies.



Anything to add..... ? ? ?


We really hope that the XRPCommunity takes a little bit of time to jump onto gFam to support, comment and tip creators. Most of these creators are brand new to the crypto world, so showing them a brand new world, and helping convince others who might be waiting in the wings to jump in will benefit us all. Even a super tiny tip of 0.1 XRP can make people feel heard and seen and supported.

The Quick Round, Single Words, Short Answers ! ! !

Bitcoin halving and the following months ? ? ?

US Regulations ? ? ?

India lifting “a ban” that was not there, but it became official ? ? ?

What about Bitgo starting with XRP – British Pound ? ? ?

What Netflix Show you watch ? ? ?

What music do you listen to ? ? ?



Bitcoin halving and the following months

We do think this will result in a price increase even though the actual reduction of available Bitcoin is tiny. Like with everything in the world, it's all about perception.

US Regulations

We think that the US individual states making their own policy and regulatory changes is really interesting and provides really good examples of the pros and cons of crypto. Will New York State suffer for trying to protect Wall St from crypto, will Wyoming draw a ton of investment from the crypto industry? Can crypto help Puerto Rico recover? Will creators start to move states depending on regulations?

We don't know what will happen, but it's fascinating to see the different states navigate crypto in very different ways.

India lifting “a ban” that was not there, but it became official

We honestly don't know much about this.. it sounds like good news ... I guess?

What about Bitgo starting with XRP – British Pound

Ah, yeah, sorry, don't know much about this either.

What Netflix Show you watch

Super nerdy, but have been absolutely loving the Crisis of Infinite Earths.

What music do you listen to

Kaiser Chiefs is probably one of the most fun bands that I listen to.


Had to add this part to the interview as I think it is nice that it was written BUT also let the community pick this up ! ! !

Thank you Ferdi for helping get the word out about gFam. We're really excited to see what happens in the #web monetisation space and we can't do really anything without the community's support.

So what is that XUMM thing again .....

WELL ...........

if you would be a Coil Subscriber, you would get some more information about it and WHY we are going to talk about it in the coil subscriber ONLY section

SO, .........

if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


A couple weeks ago, I heard a lot of words, that were tight to the same topic: Playtable. I already knew the ties with VeChain, and that it was made by the 8 Hours Foundation. EhrT going live on Bitrue was for me the sign to get to know the project a little bit better. I spoke to John, a very kind person, he was willing to tell me a couple things regarding the project. A very interesting project ! ! !


Can you tell me something about yourself ? ? ?


My name is John Dempsey, and I am the founding director of 8Hours. I’m a self-taught hardware and software engineer and a long-time fan of collectibles and games.


Can you tell me something about the 8Hours, where does this name come from and stand for ? ? ?


8Hours is building a blockchain platform for the proliferation of social games and collectibles. We call our collectibles “VIMs” and the ecosystem of games/content “VIMWorld”. We’re excited to be listing our token, EHrTs on the Bitrue exchange! This will give access to all of our games to users through the use of our token.

We found that the best way to foster social bonds is simply by spending an average of 8 hours a week interacting with each other, and so we set out to the most meaningful experiences there is social play.


What are you trying to achieve, in other words, If I need to explain all this to my 86 year old grandma, how do I do that .... digital .... collectibles .... Playtable ? ? ?


We’re trying to create a world where your VIMs live and breathe. VIM is a digital soul for your physical objects like toys, cards, figurines. It’s a one-stop-shop for users to get, view, trade, and play with their VIMs. VIMWorld is the platform where all of our games, marketplaces, and VIMs live. Most of the time, users will buy their VIMs from our VIM vending machine, but occasionally can win them through raffles and events. Rare and custom VIMs can also be sold and traded on our marketplace.


This is not meant in a mean way, but one of the first things that popped up in my head hearing explanations of the 8Hours, was Pokemon Go. Getting all the different Pokemon, walking the miles, breading eggs, doing tasks; is that a fair thought, or ... ? ? ?


Fairly similar, the main thing is we link with physical pieces. And we onboard killer IP to help create games for our ecosystem. So that users can see the brands they’re already familiar with coming to the blockchain for meaningful experiences.



To me the Playtable is a tool from a back to the future movie .... going into the future of course? When did this idea pop in your head and when did you seriously think you were on to something ? ? ?


Around the time of Toy-to-Life games such as Amiibos and Skylanders, I was thinking of how to truly breathe life into figurines and collectibles. It was just a cool idea to play with the toys on a screen instead of an attached reader and over time I found that it unlocked brand new sorts of play experiences. I worked on a small prototype and started sharing this idea and the response I got was basically:

“shut up and take my money!”



When did you see a linkage with blockchain ? ? ?


Blockchain Collectibles have already made a huge impact. Blockchain technology is perfectly suited to making digital collectibles because of the following:

1. True ownership

2. Data Portability (easy to share data between projects/games)

3. Security (blockchain is basically un-hackable) I feel like every digital collectible should and will transition to a blockchain-backed ownership system.


So Playtable, how many games are out, how many can be played with multiple players and what games are really well known by the mass ? ? ?


Playtable currently has about 30 games right now and most of the games are multiplayers games. The popular games are Catan, Ticket to ride, Codenames, Machikoro, and many more.



Nintendo's Amiibo figurines, how close do the get to the Playtable figurines ? ? ?


The PlayTable is compatible with the same NFC tech that Amiibos and other existing Toy-to-Life brands. We’re excited to be building the tech that enables things just like this to happen and have the core experience and SDKs created. We have a few games that work out of the box with our own toy brands, and are creating a few key games that we expect to guide the future of interactive development.


There are many more collectibles companies out there to onboard to our platform and create game experiences for. Basic detection is already built platform-wide and you can even roll dice right on the screen.


How do you think you will achieve mass adoption. I know we are early days, but with what “catalyst” you reckon a big shift towards mass adoption ? ? ?


Our goal is to create mass adoption to all the regular gamers/users from Playtable into blockchain; Becoming the leading blockchain platform to bring physical pieces, toys, cards and figurines to real life. We are going to do that by collaborating with several major companies with big household name brands. These are companies that everyone is familiar with and we can flood their communities with our EHrTs and VIMs. We can’t name any right now, but these titles are under development. We’ve already worked with huge board game brands like Asmodee for Catan and Ticket to Ride. Our partnership deals are being made to create revenue, which we are feeding back into the ecosystem to create more and more value. Larger IPs are being signed which aren’t board games, but a greater fit for EHrTs and the VIM economy in general. We do work with smaller indie firms, too, for the creation of unique content (over a dozen developers have submitted / created games for PlayTable).


I just thought about something else, Second Life, is that something you are familiar with; any similarities ? ? ?


Second Life is a great concept. Although your VIMs represent your status and tiers in games, you aren’t able to customise your characters just yet



Listening to your AMA with Brad Kimes yesterday, I heard you speak about games like Monopoly / SimCity ... other people with Playtables can play also ... Is the supply of Playtables going to be unlimited as it needs to be controlled, or does that not have any effect ? ? ?


Playtable will not be limited as it is a tabletop gaming console, and it will not have an effect on the VIMs and VIMworld.


I already see it in my son, 4.5 years old, picks up things very quickly ... That said, are you not scared, children could become addictive to Playtable and/ or buy / spend real (digital) money, that they should not spend; is there some protection ? ? ?


Playtable is made for a group activity, a communal gaming experience for everyone. We haven’t had any issues with kids being overly addicted to playing games on the Playtable. Additionally, our games for kids are mostly edutainment games that would make it fun for them to learn.


Can you tell me something about the eHrT token and Bitrue – eHrT token listing ? ? ?


Any time EHrTs is “spent” on certain things, instead of accepting all the money, we will burn 50%, enforced on smart contract-level. Also, all coloured tokens are created by burning EHrTs. If a VIM has a million coloured tokens, it means a million EHrTs were burned to get that. When coloured tokens are spent, they are also burned. The EHrTs never re-enters circulation.


Can you please say something more about the Eight Hour Token ? ? ?


Our goal is to merge the worlds of physical toys and digital toys. With physical toys, the owner is whoever has possession of the toy. But when that toy has any digital data, the digital data is owned by the company that created it. With blockchain technology, we have created the VIM token that allows for true ownership over the digital data for your physical toys. As for Eight Hours Token, we created this as a utility token to give the VIM tokens value. Right now you can stake EHrTs into your VIM to power them up in our games, and EHrTs can be transformed into “coloured tokens” and deposited into your VIM to signify achievements, history, etc. It's a really open system that we are currently building many features for, and we've only scratched the surface of the potential functionality.


so Vechain, can you tell me a little about that relationship, how did that come to the table ? ? ?


We want to engage non-crypto users, someone who is interested in collectible card games, could be a customer for us. Our biggest hurdle is how to make blockchain accessible to those people that don't know what a crypto wallet is, they just want to play games and collect toys. That's why being on Vechain is actually a huge benefit to us. We are using MPP to sponsor users' transactions so they never have to see the underlying blockchain technology if they don't want to.



burning VTHO, how does this exactly work, and how much will be burnt; will Playtable boost the Vechain price; asking for a friend ? ? ?


VTHO is consumed as gas for all transactions on the blockchain, it depends on the complexity of the transaction. The company is using MPP to sponsor the transactions so that mass-audience type users can use our apps and Playtable’s blockchain functionality. I can’t say exactly how much this will consume, but we are excited to bring lots of users to use VeChain in the background for gameplay and our VIM collectibles



A friend of mine loves Monopoly ... is that game already available and if not, do you have a timeframe ? ? ?


Monopoly is loved by everyone and it’s considered one of the classic board games of all time. They already have a digital version where you can play Monopoly on desktop and/or mobile. For us, we are more about the gaming experience for everyone on the PlayTable. We could easily partner with Monopoly and port their games over but we also want to optimise the interaction and experience for our gamers. We don’t have a timeframe for Monopoly right now as we are working on other games, however, we are expecting to add more classic board games such as Monopoly, Game of Life, Candyland soon.



What is the impact of the Virus to you and your company ? ? ?


We have Silicon Valley VCs involved in the project as well as actual business revenue that we've been seeing from Day 1. When we started the company, we did a pre-sale for PlayTable to prove demand. We used that seed money to build the initial elements of EHrTs and VIMs to start 8Hours. We're well-capitalised and have been enduring these tough times quite well.


What is 2020 going to be for you ? ? ?


We can’t wait to share more news with everyone. We’re releasing a dApp very soon. It’s going to contain a wallet feature, the VIM marketplace exchange, a VIMdispenser, feeding EHrTs to your VIM, and our first VIM game which is VIM vs VIM.

Stay tuned for more releases, follow:

Telegram (play8hours)

Twitter (8Hours_Official)

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Well, amazing interview, thank you John ..... and I know the Playtable is sold out at the moment, but if you have a showroom model you need to get rid of .... I know a 4,5 year old, you can make very happy ........................ and his daddy also ! ! !

Stay SAFE ! ! !

Many YouTubers are well known for being positive about one coin, and one coin only. Shilling, hyping, being very positive/ negative about a certain digital asset ... you see many of them. Cannot be said of the following. Just generally positive and very down to earth “what you see is what you get” mentality.

Talking with a calm voice, very understandable, explaining all the parts of being part of the Blockchain / Crypto Currency Industry.

His name is Rob from the Digital Asset News; a YouTube Channel have more than 56.000 followers ! ! ! !

So many viewers on YouTube so little followers on Twitter .... I would have expected to see more followers on Twitter, but hey, as long as he continues with YouTube; 188 Videos in ... and counting ! ! !


Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

My name is Rob with Digital Asset News and I do my best to take the top stories in cryptocurrency and digital assets and break them down into bite – size pieces.


When did you get involved in crypto when, how, why?


Digital Asset News – Rob:

November of 2017 when I saw the price of ALL digital assets going up. I thought this would be a good plead to invest... and then I lost 90% of everything I invested in over a 6 month period.


When did you start with your YouTube channel and why?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

I started the channel at the end of November 2019 because a. I was sick and tired of hearing about TA from other channels and only wanted to hear the stories regarding what was ACTUALLY happening in the space and b. Because I needed an outlet. My other 2 businesses run on auto-pilot almost (Amazon selling and online education platform for nurses) that I wanted something else to do


How would you describe your channel, what is your strength?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

The strength is that I try to break down complex issues and simplify them so the listener doesn't have to. The world is a busy place so I just cut down the time of the things you need to know. Also, to date I don't do anything with sponsors. I get bombarded with requests but to date nothing has passed our test to endorse on the channel. I feel that trust is a currency that can't be bought and I think it is THE reason we went from 0 subscribers to almost 60,000 in less than 6 months.



Can you share some kind of top 3 / top 5 digital assets you are fond of and why you are fond of the?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

Here is what I am invested in -


Store of Value (It will not and cannot be used as currency as the white paper proposed it to be) TPS (Transactions per second are between 7 – 15 and the lightning network is not the answer right now). If the entire fiat model went away and we used Bitcoin TODAY as a world currency the BTC network would crumble and transactions would be so expensive it would become UNUSABLE. Even in 2017 when the price and time of each transactions was unbearable and that was 3 years ago!



Smart contracts, DeFi + everything is built on Ethereum as for as ERC tokens and other projects. I see Ethereum as a $10,000 coin.



Payments. With a TPS of 1,500 it is less than Visas 15,000 – 24,000 but one of them should be used for global payments or a bridge currency and that is why I invested in both.




If for some reason Ethereum fails then these are the next best thing for smart contracts. Also, I don't believe there is ONE CRYPTO TO RULE THEM ALL. Thus, people and organisations may choose these for their smart contract needs.



If for some reason Ethereum fails then these are the next best thing for smart contracts. Also, I don't believe there is ONE CRYPTO TO RULE THEM ALL. Thus, people and organisations may choose these for their smart contract needs.




Pull real world data into blockchains of smart contracts. There are others out there but Chainlink is rapidly progressing.



If for some reason Ethereum fails then these are the next best thing for smart contracts. Also, I don't believe there is ONE CRYPTO TO RULE THEM ALL. Thus, people and organisations may choose these for their smart contract needs.



Payments. With a TPS of 1,500 it is less than Visas 15,000 – 24,000 but one of them should be used for global payments or a bridge currency and that is why I invested in both.


I see them all doing something specific and will have major price upswings in the future.


To shift gears a little bit: What is your favourite movie .... yes movie (or series if you'd like) ! ! ! :–)

Digital Asset News – Rob:

I can't speak to that but I can tell you about my favourite YouTubers – Anthony Pompliano and his “Lunch Money” series. Mike Maloney and his gold and silver information and Digital Dave's “Crazy 4 Cryptos” channel. I am a sucker for a laid back approach.


There are 3 factors when the bull run hits and it's better to do these things NOW then wait until the last minute and you get left REKT and angry (take it from experience!)

  1. Uncover the exact amount of TIME you'll have for the parabolic Bull Run

  2. Recognise and Control Psychological factors that will cause you to get REKT and leave you holding BAGS of De-Valued Assets!

  3. Have an Exit Strategy + LIMIT orders!

Can you explain a little more about that experience you spoke about and besides people watching the video, can you make it absolutely clear to people to have an Exit strategy ready?

Digital Asset News – Rob:


  1. In the past you've had about 30 days of the parabolic rise and when it starts to fall back down so be ready. 1 month is all you have. If you believe that it will go up forever, you will get REKT so be mentally prepared to pull the trigger and sell.

  2. You can't ever be prepared mentally for this (see #1). You'll think it will go up forever but you're wrong. If you don't have AUTOMATIC LIMIT ORDERS then you will lose out on a TON of profits. I recommend watching the Bull Run Basics in my playlist. it is the FIRST video so you cant miss it. check it out here


    ESSENTIALS PLAYLIST for Digital Assets and Cryptocurrency

  3. If you don't have AUTOMATIC LIMIT ORDERS then you will lose out on a TON of profits.


You can't ever be prepared mentally for this


Favourite video you did ?!?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

The video on Joe Rogan and YouTube censorship.

The video got taken down and then was re-instated by YouTube ! ! !


Do you watch a lot of fellow YouTubers; who do you with if so?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

I used to watch a TON of YouTubers but now I only really watch Crazy 4 cryptos and crypto daily. They are like me – level headed and just spitting out facts PLUS crypto daily has to to be the funniest YouTuber out there. I also listen to Jungle Inc. because that guy keeps the faith for XRP and I have to tip my hat to that. There are other good ones but I've only got so much time in the day to create a video, watch others and run my other businesses.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

It helps because it has shown people that we really live in a digital age. Businesses KNEW that people could work effectively at home but they dragged their feet until we had a pandemic that FORCED people to work from home and it worked. People KNEW that Amazon could deliver practically ANYTHING they needed and when the pandemic came they leaned into Amazon for practically EVERYTHING. Likewise with crypto – SOME people knew there was a better faster way to pay for things in a faster, easier way (without contaminated money) and here we are. Now we have the fed printing money and whether you believe that this WILL or WILL NOT lead to hyperinflation (some economists do NOT believe it will) then we will be in a waiting game to see what will happen. I personally do not believe you can get something from nothing and these stimulus packages have LARGELY gone to help the BIG corporations instead of small businesses where it SHOULD HAVE GONE TO. This will again lead to a massive imbalance between the haves and the have nots which is what happened in the 2008 housing crisis bubble. I think at some point people have to wake up, look around and say:

“There has to be a better way – I'm getting screwed!”


The coolest thing that happened this year?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

Personally, no one in my immediate family got the coronavirus. Cryptocurrency and digital asset wise I think it is the push for main stream adoption as well as institutional players like hedge funds getting more heavily into Bitcoin and other assets. If you look at Gray Scale, they went from 2.2 B assets under management to 3.7 B in only 1 quarter! Barry Silbert really had a vision for digital assets and it's coming to fruition. I think that is positive because it lends itself to legitimise cryptocurrency and digital assets. If my mom can call me and ask me about it, I know the needle is moving in the right direction.


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

In crypto ANYTHING can happen – that's why it's so exciting. Not just about the price action but as far as things that blockchain and DLT can actually do. Tokenise a skyscraper so the little guy can have a piece of the pie? More of that can happen. Have someone in central Africa participate in banking through crypto – that can happen. Have BTC, ETH or XRP sky rocket to ATH? That can happen tomorrow because in crypto you never know.


What can we expect from you in 2020

Digital Asset News – Rob:

My goal is to continue to do videos but whittle them down to 10-20 mins. max. Also, to put up my education website for beginners FREE OF CHARGE. I already do this in my other business where I educate nursing students on how to pass their clinical exams and that has a lot of detailed info so I can put a basic course for people coming into the space so they know whats going on and how things operate. I want to make it as simple as I can so even my mom could understand it. I think the barrier to entry is usually unnecessary confusion.

Also, you'll see more of the scam of the day at the end of each of my videos. We highlight 1-4 scam videos on YouTube and then have people report them so they can get wiped out. We have a spreadsheet that is accessible in the description of each video that I do so people can quickly access it. Since Jan. 2020 we've wiped out close to 50 scam videos. I created this because I asked a poll of all my subscribers and the results from near 1000 participants revealed that about 40% of them had been scammed out of their crypto in some way. That is going to stop and the only way to do it is to bring this deceitful activity from the shadows into the light and highlight it.


Are we going to see a Bullrun in 2020?

Digital Asset News – Rob:

Year To Date, we've already seen a handful of digital assets do well – Tezos, Chainlink come to mind. Also, Cardano is FINALLY going to release their Main net on June 30th or July 7th (Per Charles Hoskinson), so I expect a PUMP there with a DUMP coming right before the main net launch because that's how it always works in our space. (XRPTwin: Called Buy the Rumour, Sell the News) BTC is up 27% at current levels as of May 30th so that's a positive but who knows? I believe that with more institutional investors here that if the traditional market crashes then one of the few places where everything is liquid 24/7 is the crypto market so expect them to pull out their money to cover their losses. I still do not understand the optimism of the traditional market like the S&P 500 and it's continued upward trend. I understand that only 5 companies make up 20% of the S&P 500 (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook) but even Google had a round of layoffs and rejected new hires so I see the traditional markets taking a hit at some point.



So, this is Digital Asset News Amazing explanation while answering the questions. If you talk like this with people, possible investors, that are new to the industry ..... you have many new investors ! ! !

Was a fun interview ... thank you Rob for putting all your time into this ! ! !

What Coins are going to do well for the remainder of 2020 ? ! ? You are SO lucky if you are a Coil Subscriber because you can read on;


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Saturday morning, the weekend has really started, 07:00 o'clock. We live close to the beach and we wanted to enjoy an early quiet beach day ! ! !

The rules are still clear, stay away from each other when this is possible, or better said, stay away from each other when possible ! !

Covid-19 is a flue kind of virus, to simplify, so more than likely the summer is going to help us getting the virus under control; flu virus' don't do well in the summer; not that we have a lot of data with Covid-19, but numbers around the world should go down. NOT that we should organise parties, organise festivals, have social events, @kaeyla, relax, you can meet J.

Going to the beach should also be containing and controlling a social environment. Many people together...

Last weekend, all roads to the beaches were closed down, beaches were full, people should NOT come anymore. You still see people come, well, sorry, you had to go back

We took the bike, go to the beach, be there at 08:45, nobody there yet. I really wanted to see where this was going today ... if people listened, yes quarantine was partly lifted and yes, you are allowed to go outside, but social distancing still a thing ! ! !

The beach place had everything taken care of, all beds at the correct distance and it did not even feel too far away from each other.

Weather was nice 24 / 78 degrees, closing eyes meant: oooh I am on a holiday, your imagination holds the boundaries: Bali, Borkum, Belize, you tell me , it is all inside your head .... with closed eyes ! ! !

Slowly more people were coming. I did my 1 mile running on the beach, .... man almost done ! ! !

Distances were getting shorter minute after minute.

We had two young adults sitting in front of us, sorry had to think about you Kaeyla, that were going through the same situation as K. and J.

Hey, it is my story, so I can write it as I want ! ! !

Covid-19 has kept them further physically apart than they wanted to be. But, they probably read the agreement, and were able to live by the agreement

Slowly but surely the beach gave in .... it was getting time to go home again. Taken over by the herds. At the sea, groups met each other and Covid-19 social distancing did not exist anymore.

The social urge to be together completely took over and every social barrier left to keep distance was miles away ....

We had a nice day at the beach, but with all the unknown, we felt better going home. Nice to be outside, but better preventing than to curing; better safe than sorry.

Be careful and


If you are a Coil Subscriber, the story is NOT over ... , you will be able to read what happened to MY K and J ! ! !


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I was browsing Twitter the other day and Suddenly my eye caught Botwars ... it actually may not have been Botwars, but the line underneath: Ultimate Trading .....

Had to find out what it was, and found out it is a game, all around crypto ... so I downloaded to game from the App Store

It looks pretty cool, so I started trading a little bit .... no fighting yet:

COOL ! ! !

I wanted to know more about Botwars, the Ultimate Trading Game, so I contacted them and started talking to Paul Lindsell, one of the founders of Quazard Financial Gaming, the business behind the game:


Who are YOU ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Paul Lindsell, one of the two founders of Quazard Financial Gaming.

My background is as a product designer, user experience designer and digital media designer.

Over the last 20 years I have helped numerous brands develop and promote their products and services, and won a few awards for my contributions along the way.

For the last 10 years my passion and focus has been in the financial sector, creating products and services that change the way people look at their finances. This included work for leading banks and financial institutions, automated investment platforms, pension

dashboards and algorithmic trading platforms. All of which has paved the way for the work which we are doing at Quazard.



How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Initially spent a hundred on Bitcoin in late 2015 on a friends recommendation, as an investment, I paid very little attention to it, lost a few percent and sold. Got back into Crypto when I met my now business partner Philipe Comini. At the time I was hiring him as a product designer to work on an automated investment platform my agency was building for a client. When I came into the office Philipe was working on his own project, I challenged him

about what he was doing and why he was doing it on ‘my time’. He offered me an explanation that he was designing an algorithmic trading platform for cryptocurrency and gave me a plea for some help in writing a video explainer script.

The following weekend I offered to help write the video script and had to learn so much about the project so I was hooked, fascinated by the underlying potential of crypto to change the way the world transacts and thinks about money. Next thing I had left my board level director role and started working on the crypto trading platform full time. Yes, this was late 2017.


What is your Favourite Crypto and why is it ? ? ?



Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Chainlink for me as it's solving a genuine problem in the blockchain space, sure it's a man made problem as we created all the different blockchain, but securely being able to transfer data between them is super cool and solves a whole host of problems.

Besides Chainlink, I have a soft spot for Huobi tokens, but probably as I made a shit load trading them at the right time and exited with enough profit, to buy a ring and propose to my future wife ! ! !

to buy a ring and propose to my future wife

XRPTwin: eh ..... W O W ! ! ! that is taking a profit with a goal , amazing Paul ! ! !


Any other Coins you are interested in ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

I’m a big fan of the gaming tokens such as Dmarket and Enjin as the use cases for these are ripe, and the markets already exist. Everyone talks about ‘killer apps’ and I think the gaming space is where we’ll see them.




Can you tell a little bit about Botwars, the beginning , how did it start, the team and where you guys stand ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We learnt a lot about users and traders in the crypto space and met some incredible traders while working on the crypto algorithmic trading platform. It was these learnings that triggered the idea of trading games and in particular Botwars. Everyone we met on our journey was ‘bot’ mad, and it Botwars Ultimate Trading is a mobile trading game that give players a fun way to make money and learn a little bit about trading styles and risk and order management. With help from our trading advisers, community and testers we have studied the trading journey and broken that down into gamified elements. Different robots are different trading styles such as

manual, signal and algo. Weapons are order types such as market, limit, scaled, OCO. Ammunition is leverage and we currently go up to 100x. And shields are stop losses or safeties.

You configure your robots and deploy them into battle, this is a real time simulation of all the buy orders attacking all the sell orders, with the real market movement determining the output of the battles.

As your robot edges towards its take profit, it will be destroying everything in sight, then when the take profit target is reached, it will get air lifted to safety. If the battle goes against you, your shields will be flashing, and your robot will be pushed back on the battlefield until the stop loss kicks in. Your robot blows up and you then have a cool down and repair time to sit though.

All players start at level 1, and as you play you earn experience points and use these to level up your characters and weapons. The more you play the more you can do, the more risk you take on, the bigger the orders you make and you can use higher leverage.

So it all maps to a progressive learning and risk management experience. We’ve layered that up with trading clans, so you player with other people. We have given each player an achievement tree so they have a progressive learning experience. Daily and monthly missions where you can challenge yourself.

And we’re building an internal marketplace where players will be able to access live trading signals, sentiment and other boosters to place better more informed trades and stand a better chance of winning.

We’re also working on player vs player games and clan vs clan battles, where players stake tokens to enter the battle and the winner takes all. This is going to be so much fun and really test the skill so individuals and groups of players.

Our team is small but incredibly focused. There are 3 of us on a day to day basis, 2 founders and 1 developer. We do all the game design, user experience, user interface, testing ourselves as myself and Philipe are experienced product designers. Our developer is based

in Ukraine, he is awesome and I can’t thank him enough for all his hard work.

We have some occasional help with specific subject matters like regulations and legals and trading specific calculations from some advisors.


How many players play the game now ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We have over 7,000 players in our public beta which closed February 2020 and have just launched phase 1 of Botwars on the App Store and Google Play.


So I have seen the following flyer, can you say something about it:

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We are excited to announce that, from the 1st June, players can take part in weekly Botwars Sponsored Trading Competitions and win cash prizes.

Competitions are completely free to enter, so what are you waiting for?!

To keep things fair, these competitions use a profit ratio system to generate points, meaning that everyone has an equal chance of winning and it’s not a case of who trades bigger or who has the most balance, so everyone can make money.


Do wee need to know some specific conditions ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Well all our Terms and Conditions can be found on our website

  1. The overall competition runs for 4 weeks, with the main prizes being rewarded for the top 3 players at the end of the period
  2. You will lose points if you lose trades, so anyone could win/lose at any time.
  3. Each week, there is a mini competition, with the top 3 winners of that week earning cash prizes for topping the leaderboard.
  4. Each new week, the points start at zero. So everyone stands an equal and fair chance of winning every week, if they keep playing.
  5. All prizes are redeemable on our sponsors platform and app and payable in Bitcoin.



What is a busy day for you ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Everyday is a busy day, but we seem to thrive on that. A typical day will start early around 7am with the morning catch up with our developer in Ukraine, followed by an analysis of the previous days player data, usually while eating scrambled eggs and avocado on rye.

We’re looking for funding so there is typically an investor pitch to plan for or present, all remote as we are still in lockdown.

Liaise with the marketing teams to make sure they are all on schedule.

Then afternoons and evenings is where the product hat goes on and we think about how we will evolve Botwars, prototype, design and test new features.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We’re almost halfway through the year now and it's all been super positive but shadowed by launching Botwars.


What do you expect from 2020 in general ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

It’s going to be a tough and challenging year for many, but I feel we are in a strong position to make the most of 2020 in general.

I also expect a new bitcoin all time high.


What do you expect from 2020 for Botwars ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Validation and Traction with Botwars and some a few steep learnings, as we don’t expect to get things right the first time.


how REAL is the Game ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We use live market data from one of the biggest crypto exchanges, so it's pretty real. We’ve tried to keep as many real trading elements in the experience as possible, so that new players and traders can learn through play.

We’re currently working on real money/crypto trading and expecting this to land towards the end of 2020. This will allow the more adventurous players to connect Botwars to our partnered broker and deploy robots into battle with real financial consequences or benefits and gains.


The future for Quazard Uncharted Gaming ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

We are focusing on financial games. Games that allow players to invest their time and money, rather than just spending it. We want people to have fun and learn about finances at the same time. We’ve got a long list of game concepts we want to explore, so there are

some exciting things to come.


Any tip for the game ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

Well, to be honest I am actually not doing that good in the game at the moment, although I did win the demo contests we had during testing. My technique was to use 100x leverage if the markets are pumping, and a much lower leverage if they are going sideways. I always follow the tech analysis, then look at the various time frames on the chart to confirm the swing or move. I think typically aim for 1% profit per trade and deploy loads.

Yesterday I interviewed a player who is doing very well and asked him what his secret was, he replied with:

No secrets at all! Just using the chart available in the game matched with the technical analysis available and then watching the price, seeing where it tends to peak before coming back down and where it tends to level before heading back up.

I’ve made some horrible trades and some great ones! Everything is available in the game to help a player do well if they take the time to learn and watch what is happening


What Crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

The one that has zero correlation to bitcoin


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?

Botwars – Paul Lindsell:

I don’t believe that Covid 19 directly impacts crypto at all, but the way governments are spending and the huge debts they are drumming up almost certainly will have a positive impact on crypto.

Additional Info:

Quazard website

Botwars website





Well, thank you Paul, that was very insightful. I am looking forward to the month of June, how this is going to turn out, the competition, and just overall, let's see where this is going to. Let's revisit this at the end of the year, to see the progression ! ! !

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to read some more questions


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So, in the series getting to know the XRPCommunity , today JamesRule XRP ... James ! ! ! I have been talking to James for a little while now and he is a very friendly person from Texas ! ! ! Has been really researching the Blockchain; Ripple / XRP ! ! !

Looking at his account on twitter, it shows he definitely is a guy to follow, many people are already doing ! ! !

James is also on Coil .... did you know ??? 3 Blogs up till now, good ones, but he needs to step up his game ... He needs to give people incentive to follow him, BUT .... follow him.

So, let's find out more about James, who is he?


Who are YOU ? ? ?


I’m 53 and live in Southeast Texas. After high school. I went into the beverage industry working for Budweiser, Miller and then Coca Cola for a total of 20 years. In 2009, I went to work in the oilfield for 9 years chasing the money. In 2017, I was hired at a local synthetic rubber plant as an operator. April of this year, because of the Covid19 coverage, i was furloughed. So, the last 4-5 weeks have been pretty challenging but has given the time to research my

investments, especially XRP.



How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


I was working in the oilfield in 2017, at a job site, and decided to do some investment researching. At that time, the money was flowing in pretty good so I Googled Bitcoin one day. I had no idea what it was or how it worked. About a week later, I opened a Binance account and bought several hundred dollars of BTC. I have always diversified and saw this as a possible investment opportunity. Mid 2018, after doing some extensive research on Ripple and XRP, I

exchanged my BTC to XRP. Since then, I have been adding more to my portfolio to this day.



Why Ripple / XRP ? ? ?


I chose Ripple and XRP because of the use-cases and with today’s technology it is a Win Win. On Demand Liquidity, Cross-Border payments and the news we hear daily is just a glimpse of where we are headed.


Any other Coins you are interested in ? ? ?


I do own a few others (XLM, ADA and VET) but XRP makes up approximately 90% of my digital asset investments. They key is DYOR. Know what you own. Only YOU can decide on what you want.


How big is crypto part of your life ? ? ?


Honestly, with all of the research I have been doing, crypto is a HUGE part of my life. I can see the crypto asset space running over my other investments in value in the next couple of years, if not sooner. My digital assets make up around 10% of my retirement. I have 401K’s, pension and several business investments in my portfolio.


You showed us your plate on twitter, tell us the story ? ? ?


My plate, XRPRICH, was created last year at work. Texas offers custom name plates and I have been so excited about XRP I thought, “Let’s Do This!” Several of my coworkers were investing as well, because I never kept my mouth shut, and I guess the enthusiasm persuaded them to get some. Like the Law of Attraction states, Believe and you shall receive. Act as if you are already have wealth and you will eventually get there.



The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


The coolest thing for me was losing 30 pounds on the KETO diet. I started in January and have been on it since. It is a lifestyle that takes self discipline on a daily basis. You either do it 100% or you don’t. There are no cheat days for me and I have enjoyed the results. I sleep better but most of all feel better and have a clearer state of mind.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


2020: It has been a horrible year for everyone with the pandemic. Social distancing has really interrupted life as we know it. Business are shutting down, people are losing their jobs daily and I am praying that they find a cure or vaccine as soon as possible. Ironically, digital assets have been a huge focus in the world because of Covid-19. Cashless payments without having to touch fiat.


What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?


I will continue to share the news with everyone in the XRPCommunity as well as the excitement daily, or as long as my furlough allows. I will eventually get back to work and continue to share as much as time allows.


What Crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?


XRP is and will continue to surprise us this year, in my honest opinion.



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Corona is speeding up the implementation of crypto and digital assets, much faster than was expected. David Schwartz was even surprised that the EUR/USD ODL corridor is at a high demand with all of the other technologies.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?


Key quotes: Do your own research – knowledge is key – know what you own.



and how many hours a day, you think about crypto ? ? ?


I research roughly 5-6 hours a day ! ! !


you are big into XUMM, how has your experience been so far ? ? ?


XUMM is a wonderful app created by Wietse Wind. It allows you to basically “be your own bank” Today, users have the option of closing an XRP Ledger account and recover 15 of the 20 XRP in reserve. Love you App, no doubt.



A quick round of single word(s) question, what do you think about:

DeFi ? ? ?

US Regulations ? ? ?

Banks?!? Who needs banks ? ? ?

China ? ? ?

Donald Trump ? ? ?

Bill Gates ? ? ?

What Netflix Show you watch ? ? ?

What music do you listen to ? ? ?



Decentralised Finance is a huge milestone. Users are now able to send payments without having to rely on banks. ex. XUMM App

US Regulations

US Regulations are the the only thing holding us back from joining more banks in North America.

Banks, who needs banks

I think banks will always be needed because not everyone is tech savvy and relies on the norm of everyday business like it has always been, although digitisation is definitely the future. I mean, how many people actually use cash these days?


is one step ahead of us:

1. Digitally


3. Digital Yuan


Donald Trump

I am not political, but I will be voting for him in November ! ! !

Bill Gates

No comments, although he did well with Microsoft.


My all time favourite is the Breaking Bad series. Without a doubt, nothing can compare to it. I have watched the entire series several times. I even have Brad Kimes hooked on it now.


I DJ’d for years from vinyl to digital and my music genre spans across a huge spectrum.

I will list a few of my favourites in no particular order:

Depeche Mode

Journey/Steve Perry

Stevie Ray Vaughn

Massive Attack

The Eagles

So, this is James RULE XRP Was a fun interview ... and have spent some time DM-ing James, and what about that music .... well, let's take that on the +20 part,


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Not talking about the market here, but the garden... Yes, I also have done something that has been growing more steady than the market, and that would be vegetables. Although ... well let's go back a couple years.

The supermarkets have been fighting to get the business. The price is one thing, but there are more ways to get the customers to your store. Promotions/ marketing all those things work very well to get masses to your store, as long as it has the word FREE and it is something popular. Albert Heyn, one of the biggest chains (Ahold), also on average, the more expensive grocery store, always has nice promotions, many times targeted to children in order to get to the parents. Some of the campaigns:

Stickers of a famous Dutch biologist; Animal & Plant Adventure


Magical Winter village with Lights


Animal Sticker Book


But they also have little vegetable garden seeds, you can grow


The little gardens are very popular, children will stand at the entrance asking for the free seeds, you will get for every 15 euros of groceries you buy ..... ~ FREE ~

People have been robbed for these and you can actually buy them online at auction platforms:


Every year, has been done 4 years in a row now ... I have tried to do these, last years more active, as it is more fun to do with your son and / or your daughter. Minor successes, but .... it is just fun to do...

So when we were at the flower and plant store earlier this year – pré Pandemic, we bought some seeds and planted them. Took care of the seeding and it was fun. They grew bigger, so needed to go into a bigger pot. We actually got a breeding box and well things just got bigger and bigger.

So the start of the plants in the breeding box

Getting bigger and bigger

Everyday you look at it .... sometimes you forget a day and you give the water. I already gave them vegetable garden soil, so not a lot of manual work

Time to go bigger ! ! !