
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Let's meet some more people in the XRPCommunity. Been “friends”

with this lady for a long time, so reach out to her, to get some answers ! ! ! :–) Well, sounds worse than it is, just wanted to get some more XRPCommunity Voice in my blogs.RippleRed (previously blockjayne79), who is she and what is her Blockchain story.

I, of course have to mention the Red part of the twitter handle. Did not dare to ask any questions about it, but R E A L L Y , look at her hair ! ! ! It is amazing ! ! !


Who are YOU ? ? ?


I'm Jayne, Im from the U.K. dog lover and happily married to XRPSteve


How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?



I decided in October 2017 that we needed a technology detox, but we were allowed to listen to Tedtalks or the radio but no phones, no internet, no TV. We listened to a Tedtalk on Bitcoin and me knowing Steve i was like “You can do this, this is your thing!!!” i.e. making a mining machine (id have no clue how to set one up). He is very techy. So we invested in equipment and mined for quite sometime and both researched various cryptos and invested in XRP. It was a no brainer to me. The mining equipment allowed us to sell some of our mined crypto and invest heavily in XRP. The portfolio has expanded and has over time had TRON, Monero, Ethereum. Some of this has since changed depending on what we like. Ultimately XRP is the baby.


Why Ripple / XRP ? ? ?


Are you kidding me!? An Elite Team and customers who are major players in the Global Economy. SBI, Coil, R3, MoneyGram. David and Brad...need i say more.Woman shrugging

XRPTwin: Love that answer, are you kidding me ! ! !


Any other Coins you are interested in ? ? ?


VET, Chainlink, Stellar, XXcoin.


How big is crypto part of your life ? ? ?


I talk about it everyday, i read about it everyday and watch about it everyday. Have done since 2017. It can vary in any aspect of the fore said as sometimes living life is far more important.


Your Twitter account got suspended, what is that all about ? ? ?


God knows! All i know is someone in Russia impersonated my account and I was the one that got suspended. Why anyone would bother to do that is beyond me.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?



The year isn't finished yet,

XRPTwin: I know ..... let's answer this question lady, and check the next one ;–)

but so far my beautiful black labrador puppy. Well, he isn't a puppy now he is 10 months but is a cheeky, loving, handsome boy. Obviously I'm biased ha ha.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ? (oooooooh)


Global powers to lean more towards digital assets as the year progresses.Whether we will get another bull run in 2020 I'm not sure, but it doesn't stop me hoping it will happen.


What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?


Hmmmm...it depends on any opportunities that may come my way. Im looking forward to SWELL in London (if ot happens) and hoping to arrange an XRP community drink/meetup near the event. I love meeting new people.



What crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?


XXcoin, I learned about this very early on in my crypto journey. No one seemed to be talking about it. I did let some YouTubers know as I hoped they would talk about it more. XrpSteve is a local leader in our area for this and I'd suggest other people in the crypto space take a look at it. Chris Larsen certainly is.



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


I think it will help in the long run. Surely, its inevitable!? Until the economy moves a bit more freely it wont cause enough movement in the background for crypto to become more widely used. I do think it's a given that cash will be obsolete very soon.



Anything to add..... ? ? ?


That I'm so glad to be part of the XRPCommunity. It makes me laugh, often! There are some great characters and I love the women in the community, I feel like we are pretty supportive of each other and I like that.

I was fortunate to meet the beautiful, intelligent, funny NordicAnn and cant wait to meet more of the community.


How many hours a day, you think about crypto ? ? ?


Less than I did when I first came into the space but certainly less than 3hrs a day.

Well, thank you RippleRed, loved your answers and gave a little more insight in the UK life of Steve and yourself.

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to read some more questions AND , there is music ! ! !


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In the series who should I follow on Twitter ... if I have given you the names of King Solomon, Steven Diep and Arturo Portilla we definitely need to add XRPDarren to the list: YOU SHOULD FOLLOW this person ON TWITTER.

Talking about a constant stream online, this handle / account / man is a data force, the upper echelon, if you want to stay up to date follow him .... If you need things done and you say: “I know a guy” , meaning XRPDarren ....you are good to go ! ! !

So, who is XRPDarren? On Coil he is https://coil.com/u/xrpDarren , not too active, actually a funny detail: It was last year, May 24, when Darren wrote his last blog, exactly 1 year ago ! ! !


Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines ? ? ?



My name is Darren I’m under the alias Fame21moore on twitter.


When did you get involved in crypto when, how, why ? ? ?



I bought bitcoin in early 2017 as an investment. I asked a computer programmer how he would hack an ATM. He explained how and how archaic the system is. He praised crypto and told me it’s going to change the system. He was one of the smartest people I knew and decided to gamble on bitcoin with a 1,000 bucks.


Why XRP ? ? ?


I was reading a lot of investment books at the time and the idea of diversity was a key concept. As bitcoin started to put on some gains I researched the other ALT coins. Ripples video convinced me to put some money into XRP.



You shared with me you were on holiday when I contacted you, without disclosing to much, can you tell me what holiday means in the virus world we are living in ? ? ?


Texas is filled with red blooded Americans that have a different outlook than the rest of the country. Nothing has changed for me since this virus started. Some folks in Port Aransas were wearing masks but we had a great time with less people than usual. We also were able to book our room at a discount.


You are heavily into research, when did your research for Blockchain / Ripple / XRP start ? ? ?


After the bull run started I was mad I didn’t have more XRP. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t let that happen again. I dug deep into Ripple/XRP and became more and more impressed with the things that I found. I increased my Hodlings at the same time.



Favourite research you did and actually found ? ? ?


My favourite piece that I found was the Edmund D Rothschild fund invested in SBI due to their XRP Hodling. Federal Reserve testing ripple, Monetary Authority Of Singapore testing ripple, and the bank of England testing Ripple.


What has been really surprising you, about XRP related found details ? ? ?


The Ripple Board members always surprise me. How well connected and positioned ripple is. Chris Larsen has said that any other time digital assets would have failed but during this time there is a chance.


Ripple and Stellar working as partners in the future.. Crazy or .. ? ? ?


It’s not crazy and is currently an unknown. The amount of connections to both companies and common partnerships is safe to assume something is happening. We just don’t know until it happens.


Talking in every bank in the world about XRP ..... Utopia, or .... and what year does this happen, if it hasn't yet ? ? ?


Dystopian nightmare

As this technology progresses the eye on top of the pyramid will be able to see every transaction, health record, government record, everything. Artificial intelligence will study that data and it will be used to exploit us. They will have more control over us.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


The stock market bubble popped.


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year? or, what is going to be the catalyst ? ? ?


Central banks ditch the dollar for wholesale payments to other central banks. Either by using gold or crypto.


What do you actually expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Central banks ditch the dollar for wholesale payments to other central banks. Either by using gold or crypto.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Speeds up the blockchain revolution. You’re starting to see the problems present themselves. Government on blockchain for efficiency, healthcare, voting, identity, etc


ODL going as it is ..... too slow or .... ? ? ?


ODL is to warm up the liquidity. When banks utilise XRP fiat will be short lived. XRP will bridge CBDC's, metals, assets.


Logo, is that going to be a key player in the DeFi market ? ? ?


The DeFi market is the next step. It’s too early for DeFi to know the winners.


and how many hours a day, you think about XRP and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ? ? ?


Too many. It’s going to happen when it happens and sitting on the edge of my chair this whole time has been destructive.

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to read some more questions ! ! !


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Where we were given a great blog by Robert Licker, today I am posting about my second most favourite digital currency. Vechain for me is another Coin with a use case and have been invested in it, for a couple years now ! ! ! Sometimes I reach out to Rob Cash for some data and/ or BLOCKCHAIN MONKEYZ, but to get the real news, I reach out to this Martijn: Martijncvv

A respected name in the VeChain Family, one of his mottos: Education is key

I had the pleasure meeting him earlier, when the world had not gone one and a half meter .... at the XRP Meet-up in Utrecht. (see:

https://coil.com/p/Ferdi/XRP-Meetup-the-Netherlands/qVicck6_ )

We had too little to discuss as there were too many interesting speeches and too little time. So I had to interview him ! ! !



Who is Martijn ? ? ?


My name is Martijn, I have a passion for blockchain technology and companies that develop solutions to improve the environment. This is one of the reasons I have been a supporter of VeChain and hold the $VET token.

So, the guy with the pointing arrow, is Martijn ! ! !


How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


Back in 2013, a friend of me told about Bitcoin and that we could make some money. We decided to buy Litecoin, Feathercoin and Dogecoin because these were cheaper. Unfortunately I was very active on the Dogecoin Reddit instead of reading about blockchain technology. Crypto went up a lot and crashed, so I thought everything was gone (We did help funding the Jamaican bobsled team with the DogeCoin community! Haha). Three years later someone mentioned that Bitcoin was going up, so I decided to follow cryptocurrencies again, so I started reading about the technology and followed some (online) courses.

Someone I follow has a nice quote in his bio: “Came for the money, stayed for the technology.” (Sorry, can’t remember who it was).

XRPTwin: Aren't we all in it for the tech .....



Why VeChain ? ? ?


Q3 of 2017 a friend and I started writing abstracts about different cryptocurrencies to share in a Facebook/Telegram group. After around 30 abstract we found VeChain. We instantly saw they were playing on a different level than the projects we analysed before; Because of their 2016 Launch video together with PwC and VeChain’s CEO Sunny Lu, Former CIO of Louis Vuitton China

I think VeChain has the right vision and they are developing great solutions for the world; anti-counterfeit, food safety, climate and environment protection.

I also think one of the most important things in crypto is to look at the person who leads the company. Sunny Lu’s background and vision are amazing and he’s a humble person. Definitely watch some (more personal) videos about him, like:




What is so special about VeChain ? ? ?


I don’t believe in full decentralisation for all the business use cases. I can’t imagine all the companies putting their core business in the hands of random people. However, blockchain technology is needed for certain use-cases.

I think VeChain made the right decision to interview more than 50 C level managers first and find the problems they have with public blockchains. This resulted in a blockchain which picks the best of both worlds; half centralised, half decentralised.

The thing I also like about VeChain is that it is very clear how the economic model works. Every transaction on the VeChainThor blockchain brings value to the network, which is expressed in VET. More blockchain usage means a higher blockchain value, which means a higher VET value.

So, the reason I bought $VET is because of their vision and economic model.

The reason I support VeChain and why I spend time helping the community is because of their great solutions focused on food safety, anti-counterfeit, environment protection and climate improvement. It’s a win for everyone.

I also want to mention DNVGL, another great company which works very close together with VeChain. DNVGL is a 150 year old company with trust as their core business. They have 350 offices in over 100 countries. They are an Authority node of the VeChainThor blockchain and the CEO of DNVGL Business Assurance, Luca Crisciotti, is part of the VeChain Foundation.


To me, VeChain and DNVGL is the dream team for blockchain technology mass adoption. Below, a nice quote of DNVGL’s SVP, Renato Grottola.

“Not all blockchain are fitting for partners. Choosing a blockchain that supports business logic is fundamental. The value is not in the technology itself but the intersection between technology and business processes. This is the case with VeChain.”


It used to be VEN, now it is VET, can you say something about it ? ?


The change from VEN (ERC20) to VET(VIP180) was because of the switch from the Ethereum blockchain token to the VechainThor MainNet blockchain coin.


What VET YouTuber should we follow ? ? ?


I barely watch Youtube videos. But Tokenvision and Ben Yorke from VeChain101 create awesome videos about VeChain. The first Youtuber I was following was Boxmining.


What does VET do to help getting rid of COVID ? ? ?


VET itself doesn’t do anything, but there is a company called Realitems which uses the VeChainThor blockchain as infrastructure to run their anti-counterfeit dApps for face-masks (and other products).

The Drug and Vaccine Traceability Solution by VeChain Tech and DNVGL will also be very interesting. Unfortunately these things take a lot of time to develop, especially with regulations.

These are perfect examples of how blockchain technology should be used; the users don’t know it runs on a blockchain.


5 sentences what is VeChain (or 6 ;–) ) ? ? ?


The VeChainThor Blockchain is a blockchain developed for enterprises, maintained by enterprises, and accessibly for everyone.

VeChain’s goal is to build a trust-free and distributed business ecosystem platform to enable transparent information flow, efficient collaboration, and high-speed value transfers.

Before VeChain started developing the platform, they interviewed ~50 executives to understand what their problems are with available public blockchains;

1. Lack of a proper governance model.

2. Unpredictable and unnecessarily high transaction costs.

3. Business players care about appropriate solutions other than merely technology.

4. The lack of capacity to comply with regulation and changes.

With these results in mind, VeChain started the development of a blockchain which fulfils the needs of enterprises. The goal has always been to bring value to businesses, if blockchain doesn’t bring (business) value, blockchains are unnecessary.

XRPTwin, eh ..... 5 , 6 .... a lot , but perfectly acceptable ! ! !


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Hopefully more clarity about regulations.

No regulations, no mass adoption. Luckily VeChain created a solution to bypass this “problem”, but it’s not optimal.

“The worst enemy for blockchain adoption is the absence of regulations. This absence is slowing down any kind of adoption. If there are no regulations, very few companies will move forward with blockchain technology.” – Renato Grottola, SVP DNVGL


Talking about “the users don’t know it runs on a blockchain” and “2020”.

Did you recently buy some Givenchy products? Get your NFC scanner and check if there is a chip inside the product. Givenchy was VeChain's first client and they cover 100% of Givenchy's leather goods. This year (2020), it will be extended to sneakers and fashion wear. VeChain and Givenchy have been working together for at least 4 years.


What was cool about 2020 already ? ? ? ( I hope you are going to mention Monopoly ! ! !)



Recently I played Monopoly with $VET as in-game money. My friends and I had to find a way to play remotely because of the virus, so we started a group call and used $VET as Monopoly currency. It worked much better than expected so it was very cool and we played 5 times already.

We had around 300 on-chain transactions and the total transaction costs were only $1.82. That’s also important for a public blockchain, transaction costs can’t be too high and volatile for businesses. Although Monopoly was not business related, it was possible thanks to the cheap transaction costs. We made a website so you can follow our next games here. http://cryptomonopoly.tilda.ws

Interested in joining a game?

XRPTwin: I promise that I will join sometimes, and will document it ! ! !


What year is going to be VET 's year ? ? ?


First regulations, then mass adoption. 2023+?

Actually, according to VeChain Tech, 2022-2024 is the Growth phase and 2025+ is the Maturity phase of blockchain technology. Since they work close together with DNVGL, I guess they have some good insights in the development timeline.

But you never know what a BTC pump and hype can do with the price


Besides VET, any words on XRP ? ? ?


I noticed the communities of VeChain and XRP are getting closer, a more positive vibe. That’s nice to see. I don’t hold any XRP myself but it’s nice to see that the space gets a little bit less toxic.

“Enemies of blockchain adoption are in the communities itself; The debate between one-coiners. The communities should work together on promoting blockchain adoption beyond FinTech and payment activities in order for enterprises to understand the real value.” – Renato Grottola, SVP DNVGL

PS. When $VET hits 50% of the ATH MarketCap of $ETH, 1 VET will be more than $1. Knowing 1 VET is currently $0.0039, that’s pretty insane.

Luckily we got $XRP as a beautiful example that these kind of things are possible in the cryptocurrency industry. I hope for both communities that both coins will go up.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Definitely slows it down but it will open the eyes of a lot of people. So in the long term, it will be good for companies that focus on transparency and traceability, like VeChain Tech.


When Martijn grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?


Working at an NGO sounds cool. Living at some place in the nature nearby a mountain which is still “nearby” a big city sounds very nice too.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?


In general, DYOR. Especially read about the vision and background of the team and token economics of a cryptocurrency. In the end it’s all about bringing business value. No business value, no future.

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to read THE FUNNY story ! ! !


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Thank you Martijn for this amazing interview. Took some time, but well, turned out great. Thank you and eh .... The Monopoly date stills stands ! ! !

So, NO Coil Subscription:


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Part III of the you like him or ........ I guess, no like him, is a very outspoken person ... I think that he is always searching for that “should I or should I not” ...... no, he is not like that, he DOES...

I am going to throw it in immediately .... NagaBeau ..... of the Naga Tribe. A video about grapes or so went around on Crypto Twitter, so I wanted to find out more about this .... NagaBeau ....

I do have to say .... this is once more a very interesting interview .... Some background for the people that do not know this YouTuber .... He is expressive, uses the MF word a lot .... I mean A LOT ! ! ! Not too big yet, 494 followers, but his YouTube channel has close to 1.500 subscribers. So who is he ? ? ?

He expected XRP to be at a higher price right now and would like to have Ripple Management to speak up and make the price rice ! ! ! May not be the approach I would take, but cannot be 100% a like the person you interview:


Who is NagaBeau ? ? ?


Naga Beau is a Shamanic Practitioner, Aghori Disciple, Dragon Priest, Atomic Scientist, Chi – kung Master, Tendai Master, Sorcery, Black Magick, Shadow Magick, Naga Magick Kali Magick, Say Be and it is Technologies!


Just to start of with a big question: The affection for ..... the word MothaF@#$#^ ? ? ?


My favorite word!


How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


Missed out on bitcoin at .10 ten years ago...Don't want to miss out on the next big thing.


Why XRP ? ? ?


Hopeful it will help me buy lots of land to build on!


You have enemies and friends. People like you, but others think nothing of you .... what do you think about this?


I'm thankful for my friends and my enemies...Thats the way of the world!


The sentence investing should not include feelings ... what would you say ? ? ?


Everybody feels something when investing.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Slavery, suffering and death!


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Absolutely helps


JPMorgan Extends Banking Services to Bitcoin Exchanges, can you comment about the importance about this, or no importance ? ? ?


At the end of the day I am only concerned with making money multiply no matter the entity.


Your rant against Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, is that real ? ? ?


Very real!! I don't give a f%^*k about these Devil's!


I have some more questions for you, that need short answers, so if you could take a look at it:


Brad Garlinghouse

IPO Ripple


US Regulations

Bill Gates




David Schwartz


PolySign = Devil

Brad Garlinghouse = Devil

IPO Ripple = Devil

DeFi = Devil

US Regulations = Devil

Bill Gates = Devil

Swift = Devil

ODL = Devil

YouTube = Devil

David Schwartz = Devil

Well, that is .... eh short answered .... ! ! !

I don't really know what to think about this interview, eh .... different ..... eh interesting ..... eh .... different ! ! !

Just a short clip, showing who he is, do know, explicit lyrics:


So make up for yourself, whether you like him or not ..... all up to you, till the next You like him or ......

Be safe ! ! !

Monday I went to IKEA with my wife as we needed some pillows for the couch in the back yard. We saw some nice ones and it was really a trip together. Noah was at school, so with social distance in mind, a car that had not driven in a month, we went for it.

It was majorly busy, but the social distance markers did their job. Everybody stayed at distance and it was a pleasurable sight, in an un-pleasurable period...

We got the pillows and walked out, after cueing for the registrar for more than the rest of the time we stayed at the IKEA.... but that was also the moment we saw an item, we both liked .... for NOAH ! ! !

Well, we went home and my wife got busy with the pillows. I did not really worry about it anymore ....

Tuesday came by and the item, I do not want to disclose yet, was still on our mind. We had to get it for the little man .... so ....

This was the PLAN, No Patricia, Lauren, Adam and NickelnDime not that kind of PLAN, but this PLAN:

Tuesday night I would go back to IKEA, get the item, as portrayed in the story, would not cost that much amount of time and go back home. Leave it in the car and next morning when Noah was going to school, I would do some work combined with “the Noah Surprise” ! ! ! Basically I had 2 hours, to do an IKEA project .... should be possible, so ......

Went to IKEA, told the lady I wanted it exactly as showed right there:

no, no , no ..... not the right time yet, to reveal what I am going to put together ! ! !

The only thing I did not like, I normally do building projects together with my little man ... LEGO is something we build together, and this is a grown up LEGO project ! ! ! At least it is FOR my little man ! ! !

So, next day, Wednesday and I started work already at 06:00 AM, in the morning .... Home office, gotta love it, flexible hours, go go go

Then my project started. I wanted to make it a Wordless Wednesday Post, but felt I had to write some words with it:

You actually have to go all the way down till the end, to see what it actually is I was building ...

First , organising the stuff, always good to do.

Time wise I should be fine, just had to keep the pace up ... thinking about the surprise .... hope I was able to catch that with a picture so you can see this also ! ! !

Wood and a broken up box .... go go go

And the first part already done .... went gery smooth, just reading the manual ...

Easy does it , round round , round we go

It is getting empty. All the single parts done, ready to go to Noah’s room to assemble everything together .....

Yep , looking empty

Just relocated inside, putting the stuff together ! ! !

It is forming , can you already guess what is is going to be?

Gotta watch the back ...... making it easier by putting it up and screw everything in ....

Different angle

You should know by now, but there is going to be a twist / different angle ..... more to come .....

This looks pretty finished , it is not, but yes it is a “high sleeper” ! ! !

Making it cozy

More to do, more to do ! ! !

Oh yes it is done, Noah’s little Zoo tent; Noah ..... animals ..... hmm I see a connection

All ready and in time, Noah can come home DONE DEAL

Inside top

Side view

Play area underneath the bed, with a treasure

Well, wouldn’t you want to sleep in this bed ! ! !

This is the end of the interview ..... if you are NOT a Coil subscriber

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Previous Blog: THE INTERVIEWS ! ! !

Coil subscribers will get +20 , how did NOAH react to his new bed, you do NOT want to miss ! ! !


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Well the Series got its name yesterday: Who Should I follow in Twitter, with Arturo Portilla as opening act, I thought why not have another great researcher following up ...

All the YouTube Channels are familiar with this Twitter Handle as he shares a lot of content, hence all their viewers should recognise his name IF not followed yet. Well, King Solomon aka XRP_OWL is a well known name and well respected name.

According to Twitter, the amazing source for new Crypto data, King Solomon has been a member since 2015 and has well over 17.000 followers. Sent more than 11K tweets and showing a YouTube Channel with 3.77K followers. I believe he needs to treat us with a new video as his account has only 14 videos and they are worth watching .... and the last one was uploaded over 3 month ago ! ! !

So, who is King Solomon, well somebody who IS also on Coil, so give him a follow: XRP_Owl

Let's dive into the world of King Solomon:


Where does the name King Solomon XRP_OWL come from ? ? ?

King Solomon:

Honestly I just thought both were fitting names they really don't come from anywhere in particular. I wish I had a better back story for both haha.


How did you get involved into crypto when, how , why ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I became involved in crypto in January 2017. I was recording an album and the producer asked me to pay him in Bitcoin. I ended up having some Bitcoin left over that January and by August or September I started investing after seeing the value go up.


Why XRP ? ? ?

King Solomon:

To me XRP is one of the few coins that has real utility and solves a problem that currently exists. I believe that certain digital assets have utility. I believe that XRP has it in spades.


When did the serious research start ? ? ?


King Solomon:

The serious research began in late 2018/early 2019. I basically transferred nearly everything into XRP by mid-2019. I started posting what I found on twitter around December 2018, I think I had less the 100 followers back then, I've kept trying to research and find interesting information ever since.


Favourite content creator (YouTube)

King Solomon:

My 3 favourite content creators on youtube are CryptoEri, SamIam, and Kevin Cage.


What research do you like the most: Ripple/ XRP ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I think the older research is still the most fascinating, I don't believe the older POC's were just for the hell of it. Many of the developments we see today in blockchain integration can be traced back to the work Ripple was doing with certain institutions 3-5 years ago.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I expect it to be interesting. I don't expect 589+ or anything like that but who knows I could be wrong. I expect more institutions to announce successful POC's in DLT/Blockchain. I expect more integration. I think we will see a CBDC very soon, but I'm not sure if that comes this year or not. For XRP specifically I expect we will have resolution on the security case, and hopefully in the way we all want that situation to go. I expect XRP to keep ramping up ODL usage and volumes to continue to represent growth. I HOPE that reflects in the price.


What can we expect from King Solomon ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I plan on continuing to research and post to twitter. I hopefully will have some more time to make additional youtube videos in the near future as well.


A tweet is a success when ...... ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I don't know if I have a real answer for thatFace with tears of joy


When KingSolomon grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I'm already grown up unfortunately but if we moon I'd like to set aside a trust for each of my children and be financially independent from the system (hopefully).



Does Corona help, speed up the blockchain adoption process, or does it slow down XRP ? ? ?

King Solomon:

Coronavirus: I do think that this whole situation is going to speed up adoption across the board for blockchain/DLT/digital assets. There's more of an emphasis now on liquidity issues and the legacy failures are becoming more and more glaringly obvious to the masses (hopefully).


How many hours a day are dedicated to XRP ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I think that really depends. There have been days where I've probably spent upwards of 5 hours total putting things together. There are other days I don't even research. There are plenty of days now where I do not look at price.



Stellar and XRP collaboration, could that happen ? ? ?

King Solomon:

I think that most digital assets with speed and utility will interoperate via the networks that are currently being built. I believe Stellar has the utility capability but perhaps isn't there as far as the rails that need built. I hold both though.


Where do you think a possible Bull run will start?

King Solomon:

I'm not sure at this point, it seems like the bear market will last forever though I think we all know that isn't true. I won't make bets on when or where the next bull run will occur. I will say that I'm hedging my bets on digital assets that should go up in value due to utility rather than speculation, though I believe the next bull run we'll obviously see a bit of both.

Other “Who should I follow on Twitter” Blogs:

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Paisan26849860 IamLegion

Who should I follow on Twitter: @DiepSanh Steven Diep

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Arturo_P_A Arturo Portilla

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A new series of Blogs will come out of my fingers .... well, not really new, but under a new title, who should I follow on Twitter ...

It has to do with people sharing information regarding XRP; good information; EYE OPENING INFORMATION ! ! !

IamLegion was the first one in this series, although it did not cary the title yet .... followed by Steven Diep, so ... although a new title, it is the third XRPCommunity member you should follow for its content sharing, but the FIRST with this series title ! ! !

So number 3, a Numero UNO, is Arturo Portilla. If you are not following him on Twitter, this Blog should change / could change. I have been following Arturo for some time now, ... the information coming from that account .... I mean, WOW ! ! ! and maybe .... yes maybe you DID follow him, bot later more about that. Let's dive deeper into the person behind the account @Arturo_P_A



Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines ? ? ?


First of all, thank you for inviting me to your blog and giving me the opportunity to participate as one of your guests. It is an honour and it is very much appreciated.

As probably some of your readers already know, I’m a Mexican law practitioner and I have spent most of my professional career specialising on taxation and FinTech regulatory matters.

During the first years of my, perhaps, short legal profession, I was fully dedicated to tax related matters. Later on, I had the opportunity to join a renowned law firm in Mexico that offered me the possibility to diversify my areas of practice and dive into the financial regulatory World.

That said, I believe there is really no single non-standard thing I can say about myself, beyond the fact that I really don’t enjoy talking about cryptocurrency prices and, at least nowadays, that’s really not what hooks my attention when it comes to crypto.


Why XRP ? ? ?


While digging into Bitcoin, which unfortunately, at the time was (and still is) the go-to cryptocurrency for all kinds of ill-informed and naïve newcomers, I realised it had many components that were not really aligned with my personal philosophy nor my preferences. As soon as I found out that Bitcoin’s PoW relied on artificial incentives to build decentralisation, and that such decentralisation was only “safe” because there were a bunch of rent seeking miners competing to burn energy, I quickly realised that the future probably was somewhere else. And that’s how I eventually found XRP in late 2017.


I already mentioned you may know Arturo ..... here we go ! ! ! You used to be @xrpcenter, what happened there ? ? ?



Yes.... During a long time (more than 2 years), I tweeted under the

@xrpcenter handle. However, at some point in mid-2019, Twitter unilaterally reached the conclusion that I had violated their policies, as a consequence of impersonating other users. Notwithstanding the fact that I filed numerous appeals in an attempt to revert their decision, they didn’t really bother to answer any of them. Several community members have also been victims of these surprising, yet recurrent, kinds of arbitrary practices.

After leaving Twitter for some time, I decided to come back under my real name, as I wanted engage with the space in a more personal manner or, at least, in a manner such that somehow forced me to aim at higher levels of personal accountability.


You are heavily into research; when did your research for

blockchain / ripple / XRP start ? ? ?



I literally started diving into the fundamentals and the plumbing of the technology as soon as I started studying the FinTech Act bill, which eventually led me to open an account with a local cryptocurrency exchange in 2017.


Favourite research you did and found ? ? ?


Probably the most satisfactory research-related moment I have ever had, came up when I found out that the Interledger community was going through the process to incorporate a non-profit foundation to host the ownership of the IP rights behind the Interledger Protocol and all the other related protocols and application layers, such as Web Monetisation and Open Payments.

Earlier this year, on January, I was so excited about the potential that ILP had to actually revolutionise the movement of value, that I wrote what ended-up being my first Coil blog-post: “Six things Interledger needs to grow in 2020: ‘A non-developer’s perspective’, in response to a community exercise suggested by Evan Schwartz.

Source Evan Schwartz

In such blog-post, I vigorously (and rather annoyingly) argued that the most important thing for Interledger going forward, was the incorporation of a non-profit foundation that was able to autonomously adopt new governance policies and raise funds from non-Ripple sources.

Later on, I discovered that the Interledger community was actually preparing all the paperwork for the foundation, and that was a really exciting moment for me.


What has been surprising you, about XRP related found details ? ? ?


As probably everyone else in the space shares this sentiment with me, I have been surprised with the amount of independent developers that have somehow approached the XRP Ledger lately, and the interesting use-cases that are emerging as a consequence thereof. It seems like there is a growing set of companies who are now interested on becoming IOU issuers on the XRPL, and that’s absolutely fascinating. The DEX is one of my favorite features of the ledger and it will be really interesting to follow how all these entrepreneurial efforts develop.


You have really shared your opinion on: Ripple is expanding into working capital lending for RippleNet customers. Positive ? ? ?



In my view, and to the extent my curious, yet poor understanding of what this new product is about, I can say it is definitely possible. I have the suspicion that it will materially contribute to increase the market liquidity for XRP in ODL-enabled corridors.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


Definitely not the Bitcoin halving.



The coolest thing that CAN happen this year? or, what is going to be the catalyst ? ? ?


XRP will keep facilitating more efficient and more convenient remittances for those who need it the most, especially in these unsettling times. To me, that’s the coolest thing that can happen this year. Luckily, revolutionary services including, but not limited to ODL, will be able to reach other corners of the World by the end of the year, therefore reaching more people who are in desperate need for these kinds of improvements. Financial inclusion can’t wait.

I’m also really excited about the non-custodial solutions that independent developers are building with the XRP Ledger, such as XRPL Labs’s XUMM and Towo Labs’s XRPLToolKit. It would be really cool to see more independent developers like them jumping into the XRPL.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, I’ll also be following very closely whatever comes out from the Interledger community.


What do you actually expect from 2020 ? ? ?


I expect that fundamentals will continue to improve on a daily basis. We are already seeing an overwhelming number of simultaneous developments happening every day, and there are plenty of reasons to believe that this is only the beginning. I believe that we will see more individuals and companies realising that the XRPL is ready for the deployment of feasible business models, and hopefully, they will contribute to the maintenance of the ledger.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


I’ll probably sound very repetitive, but when you think about products like ODL and the specific geographic/economic landscapes that they are targeting, it’s easy to reach the conclusion that hard times can only help those who are making thinks easier and cheaper. A very clear example of this can be seen in Bitso’s latest remittance report, where they unveiled an exponential growth in the processing of remittances, despite the negative projections released earlier by the World Bank. At the end, it’s always the use-case what actually matters.


I do not think international transactions (ODL) are going to be the pot of Gold for Ripple, would you agree or .... (thinking DeFi and FX for that matter) ? ? ?



I do think that payments (and, therefore, international payments) are the pot of gold. I believe that if you can solve the existing friction in payments, you can, consequently, solve most of the existing friction currently affecting other financial services, such as lending. I think DeFi is cool, but I have argued that I do not expect it will solve any real world problems in the short and medium terms.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?


Not for now ! ! !


How many hours a day, you think about XRP and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ? ? ?


Often more than I would feel comfortable with, but it’s really exciting to keep learning new things. Also, I not only dedicate time to Ripple and XRP, I usually also keep a close eye with all things related to the overall FinTech landscape, open banking, digital payments, Central Bank Digital Currencies, new compliance tools, etc.

Well, that was a pleasure Arturo ... I truly enjoyed interviewing you and learning new insights about Ripple / XRP / RippleNet and everything involved .... Really interesting to see how everything will play out ... Thank you

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to get/ see some extra information ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

Other Who should I follow on Twitter Blogs:

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Paisan26849860 IamLegion

Who should I follow on Twitter: @DiepSanh Steven Diep

Source Header


Combining all Crypto Interviews I have done, more to come:

Behind the beat of BeatzcoinSteven Zambron

ALL Flavors TogetherCryptoEri, Sunny Lu and Curis Wang

Contentos – Reinvent the Content Value EcosystemMick Tsai

DeFi according to … Kava LabsBrian Kerr

BUCKLE UP – NotoriousXRPNotoriousXRP

“One Take, Uncut”Kevin Cage

Different Approach: Fractals - Mr LevelUp / Awake

The Revolution will be TelevisedJungle Inc.

Aggressively Average ContentThe Bearable Bull

Socks make a (Wo)Man ! ! !𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦


It's HAMMER(TOE) TIME ! ! !Matt Hamilton

You like him or ....... Part ISamIam

“The Person” behind the AccountBitHades

Research is Key – Steven DiepSteven Bull from the Diep

Bitrue's AMA: HackenAI HAIDyma Budorin

FinNexus changing the World?Boris Yang

You like him or ....... Part IISir Gordon Gekko

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Arturo_P_AArturo Portilla

Who should I follow on Twitter: @XRP_OWL – King Solomon

You like him or ....... Part III – NagaBeau

VeChain according to Martijn! ! – Martijn

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Fame21Moore – XRPDarren

XRPCommunity: Who is RIPPLERED ! ! ! – RippleRed

XRPCommunity: Who is 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐗𝐑𝐏 – JamesRuleXRP

Botwars™ Ultimate Crypto Trading GamePaul Lindsell

Who to follow on YouTube: @NewsAssetDigital Asset News – Rob

VeChain – 8Hours – Playtable !!!John Dempsey

You like him or ....... Part IVMichael Zischeck

Coronavirus Tech Handbook – Nathan Young

CasinoCoin / Crazy 8 Token according toCasinoCoin Muse

Somebody you should follow on CoilXRPGord

Utility-ScanMourad TOUMI / 0Llac3

Who to follow on YouTube: @WorkingMoney589WorkingMoney

Everybody follows Wietse – Wietse Wind


Free Music Archive (FMA) – Hessel van Oorschot

XRP has RHYTHM ! ! ! – Frank – the XRP Song

Our Japanese US Link with XRP – Crypto Eri

CasinoCoin – According to John Caldwell – John Caldwell

Who should I follow on Twitter: @stedas – Stedas / Dario

Rob Cash on the SET .... – Rob Cash

A Riley Q DeepDive ! ! !Riley Q

Source Header

This is the overview page of all the miles I am going to run in May. It is going to be 1 mile a day for 31 days, and everything extra beside it.

Go run, exercise and hopefully this will stimulate people to work out, go go go ! ! !


First run done, time 10:16, rain rain rain. Time is not the most important but at the end of the month I definitely want to be closer to 9 minutes. No more nice jogging ! ! !


Second run done, time 09:27, no Noah. Started a little too fast. I know what I am running so pacing is a little challenge. Closer to 09:00 flat at least ... has to be possible


Third run done, time 09:35, okayish .... did not feel like running the mile but the weather was nice. Well, number 3 in the bag ! ! !


Fourth run done, time 10:00, flat ..... felt it during the run, but I am okay with it. Let’s get pumped for the next one .....

tomorrow ! ! !


Fifth run done, time 09.21 ..... felt much better during the run, upbeat music, Armin van Buuren, much, much better. Go go go


Sixth run done, time 10:16, Noah beside me; with the words I did not want to hear: dad , I need to pee ! ! ! Stopped the time, tried to get back into it, but did not totally work..... tomorrow next chance ! ! !


Seventh run done, time 09.37, Noah NOT beside me; I wanted him too but he said it was too warm for him ..... okay ! ! ! Felt pretty okay, although I was able to go faster... at least in my mind !!!


Eighth run done, time 09.26, running at 09.30 pm is nice but I did feel a little force behind me: you have to complete your

run ! ! ! So that has to be managed better.


Ninth run done, time 09.48, running, that is all .... nothing to add, had a little music mix on, didn’t click. So, I went to YouTube and listened to Jeff from the hodl report... on the chain. Having a little fun with Chip. Was fun. Forgot the regular picture, so picture is off !!!


Tenth run done, time 09.31, back in business. Felt good. Thinking about a lot of things. Running is getting the best ideas !!! 1/3 of the month cleared !!!


Eleventh run done, time 09.54, okayish run. Today I ran on 1 mile distance in my head. Which is not good as I may have not given it all ...... Mweh... couple days to do better ! ! !


Twelfth run done, time 09.27 good run, felt good !!!


Thirteenth run done, time 09:45 ............................... I ran, that is all ! ! !


Fourteenth run done, time 09:57, bad vibes/ thoughts , So was not in my element


Fifthteenth run done, time 10:05, had to push myself, negativety all over....


Sixteenth run done, time 09:39 .... Nice run , different route. Back at it ! ! !


Seventeenth run done, time 09:49 .... Nice run , Running in the forrest, sun through the leaves. Was a nice run, good feeling I am over half the challenge. GO GO GO ! ! !


eighteenth run done, time 09:41 ... I am tired , have to run though. Happy I went out After all GO GO GO ! ! !


Nineteenth run done, time 10:15 .... shared run, with Noah. Always fun. Keep on checking on him though , but it was a lot of fun


Twentieth run done, time 10:49 ....body is hurting , had a busy day ..... you will read it tomorrow , will link tomorrow ! ! !


Twenty first run done, time 09:434.... on it again , music , Sun , felt good , 10 more days ! ! !


Twenty second run done, time 09:38 .... doing it. Nothing special. Another day running ....


Twenty third run done, time 09:39 ...... okayish day; was not in the groove but the time passed quickly.


Twenty fourth run done, time 10:17 .... ran too late. It became to much of a mandatory thing, not good. Felt the man a with the hammer right behind me ..... didn’t make me faster tho


Twenty fifth run done, time 09:31 ..... wanted to break 09:30 today, very disappointing to see that 1 second ! ! !


Twenty sixth run done, time 09:29 .... broke it ..... felt good ! ! !


Twenty seventh run done, time 18:29 .... Ikea mile. Went to Ikea and told my wife, I was gone for a bit. Couldn’t get through, time was not important but the waiting was killing


Twenty ninths run done, time 09:41 .... took it a little easy. Was a long day ....


Twenty ninth run done, time 09:17 .... was going faster , I felt it. Nice nice nice


Thirtieth run done, time 09:34 .... end is near. Tomorrow last run. This was running on the beach. Was fun ! ! !


Thirty first run done, time 10:05 ..... together with Noah. Finishing together, finishing strong. Proud of my little boy.