Where we were given a great blog by Robert Licker, today I am posting about my second most favourite digital currency. Vechain for me is another Coin with a use case and have been invested in it, for a couple years now ! ! ! Sometimes I reach out to Rob Cash for some data and/ or BLOCKCHAIN MONKEYZ, but to get the real news, I reach out to this Martijn: Martijncvv
A respected name in the VeChain Family, one of his mottos: Education is key

I had the pleasure meeting him earlier, when the world had not gone one and a half meter .... at the XRP Meet-up in Utrecht. (see:
https://coil.com/p/Ferdi/XRP-Meetup-the-Netherlands/qVicck6_ )
We had too little to discuss as there were too many interesting speeches and too little time. So I had to interview him ! ! !
Who is Martijn ? ? ?
My name is Martijn, I have a passion for blockchain technology and companies that develop solutions to improve the environment. This is one of the reasons I have been a supporter of VeChain and hold the $VET token.

So, the guy with the pointing arrow, is Martijn ! ! !
How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?
Back in 2013, a friend of me told about Bitcoin and that we could make some money. We decided to buy Litecoin, Feathercoin and Dogecoin because these were cheaper. Unfortunately I was very active on the Dogecoin Reddit instead of reading about blockchain technology. Crypto went up a lot and crashed, so I thought everything was gone (We did help funding the Jamaican bobsled team with the DogeCoin community! Haha). Three years later someone mentioned that Bitcoin was going up, so I decided to follow cryptocurrencies again, so I started reading about the technology and followed some (online) courses.
Someone I follow has a nice quote in his bio: “Came for the money, stayed for the technology.” (Sorry, can’t remember who it was).
XRPTwin: Aren't we all in it for the tech .....

Why VeChain ? ? ?
Q3 of 2017 a friend and I started writing abstracts about different cryptocurrencies to share in a Facebook/Telegram group. After around 30 abstract we found VeChain. We instantly saw they were playing on a different level than the projects we analysed before; Because of their 2016 Launch video together with PwC and VeChain’s CEO Sunny Lu, Former CIO of Louis Vuitton China
I think VeChain has the right vision and they are developing great solutions for the world; anti-counterfeit, food safety, climate and environment protection.
I also think one of the most important things in crypto is to look at the person who leads the company. Sunny Lu’s background and vision are amazing and he’s a humble person. Definitely watch some (more personal) videos about him, like:
What is so special about VeChain ? ? ?
I don’t believe in full decentralisation for all the business use cases. I can’t imagine all the companies putting their core business in the hands of random people. However, blockchain technology is needed for certain use-cases.
I think VeChain made the right decision to interview more than 50 C level managers first and find the problems they have with public blockchains. This resulted in a blockchain which picks the best of both worlds; half centralised, half decentralised.
The thing I also like about VeChain is that it is very clear how the economic model works. Every transaction on the VeChainThor blockchain brings value to the network, which is expressed in VET. More blockchain usage means a higher blockchain value, which means a higher VET value.
So, the reason I bought $VET is because of their vision and economic model.
The reason I support VeChain and why I spend time helping the community is because of their great solutions focused on food safety, anti-counterfeit, environment protection and climate improvement. It’s a win for everyone.
I also want to mention DNVGL, another great company which works very close together with VeChain. DNVGL is a 150 year old company with trust as their core business. They have 350 offices in over 100 countries. They are an Authority node of the VeChainThor blockchain and the CEO of DNVGL Business Assurance, Luca Crisciotti, is part of the VeChain Foundation.

To me, VeChain and DNVGL is the dream team for blockchain technology mass adoption. Below, a nice quote of DNVGL’s SVP, Renato Grottola.
“Not all blockchain are fitting for partners. Choosing a blockchain that supports business logic is fundamental. The value is not in the technology itself but the intersection between technology and business processes. This is the case with VeChain.”
It used to be VEN, now it is VET, can you say something about it ? ?
The change from VEN (ERC20) to VET(VIP180) was because of the switch from the Ethereum blockchain token to the VechainThor MainNet blockchain coin.
What VET YouTuber should we follow ? ? ?
I barely watch Youtube videos. But Tokenvision and Ben Yorke from VeChain101 create awesome videos about VeChain. The first Youtuber I was following was Boxmining.
What does VET do to help getting rid of COVID ? ? ?
VET itself doesn’t do anything, but there is a company called Realitems which uses the VeChainThor blockchain as infrastructure to run their anti-counterfeit dApps for face-masks (and other products).
The Drug and Vaccine Traceability Solution by VeChain Tech and DNVGL will also be very interesting. Unfortunately these things take a lot of time to develop, especially with regulations.
These are perfect examples of how blockchain technology should be used; the users don’t know it runs on a blockchain.
5 sentences what is VeChain (or 6 ;–) ) ? ? ?
The VeChainThor Blockchain is a blockchain developed for enterprises, maintained by enterprises, and accessibly for everyone.
VeChain’s goal is to build a trust-free and distributed business ecosystem platform to enable transparent information flow, efficient collaboration, and high-speed value transfers.
Before VeChain started developing the platform, they interviewed ~50 executives to understand what their problems are with available public blockchains;
1. Lack of a proper governance model.
2. Unpredictable and unnecessarily high transaction costs.
3. Business players care about appropriate solutions other than merely technology.
4. The lack of capacity to comply with regulation and changes.
With these results in mind, VeChain started the development of a blockchain which fulfils the needs of enterprises. The goal has always been to bring value to businesses, if blockchain doesn’t bring (business) value, blockchains are unnecessary.
XRPTwin, eh ..... 5 , 6 .... a lot , but perfectly acceptable ! ! !
What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?
Hopefully more clarity about regulations.
No regulations, no mass adoption. Luckily VeChain created a solution to bypass this “problem”, but it’s not optimal.
“The worst enemy for blockchain adoption is the absence of regulations. This absence is slowing down any kind of adoption. If there are no regulations, very few companies will move forward with blockchain technology.” – Renato Grottola, SVP DNVGL

Talking about “the users don’t know it runs on a blockchain” and “2020”.
Did you recently buy some Givenchy products? Get your NFC scanner and check if there is a chip inside the product. Givenchy was VeChain's first client and they cover 100% of Givenchy's leather goods. This year (2020), it will be extended to sneakers and fashion wear. VeChain and Givenchy have been working together for at least 4 years.
What was cool about 2020 already ? ? ? ( I hope you are going to mention Monopoly ! ! !)

Recently I played Monopoly with $VET as in-game money. My friends and I had to find a way to play remotely because of the virus, so we started a group call and used $VET as Monopoly currency. It worked much better than expected so it was very cool and we played 5 times already.
We had around 300 on-chain transactions and the total transaction costs were only $1.82. That’s also important for a public blockchain, transaction costs can’t be too high and volatile for businesses. Although Monopoly was not business related, it was possible thanks to the cheap transaction costs. We made a website so you can follow our next games here. http://cryptomonopoly.tilda.ws
Interested in joining a game?
XRPTwin: I promise that I will join sometimes, and will document it ! ! !
What year is going to be VET 's year ? ? ?
First regulations, then mass adoption. 2023+?
Actually, according to VeChain Tech, 2022-2024 is the Growth phase and 2025+ is the Maturity phase of blockchain technology. Since they work close together with DNVGL, I guess they have some good insights in the development timeline.
But you never know what a BTC pump and hype can do with the price

Besides VET, any words on XRP ? ? ?
I noticed the communities of VeChain and XRP are getting closer, a more positive vibe. That’s nice to see. I don’t hold any XRP myself but it’s nice to see that the space gets a little bit less toxic.
“Enemies of blockchain adoption are in the communities itself; The debate between one-coiners. The communities should work together on promoting blockchain adoption beyond FinTech and payment activities in order for enterprises to understand the real value.” – Renato Grottola, SVP DNVGL
PS. When $VET hits 50% of the ATH MarketCap of $ETH, 1 VET will be more than $1. Knowing 1 VET is currently $0.0039, that’s pretty insane.
Luckily we got $XRP as a beautiful example that these kind of things are possible in the cryptocurrency industry. I hope for both communities that both coins will go up.
Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?
Definitely slows it down but it will open the eyes of a lot of people. So in the long term, it will be good for companies that focus on transparency and traceability, like VeChain Tech.
When Martijn grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?
Working at an NGO sounds cool. Living at some place in the nature nearby a mountain which is still “nearby” a big city sounds very nice too.
Anything to add..... ? ? ?
In general, DYOR. Especially read about the vision and background of the team and token economics of a cryptocurrency. In the end it’s all about bringing business value. No business value, no future.

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Thank you Martijn for this amazing interview. Took some time, but well, turned out great. Thank you and eh .... The Monopoly date stills stands ! ! !
So, NO Coil Subscription:

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