
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

This week, once more, made it clear to me that you need to have everything in place, your ducks in order, when things go South.

As I shared before, earlier this week, my friend Anne got a cardiac arrest and yesterday we got the unfortunate news that she passed away. I still cannot believe it, 39 years old, always happy, thinking positive and alive. Yes, 3 years of a difficult time, because they tried to build their house in a neighbourhood where people are jealous, offended fast, what gave Anne, her husband and two children a lot of annoyance, stress and because of that loss of a lot of money and time: days/ months ...

Maybe the stress asked its toll, but at this moment that is not important to think about ... the loss, that is what weighs the heaviest ... Julius, Anne's husband has to manage many things now, he probably has no clue what all he has to manage, not the time yet to think about, but in time things will hit and he needs to work things out ! ! !

Made me think about my “crypto hobby” ! ! ! My wife likes it, likes it that I like it / love it and leaves me at “my hobby”.

Yes, she did meet David also:

........ but it is YOUR hobby , she always tells me ....

That said, I don't want to be a doom thinker, but what if I get a cardiac arrest, what if things happen with ME, is my wife taken care of, am I taken care of:

The answer is NO, although I want to write yes, it absolutely is NO

Although my wife is a smart cookie, I take the crypto industry for granted .... I know a couple things and I do share things with her, BUT it is not enough to retrieve all the coins, crypto and / or digital assets we have on the different exchanges, wallets and other (not so) safe places ! ! !

I need to document EVERYTHING ! !!

I have done this before, we have a great document at a save place, but this may be a little bit old, amounts have changed, coins have moved from one exchanges to another or, sold, day trades, hard wallets , soft wallets, nano ledgers oh and news about the XRPTipbot:


All these little things may sound easy but they are NOT. I need to, no no no, I MUST write her the steps down how to get those coins back on the appropriate exchange, not all the exchanges carry all the coins ! ! ! Have to explain her the sell into BTC/ ETH, or FIAT what is possible on Bitrue since this week ... and use a third party to change from BTC/ ETH into EURO/ Dollar or whatever currency is needed.

There is more though. Really a lot to think about .... what about different blockchain. Of course there are people that can help her, but in the end, if she needs to do it all by herself, she needs to know that different blockchains, different addresses, think about Ripplenet, Ethereum Network, Tron Network, Vechain, all the different coins have their own network, needs to be explained ! ! !

Source eh ... nice picture , but this is something she doesn't need to be told ! ! !

Although things seems very easy for YOU, it may not be for your partner/ family member, or person you want to have all the details.

Don't get me wrong, I have no plans to leave this world yet, but if I do, I want to make sure our investments are safe .... in her safe hands ...

I do want to add, passwords, ..... are at a different place, so not together .... important point to make as this makes it too easy for people that want to do bad stuff.

If you think it is too easy and you don't think it is needed to write down, WRITE IT DOWN ... Too many coins have gone missing for misplacing codes / passwords or omitting important details, that did not SEEM to be important.

Last tip to share, do not , I write do NOT keep a file on your computer and/ or telephone; that is easier to be hacked or to be retrieved by wrong doers.

The most important message I want to give to you, Coil Reader, be safe; you went through the hard times, but if it really gets hard, make it work for you. And as for me .... I feel much better now that I have taken care of particular things ....

Source Header image

This is the end of the interview ..... if you are NOT a Coil subscriber

Coil subscribers will get +20 , additional information by me, you do NOT want to miss ! ! !


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Well, SamIAm was the first in the series you like him or ...... and we need a part II to this series. I had somebody in mind and reached out to him ..... this was his response (first clue, it is a he)

Well, he had to be the one, well known in the XRPCommunity and everybody has an opinion about him ... Has a famous person as an avatar and has over 10K followers on Twitter.

The picture on top is his banner on Twitter, have you guess him already ....

Well, ........... this is the answer:

Indeed Sir Gordon Gekko, you like him or ....

So let's get into him for a bit , who is Sir Gordon Gekko, the man behind the Michael Douglas Picture showing a Wall Street image:

Who doesn't know Gordon Gekko: the fictional character in the 1987 film Wall Street and its 2010 sequel Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, both directed by Oliver Stone.

Gekko was portrayed by actor Michael Douglas, whose performance in the first film won him an Oscar for Best Actor. ... 24 on its Top 50 movie villains of all time. (Source)


Who is Sir Gordon Gekko, the man behind the twitter handle ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

Well, that is jus a meme, nothing special, had no idea what name to use, so I picked Gordon Gekko initially, but then I added the Sir, because there is only 1 Sir Gordon ! ! !


How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

Funny, I was driving in my car with a buddy back in mid November 2017 and we talked about how we could make money, the legal way of course. I played around with stocks here and there, but the returns weren't all that great; then I did some research and came across Bitcoin and Crypto at that time. Bitcoin was too expensive for a whole one, so my search went on and came across XRP.

XRPTwin: Intervention, right here; we probably all went through this stage, 1 bitcoin is too expensive, so not for me, BUT ! ! !, you can own a portion of it, welcome to Crypto ....... going back to Sir Gordon Gekko ....

To continue Twin ! ! ! , my search went on, came across XRP, not knowing the asset at all, butI dropped 5K into it at I believe 15 cents, not much lower than what we see now (XRPTwin: that is 33% at the moment ! ! !) Then December 2017 ... it went to the moon and I said to my buddy: Damn, this is easy ! ! !


Why XRP ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

XRP has the partnerships, the use case and I have had personally experience with sending money cross borders, essentially cost less; The more I studied it, the more I said to myself:

WOW, this asset can really improve how we send money as easy as a text message.


When did yo start with Crypto TA ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

Crypto TA .... Mostly learned on my own and studying others. I admit, there is always room to improve and that's why I constantly try to improve my skills daily.


When did you start with videos on twitter ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

Videos on Twitter ...... don't really remember when I started .... it was just for the fun of it at first, then I started getting following, I felt like people were at a lost of hope, but my main reason now is to motivate people and hang in there mentally focus on the mission: why you are here investing not only for a quick buck but for life changing results.


You have enemies and friends. People like you, others think nothing of it .... what do you think about this ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

To be honest, I really couldn't care if I had friends or enemies... I twitter ( tweet), I love to troll BULLSHIT, I love it, I love calling it out mostly because most plebs have their own agenda and could give a shit that someone is barely holding on to their bags at a loss. So to me, I take my enjoyment calling it out.



Bank of America, a hot topic, what do you think about that ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

RIPPLE/ XRP / BOA, there is no doubt banks and faster payments need XRP

What is needed:

cost efficient transactions,

errorless transactions

fast fast fast

The current system is less attractive as a text message today, but with no settlement mechanism. Liquidity and Settlement is what the financial system needs to stay fluid ! ! !


What other crypto projects you are looking at, I believe pi is one of them ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

I like Pi ! ! ! I actually started mining it, funny of you to ask what projects I think have a solid use case. Besides XRP, I believe in Tezos, Chainlink, Atom, XLM, Algo, ADA, BAT. I am looking at ZIL and HBAR at the moment...


What do you expect from 2020, maybe specifically may ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

What I expect from 2020, very good things, Crypto is in the middle of a perfect financial storm, the asset class has exponential potential, starting this year for the coming ... 3-5 years ! ! !


What can we expect from sir Gordon in 2020 ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

The same, I am who I am , I am very spontaneous, over-achiever, ideas fly out off my head, who knows, I am sure I will think of something creative ...


A video is a success when ...... ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

If I have a positive impact on 1 viewer to motivate him/ her ... that is already enough for me.


Shane Ellis, you would like to share your ideas about that ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

Shane Ellis, again, just a theory, but it could work only on a futures market for such a price set, how will it work .... I believe PolySign and ODL really know how it would work again to move trillions of dollars cross border .. it can't be .22 cents .... it wasn't created for .22 cents .... I believe XRP would need a liquidity index of some sorts and the price valuation would come from a futures market.


Does Corona help Crypto or Slowdown ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

The virus just exposed the flaws in the system and they are big ones,

never let a crisis go to waste

It is a hell of a time to be alive and see how XRP and Crypto can fix the system and give more opportunity to the average Joe


When sir gordon grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

I am in my 40's, so I have passed phase .... you mean when do I want to retire and do something else ... is that the question ???


Anything to add..... ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:



One thing your followers do not know about you ? ? ?

Sir Gordon Gekko:

I am your best friend or your worse enemy; that's how I grew up old school Italian , not a mobster ..... I get that the most ! ! !


The quick fire round , short answers ? ? ?



ODL growth

XRP YouTubers


Who should I follow on Twitter?

When moon?

Sir Gordon Gekko:



ODL growth

The growth is pitiful at the moment, we need more corridors and what I like to say:


XRP YouTubers

I like Investment Perspectives and DAI, I used to watch CKJ till I saw the stunt he pulled in the woods; kind of turned me off a little. Alex Cobb was the first YouTuber I watched when I got into XRP, for a while now, he has been a bit of an annoyance, not to be an ass, but I have called him out on BS he pulled to get more followers ; he has blocked me, oh well, shit happens ! ! !


A pivotable move I think ! ! !You start small and show the world what you can do to attract others , showing them it works

Who should I follow on twitter?

There are a lot of good people on Twitter, nobody I can mention specific ...

When moon?

Right after SUNDAY and it will be a sunny Day in MAY 2020

So, this is Sir Gordon Gekko, what you see is what you get ... If you want to follow an outspoken person in the XRPCommunity, you definitely want to follow: Sir Gordon and probably new to many of you, Sir Gordon is on Coil, so give him a follow: Gordongekko369


Header Picture Source

Stay Safe

Previous Interview: FinNexus changing the World?

Next Interview:

In the You like him or ....... Series:

You like him or ....... Part I – SamIAm

With FinNexus coming to Bitrue, I wanted to know what IS coming to Bitrue. FinNexus ——) Finance / Next ..... the next finance, DeFi, all kinds of things popped up in my head, so I started reading about it. Reading about it, is very nice, but what if .... what if .... let's just ask the CEO what FinNexus is .... So let's look at the screen and there he is: Mr. Boris Yang, CEO FinNexus ... very interested to hear more about the project. Mr. Yang, the floor is yours ! ! !


Could you please introduce yourself in a couple of sentences ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

I am Boris, founder and CEO of FinNexus. I am a product designer. It is my passion. Product design was my responsibility in Wanchain before and also now in FinNexus. Before crypto, I worked in the software and internet industry for several years also as a product designer and then as an entrepreneur. I was so impressed by the white paper of Bitcoin in 2015 that I joined the crypto industry the next year. At that moment, I bought BTC with almost all my money. From 2016, I worked with Jack Lu, the cofounder of one of the first successful ERC20 tokens – Factom, to build Wanchain until last year.


You are one of the initial co-founders of Wanchain, how has this helped you in your current role and when did you decide to found FinNexus ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

When I worked on public chain design, it made me feel like I was in the first stage of the crypto industry, oriented towards engineers and pioneers. But we all know that just engineers and pioneers cannot make the industry bigger. How to attract more regular users? My belief is that we need more assets token with different risk and return profiles to attract different investors. And we must make user experience better so it works more like the way we use the internet. That is why we started FinNexus.


Did you come up with the name FinNexus, and why FinNexus ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

FinNexus is the combination of the words ‘Finance’ and ‘Nexus’ so the idea is that it is a hub for connecting different decentralised ledgers to each other and users, and also for connecting with traditional finance applications. The industry needs a solution that is not only interoperable between these new, fascinating blockchain worlds, but also between these blockchains and the legacy finance systems that still dominate 95% of the usage in the traditional finance industry.

Assets and users are always the core of traditional finance, which also applies to DeFi. Though public chains on the bottom layer are the major focus, protocols and applications are the portals for actual users and assets to get access to. That’s what we always want to do, to channel the flow of financial value efficiently and securely, with more varieties of assets, and to attract more users to this growing industry. That’s where the idea of FinNexus was born.


Can you explain FinNexus in ten sentences ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

FinNexus is a suite of open finance products and protocols for both enterprise use and crypto aficionados. Our FNX token is on the Wanchain blockchain, but that doesn’t mean we are only concerned with the WAN ecosystem. We’re building a hub for connecting different decentralised ledgers – like WAN, XRP, BTC and ETH for example – to each other and making users more comfortable in accessing the products on those great ledgers.

The first iteration of FinNexus will be like a Crypto Supermarket with both fully decentralised assets and tokenised versions of more traditional financial products. Users can conveniently browse for different unique products that maybe better suit their risk and investment objectives. Our job now is just to stock the shelves.

XRPTwin: well 10 sentences have been written, but let's continue :–)

From a technical perspective, we build these products by focusing on what we call “interoperable protocol clusters.” So the first cluster is called ADP, which stands for Assets Distribution Protocol, that’s responsible for our UM1S token for example. The next cluster that we’ve started working on is called DO, which means Decentralised Options. We will develop in this way, step by step, until we have many varieties of products that we created and can provide to users, both B2B and B2C, through different FinNexus protocols.


Your protocol is based on three pillars of DeFi: diversity, value, and convenience. Can you highlight these three pillars showing their importance ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

We are often asked questions like: In what projects shall I invest? Why should I invest in crypto? How can I make a crypto investment? These questions are actually the three key factors of DeFi, diversity, value, and convenience, which we like to call the three DeFi pillars. These are the very problems that FinNexus intends to solve.

FinNexus aims to advance open finance through the establishment of one-stop-shop protocols based on the three pillars of DeFi, by diversifying crypto intrinsic risks with more real-world application scenarios, building bridges to real-world value with blockchain technology, and creating a user-friendly ecosystem.


Of course I did my research, but in conclusion, is it wrong when I state FinNexus connects everything in the DeFi / Blockchain industry ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

I would like to answer this question from a more technical angle. We try to build the combination of protocols connecting different participants and counter-parties into protocols clusters. The industry has called them now for a while ‘FAT PROTOCOLS.’

Protocols in DeFi are often compared with the Internet industry. Key protocols like TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP… these are the pieces of code that provide the basic layers of connection for the entire internet. But they didn’t earn much money for their inventors! Internet protocols create lots of value but capture little. Top-layer applications like Google, Facebook, Tencent, built on top of those foundational protocols accrue most of the value. Protocols are THIN, while applications are FAT. That’s kind of a basic hypothesis that a lot of people in blockchain industry believe, but hasn’t really come true yet.

The difference with how FinNexus thinks about this problem and your traditional “Fat Protocol” thinker is that we actually believe the protocol layer is gonna get carved up. You have your base layers – infrastructure projects like Wanchain, Zilliqa, and of course Ethereum – and of course they will get some of that value. However, in DeFi world, there are Middleware protocols that sit on top of public chains but, at the same time, also sit below the application layer. These protocols have the potential to capture an enormous amount of value.

We think that in the DeFi space, value will flow mostly to these layers because all the data is shared in an open manner, and secured by the base layer public blockchains. Anyone is free to build applications that sit on top of all these layers. But it’s interesting you see that the new wave of great DeFi Dapps don’t have any token at all. But you can build a token-based ecosystem where those tokens are driving the middleware in all sorts of cool ways.

If we can design native utility tokens that capture the value and unlock the full potential of these middleware protocols, and I’m not embarrassed to say we think Synthetix is a great example of this, but I think we can take it a step further and make it super easy for not only us but other teams to create apps and Dapps using our protocol clusters to solve difficult design problems.

We think that user adoption comes first before meaningful protocol adoption, so in everything we do we’re thinking how to enable mass adoption of cryptocurrency and tokenised protocols, so we can create that virtuous circle – continued usage leads to continued adoption leads to continued usage, etc.

Middleware protocols will provide the connective layer that makes everything in DeFi “just work.” So it’s in this middleware layer where FinNexus plans to develop its first sets of protocol clusters. In our first stage of development, we will concentrate on 3 different “protocol clusters” that will focus on 1) Blockchain Interaction Protocol (BIP), 2) a Protocol Cluster for Assets Payments (PCAP), and 3) an Assets Distribution Protocol (ADP).

Our operations in developing this blockchain middleware will simplify what is often an intensive token-interactive experience for DeFi users across many platforms. It can be so frustrating for first-time users that many users just give up without even trying. Even though it’s in their best economic interest to figure it out, they can’t be bothered. We want to solve that problem. Our aim is to hasten the integration of traditional finance and decentralised assets, which is ultimately the most basic requirement for enabling the widespread adoption of cryptographic financial technology.

So to your question, I believe the answer is yes, FinNexus wants to connect everything, it’s in our name. And it’s not just blockchain ledgers, but ledgers that sit in legacy systems all over the world, too. That is the FinNexus’ vision.


My name on Twitter / Coil is XRPTwin , so I have to ask something about Ripple..... RippleNet, am I allowed to ask if there are any connections between RippleNet and FinNexus (maybe you can say something about the Wanchain Network also) ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

From the end of last year, we began to build connections with the XRPCommunity. Bitrue introduced some for us, especially technical connections. It is a good start. We are trying to build more and deep connections with the XRP team and community. We are now looking at the XUMM Wallet which comes out of the XRPL Labs. We think it is a very good wallet and look forward to enabling our UMnS asset products to be held there.

As far as Wanchain, you know I helped Jack Lu to found this project, so we have a good relationship with Jack Lu and other team members there. Our marketing advisor Noah is from WAN and they are one of our founding investors. Wanchain has finished some technical innovation, especially in cross-chain. So far, they’ve really helped FinNexus a lot both in tech and business.


In a perfect world, how do you see traditional financial products in the next/new economy ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Traditional financial products have been developed for hundreds of years. There are lots of wonderful novel designs and familiar accepted business models. They will dominate the world for a long time. Everyone knows there are some problems in traditional finance. In my opinion, the key issue is it is too centralised and monopolised by a few people or institutions. Regular people cannot share in the profits fairly and even in some regions of the world people cannot get basic services. Crypto finance is an infant now which represents a new idea to how to organise finance just like several hundred years ago people were aware of a new way to organise government to make the world with more fairness. I think in a long time traditional and crypto finance would work together. Crypto finance has to keep learning and growing. In time, it will gain more market share from traditional finance.


If you want to describe THE catalyst for FinNexus’ success, are we talking about mass adoption? Is that THE important ingredient ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Mass adoption is the only path to success for all projects. If we are talking about the one catalyst, in my opinion it is about the key event to make you on the right path. For FinNexus, it would be if one or two types of the assets we are productising and enabling with the protocol clusters we have on our roadmap, if just one or two them get lots of users and are accepted by the market, then we could see our head above water and could go from there.

You know we are building a Crypto Supermarket at FinNexus and a supermarket is a place you go to often because you need that one or two staple products your family always likes to have. For me, my family is always sending me to the store for vegetables, rice, oil, etc, so we are looking for that kind of thing in terms of crypto products for our Crypto Supermarket. You asked what is most important ingredient, so I think it is something like this everyday food you know and like, something that is simple and tasty and beneficial for your portfolio.


What do you think of the slow adoption of regulations in the crypto industry; does that hold back your roadmap rollout ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Regulations are related to history, the long-held interests of different gamers, marketing situations, lobbyists, even security of nations and order of governance play a part. This new crypto industry impacts all. I feel not surprised by the slow adoption of regulations. What we can do is know it is reality, face it and try to deal with it. It takes time and money to obey regulations of course.


Is Covid-19 slowing your progress ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Covid-19 really drove the market to some uncertainty, especially so close before the BTC halving, and we postponed our listing plan with Bitrue until this month, but our technical and product progress stayed intact and has been going well. We were able to dive deep into the mechanism design of our DO (decentralised options) protocol cluster, finalise a 1st-gen front end for it and start tackling the backend engineering issues head on. Though we have been quarantined away from offices and working at home, I don’t think we’d have made as much progress if people on the team weren’t all cooped up inside. For our team, some of which is distributed any way, telecommuting actually makes work more efficient and easy. Everything is going on just as we outlined on our 2020 roadmap. Maybe even a little bit faster.

XRPTwin: Well, Bitrue will be discussed later, nice you mentioned this, but ... later


Can you tell me a little bit more about ICTO and its advantages ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

ICTO means Initial Convertible Token Offering. It’s a token distribution model that we innovated at FinNexus. It is different from the well-known IEO.

An Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) is when a project sells its first round of tokens to the public in conjunction with an exchange. The exchange assures the credibility of the coin and helps promote it, and in return, the coin project gets a large amount of exposure to help it raise funds for its continued development.

In an ICTO, the sold token can be converted at a later stage to a token that is backed by real world cash flows, at the discretion of the token holders within a pre-set conversion period. This mechanism gives token holders a way to balance their own portfolio according to their unique risk preferences, as well as a second choice when the market experiences uncertainty, should anything like Black Thursday happen again in the next 3 months of the choice period. Another interesting feature is that the choice period provides an effective safeguard for the FNX token price. Whales can’t dump on you, first of all because, in our case, lockups for fund investors are in place for this choice period and, second of all, if they did they’d just be forfeiting their right to exchange for another token backed by real verifiable cash flows.

There are many advantages to participating in an ICTO.

The essence of the ICTO model is that the holders of the FNX token are entitled to conversion rights, a second choice even after subscription. In the version that we have implemented for the Bitrue token sale, the FNX token holders may either choose to convert to the asset-backed token UM1S to enjoy lower risk and a fixed return for up to 3 months or they may hold FNX to be involved with the benefits from future FinNexus development. Investors may choose whether or not and when to convert according to their risk preferences. Like this, we always talk about 3 different kinds of investors: Alice, Bob, and Mike.

It is of interest to note that the conversion ratio is always fixed. Due to UM1S’s fixed return, one can get the principal and interest back at maturity. That’s where the safeguarding of FNX price during the conversion period comes from. If FNX drops below 0.10 USDT, arbitrageurs — and in crypto, especially DeFi, there are a lot of those these days! — can step in to capture some of this “free” value. The FNX price will be unlikely to drop significantly below the issuance price, thus preserving only upside potential for FNX during the conversion period.

The market decides how many FNX tokens are left on the market. The converted FNX will be burnt, leading to a decrease in the circulating supply, which benefits the remaining FNX token holders, i.e. those who do not choose to convert to UM1S.


Smart people often say companies/ tokens/ digital assets that have a use case survive bearish periods; what is FinNexus use case ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Like I talked above, the most important use case is assets adoption. Right now, we focus on 2 things: 1) providing tokens with real world value via our assets distribution protocol (ADP) and 2) a pure decentralised options (DO) protocol. These two products, we think, will provide diversity and value, two of our founding pillars, to the industry. Now it’s up to our engineers to make it convenient. Not only that, but these products are specifically targeted toward risk management. We don’t think anyone should have all their wealth in crypto, but if they do, they can easily diversify with our ADP products. If they don’t want to do that, at least they can buy some insurance against price movements against them using our DO products.

Our base use case is to make it easy for enterprise and regular crypto users to access great products and tailor their risk. We think people will need these features even in bear markets.


If any, who is/ are your biggest competitor(s) ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

The crypto-initiated ecosystem may become a bit crowded, due to the fast growth of projects outpacing the increase of users. One of the major operations of FinNexus is to bridge the value between the traditional finance world and the blockchain world, hence introducing more users into the crypto world, to make the tokenised value understandable, secure, and convenient to most, like the way the internet is now.

It’s interesting you mention competition, because at FinNexus, at least in the DeFi space, we tend to refer to the other DeFi projects as our “brother” projects rather than competitors because, in reality, we’re all in this together to construct a more inclusive global financial system. Plus, with the way compostability works, we’re perfectly fine using another protocol in our tech stack if our engineers say it is well made. Why re-invent the wheel? The best innovation usually happens when you’re standing on someone else’s shoulders to get a better view of the new world you’re creating.

Traditional finance, or TradFi, has hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of value locked up in it, while EthFi currently just has around $1 billion. All the other DeFi systems not on Ethereum — Sologenic, Kava, Terra, Thorchain are some that come to mind — have different business models and ideas. So we really could be at the beginning of something special here in the broader DeFi industry. And we find ourselves lucky to be part of the future of finance, learning, and building upon each other. That’s what interoperability means right?

The legacy finance system has so many varieties of assets, together with all kinds of financial instruments and models, it is safe to say that even if there was a ton of competition out there, if we’re talking about the opportunity of bringing TradFi to DeFi it hardly even matters. The opportunity is just that big.

XRPTwin: and now it is time for ....... Bitrue ! ! !


Earlier this week we were shared the cooperation with Bitrue, with Curis Wang; what is your relationship with Bitrue/ Curis and how do you see this relationship in the next couple of weeks/ months coming to fruition ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

Bitrue is a great exchange focusing more on long vision. Most of the really great DeFi projects we admire are listed there, so we are glad to cooperate with them. Besides FNX listing, we are talking about deeper cooperation such as UM1S and options products. We both have something in common which is bringing more assets to users in the crypto world and attracting more regular users into crypto.

I also had a quick word with Curis, CEO Bitrue and this is a quick line from him:


What do you see happening in the crypto space in 2020 ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

I think this year will be a real turning point for the industry. It has been so long of everyone struggling through the crypto winter. This year we have BTC halving and probably ETH PoS, and then with all the money creation by central banks out there, there is more attention being paid to our industry by big investor like Paul Tudor Jones. Whoever can survive through these next few months has a chance of being a part of leading the next stage of crypto. So, 2020 is a year full of risk but also heavy with hope.


What do you see happening with FinNexus in 2020 ? ? ?

FinNexus – Boris:

We are just pushing through the roadmap we laid out in the beginning of the year. Back then, I thought it was ambitious, but actually we are making rapid progress toward finishing our plan to enable the issuance of two different types of tokens via our ADP and DO protocol clusters. After the conversion period, we’ll have an idea of our budget and can start implementing our business development plans to go alongside our already-in-beta products and protocols. You know it’s hard to BD something that’s not finished! But we’ll be ramping this part of the company after the Bitrue event is over.

If people want to have some more interaction with FinNexus, I would definitely visit YouTube where Jeff and Chip hosted FinNexus OTC – On The Chain

You can find the whole stream below:


Chip and Jeff gave their permission to place the video here in the Blog ! ! !

This is the end of the interview ..... if you are NOT a Coil subscriber

Coil subscribers will get +20 , additional questions by me, you do NOT want to miss ! ! !


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Previous Interview: Bitrue's AMA: HackenAI HAI

Next Interview: You like him or ....... Part II – Sir Gordon Gekko


Hacking is a serious topic on a wordless Wednesday. Today .... is not going to be wordless from XRPTwin tho ! ! !

Hacken.ai: according to the website is: an all-in-one Cybersecurity Suit; in other words: improving your personal security with a simple, interactive tool. ... still what does that mean ? ! ?

To get to know the company and its digital asset, Bitrue hosted an AMA with Dyma Budorin, CEO and co-founder of the Hacken Group on the May 13 .... today ! ! !


The AMA was held because of the upcoming listing of the HAI token on Bitrue (trading starts today 08:00 UTC!)

Five hours ago the AMA with Dyma Budorin was hosted by Bitrue's Adam on Telegram. A lot of people were attending and the following questions were asked that were submitted on Twitter ...

Bitrue – Adam:

First of all Dyma, could you please introduce yourself and give us some background on HackenAI and where the idea came from?

HAI – Dyma:

My name is Dyma Budorin, I am CEO and co-founder at Hacken Group. My professional background is 8 years at Deloitte and a Cybersecurity Top Management Role for the Ukrainian government.

Hacken Group consist of several cybersecurity projects:

1. Hacken.io – B2B cybersecurity consulting company with essential focus on blockchain and Crypto Exchanges security

2. Hackenproof.com – crowdsource security SaaS platform for enterprises with 3,000 white hat hackers working on it

3. CER.live the first Crypto Exchange ranking and analytical service. Main task is to reveal fraudulent and scam exchanges

And of course our main product – Hacken.ai. Individual cybersecurity app that educates and provide all essential tools to be safe on the internet.

The idea to create HackenAI came from the demand I receive through messages ... everyday:

1. People getting hacked

2. Loosing crypto

3. Hackers intimidating them.

We decided to create a solution for protection; entering a digital era Taking care of personal cybersecurity is becoming common just like brushing teeth.

Bitrue – Adam:

Could you let us know some more about the various protections that HAI can give? What utilities does the HAI token have?

HAI – Dyma:

HAI is a utility token for HackenAI app. HackenAI app is available for download since two weeks from official android and Apple stores.


HAI token is the main indicator of success of the app; in terms of its adoption and User Base growth. Main utility is to acquire staking that gives access to premium services and allows to make pretty good money from referral program.

We see a trend that a lot of people will loose their jobs in the near future. Some of them will go to the dark side and will become “black hat hackers”. And for the good people we propose to come to the white side and build own business.


Bitrue – Adam:

Could you explain a little more about the relationship between the HAI token and the app?

HAI – Dyma:

By spreading cyber security knowledge and tools with HackenAI. This medium has very good explanation about HackenAI app and what it offers:

HAI has limited circulation supply which depends on number of active users and stakers

HAI and staking unlocks premium services that protect users from cyberthreats

We have created direct dependency of User Base growth and demand on HAI

So the focus is to build the User Base at the first place. It can be compared to Brave Browser and BAT for their dependency. BAT keep growing in price, because Brave is great and needed product and the user base constantly grows. We actually will start Brave browser marketing campaign quite soon. small inside.

Bitrue – Adam:

What is your long-term vision of the security industry that HackenAI is working in? Do you have any competitors that are driving you to grow and expand?

HAI – Dyma:

Cybersecurity industry ... well, it’s just in the beginning. Not too much pain has been felt by people getting hacked. But, don't get me wrong, when hacked, it is physically painful. I have been hacked before – NOT cool.

In my opinion, it will be developed into some sort of division of the healthcare industry. I personally think that having proper cybersecurity tools like HackenAI will be an essential part of peoples insurance policy; It will lower risks of being hacked.

Bitrue – Adam:

Users have very much enjoyed the cyber bootcamp feature, is there a plan to add more modules here to help people learn about more aspects of security?

HAI – Dyma:

One of our plans is to educate people ethical hacking skills. Today there is a “1,5 million jobs” shortage for cybersecurity professionals in the world.

Probably it is going to be the most demanding profession in the near now ! ! ! We see a big trend that more and more people want to learn how to become ethical a security engineer.

Bitrue – Adam:

Can you tell us about your staking nodes?

HAI – Dyma:

Staking HAI in the HackenAI app can be compared to a membership. The first two levels give users a lifetime cybersecurity suit with all our premium features unlocked. It is important to note that HackenAI is continuously building new features in the app and we will see lots of new threats to be protected in the future.

Staking will guarantee that you have backup – thousands of white hats to protect you. 3rd-4th level staking is more like a participation in HackenAI as a partner, at an early stage.

Becoming a 3rd-4th level staker, at the moment, means making a bet on the individual cybersecurity market and HackenAI's app potential to grow User Base

Bitrue – Adam:

What is on the roadmap for 2020-2021

HAI – Dyma:

We separate three different roadmaps:

1. Product roadmap,

2. User Base roadmap

3. HAI token roadmap.

For product our main target is to build:

- cross platform versions (macOS windows)


- anti-phishing protection

- anti malware

- antivirus protection

- and many other things


Userbase roadmap – we focus to reach 100,000 users target by the end of the 2020 and at least 1 million in 2021

Bitrue – Adam:

Can you tell us more about your Darknet Monitoring feature in the app?

HAI – Dyma:

Thank you! That’s my favourite one. Lots of people want to know how to hack their girlfriend/boyfriend Instagram accounts.


Today with digital era development, it is becoming easier and easier. We hear so many breaches around the world. Million users database were leaked from Facebook, Amazon, to Marriott and many others. We hear it everyday. But we don’t understand that it is about us. About our girlfriend/boyfriend being able to hack our social media and hacker to hack bank account. Most of the people are using the same password more than once. And if you do this – you are in big danger.

An approach that hackers go after is checking a victim's email in DarkNet for data/ password breach. They will try to use these credentials to login into other accounts. It is especially dangerous for crypto exchanges users.

You must be aware what is happening with your credentials in the DarkNet.

This is exactly what we are doing for you. By signing up for the DarkNet monitoring feature, you are getting 24/7 watchdog HackenAI (with pretty funny face).

Who is monitoring DarkNet for you and immediately alerts you for any breaches? ? ?

We have collected biggest breaches dataset in the world – more than 13 billion records. Please try it now and check which of your passwords is known by hackers ..... My account was breached 12 times.

Bitrue – Adam:

With a lot of people in the world having to change and work remotely online, it's safe to say cyber crime is on the increase, how can HackenAI help with this?

HAI – Dyma:

Crime always rises during crises. This time all people who will loose their job could turn into cyber crime as it is much easier now. You can just go to DarkNet, find some weak security exchanges databases and start trying to hack them with breached passwords

If people don’t use tools like HackenAI there is huge risk that they will be hacked. As I said earlier – it is physically painful. You should be pro-active protecting.

Bitrue – Adam:

How quickly are you able to get your users protected when new 0-day exploits or data dumps are discovered?

HAI – Dyma:

We add three new breaches to DarkNet Databases everyday. And we immediately scan existing User Base if their credentials are inside. Alerts, in the form of push notification, are sent in a second.

This was the first set of questions, asked by Adam. Dyma also answered a couple questions that were asked during the AMA:

Community questions


Bitrue Community Live Questions:

Can you talk about why users should participate in your staking program? What's the benefit for them to do it now if they can?

HAI – Dyma:

Main benefit of staking – is security and growing opportunity. It is the best way to participate in the HackenAI Project. We have released the app just 2 weeks ago, please check and evaluate its potential. Staking now will allow you to be our early adopter and benefit the most from User Base growth and app development.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

845 million tokens have been set aside for development, Marketing, Tech Research and HR. Are these tokens locked or could you explain how these tokens would be released on the market?

HAI – Dyma:

Yes, they are locked. You can read this article to understand the principle of Max circulation supply.


Bitrue Community Live Questions:

After IEO will launch in Oceanex what will be the next plans to drive global adoption, prevent a decline of the price, establish a solid ecosystem that can combat the market forces so that HackenAI doesn't appear as another hype?

HAI – Dyma:

For the last 3 years we worked with more than 250 clients in the crypto industry. I have personal relationship with most of the exchange founders, including the top ones. Cooperation with us is a win/ win for everybody. We import each exchanges security and security of their users. And we started our main product for scaling just two weeks ago.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

As Recently HackenAI launched its Application in which it has many features in one single App, how is the HackenAI Application secure and is it helpful for new comers in the industry?

HAI – Dyma:

It does secure. Please start with The Educational Cyber Bootcamp and DarkNet monitoring. These two features will substantially increase your security. Lots of people think that they have antivirus and they are protected. But in fact it is the opposite. Antivirus creates an illusion of protection and in fact does not protect from any new exploits.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

When do you plan to kick start the marketing phase?

HAI – Dyma:

We are adding a few features and improve user flow at the moment. On the 25th of May we are starting targeted user acquisition marketing campaigns.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

What are your expectations with the HAI listing on Bitrue? How has been the experience of going into the market?


HAI – Dyma:

Bitrue is XRP centric exchange. Users of this exchange understand the importance of crypto adoption and where the industry goes. HackenAI is a tool that will help lots of people to be get a dive into crypto safely. I think the Bitrue Community will support us and we will build the app and HAI community around it together.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

What else can you tell us about the referral program?

HAI – Dyma:

That it will be released in two weeks. And that it is much cooler than any other referral link. HackenAI is about sharing cool knowledge about cybersecurity. Download the app and check which of your passwords were leaked . .. and so on. Right now we are announcing the way how to earn HAI in cooperation with @OceanexOffical and

@BitrueOfficial, currently we are running 5 limited promotional campaigns:


And of course be ready for HAI trading that will start in less than two hours on the Bitrue Exchange ! ! !

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

In user-base development, you are speaking on paying users?

1 million in 1.5 years is tough isn't it? Last pass needed 3 years for that ... but also with 100,000 you are at least a stable business. Do I get it right?

HAI – Dyma:Absolutely! Last pass are pioneers. Like Yahoo, they cleaned the toad for Google

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

Hacken Research recently partnered with Gate.io for Exchange security. Do you think such partnerships will lead to more exchange listings in a short period of time?

HAI – Dyma:

We have done security audits for around 40 exchanges and will continue to do so. A small secret: CER.live is one of the instrument to get listed at exchanges that we want :) It was long term planned

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

Staking is widely used by many Crypto. What is the difference between Staking on HackenAI and other Staking?

HAI – Dyma:

We made a decision to remunerate our first adopters with limited discount for staking till 31/07 50%, will increase 1st of August twice.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

What's the circulation supply of HAI tokens now that the Token is listing on Bitrue.

HAI – Dyma:

Circulation supply is currently around 40 million HAI Or only 80 stakers of 4th level. 25 already staked.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

Can you introduce your Dev Team? Are they having enough qualifications and experience to deliver a world class project ?

HAI – Dyma:

Our dev team consists of diamonds that I am not in a hurry to show to the public. I already received tens of messages from crypto vets who want hunt our dev team and designers. I DENY EVERYONE, cause we have so much work to do. Backlog is huge. The one thing I can tell is that all of us are absolutely in love with what we do.

Bitrue Community Live Questions:

Can you say something about the following picture:


HAI – Dyma:

These are our promotional campaigns to introduce our amazing product and the start of your cyber secure journey ! ! !

Well, Dyma definitely took his time for this AMA. The partnership between Bitrue and Hacken.AI is a great one and I am looking forward hearing more about this amazing project ! ! !

This is the end of the interview ..... if you are NOT a Coil subscriber

Coil subscribers will get +20 , additional questions by me, you do NOT want to miss ! ! !


IF you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

Previous Interview: Research is Key – Steven Diep


Next Interview: FinNexus changing the World?

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Sounds a little dramatic, this title ...... and it is. Today we were faced with what is important in life and what is not.

My wife, our son, me myself and I have been living in our little city for three years. Living in a street where three houses in a row have a large garden, where you can build a second house and maybe rent it out. Our neighbours have done so, the other neighbours next door don't have plans and the house next to it, well the spacious ground was sold to a young couple and they wanted to build a new house. Two people in their thirties and children of 5 and 3 ...

They literarily have been fighting for three years .... neighbours complained, the house was looking ugly, too high, not the same style, took too much ground, no more sun in the surrounding gardens .... garage next to the house, instead of ..... whatever they planned, some people were complaining.

We did not complain, yes one day, when the construction builders broke one of the car windows in our car when they were throwing stones down in the dumpster, that missed ..... the dumpster. The neighbours were flabbergasted by this story, but we were reimbursed by the contractor .... and a beautiful bouquet of flowers ...

So finally things were going very well ... February the house was almost done, the outside was standing and well, not my style, still pretty impressive, but... ——) February 26, Virus time.

So construction was still able to continue, went slow... March went by, April went by and people were already working on the inside. May made its entrance and it looked getting ready ...

The house stood, but the inside was still showing “not done yet” ! ! !

It was going to be ready at the end of May, the quarantine was eased a little and they were smiling a little bit ...

So I saw Anne this morning, little stressed. A lot of water was pouring out of a hose from the front door ... 15 Centimeters, almost 6 inches of soil water in the cellar ... little mistake by the construction company ! ! ! !

You can add that to the list, Anne said and she was ready to cry. Both sons were playing with the water and Anne was apologising for the water nuisance ...

I had to leave, told her it would not be that long anymore until they were able to live in their new house and everything would be forgotten ...

At 03:00 PM, Anne asked my wife to come over, looking at the house, we had been there on two other occasions, but I did not want to go.

When my wife came home, I left the house, biking with my son in the forrest ... when I got the phone call .....

I had to come home, something was wrong with Anne .... And something WAS wrong. Ambulance, her husband in tears, children in tears, they were at our house ....

Anne had suffered a cardiac arrest ...

Her husband was at home when it happened and started CPR immediately what worked. The ambulance was there in no time and helped her getting to the hospital.


Anne's mother in law just left our house, got the children and had shared with us that Anne was brought in an artificial coma, as her body was too tired to heal by itself ...

So .... maybe if you have some time, pray for Anne, her husband and two children; everything will be alright ...

Three years of fighting everything and everybody and has not enjoyed their new house yet .... I want her to enjoy it, as a family ... Showed us, once more what is important in life.

Be happy, be happy for others and enjoy the things we can and need to enjoy ...

A lot of XRP YouTubers, that share Twitter Feeds, are very familiar with the name that appears in the title. This Original Gangster is an absolute ACE in digging news. Who is behind this account – Steven Bull From the Diep – a man with 16.7K followers on Twitter


To start being very direct: Who are you ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

I am originally from Hochiminh City, Vietnam. Over a decade ago, I came to Australia to obtain a degree in Economics at Macquarie University, Sydney. Like many other international students, I had to work a part-time job to cover daily expenses and at the same time study hard with a hope for a brighter future.


Every now and then, when I was a student, I had to depend on my family from overseas to send me money to pay for tuition fees. I knew exactly how it feels like while waiting for money to arrive without any certainty. It’s a very unpleasant experience for both sender and receiver.

XRPTwin: I was an international student myself and recognise these “challenges” NO NO NO, these problems regarding waiting for and without any certainty


How did You get involved in crypto when, how ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Well, I first heard about Bitcoin back in 2010 when I was in my first year of college. I thought Bitcoin was some kind of scheme for programmers or coders back then. I did not once spare a moment to explore more about Bitcoin or look at the economic aspect of Bitcoin (this is one of the things I wish I would have done when I was younger LOL).

Until early 2017, when Bitcoin price was starting to have significant moves, I as well started to wonder why the value of this “digital thing” can appreciate higher. I tried to read as much as I can about Bitcoin.

The first reliable material where I learned all the fundamentals of Bitcoin is a book called “The Internet of Money” by Andreas Antonopoulos.


I am not a really a tech person; I may not understand thoroughly how the Bitcoin Network technically operates, but I do very much understand conceptually what blockchain is and how Bitcoin would link to our current financial system, economy and history of money.

One funny thing is that the more I know about Bitcoin, the more I dislike Bitcoin.


What is your favourite kind of music artist / band ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Since the moment I got involved in the crypto space, music is no longer my favourite form of entertainment. Every moment I spend on listening to music, is a minute lost spending on crypto.


Why XRP ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Like I said above, the more I learn about Bitcoin, the more I dislike Bitcoin because of its tremendous energy consumption from mining activity to keep the network secure. Plus, the Bitcoin network doesn’t scale, thus Bitcoin being widely adopted by the world is far from the reality. As a matter of fact, it led me to do more and more research to find the coin that is scalable, consumes less energy, and, more importantly, has growing liquidity.

Only XRP can satisfy all the above calibers.

Though there are thousands of other coins that are more scalable and faster than XRP but never have I seen a coin that is as liquid as XRP. In my opinion, in order for any kind of asset to be a store of value or settlement instrument, regardless of it being physical or digital, the very first test it must pass is liquidity.

Without liquidity, everything else is irrelevant.


When did your research for blockchain / ripple / XRP start ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

I have been researching Ripple and XRP as soon as I came across XRP in mid-2017. The deeper I go in learning what Ripple is doing, the more I am addicted in finding more information about Ripple and XRP. I always search for more XRP updates whenever I have free time.


Your research is used a lot by the XRP YouTubers; you watch their channels ? ? ?


Steven Diep:

There are so many great YouTubers that cover latest XRP news and give thoughtful opinions about investing in XRP and I follow them all.

However, my most favourite YouTuber I am following, not for latest XRP news but for financial and economic education that link to XRP, is Susie from Esoteric Trading Solutions Teaching Crypto Markets. She is the only YouTuber, in my opinion, has a solid background in finance, market, trading and economics talking about how great XRP is.

Some people might say that her videos are boring.

But wait, finance and economics are not easy subjects, if people follow a finance and economics topic without a foundation of basic knowledge, of course they will find it boring very quickly.


Favourite research you did and found ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

All of the posts that I have shared on Twitter are my favourite findings. I don’t favour one over another, I think they are all important for the community


What has been really surprising you, about “XRP related” found

research ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

It is the fact that XRP or Ripple is discussed by non-Ripple employees in almost every banking or payment conference, directly or indirectly. Finding videos of non-Ripple employees talking about Ripple and XRP is what drives me to continue to search and share videos to the XRPCommunity.


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ? ? ?


Steven Diep:

BOA, one of the biggest banks in the world, has a lot of work with Ripple. I think this is good news not only for Ripple but also for the whole blockchain space. It doesn’t matter if BOA will be planning to use XRP or not, what matters now is a big name is having some kind of work with a blockchain company. This will attract more attention from people who haven’t got into the blockchain space. Once they start to explore the space, truths and facts will be revealed.

One of the truths is that XRP is faster, cheaper and more scalable than Bitcoin and is the only coin is being used for REAL utility. We don’t have to do anything, we will just let the truth do the talking.


The coolest thing that HAPPENED this year ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

It is the exponential growth of liquidity of XRP. It is evident that the trading volume of ODL exchanges continually hit all time high, from Bitso to BTC Markets and many more. I think the snowball has already started rolling and it will get bigger and faster. I believe we are still in a very early stage before the momentum starts to accelerate.



The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Interesting question! Personally, predicting what can happen this year, we need to look at what is currently happening now, so that we can predict what is the most probable outcome.

The world economy is in lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have nearly zero economy activity. Demand for oil plummeted and oil at one point was traded at a negative price. Millions of people have lost their jobs. With that fact, what does it mean for Ripple in terms of expanding their customer base?

Most banks are still currently using SWIFT, which is slow and expensive, to transfer payments internationally, this economy crisis will expose the weakness of the system even more. In this very moment, people are in need of payments to be settled quickly to pay for food and other essential things. Every delay in remittance will negatively impact the life of suffering people.

That will incentivise banks to switch to other faster payment solutions. Of course, Ripple undoubtedly will not be overlooked.

With that said:

  1. I expect more customers to join Ripplenet at a FASTER pace in the 2I guess we will be seeing more big names joining the network.

  2. By the way I would also like to predict that Ripplenet will reach 500 customers by the end of this year.


What do you actually EXPECT from 2020 ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

This year, I expect to see more and more Ripplenet customers to switch to ODL as XRP is becoming more liquid.

The more liquid XRP is, the more likely the price will increase so, I think the year 2020 will not end with XRP being under 1 dollar.

Not only XRP will be catching up but the whole crypto market will also be higher because governments around the world are printing fiat money out of nothing to save the economy, meaning that the purchasing power of many fiat currencies will be diminished over time.


Fiat currencies becoming worthless will happen in a matter of when not if. To hedge against the falling value of fiat currencies, people from around the world will start to shift their wealth to non-inflationary assets, such as gold, silver and crypto.

Historically, people did the same thing by buying non-inflationary assets like gold and silver whenever there was a crash. This time we have another option: Crypto.

I can’t wait to see how crypto will play out this year.


What can we expect from YOU in 2020 ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

I will continue to learn and research crypto market as well as keeping an eye on the world economy. I will share whatever information that I think will add value to the community. I think it is pivotal to look at other aspect of the economy. I would not limit my research in just XRP or crypto only. We should look at the big picture and we will see where the path is leading us to.


Research is a success when ...... ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Personally, I think when you have a strong understanding of the subject that you are researching, it will help you sort out what information is relevant and what is not. Without that, your research will go nowhere, you will be lost and misled by a sea of false information.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown Crypto ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

Before the pandemic, we were already in the biggest debt bubble in human history. Soon or later, the debt bubble will pop. Once the bubble pops, the economy will be upside down and the government will again use the same solution over and over to expect a different outcome by printing more money to save the economy. Coronavirus came at a time when everything was in bubble. The virus is a pin that will help pop the bubble sooner.

Soooooooo, ( <——- XRPTwin wrote that)

My answer to this question is yes, Coronavirus will help speed up the adoption of crypto.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

I think, as of now, the worst is yet to come. Unemployment rate will still remain high even when the economy is no longer in lockdown. Businesses that will be open again after the lockdown will not be operating in full flow and they will not be hiring the same number of employees. The economy will not go back to its old pace. As a result, there will be 2 possible outcomes,

  1. Working men and women will be taxed more to save the unemployed ones
  2. The government will not stop printing more fiat money to save the citizens. Speaking of which, you should know what asset to store your wealth in.


and how many hours a day, do you think about Crypto and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ? ? ?

Steven Diep:

I think about XRP in every living moment because I knew and we all know that XRP is the best digital asset in the crypto space. And crypto is the most attractive investment vehicle, together with gold and silver, in this time.


Well, I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Steven. He is a gentleman, and really took the time answering the questions. A smart person, very inspiring and just another reason continuing something called:

HODL XRP ! ! !

This is the end of the interview ..... if you are NOT a Coil subscriber

Coil subscribers will get +20 , additional questions, you do NOT want to miss ! ! !


IF you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

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Previous Interview: “The Person” behind the Account

Next Interview: Bitrue's AMA: HackenAI HAI


*Yes*, I reached the level of 100 Blogs and I am not stopping ....

My first blog came out on September 17, 2019 and the last one, well yesterday. So number 100 today. Before I joined Coil I blogged on XRPCommunity Blog, Coil enabled, where I was inducted by Wietse Wind and Hodor. Two great community members I was able to work with.


Especially 2020 saw more blogs of me and I compiled a page with all the different Blogs, having them grouped in 8 parts:

Crypto General

Crypto Interviews


Wordless Wednesday


Coil Featured




Crypto, Lego and Others would basically be the three groups I write blogs about, but it is nicer to group it with the 8 selections.


It went really fast especially with the Quarantine. The Quarantine went fast doing all the Lego with my son. He liked it, I liked it and liked blogging about it. Last week I visited the Toy Store and showed the owner the finished Harry Potter Castle ... Wow, they were very emotional seeing the castle finished in Noah's room. They never see it in one piece, just in the box. Really nice ! ! !


Writing about Crypto / XRP is where my heart is. XRP of course in general and interviewing Influencers, whether on Twitter, YouTube or Coil, It is just fun asking them questions and to learn new insides ... unless your name is Kaeyla, then you have to answer

questions ! ! !

100 Blogs it went fast, but I am not done yet ... Still have a lot of interviews on the shelf ... have some ideas in my head, so .... I am sorry, I am not gone yet.


I want to thank first of all Coil, for hosting my Blogs. A special shout out to the Coil Subscribers who read my blogs;all the readers, mostly coming from Twitter and my family that have to deal with me, that their live is not private anymore.

The show will go on ... with an amazing “XRP influencer” blog tomorrow ... looking forward.

Enjoy your morning, afternoon and/ or evening and till the next blog

Be Safe ! ! !

Since 2017, when I started my crypto adventure, not knowing it would take me here, there was a question I had right from the start, as many others, why a reserve of 20 XRP in an XRP Wallet ...

20 XRP, it was worth like nothing .... what was the problem ... Well in December 2017 it arose, 20 x let's say 3,50 that is 70 dollars ... what if 10, 100, you got the picture ....

Myself, I was fortunate enough to hear the answer from the horses mouth himself, David Schwartz .... am I calling David a horse .... NO, absolutely not ! ! ! He told me, that if the price would rise, the amount of XRP staying behind would be lowered .... but was not

“a biggie” yet ...

A serious issue though and a little roadblock in between a next possible Bull Run ...

So XRPTwin, I am new to the game, what is this fuzz about 20 XRP? What are you talking about, WHY 20 XRP ...... WHY WHY WHY ! ! !

The Ripple / XRP Ledger has a reserve requirement of 20 XRP. This is also the minimum amount of XRP to store on your address. This will activate the address and allow you sending and receiving digital assets. The 20 XRP can’t be withdrawn.

The minimum of 20 XRP deposit and “non-spendable XRP” are in place to prevent malicious creation of a high number of addresses. Doing it this way, every single time 20XRP has to be stored.

In 2019, Nik Bougalis, cryptographer and leading C++ software engineer at Ripple, introduced the deletable accounts for the first time. In other words, if you take your XRP out, and want to get rid of the wallet, because you are not going to use it anymore, you delete it.

Well ....

What happened this week, you may have missed it...

It was voted that the amount of 20 XRP reserved coins stays the same , but you can take 15 out of those 20 out. In other words, if you want to take your XRP out of the wallet, you can take ALL of the coins out, BUT 5 XRP will stay behind. These will be burnt and leave circulation. In other words, you can take all your XRP, but 5 and delete the wallet afterwards ! ! !

Who decides that the amount to take out was brought back from 20 (minus 15) to 5 and you are able to delete your wallet ? ? ?

This is decided by a so called amendment process.

A W H A T ? ? ?

When the XRP Ledger needs changes without the system going down, broken or whatever is not good for the ledger, consensus needs to approve .... well it requires, for a period of 15 days, 80% support from the UNL validators (Unique Node List) WHAT IS THAT ? ? ?

UNL validators are the lists of transaction validators a given participant believes will not conspire to defraud them .... so very important.

So, it happened that 80% of the validators passed the deletable accounts amendment, in other words, getting 15 out of the old 20 reserve back and D E L E T E ! ! !

Deleting a wallet address can only be done by the owner of the address. So, what it basically means: Deleting a wallet address costs you 5 XRP ! ! !

As you probably know all the data that was tight to the address can still be found in the blockchain and the address can also be re-created; only if you hold the keys to the address ! ! !

Besides the amount of XRP staying behind becoming a smaller amount, waisting ledger space is another reason why this is needed.

So this passed week was an important week; the first XRPL Account was deleted... and XRP were burnt.

Let's see what happens next but this was definitely a W I N for the XRP Ledger

Coil subscribers will get +20 , proof of the passing the vote ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


Michael B. and Patty B. , if you have been in the XRPCommunity for a long time you definitely know them and throughout the years also the younger XRP investors got to know the both ...

I will never forget how I got to met Patty and by writing it I am smiling again .... it was the beginning of a very long thread on Twitter that in my mind was the longest thread ever written. Thinking about it, it was in a time that XRP was WAAAAAYY higher than what it is now, there were GIF wars on twitter, will come back and people knew exactly what time all the Stock Markets were opening, in order to see to see where trades were coming from. I know that Crypto is 24/7, we still looked at it that way ! ! !

It all started with a line Patty had written that included the word swiftly; which I replied that she could not have chosen a worse

word .....

She was clueless until Michael explained her what the joke was about. Everybody pitched in and I know at least Michael B, Tiffany Hayden, Dani Torres and Nordic Ann were part of this. For me, a night of replies in a message that was started with the word

swiftly ! ! !

This picture was 1 of many pictures shared in the thread


So, it is too bad, that we have to read all the stories what Patty and Michael are going through, so I thought of something to have a little bit of fun with the two of them. Although I am not their first priority, between all their feeding ordeals for Michael, hospital visits and taking care of dogs, children, grand children, and other people, they found time, individually, to answer my Direct Messages.

I both asked them some questions about themselves and their significant other to share with me to see how well they know each other .. Let's First discuss Michael ?!?

The Questions were:

1. What is Michael's favourite colour ? ? ?

2. What Michael's favourite music ? ? ?

3. What is Michael's second favourite Digital Currency ? ? ?

4. What is Michael's favourite number ? ? ?

5. What is Michael's most awesome characteristic ? ? ?

6. What is Michael's 2020 EOY price ? ? ?

7. What did Michael eat Christmas 2017 ? ? ?

8. What is Michael's shoe size ? ? ?

9. What is Michael's favourite fruit ? ? ?

10. What is Michael's favourite Vegetable ? ? ?

Michael had to answer these for himself and Patty had to answer them about himself, so here are the answers:

Well, that was amazing. All the answers almost matched with each other. The questions about EOY, MWEH, we will just omit that one, so we have a 100% match ..... amazing ! ! !

Patty knows her husband VERY WELL ! ! ! ! Good job lady ! ! !

So now it was Patty in the middle of the attention:

The Questions were:

1. What is Patty's favourite colour ? ? ?

2. What Patty's favourite music ? ? ?

3. What is Patty's second favourite Digital Currency ? ? ?

4. What is Patty's favourite number ? ? ?

5. What is Patty's most awesome characteristic ? ? ?

6. What is Patty's 2020 EOY price ? ? ?

7. What did Patty's eat Christmas 2017 ? ? ?

8. What is Patty's shoe size ? ? ?

9. What is Patty's favourite fruit ? ? ?

10. What is Patty's favourite Vegetable ? ? ?

Patty had to answer these for herself and Michael had to answer them about Patty, so here are the answers:

Well, I guess Michael knows exactly who he is married to.

These two people, Michael B. and Patty B. are made for each other and know each other through thick and thin. I am not surprised though, I suspected this all along.

I would like to thank both of you for playing this little game with me

... Very impressive how you to answered.

Coil subscribers will get +20 , who the REAL winner is ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


We are living in a weird time at the moment ... the virus is keeping us on our toes and when things are a little different people judge, which is not a good thing.

I have been in Crypto Twitter for over 3 years and the mentality and vibe has changed. If you played “the long game”, the end of 2017 showed you an interesting, but profitable December. But “the long game” was not “the perfect game” for 2018 and 2019. Shorting the market is not for everybody, or using stable coins to beat a down trend. But what if you could have somebody telling/ teaching you about this. ...

Crypto Twitter has been lighting up by an account that gets a lot of attention ... good attention ..... but also bad attention .... I am talking about Hades – @BitHades, the 30+ Years Trader and Full-Time Stocks & Crypto Investor.

His Crypto Account has been live since December 2016, but to my knowledge has been REALLY booming in the last couple weeks. Gained over 30,000 followers in less than a month, actually like 14 days.

The account has a mysterious tone of voice, very direct, but secretive. Who is behind this account, who is @BitHades? This Interview will NOT be to expose somebody or to drag questions out of an account/ person that are not appropriate for the account this is ....

To start off this interview, what is your name and from what country are you ? ? ? . . . Just kidding, let's not take that route ...


Can you tell me a little bit about where it all started? When you were a little Hades ... Were you interested in Politics, Economics, Business, What can you share, will you share???

Hades: .... (1)

Well I had to wait for the answers a bit because Hades was busy, I made it easier on him and created most of the interview already, just a fill in the blanks:

so I waited patiently and waited and waited ....

Busy Busy Busy:

So I got the following answer:

Time took over again .... the waiting game was on ..... Hades' account was gone, so I was a little disappointed ....

I did not see it happening anymore but still had a good feeling I was followed by the correct person:

And then, not even 30 minutes ago, Hades came online again and well ... people noticed it:

So, I jumped in the DM and asked him a couple quick questions:

Just to show the HEART:

Well, let's see what it is going to happen. I am amazed by the whole situation, the whole scene. If it is positive, I don't know .... If it is negative , I don't know...... makes the scene alive though.

Let's see how this works out.

Thank you Hades, ..... for at least telling me you don't have time ....

Stay Safe

Previous Interview: You like him or ....... part I

Next Interview: Research is Key – Steven Diep