
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Now, my personal preference is to experience orgasmic bliss with a significant other, but if you are practicing social distancing or in a dating dry-spell, your finger (or vibrator) may be the key to a happy, healthy quarantine.

Interesting start XRPTwin ...... where is that all coming from ..... Well, Coil has a new Blogger in town and listens to Kauaieilie eh .... it has a lot of vowels but listens to Kaeyla (Coil: Kaeyla), told you a lot of vowels, but let's step back a little.

First, Kaeyla is on Twitter under the name: @KaeylaJenkins Her Bio shows the following:

*I'm a sex/relationship blogger living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I love to meet people and help encourage people to love themselves and their bodies!

*Okay, we understand now, sex/ relationship/ meet/ bodies ! ! ! Let's dive into this. So who is this Kaeyla, let's find out:

So who is Kaeyla and where is your name coming from ? ? ?

Who is Kaeyla? Haha, I am Kaeyla. I always tell people that my dad can’t spell and messed up “Kayla” on my birth certificate. Honestly, I think it was an effort to do a little something different with a traditional name. I kind of like it the way it is. Kind of sexy and exotic, no?

*So you have been on Coil now for 9 days, what are you first impressions? Does it satisfy your needs (wow, really XRPTwin*) ? ? ?

Wow, only nine days? Haha, it feels like so much longer (in a good way!) It has been a complete whirlwind. I have some extra time on my hands due to the current situation in the world, and I decided to step out and do something for myself. I was looking for blogging platforms and came across Coil. I actually started by putting some questions out on Reddit and writing my first post. As far as satisfaction, it definitely has satisfied my desire to be more vulnerable and bold! Of course, if you are hinting at another kind of satisfaction, readers will know I have mostly had to take care of that myself lately (with a shout out to Zoom!)

Have you run into situations where the conversation was all about Blockchain, Bitcoin or anything remotely on this matter ? ? ?

Haha, absolutely and I… well… I am a novice in all things Crypto. I am going to ask a million questions of the Coil community in this process, so I hope you all don’t get annoyed! I have been educating myself on XRP, since now I have some. I haven’t purchased real estate on the moon yet though…

Coil, it has a thin line to Digital Assets , hmmm , well XRP (it is getting hot in her), how familiar are you with the Blockchain and everything around it, Bitcoin, Ethereum and other assets?

Like I said, I’m new here! I’ve read a lot about how XRP and other cryptos are going to change the world. I really like the possibilities around bridging gaps between currencies and providing resources to the un-banked. And booo bitcoin… right?... I’m supposed to say stuff like that on Coil I think?

XRPTwin: well at the moment we still cannot do everything without our big brother bitcoin .... decoupling has not happened yet ...

How has the Quarantine been for you; is this difficult or do you manage to do everything in such a way that you are okay?

First and foremost, myself and the people I love are safe and healthy. I think sometime that gets lost in everyone complaining about the inconveniences of daily life. Do I love having to spend so much time in my apartment, no! But honestly I do not know if I would have the time and mental energy to spend on launching this blog were it not for the current crisis.

of course we need to talk about your dating life. Not the best situation at the moment but your readers are able to follow your “quarantine date” sitting on the first row, popcorn and go go go ([*Part I*](https://coil.com/p/Kaeyla/New-Adventures-Virtual-Date-Night-Part-1/A7cjY9yea)) , so does J. know about this Blog ? ? ?

Ah yes, my crazy strange dating life. I can’t express how weird this is to be dating someone I haven’t seen in almost six weeks and then telling about my weird intimate virtual encounters to hundres of strangers. It’s a weird time in the world.

Haha, I like the idea of everyone sitting around and eating popcorn as they are talking about me stripping down to my panties. Maybe some movie theater candy as well?

So… Joel (not his real name) does NOT know about this blog. I may have jumped into this blogging thing without having thought through everything. Obviously, if I get into a serious relationship with Joel or anyone else, it is a topic I will have to address at some point. But, I don’t want to have some disclaimer every time I go on a date. “Oh, by the way, can you sign this piece of paper giving me consent to talk about your penis on my blog?” Something about that is NOT sexy. But yes, I will have to tell him sometime if this relationship becomes more serious.

So, we have been shared 3 episodes of your virtual date .... where is this all going to; are we going to get a number 4 ? ? ?

No, the three-part series is over. I actually just set out to write one blog post and 1,200 words in I decided to stop and make part 2 and then 1,200 into part 2 I decided to stop it and write part 3. Turns out I am kind of wordy!

While there will not be a part 4, this is not (hopefully) the last date with Joel and will certainly not be the last date to share with all of you! I will make sure to have all the juicy details.

To change subject once more .... Digital Assets, are you familiar with [*XRPArcade.com***](https://www.xrparcade.com/) .... a good start if you are “new” to the Crypto Currency World ? ? ?

I’m embarrassed. I’ve never heard of XRPArcade.com. Is that bad? I’ll definitely check it out tonight.

So, just a little twist .... I have some questions for you ! ! !

How do you separate the truth from the hype when it comes to the crypto (XRP) space? I want to be knowledgeable, but don’t want to have to drink any strange Kool-Aide ? ? ?

Who has been the best interview you have ever done (present company excluded) ? ? ?

What is the question you want to, but were afraid to ask for this interview ? ? ?

Well, so far for being the only interviewer here; Pretty Bold ! ! !

BUT .....

Separating truth from FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) is you first need to think about the following: If too good to be true, it IS too good to be true. If I ask you to give me 100 dollars and I will give you 200 in return .... what do you think ?!? Wow, well here you have 100 dollars .... eh ... no ! ! ! , that is the big scam going around.

If you don't hear things from a reliable source, or the source itself, be very cautious . This industry still has a big lack of regulations, so enough room for scammers ! ! !

Best interview, wow, that is a tough question, as many of my interviews are highlighting the industry from a different angle.

I did a blog, on XRPCommunityblog.com together with Hodor that I will rewrite, bringing it to coil, talking about corridors and interviewing Xago, that one was one of my favorites. If I look at the list I did here on Coil, I do have to say that Matt Hamilton was a nice blog to write, but had a good interaction with Jungle Inc. also ! ! ! Very difficult to answer as many of the interviews have their own charm ! ! !

Well, I did not have a question I was affraid of ... There are probably questions you should not ask though. To give an example, without naming names, I had the chance to interview one influencer, that was in the news with some bad stories. I asked a particular question ... and the interview was done. No submitting allowed ! ! ! Has that change my questioning, well maybe a little, but you should never be scared to ask ...

And let me take control BACK ! ! !

Besides the virtual dating series, what can we expect from Kaeyla in 2020 ? ? ?

I will continue to share my dating “Adventures of Kaeyla” with all of you, but expect lots of sex-positive articles as well. If you haven’t seen my post about the benefits of orgasms, make sure to check it out (and then enjoy putting it in practice!)

Also, there probably will not be enough about my current dating life to create frequent posts, but I will dive into some events from my past. Some of them are fun and sexy and others will be a bit painful. Hopefully everyone can find something to relate to!

Well, thank you very much for this open interview .... I definitely think you got (a) new subscriber(s), otherwise I am going to unsubscribe and subscribe again ! ! !

The title of this blog gives it away, a controversial person ....

This XRPCommunity member, you like him or dislike him, but you cannot say / write / claim he has not put his hours in ...

SamIAm, to the Lifeboats, HamEggsnSam ... is the person I am talking about. So in the series: “You like him or ......” SamIam is going to kick off in a little: “mini series” ! ! !

I reached out to Sam, and he was very help-worthy, do want to share that right of the bat ! ! ! I have seen a lot of YouTube videos of him; even before I did more research on him, not all of it I agree on, but hey .... agreeing on disagreeing is what everybody is entitled to. I am sure, after talking to Sam, he won't sleep a night less because of that fact ! ! !

So who is SamIam, who has well over 21.000 followers on Twitter, more than 33.700 subscribers to his YouTube Channel that has close to 200 video's. Not scared of sharing anything, knows what he is talking about and once again, was very open when I reached out to him. SO without further ado:


Who is SamIam ? ? ?


I'm a person who's not that different from you. I went to school, college, got a job in corporate America and was living the American dream. When I turned off my TV about 25 years ago, and I began to see what what happening to our society. I decided to do something about it.


How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


I was part of a nationally syndicated talk radio program called Free Talk Live. The audience is made up of libertarians and anarchists, so when BTC came about, some of the early devs were regular listeners. They started talking about it on air when BTC was under $2-3, and Roger Ver sent me my first bitcoin along with about 50 other people when they were ~$11.50.

XRPTwin: normally the picture below is used for age, but I use it for the amount of BTC ! ! ! !



Why XRP ? ? ?


What's happening in Crypto was no different than what happened in the dotcom boom. Every hustler with an idea they could somehow attach to the internet to make a quick buck came out in droves to take peoples' money. Only a few of them had a solid idea that used the paradigm shift the internet represented in a way that changed everyday lives for the better. Removing friction from the EXISTING payment systems is one such idea.


When did the youtube channel start ? ? ?


Which one? I ran something I called the Obscured Truth Network back in 2008 that featured a lot of the activism I did in New Hampshire. One piece I did ended up in Alex Jone's Obama Deception, and another has over a million views.

My current channel I started in 2018 I think? :) Some friends in the liberty movement from my NH days turned me on to XRP hoping I would start a YT channel to tell other people about it. They didn't tell me that was their plan, but it worked.


You have enemies and friends. People like your deep dive, but others think nothing of it .... what do you think about this ? ? ?


I could care less. I do what I think it most important for my audience to see and/or understand. It's up to each individual what they watch or like. I don't have any control over that. I try and foster an environment of open mindedness; I'm always willing to throw everything out the window when new evidence comes to light; I think mutual respect is important when dealing with others.


Favourite video you did ? ? ?


There's a few. The one on Body language with Brad and Julia comes to mind. There was also one where the critics were telling us how wrong we were for saying TIPS would be integrated with XRP. I made a video basically slaying those arguments. Those are fun too. My favourite are probably the evergreen videos like Sudden Wealth Syndrome, as that's going to help a lot of people in the coming years.


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ? ? ?


I've been pointing to them for a long time. Member of the GPSG, the BoA patent I did a video on, now they're publicly announcing. Nothing new, but “the normies” are about to start putting the pieces together.


Bearable Guy, RippleRiddler, end of that story ? ? ?


You mean BearableGuy123? He's still around. I think the loadstar letters were great because they gave us the big picture to better understand. Ripple Riddler is still around, and I think those were some great clues that still have relevance today.

XRPTwin: I am not really into Ripple Riddler, but I do have to share, I LOVE the pictures of the good guy. Very unique and maybe I should challenge Coiler @KassjanS to make a nice blog, drawing a Ripple Riddler ;–)



What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Major economic upheaval. Massively inflated Stock and Asset prices thanks to FED/USGOV printing. The virus is a huge wildcard, so it's hard to say much beyond that.


What can we expect from SamIam in 2020 ? ? ?


For me to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubblegum.



A video is a success when ...... ? ? ?


I feel really good about it. I hit all the points and communicate everything clearly. Those are usually very well received. I also love to educate people while entertaining them. So I always strive to bring some humour into my work.


You did a video before, I really liked it, when you walked around outside on your families land, if I recall correctly, is that going to happen happen again (when CoVid19 allows us) ? ? ?


I've done a couple from the farm. I just came back from there yesterday, but wasn't around long enough to record a video. I'm happy to share a little bit of that life with my audience. I've been very fortunate to grow up experiencing both country and city lifestyles.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


I could do a 30 minute video explaining that answer. It's going to cause major economic upheaval, and perhaps even pop the fiat bubble. I see people transitioning their wealth into crypto in droves when that happens.


When SamIam grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?


Me. I want my kid to know that I did something to change things for the better, not just for her or my self, but for humanity. I want to look back on my life and see that I helped people evolve their thinking about our society.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?


Patience ! ! !

Well, thank you SamIam for this interview. I think 2020 is going to be an interesting year, at least, and I believe we are going to hear more from you in the coming time. I will stay in contact and we may have to do this again .... in a couple weeks/ months to see the outcome of some answers, thank you

Stay Safe

Previous Interview: It's HAMMER(TOE) TIME ! ! !

Next Interview: “The Person” behind the Account

You like him or ....... Part II – Sir Gordon Gekko

Yesterday and today are two very important days in the Netherlands.

On May 5 we celebrate that we live in freedom in the Netherlands. We celebrate that in 1945 we were liberated from the German occupation in Europe and the Japanese occupation in Asia, and since then we have been free from war.

May 5 is also a day to reflect on the importance of freedom and to realise that freedom is vulnerable. World War II did not end world war. On a daily basis people are still fighting with each other, fighting for freedom. May 5 is the day of thinking about freedom in the world.

On May 4 at 08:00 PM we have 2 minutes of silence for all the victims that fell during the war and their families. This year of course a very special year: it was 75 years ago and we still live in a quarantine.

Amsterdam is a special place to remember the fallen and every year all the officials are coming to the capital to lay flowers at the national memorial: de DAM in the centre.

The Prime Minister will lay a wreath, besides the king and queen, the Amsterdam major, besides a lot of official World War II bodies and survivors/ survivors' family members.

The following picture shows you how it normally looks when this “wreath laying” takes place; more than 20,000 people together:


The royal family laying a wreath


All Flags hang at half mast


This is the way it looked last night:


In addition to the King and Queen, Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Amsterdam mayor Femke Halsema and Gerdi Verbeet, the chairman of the National Committee on 4 and 5 May, were also present.




It never happened before that a Royalty spoke at this ceremony. King Willem Alexander was the first one and spoke about the following:

In deze uitzonderlijke maanden hebben we allemaal een deel van onze vrijheid moeten opgeven”, zei koning Willem-Alexander maandag bij de Nationale Dodenherdenking op de Dam in Amsterdam, die vanwege de Corona Crisis voor het eerst in de geschiedenis zonder publiek plaatsvond. „Sinds de oorlog hebben we deze situatie niet gekend.


In these exceptional months we all had to give up part of our freedom,” said King Willem-Alexander on Monday at the National Remembrance Day on Dam Square in Amsterdam, which took place without an audience for the first time in history due to the corona crisis. “We have not known this situation since the war.

The 2 minutes of silence are very important and is a moment still done 75 years after the War. Life in the Netherlands stops for 2 minutes, even delivery halts:

Picture was shot by somebody, showing a delivery boy, waiting for 2 minutes before delivering the dinner somewhere.

5th of May, today, traditionally is day of celebration. Many Festivals all through the Netherlands and many street fairs. Well, .... none like that this year:


Bevrijdingspop (Liberation Festival) in Haarlem, the Netherlands


Due to Covid-19 we have had many first offs and well, this 2020

Liberation Day is not different. We are free though. Forgive but never forget.

Very surreal; normally you see all these people on the screen, or in real life if you attend a ceremony and now, empty ... Which in a way is good, what makes it even stranger. Freedom ... we still have our freedom, although it is most of the day covered by the same 4 walls... 1 difference with the freedom talked about in this document, this is by free will ! ! !

Coil subscribers will get +20 .... what actually happened EXTRA this year ... well .... subscribe ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


Very outspoken, very active, very XRPCommunity; not going to beat around the bush: Matt Hamilton at the interview table. The friendly bearded “always laughing” UK guy, that I have met a couple times, starting in 2018 when we had a meet-up in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with a couple people from Ripple, with at least a mention for .... David Schwartz ! ! !

I actually was able to make some good pictures, in my opinion, at the meet-up.

So Matt Hamilton, who is this guy:


How did you get involved into crypto when, how , why ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

I used to run a web-development company and we ran our own datacenter. One of the guys who worked with me, Scott, had started mining Bitcoin. I'd heard of Bitcoin and looked at it, but dismissed it. Any spare CPU power I had was working on the Folding @home project. This must have been around 2015 or so. He has asked me if I minded him running the mining equipment at work, which I was fine with. He went through several iterations of mining hardware, but eventually gave up trying to keep up as was getting harder and harder to stay profitable.

He sold all his BTC and bought XRP. As a thank you for me letting him mine at work, he gave me some XRP.... that was kind of my start.


Why Ripple, why XRP ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

It was what Scott gave me, so that was the first one. I certainly liked the whole idea of the DEX and the ability to represent any asset on the XRP Ledger and being able to convert from one to another in a decentralised manner.

The 'pathfinding' feature was really cool. The fact I could trade banana for shoes, say, just seemed amazing.

XRPTwin: Best of both worlds Matt:



When did the serious research start ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

I was working for a startup company developing a health, fitness, and nutrition tracking system. They ran out of money and suddenly ceased development and I needed to find something else to do. Whilst I was wondering what to do next, I was trying to brush up on my skills. I wanted to learn Node.js and remembered the XRP that Scott had given me. I wondered if I could write an automated system to trade on the XRP Ledger DEX. That started my main research into finance, cryptocurrencies and machine learning / AI. Before long I was doing a FinTech course at Oxford University and was contemplating going full time into FinTech. But the crypto market then came crashing down. I then took a job at IBM instead.


When did you not only want to be an investor but also active in the XRPCommunity ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

They kind of happened at the same time. I had always been involved in online communities related to open source software and so I knew the value of community. I was looking to see what I could offer back to the community.


6 sentences about your caravan adventure when you came to the XRP Meet-up in Amsterdam ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

Ha! That was great fun :) Many years ago I converted a big Iveco van into a motorhome myself. The plan was to live in it. But I then met my wife and had kids etc, and that never happened. Although we travelled a lot around in the big van. I eventually sold it to my nephew as it was pretty big and we were not using it like use used to. I had been paying back a loan to my father for some money I borrowed when we bought our house. The month I finished paying off that loan, someone I knew locally happened to be selling a smaller VW T5 camper. I would need to take a loan out to buy it, but the repayments turned out to be the exact amount I had been paying my father back... so I thought it was a sign I should buy the van! So I did! And It drove so much nicer than my big old Iveco... and had cruise control and an amazing stereo system. A few weeks later the XRP meet-up in Amsterdam was announced. I wanted to go on a trip, so drove on over! The pricing on the Euro-Tunnel is cheaper if you are just away for one night. So I crossed over at 00:30 on the first day, went to the XRP Meet-up, then crossed back at 23:50 the next day.

XRPTwin: Well, a little over 6 sentences, but will let it slide this

time ! ! !


What research do you like the most: Ripple/ XRP ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

I think I'm more interested in XRP. Ripple are great, but it is mainly second guessing what they will do. No-one knows. Everyone just starts drawing conclusions from unrelated data.


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

No idea! The world is a strange place right now! (XRPTwin: and this is how Matt looked like answering that question) ! ! !


A tweet is a success when ...... ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

Someone replies back that they learned something new.


When Matt grows up he wants to be ..... ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

Living in a cabin somewhere that I built.

Source ; just a little idea @ Matt ? ! ?


Anything to add..... ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

Corona: We've seen massive amounts of money being printed by governments. Clearly this is not sustainable, and I'm really not sure where things go from here. Many people see Bitcoin as a safe haven immune to inflation. But we saw the price of Bitcoin drop with the money printing. So It think some people may realise that Bitcoin is not that special in reality. And with that realisation they might then start to look at other assets like XRP that have actual utility beyond just a “store of value”.


The quick round with single word(s) questions, what do you think about:

PolySign ? ? ?

ODL gaining traction in current corridors ? ? ?

IPO Ripple ? ? ?

DeFi ? ? ?

BOA rumours ? ? ?

US Regulations ? ? ?

Matt Hamilton:

PolySign: Some great minds, but they seem to have been under cover for so long. Have they missed the market?

ODL gaining traction in current corridors:

Awesome! Now we just need some additional companies using it. The great thing is Metcalfes Law states the value of a network goes up my the square of the number of participants. So I feel we are on the cusp of this really taking off.

IPO Ripple:

I don't have any real feelings about this. I think it is being done to get a more 'traditional' valuation on the company, ie it is being done as a technicality rather than necessity.


In some ways this is getting interesting, but in many ways seems to just be recreating the fractional banking system we currently have.

BOA rumours:

No idea... not been following any of that.

US Regulations:

They certainly seem to be taking their time! The US is being left behind the rest of the world in this regards. I think Corona virus is showing just how broken the US healthcare and financial systems are. When all the dust settles from Corona I think the US will be nowhere near as dominant as it has previously been in financial influence.

Well, thank you Matt, for taking the time. Really interesting and let's see if some of your answers will come to fruition if applicable.

Before leaving you, please share your social medial credentials .... eh wait ... I can do that for you:



Thank you ! ! !

Coil subscribers will get +20 .... pictures of ... well .... subscribe ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

Previous Interview: The LEGION is COMING

Next Interview: You like him or ....... part I


So, we wanted to finish the LEGO transporter today ... was a good day for a finishing project. One more week of quarantine, but this was going to be a good day for LEGO (and running a mile, but that is for another day) ! ! !

This is how the transporter looks like, also with the blue car on top of it ...

We really like the car and the functionality is already visible:


Really nice to see how it works , turning buttons and things start to move ! ! !

This is how it really started. As you can see, not too many parts left anymore, still enough to get going ! ! !

Started with a new part, that we had to build on. Got bigger and bigger ! ! !

Really focused building. Somebody R E A L L Y wanted to finish the transporter ! ! !

Learning once again to make everything symmetrical. Good lessons to learn while having a lot of fun.

Getting there .... Couple crazy pictures .... Hey daddy, I can see you, through the car ...

AND .....

DONE ! ! !

Really happy we have finished it .... although finished. Little part is still missing ! ! ! But this is presentable .... and playable ! ! !

Coil subscribers will get +20 , the finished product in a little

video! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


I bundled all my Blogs together, to make it a little easier to find all my content ! ! !

**Crypto General**: (47)


Bitrue's Crypto-backed Loans

Who is teaching me on YouTube Part I

Who is teaching me on YouTube Part II

Runs on ...... Clue at the End ! ! !

Game Set and ... Mass Adoption

All in the X-Mas Sphere

All in the X-mas Atmosphere

XRP – 2020

Getting the Feeling back ! ! !

Vechain Community Contributor Awards


ドットのをつなぐ – Japan

חיבור הנקודות. Hebrew

З’єднання крапок – Ukraine

شكرا لك لأنك جزء من هذا بلوق – Morocco

Соединение точек – Russian

Joindre les points – France

Conectando los Puntos – Spain

Spojování Teček – Czech Republic

Yhdistetään pisteet – Finland

Die Punkte verbinden – Germany

Ansluta Prickarna – Sweden

De punten Verbinden – Netherlands

Ligando os Pontos – Portugal

Łączenie Kropek – Poland

Verbind die Kolletjies – South Africa

Povezovanje Pik – Slovenia

Unind Punctele – Romania

Conectando los Puntos – Mexico

Noktaları Birleştirmek – Turkey

Konekte Pwen yo – Creole

Collegamento dei Punti – Italian

Connecting the Dots

Ligando os Pontos. Portugues do Brasil

XRP-Meetup – the Netherlands

W H Y ! ! ! ! !

To delete or not delete, that’s the question ! ! !

Keep your assets safe ! ! !

US Banks can hold ! ! !

2017 ..... Bitcoin

Respect ! ! !

Bitcoin Price is (still) Leading !

“Women in Blockchain” Week

A Buzzzzzzzz

From Donut to XRP !

What does the Mass know ? ? ?

**Crypto Interviews**: (78)

Behind the beat of BeatzcoinSteven Zambron

ALL Flavors TogetherCryptoEri, Sunny Lu and Curis Wang

Contentos – Reinvent the Content Value EcosystemMick Tsai

DeFi according to … Kava LabsBrian Kerr

BUCKLE UP – NotoriousXRPNotoriousXRP

“One Take, Uncut”Kevin Cage

Different Approach: FractalsMr LevelUp / Awake

The Revolution will be TelevisedJungle Inc.

Aggressively Average ContentThe Bearable Bull

Socks make a (Wo)Man ! ! !𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦


It's HAMMER(TOE) TIME ! ! !Matt Hamilton

You like him or ....... Part ISamIam

“The Person” behind the AccountBitHades

Research is Key – Steven DiepSteven Bull from the Diep

Bitrue's AMA: HackenAI HAIDyma Budorin

FinNexus changing the World?Boris Yang

You like him or ....... Part IISir Gordon Gekko

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Arturo_P_AArturo Portilla

Who should I follow on Twitter: @XRP_OWL – King Solomon

You like him or ....... Part III – NagaBeau

VeChain according to Martijn! ! – Martijn

Who should I follow on Twitter: @Fame21Moore – XRPDarren

XRPCommunity: Who is RIPPLERED ! ! ! – RippleRed

XRPCommunity: Who is 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐗𝐑𝐏 – JamesRuleXRP

Botwars™ Ultimate Crypto Trading Game – Paul Lindsell

Who to follow on YouTube: @NewsAsset – Digital Asset News – Rob

VeChain – 8Hours – Playtable !!! – John Dempsey

‪gFam: Actually what is gFam ! !‬ ! ! – Adam

You like him or ....... Part IV – Michael Zischeck

Coronavirus Tech Handbook – Nathan Young

CasinoCoin / Crazy 8 Token according to – CasinoCoin Muse

Somebody you should follow on Coil – XRPGord

Utility-Scan – Mourad TOUMI / 0Llac3

Who to follow on YouTube: @WorkingMoney589 – WorkingMoney

Everybody follows Wietse – Wietse Wind


Free Music Archive (FMA) – Hessel van Oorschot

XRP has RHYTHM ! ! ! – Frank – the XRP Song

Our Japanese US Link with XRP – Crypto Eri

CasinoCoin – According to John Caldwell – John Caldwell

Who should I follow on Twitter: @stedas – Stedas / Dario

Rob Cash on the SET .... – Rob Cash

A Riley Q DeepDive ! ! ! – Riley Q

Who to follow on YouTube: @CryptoMichNL – Crypto Michael

What is the NEWS, Crypto Eri ! – Crypto Eri

What is the NEWS, Jungle Inc. ! – Jungle Inc

LimeStone: City of the Future – Sean Lim

What is the NEWS, Alex Cobb ! – Alex Cobb

What’s news: DustyBC – DustyBC

What’s news: XRP Army News – XRP Army News

Crypto ART: Crypto Laurianna – Crypto Laurianna

The Mind VERY Untangled ! ! ! – The Mind Untangled

TA for ........ Vechain ! ! ! – Saleh Ahmed

The Man behind Coinfield / Sologenic: Bob Ras – Bob Ras

H_M_X – On Demand Liquidity – H_M_X

Research like a pro Crypto Eri – Crypto Eri

gFam for the W – gFam

Rambling with Mickey B. Fresh – Mickey B. Fresh

A lot of Crypto Thinking ! ! ! – Thinking Crypto

Social with MG Social Network – MG Social Network

art with a capital A ..... Art – Kass

An Interview about VIMWorld – Jaseee22

Coil Bloggers Questioning CSC – COIL Bloggers

XRP TIME: CRYPTOWHALE ! ! ! – Cryptowhale

Crypto Lady: TheCryptoCandy – TheCryptoCandy

Crypto Lady: Girl Gone Crypto – Girl Gone Crypto

Crypto Lady: Francine Jansen – Francine Jansen

Crypto Lady: CryptoFinally – Crypto Finally

Crypto Lady: Wendy O – Wendy O

Crypto Lady: Litecoin Lisa – Litecoin Lisa

Crypto Lady: Lisa N. Edwards – Lisa N. Edwards

Crypto Lady: CryptoEri – Crypto Eri

Crypto Ladies: Adel De Meyer – Adel De Meyer

Crypto Ladies: Rachel Wolfson – Rachel Wolfson

Be there for each other ! ! ! – Liquid_XRP

To the Moon with MoonLambo – MoonLambo Matt

Tradelta: Up Close and Personal – S7eez – Tradelta

**LEGO**: (33)

Corona, what to do, what to do !

Waiting till Monday .... N O ! ! !

LEGO is for my son or .......

Last bag of the Day (March 26)

Daddy, wake up LEGO 05.30AM

Book 1 out of 4 is no more

Weekend LEGO

Being somebody's hero

Back in Business

Well over 1/3 of the way

Quarantine Week II of LEGO

Bigger & Bigger

Terrific / Terrible Tuesday

Wed. Better than Tue ! ! !

Special Day – April 2nd

End of Quarantine Week 3

Another Lego Weekend

Sunday – ALL DAY LONG ! ! !

Week Number 4 L E G O

**LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle**

Bag 27 ... 11 to GO ! ! !

LEGO Easter Weekend Started

LEGO & Evening Run !


Last Day of the LEGO Castle ?

On it ........... Again ! ! !

How COOL is THIS ! ! !

Locked but feeling alright ! ! !

Little LEGO Sunday ! ! !


Big LEGO Sunday ! ! !

Back in the Saddle: LEGO

It is me ....... (SUPER) MARIO ! !

**Wordless Wednesday**: (21)

Wordless Wednesday: April 29, 2020

Wordless Wednesday May 19: Bikes

Wordless Wednesday May 26: Mills

Wordless Wednesday June 3: Animals

Wordless Wednesday June 10: Tough Economy

Wordless Wednesday June 17: No Formula 1 – 2020

Wordless Wednesday June 24: Noah’s Birthday Party

Wordless Wednesday: 07-01 Talking walls Part I

Wordless Wednesday: 07-08 Talking walls Part II

Wordless Wednesday July 22: Tough Economy Part III: Car Brands

Wordless Wednesday July 22: Tough Economy Part IV: St-Tropez

Wordless Wednesday Aug 05: Not just a Cat ! ! !

Wordless Wednesday Aug 11: Coil Subscriber Cars ! ! !

Wordless Wednesday Aug 19: Coincidental Cars ! ! !

Wordless Wednesday Aug 26: Surprise Garage ! ! !

Wordless Wednesday Sep 02: DOGS 🐕 !

Wordless Wednesday Sep 09: Taking Care of the Wife

Wordless Wednesday Sep 16: Houses Facades

Wordless Wednesday Sep 23: Crypto Ladies

Wordless Wednesday Oct 07: What's in the Clouds

Wordless Wednesday Oct 14: Emotions behind the MASK


**Challenges**: (10)

The CHALLENGE is on ! ! !


Running Challenge Update


Overview May Mile Challenge !

Building Momentum

Noah's Ark

Progress ! ! !

New Challenge: Pokemon ! ! ! Part I

New Challenge: Pokemon ! ! ! Part II

**Coil Featured**: (2)

Coil Staff Picks #19

Coil Staff Picks #20

**Others**: (67)


2020 NOT what we thought of it

Teddy Bear Hunting

Decisions .. decisions ! ! !


What do I Do now ! ! !

Getting Out ... on the Water ! ! !



A new Blogger in Town ! ! !

so DO they know each other ! ! !


What is important in life ...

The Interviews ! ! !

Surprise – Surprise


One and a half Meter ! ! !

Thank you Thursday: 06 11 2020

November 25, SPECIAL ! ! !


Green Green Green

Birthday – Pool

Thank you Thursday 25 11 2020 – XRPCommunity/Army, YT, Coil etc. etc.

I AM NOT 4.5 YRS OLD ! ! !

Beyond Belief – Grateful Life

Gratitude: Behind every man...

Quality Time ! ! !

Gentlemen, start your engines !

Practise & Qualification F1

Grandprix Austria – the Race

My Scale is Lying ! ! !

Testing the Coil Platform

Green like the market 2Day ! ! !

Making Friends like Li'l Bosses


DO they know each other, part 2

Fill it up ! ! !

Traveling with Covid-19 Rules

Traveling with Covid-19 Rules II

The Last Day

2 – ½ Weeks J U S T Water ! ! !

New Life ! ! !

Time to Race

The Update is NOT Green

DIY: GO FISH ! ! !

Re-Living the Eighties – '80's

My own Hachiko Story


It all started with a wave ! ! !

What Season are we in ? ? ?

Playing with 123 & ABC

Cobra Kai – Memories

When needed, HELP ! ! !

The Best Music of 1993 Part II

Statistical Overload

Back to Reality: Competition

Mylogenics ‘Release’

Toys 4 Boys – LAMBO SO 2017

All it takes, is a bit of Swearing

Dinosaurs 🦕 🦖

Giving back to the Community

Autumn/ Fall is Coming ! ! !

Spotting the Mushroom – Fungi

Corona is also tough for DADS


No Social Media for 24 Hours ! !

Mentions: (7)


The Whirlwind of My First Week on Coil and Introduction of the Monday Mail Bag

The Monday Mailbag (May 11th)

Appreciation Nation


gFam Top Stories – 5th August

As I already shared on Twitter, May is going to my 1 Mile a DAY month. This of course does NOT mean I want to do just 1 Mile a day, but I want to do 1 Mile runs 31 days in a row + extra whatever I feel like.

I asked people to join, did not get anybody to respond, but that is fine. People have all day to think about it, so they can run their first mile today ! ! !

Running may not be the correct word; it can also be walking a mile per day, if YOU want to do so. This could be walking the dog, then you probably already did the challenge for a couple months already. The challenge though, is 1 mile a day, for 31 days ...

Not only for finishing up a challenge, or pushing myself, but also:

  1. Pushing/ Challenging myself
  2. Staying Fit/ Healthy
  3. Doing exercises with family (my son in my case)
  4. Getting some alone time, if number 3 is not applicable
  5. Going outside during Quarantine and Staying alone
  6. Loosing Weight .... (may be difficult)
  7. Having fun
  8. Time to think

Well, that is a nice list of things why running/ walking/ doing a mile a day is a nice plan ! ! !

To give one Mulligan, you can run 2 miles on 1 day, if it happens you are not able to run a mile on a particular day

Mulligan: second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. So if you are not able to run one day, make it up but this can only happen ones ....

Number 8, time to think, is always a fun one. I am already thinking what I will declare the rest of the months this year ... have some new ideas.

If you want to join, shoot me a DM (link) and I will mention you in a next blog. I will create 1 blog for this Challenge, will write something every day, BUT will only issue it every other day/ week; will think of the frequency.

Would be fun if you join.

Coil subscribers will get +20 , a little bit about the ideas I had while doing the first Mile


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


The picture is a hint, the title is a hint ... The XRPCommunity has a researcher that is a serious OG; very knowledgable and an absolute follow on Twitter , on coil, on all platforms ! ! ! Of course talking about: IamLegion @Paisan26849860 on Twitter and IamLegion on Coil

Over 15K followers on Twitter, 361 followers on Coil .... almost a follower per day/ per year .... whatever that means ! ! ! But, don't get me wrong, 365 followers on Coil is a monster amount ! ! !

Send out a tremendous amount of Tweets out, whether retweeted, answered or own content – over 50K – and is widely known for sharing and spreading the XRP Word. Many YouTubers, from The Bearable Guy to Alex Cobb, to Brad Kimes to Crypto Eri ... let's not forget Kevin Cage and Digital Asset Investor and Jungle Inc. have used tweets from this thorough researcher

Let's not wait longer and let's find out who this is, without finding out TOO much ! ! !

IAMLegion is a 44-year old Danish guy who left his job in 2015; had been in the banking sector over 11 years. 11 years of a changing industry ... changes go very slow as the industry is very bulky ... signatures needed at every level at every department and if somebody can say no at a certain level, CAN say NO I write, he/ she will. Changes go slow, but they do happen ! ! !

So .....


How did You get involved in Crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


While I was in the bank, I had missed a couple of opportunities. I had bought some ”Fingerprint stocks” for about 2,9 DKK (Danish Kroners), and when it hit about 29 DKK, I thought: ”better not be too greedy, after all its x10 the initial investment”, only to watch it moon to 570 DKK.

Now I started to look for the next investment opportunity. I remembered my luck in December 2017, when I bought 100$ worth of Crypto (XRP) for 0.99$/XRP and sold it jan 2018 for 2,9$/XRP, all without knowing much about Ripple/XRP. So, I went back online to found out, what was going on in the Crypto world.

*(*XRPTwin: The OG's in the Community know that December 2017 was THE killer month, IAMLegion did really well, selling @ 2,9$ At the moment of writing – if he would buy today, his original investment would be 19 times bigger ! ! !)


Why XRP ? ? ?


My first encounter was on Youtube with ”ToTheLifeBoats”, where a guy with glasses was talking about Temenos and TAS. I was hooked. I saw all his videos, and they just made a lot of sense. Since then, I have tried to find as much information about Ripple and XRP as possible.

Today I have zero doubt, that Ripple is a unique company, and that XRP is the Global Standard.

XRPTwin: Although Sam has many people that do not follow him/ watch him/ give him credits for his work, I also believe SamIam has contributed a lot to the XRPCommunity ... he has educated many ! ! !)


Favorite research you did and found ? ? ?


Favorite research is about SIA, because of their size (developed RTGS systems for 19 central banks). Probably also the ones behind TIPS along with Bank of Italy. Working with Hyperledger/R3/Ripple/Ethereum.

(XRPTwin: A lot of information I would like to comment on:

SiaGroup: Subsidiary of CDP Equity – is European leader in the design, creation and management of technology infrastructures and services for Financial Institutions, Central Banks, Corporates and the Public Sector, in the areas of Card & Merchant Solutions, Digital Payment Solutions and Capital Market & Network Solutions (Source)

RTGS systems : Real-time gross settlement systems

TIPS: TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) is a new market infrastructure service launched by the Eurosystem in November 2018. It enables payment service providers to offer fund transfers to their customers in real time and around the clock, every day of the year. ...


Hyperledger: Umbrella project of open source blockchains and related tools, started in December 2015 by the Linux Foundation, and has received contributions from IBM, Intel and SAP Ariba, to support the collaborative development of blockchain-based distributed ledgers (Source)

R3: An enterprise blockchain software firm working with a broad ecosystem of more than 300 participants across multiple industries from both the private and public sectors to develop blockchain applications on Corda, an open-source blockchain platform, and Corda Enterprise, a commercial version of Corda for enterprise usage (Source)


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ? ? ?




The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


The coolest thing in 2020 has not happend yet.

The coolest thing that has happened is

1. ILP launch

2. Ripple/Xpring working towards DeFi products

3. MoneyGram deal

4. Ripple working with QNT + ETH projects

XRPTwin: Once again some additional information:

ILP: InterLedger Protocol – designed to solve a pressing issue in the blockchain space; the ability of a decentralized app to purchase resources without being restricted to a particular blockchain network. The InterLedger Protocol aims at creating a universal network for sending value, and it would be independent of any company or currency (Source)

Xpring: New initiative by Ripple that will invest in, incubate, acquire and provide grants to companies and projects run by proven entrepreneurs (Source)

DeFi: Abbreviation of the phrase decentralized finance which generally refers to the digital assets and financial smart contracts, protocols, and decentralized applications (DApps) built on Ethereum. In simpler terms, it's financial software built on the blockchain that can be pieced together like Money Legos (Source)

MoneyGram: MoneyGram is a global provider of innovative money transfer and payment services. (Source)

QNT: Quant Technology which allows organisations to benefit from blockchain through a single, simple-to-use gateway that eliminates the need to integrate multiple individual blockchain gateways, saving time and money. (Source)

ETH: Ethereum: open source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It supports a modified version of Nakamoto consensus via transaction-based state transitions. (For what it is worth) (Source)


What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


I expect/hope for two things: Regulation regarding XRP and SBI “flipping the switch” in regards MoneyTap.


What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?


Not much, since most of the topics have been covered many times. Will try to keep with current events and share the information, that I find interesting. So not much change.


Research is a success when ...... ? ? ?


When you help people seeing “the Big Picture”, and it turns out later, that it helped changed peoples lives for the better in a profound way


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Both ... In some areas it will slow down the work that has been done. In other areas it will speed up, like policy and regulation, since there is a “push” for a cashless society ! ! !


How many hours a day, you think about XRP and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ? ? ?



\=====================================================sorry, I may have have a quick round of single word(s) question, what do you think about:




ODL gaining traction in current corridors

IPO Ripple


BOA rumors

US Regulations




Polysign: Hopefully gonna help with getting institutional investors into xrp in a big way.

ODL gaining traction in current corridors: The (MoneyGram) liquidity is going to accelerate in a way, what is going to blow peoples mind. Same way with the number of new Ripple customers. Look at the way SWIFT grew over the years to get a sense of it ! ! !

IPO Ripple: Not sure. Maybe the big banks are going to end up owning Ripple. Like Citi, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan or perhaps the BlackRock's and Vanguard's of this world

DeFi: 1 word: GameCHANGER ! ! !

Swift: RippleNet is already connected to SWIFT through Santander, and there is going to be more connections/usage between the 2 networks in the future. Ripple might even become a SWIFT member one day ...

Coil: An amazing platform for an alternative method for creators to monetize their content online ... like this post Subscribers get even more info following the 100 + 20 rule. Instantaneous micropayments is something we are heading ! ! !

So a nice interview with a very interesting XRPCommunity Member ... If you did not know him yet .... you DO by now ! ! !

Please follow him on Twitter and Coil if you do not do that yet ... it will be a gateway to great amounts of information ! ! !

Twitter: IAMLegion

Coil: IAMLegion

If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to get/ see some extra information ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

Header Source

Previous Interview: Socks make a (Wo)Man ! ! !

Next Interview: It's HAMMER(TOE) TIME ! ! !


A long title for the one thing that Tuesday is going to look like ! ! !

This is where we started

The car we have at the moment, does NOT resemble a transporter yet, so we promised each other, when Noah is going to bed tonight, it will be shaped MUCH MORE like a car than what it does at the moment ! ! !

Lego always offers opportunities to test. The book exactly shows you what to do, so this was the test for Noah and of course .... who am I fooling ! ! !

Are these the correct pieces or .....

Hmmmmm .... little drawing time ... but just one drawing by dad and son and back to it ! ! !

The interesting fact, everything turns and rotates , really nice:


Still busy on the bodywork, which is not good enough for the goal we have today: recognizing the actual form of a car ! ! !

We had a little break in between as daddy had to do some other things and Noah also had to do some other things himself. After dinner we moved on and I cannot say we did not make moves ! ! !

The final is picture did it for us ..... we actually were building a car ... a transporter. It was forming well and the dancing , the hand clapping, kissing, Noah really likes it ! ! !

Tomorrow we are going to create a lot of the rest of the car ... if we can get it all in, going to be fun ! ! !

Coil subscribers will get +20


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here