A new Blogger in Town ! ! !
Now, my personal preference is to experience orgasmic bliss with a significant other, but if you are practicing social distancing or in a dating dry-spell, your finger (or vibrator) may be the key to a happy, healthy quarantine.
Interesting start XRPTwin ...... where is that all coming from ..... Well, Coil has a new Blogger in town and listens to Kauaieilie eh .... it has a lot of vowels but listens to Kaeyla (Coil: Kaeyla), told you a lot of vowels, but let's step back a little.
First, Kaeyla is on Twitter under the name: @KaeylaJenkins Her Bio shows the following:
*I'm a sex/relationship blogger living in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I love to meet people and help encourage people to love themselves and their bodies!
*Okay, we understand now, sex/ relationship/ meet/ bodies ! ! ! Let's dive into this. So who is this Kaeyla, let's find out:
So who is Kaeyla and where is your name coming from ? ? ?
Who is Kaeyla? Haha, I am Kaeyla. I always tell people that my dad can’t spell and messed up “Kayla” on my birth certificate. Honestly, I think it was an effort to do a little something different with a traditional name. I kind of like it the way it is. Kind of sexy and exotic, no?
*So you have been on Coil now for 9 days, what are you first impressions? Does it satisfy your needs (wow, really XRPTwin*) ? ? ?
Wow, only nine days? Haha, it feels like so much longer (in a good way!) It has been a complete whirlwind. I have some extra time on my hands due to the current situation in the world, and I decided to step out and do something for myself. I was looking for blogging platforms and came across Coil. I actually started by putting some questions out on Reddit and writing my first post. As far as satisfaction, it definitely has satisfied my desire to be more vulnerable and bold! Of course, if you are hinting at another kind of satisfaction, readers will know I have mostly had to take care of that myself lately (with a shout out to Zoom!)
Have you run into situations where the conversation was all about Blockchain, Bitcoin or anything remotely on this matter ? ? ?
Haha, absolutely and I… well… I am a novice in all things Crypto. I am going to ask a million questions of the Coil community in this process, so I hope you all don’t get annoyed! I have been educating myself on XRP, since now I have some. I haven’t purchased real estate on the moon yet though…
Coil, it has a thin line to Digital Assets , hmmm , well XRP (it is getting hot in her), how familiar are you with the Blockchain and everything around it, Bitcoin, Ethereum and other assets?
Like I said, I’m new here! I’ve read a lot about how XRP and other cryptos are going to change the world. I really like the possibilities around bridging gaps between currencies and providing resources to the un-banked. And booo bitcoin… right?... I’m supposed to say stuff like that on Coil I think?
XRPTwin: well at the moment we still cannot do everything without our big brother bitcoin .... decoupling has not happened yet ...
How has the Quarantine been for you; is this difficult or do you manage to do everything in such a way that you are okay?
First and foremost, myself and the people I love are safe and healthy. I think sometime that gets lost in everyone complaining about the inconveniences of daily life. Do I love having to spend so much time in my apartment, no! But honestly I do not know if I would have the time and mental energy to spend on launching this blog were it not for the current crisis.
of course we need to talk about your dating life. Not the best situation at the moment but your readers are able to follow your “quarantine date” sitting on the first row, popcorn and go go go ([*Part I*](https://coil.com/p/Kaeyla/New-Adventures-Virtual-Date-Night-Part-1/A7cjY9yea)) , so does J. know about this Blog ? ? ?
Ah yes, my crazy strange dating life. I can’t express how weird this is to be dating someone I haven’t seen in almost six weeks and then telling about my weird intimate virtual encounters to hundres of strangers. It’s a weird time in the world.
Haha, I like the idea of everyone sitting around and eating popcorn as they are talking about me stripping down to my panties. Maybe some movie theater candy as well?
So… Joel (not his real name) does NOT know about this blog. I may have jumped into this blogging thing without having thought through everything. Obviously, if I get into a serious relationship with Joel or anyone else, it is a topic I will have to address at some point. But, I don’t want to have some disclaimer every time I go on a date. “Oh, by the way, can you sign this piece of paper giving me consent to talk about your penis on my blog?” Something about that is NOT sexy. But yes, I will have to tell him sometime if this relationship becomes more serious.
So, we have been shared 3 episodes of your virtual date .... where is this all going to; are we going to get a number 4 ? ? ?
No, the three-part series is over. I actually just set out to write one blog post and 1,200 words in I decided to stop and make part 2 and then 1,200 into part 2 I decided to stop it and write part 3. Turns out I am kind of wordy!
While there will not be a part 4, this is not (hopefully) the last date with Joel and will certainly not be the last date to share with all of you! I will make sure to have all the juicy details.
To change subject once more .... Digital Assets, are you familiar with [*XRPArcade.com***](https://www.xrparcade.com/) .... a good start if you are “new” to the Crypto Currency World ? ? ?
I’m embarrassed. I’ve never heard of XRPArcade.com. Is that bad? I’ll definitely check it out tonight.
So, just a little twist .... I have some questions for you ! ! !
How do you separate the truth from the hype when it comes to the crypto (XRP) space? I want to be knowledgeable, but don’t want to have to drink any strange Kool-Aide ? ? ?
Who has been the best interview you have ever done (present company excluded) ? ? ?
What is the question you want to, but were afraid to ask for this interview ? ? ?
Well, so far for being the only interviewer here; Pretty Bold ! ! !
BUT .....
Separating truth from FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) is you first need to think about the following: If too good to be true, it IS too good to be true. If I ask you to give me 100 dollars and I will give you 200 in return .... what do you think ?!? Wow, well here you have 100 dollars .... eh ... no ! ! ! , that is the big scam going around.
If you don't hear things from a reliable source, or the source itself, be very cautious . This industry still has a big lack of regulations, so enough room for scammers ! ! !
Best interview, wow, that is a tough question, as many of my interviews are highlighting the industry from a different angle.
I did a blog, on XRPCommunityblog.com together with Hodor that I will rewrite, bringing it to coil, talking about corridors and interviewing Xago, that one was one of my favorites. If I look at the list I did here on Coil, I do have to say that Matt Hamilton was a nice blog to write, but had a good interaction with Jungle Inc. also ! ! ! Very difficult to answer as many of the interviews have their own charm ! ! !
Well, I did not have a question I was affraid of ... There are probably questions you should not ask though. To give an example, without naming names, I had the chance to interview one influencer, that was in the news with some bad stories. I asked a particular question ... and the interview was done. No submitting allowed ! ! ! Has that change my questioning, well maybe a little, but you should never be scared to ask ...
And let me take control BACK ! ! !
Besides the virtual dating series, what can we expect from Kaeyla in 2020 ? ? ?
I will continue to share my dating “Adventures of Kaeyla” with all of you, but expect lots of sex-positive articles as well. If you haven’t seen my post about the benefits of orgasms, make sure to check it out (and then enjoy putting it in practice!)
Also, there probably will not be enough about my current dating life to create frequent posts, but I will dive into some events from my past. Some of them are fun and sexy and others will be a bit painful. Hopefully everyone can find something to relate to!
Well, thank you very much for this open interview .... I definitely think you got (a) new subscriber(s), otherwise I am going to unsubscribe and subscribe again ! ! !