
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Netherlands, Holland, what do you think about it when you here it .... First of all the two words both stand for a country called the The Kingdom of the Netherlands, a constitutional monarchy. So, if we are talking about the country, we are talking about the Netherlands, but what is .... Holland.

Holland is actually only two provinces:




These two are where the big cities are cituated and where from origin most trade was done. In the 17th Century all the VOC Ships left from the harbors in ... Noord-Holland/ Zuid-Holland, to conquer the world ...

Next step: ORANGE .... If you watch any kind of Sports Event in the world, you will recognize the audience when the Netherlands is playing. They are all massively dressed in Orange:

The European Championships 2008 in Bern, Switzerland

The colors came from the Prince of Nassau's coat of arms. ... Orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family, the House of Orange-Nassau, dates back to Willem of Orange.

Small detail about the Netherlands Flag: Maybe known, but the National Flag has Red, White and Blue AND an orange pennant:

Now we have all the details.

Getting back to the title:


You may have been alarmed by Google (if it is shown worldwide):

Today is the 53rd birthday of King Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand, Koning der Nederlanden, Prins van Oranje-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg ... our King.

the 27th of April used to be the 30th of April and shows a country full of Orange ... of course a bank holiday ... and a big BIG Party. It used to be 30th of April, the day when his mother celebrated Queen's Day, but since 2014, in 2013 we had the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander, we celebrate “the Kingdom” on the 27th.

The royal celebrations were first held on 31 August 1885 in honour of the birth of Queen Wilhelmina, and the Queen’s Day, tradition was born. After Wilhelmina’s daughter (Juliana) succeeded to the throne in 1949, the day was changed to 30 April in accordance with the new Queen's birthday.

When Juliana became queen, the now Princess Beatrix chose to retain the day in honor of her mother but as of 2014, King’s Day is officially celebrated on 27 April (the king’s birthday).


The Royal Family visits 1 town/ set of towns to walk around, talk to people, the mayor of the city and look at all the festivities that are organised by the people, dressed in orange of course, or traditional Dutch clothing.

Traditionally there is also a free market; everybody can sell their second-hand things on the streets and parks, creating one of the world's largest flea markets; besides the second- hand things, there are plenty of food stalls to fuel your bargain hunting frenzy

Radio 538, besides many other commercial radio stations, organise a giant party where a lot of famous DJ's play. Last years the show's closing act was by Lucas & Steve and Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano; well-known DJ's ...

Source =======================================================

So, this year is going to be different. We are NOT allowed to celebrate outside, so we need to stay inside.

Noah’s T-shirt

Not holding us back celebrating, because we look orange, but on the inside we are ALSO orange. The party is going to be very only, and some things can be aranged on 1, ½ meter distance.

Tonight the King we speak on the radio, more than likely showing his pride of the Dutch people in this difficult time.

We will have friends of Noah and their parents come over; he is a doctor, and we will do some children games and have some drinks. We are looking forward to the day, as it is always a lot of fun. The weather is going to be nice. Will be very different than other years, but it is what it is ! ! !

Coil bloggers will get some additional pictures how it looks outside, King's Day 2020 ......


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So, early Sunday, time to get in the saddle with LEGO; starting with some pictures:

In the last days we have been working a bit on the red truck, so this where we started today:

All prepared: we have the diferent colors now laying in little trays, so:

Failing to Prepare = Preparing to Fail ====) NOT FOR US ! ! !

We already added some parts that are moving, and it is looking nice with the motor and the places where we have to put the wheels ! ! !

The project is coming along; length is showing:

Working the different pieces ! ! !

Keeping Noah’s attention is really hard. He is done for the moment, so we decided to take a little cycle tour; just want to share some bulb pictures:

Magnificent. I asked the owner how many bulbs we are talking about. Although he never thought of it that way, not how he sells them... there are more than 100 million of them in the place where I was looking !!!!!! WOWOWOWOW

Coil bloggers will get some additional pictures ......


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So today another run, getting closer to completing the 50K challenge I have with Adam ! ! ! 11 KM to go, not too many, wanted to shave of most of them today ...

Going out was a little tough, did not really feel like it, chose to go by myself without my little helper.

Well .... that may not have been the greatest decision as the run was not too great. I did not feel like it, a cyclist pushed me to the side what did not make me happier. I yelled at him, he should not touch me and should keep his distance ! ! !

I just could not get the drive and the only thing I was watching, was the back of people ... Was a slow race. During the running I was thinking about all the things I could add to the list why the run was a disaster:

A sad flower all alone

Too cold ... not really ! ! !

Could not find the proper music ... FACT ! ! !

Too many other runners ... Not really the case ! ! !

My shoe lace got untied ... Yes ! ! !

Noah not there ... FACT ! ! !

Nobody was waving back ... FACT ! ! !

Passing me passing me passing me

Basically it was just not a nice run ! ! ! I did 7 KM , so only have 4 to do. Will more than likely do that tomorrow.

My buddy not beside me

So, short Blog today, but will share my next goal in the extra section:


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Next month I will have a new challenge, running a mile a day, all month long ... Doesn't sound like a challenge .... it is. Finding the time and keeping the runs going. You can do more but 1 mile a day minimum ...

Wonder who is with me ! ! ! ! , anyone ? ? ?

If you are an OG in the XRPCommunity you know that the sock is a well known item that can only come from 1 place ... from the United Kingdom. Of course we are talking about The CrypToeMan ....

I was fortunate enough to meet him last year during the DLTCONUK Meet-up in Birmingham, UK, organized by LoveforCrypto, but it never got to an interview. It has been long enough, so here is the long-awaited interview:

Before you get into the interview:



Who is the CrypToeMan ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

a little about me... I am 33 years old, I am married and been with my wife for 11 years and we have 2 amazing kids, hobbies of mine include, football, gym, cooking, down hill mountain biking.


How did you get involved in Crypto when, how , why ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I got into Crypto because one of the smartest people I've ever met told me he bought some BTC, so I researched Crypto and bought some XRP to start with


Where did the idea come from creating socks ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The idea for socks came from me watching a news channel and someone was wearing a pair of BTC socks... and I wanted some ripple socks, my search came to zero results, I wanted a pair that badly, looked for sock suppliers to see if they could make me a pair but I got the same answer of 100 pairs minimum, so I gambled and bought 100 pairs, took a few pairs myself and shared them on twitter and people loved them ! ! !


Why XRP ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I bought XRP because it solves a real problem, I love the company ripple and the team behind the whole project, David schwartz to me is one of the greatest minds of our generation and he will be in the history books for years to come


you are mostly XRP but ..... ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I also hold CSC and VET... for me utility is king


Favorite commercial thing you did ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

My favorite has to be my first ever socks, the ripple ones


Craziest story regarding sending socks (besides my pair going from Pakistan to Dubai) ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The craziest story about socks was one day I got an email from David Schwartz' wife asking me for 100 pairs of David Schwartz socks to give away to his guests at his party ....

*(*XRPTwin: pretty PRETTY DARN SWEET , I would like to write)


So what about your website ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

Well, you can visit my site: cryptoeman.com

On there you will be able to find all the Crypto socks among a lot of other stuff. Socks are 50% off, so get them now, before it the market takes off ! ! !


So Brad wearing the socks, what did that do to you?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

When Brad wore the socks on the AMA (ask me anything), my twitter went crazy and it was the best moment of doing this whole adventure ...


coolest reply you got ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The coolest reply I got was a DM from Brad Garlinghouse but I'm afraid he asked me not to share this info; so I will honor that message ...


Something you would like to say about the socks ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

If you own a pair of them then look after them as they will be one very special piece of history in the future ...


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The Bank of America topic at the moment is very exciting, we have some amazingly talented people in the community that can find pdf's so easily, we know ripple is a partner with them but what will they do? That's the exciting part

No smoke without fire


The coolest thing that happened this year ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I think the coolest thing for me was arranging my sons friends to do a drive by happy birthday... this was so good for me as it blew my son away


What do you expect from 2020 ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The way the things are now it is looking like the whole world is going to suffer with closing down businesses and people are going to feel the knock on effect... I've already been sending some XRP to people from twitter (won't name them) as they are struggling to buy food


What can we expect from the CrypToeMan in 2020 ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

The Crypto mans sales have died down a lot this year and I'm not surprised, I am hopefully going to meet people at this years swell community meet up which will be fun


2020 is a success if ...... ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

A massive announcement is made of XRP being used


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I think this can go either way... on one hand you have people staying at home so they could be buying more as the dollar is dying but on the other hand people are scared of losing jobs and incomes so will think its to risky


Anything to add..... ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

I would like to add that I have met a lot of amazing people since joining the XRPCommunity and I'm sure we will all be sitting having a drink laughing at a lot of the stuff we have seen and celebrating that we were right ! ! !


how many hours a day, you think about XRP and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ?!?

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

If I'm not sleeping I'm thinking of Crypto; lol


a quick round of single word(s) question, what do you think about:

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕋𝕠𝕖 𝕄𝕒𝕟 🧦:

Poly sign – intriguing

ODL – exciting

IPO – unsure

Defi – promising

BOA – just hurry up

Us regs – this hold back is planned

Poly sign – intriguing

ODL – exciting

IPO – unsure

So ............. GiveAway time .......... What to do , what to do ? ! ?

First of all, W H A T can you *win* ? ! ? —–>

A pair of Brad Garlinghouse OR David Schwartz socks.

What do you *have* to do ?

1. You have to follow: @XRPTwin , @CrypToe_Man @coil

2. Like the below Tweet

3. Forward the Tweet

4. Reply #Done to the Tweet

5. Add your Nicest Sock Pic ....


On the 7th of May a winner will be picked

Well, thank you CrypToeMan for talking to me and I wish you all the best

Let's see Crypto rise Rise RISE ! ! !


If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to get/ see some extra information ! ! !


if you want to get all these extra perks, Click Here

Previous Interview: Aggressively Average Content

Next Interview: The LEGION is COMING


Some people know it, but on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night I drive around diners for a restaurant that offers deliveries. The owner/ head cook drove around like four weeks ago himself, but this was not ideal, as you can imagine. We wanted to help and so it happened ! ! !

So, for three weeks now, I have been driving around food. It is between 06:00 PM – 09:00 PM and I tell you, helping out is not the driving force anymore, it is just fun to do. Am I getting paid for this: ABSOLUTELY NOT; do I want to get paid: ABSOLUTELY NOT ! ! !

Actually, I get to take home food from time to time and that, we, my wife, Noah and myself, are enjoying much more than money ...

So, the restaurant owner, our friend, asked us for a little trip on a boat yesterday ... The weather has been amazing lately, so that was answered with: Affirmative ! ! ! Unfortunately, my wife could not join, as she was engaged with other things, so Noah and myself went for it ...

We went to the harbor and were looking for the boat we were going to board:

eh, nope those boats did not make the cut ..... we went on the following; not an overall picture but just the size by the number of people it can hold: 56 ! ! ! That is exactly what we needed .... a social distancing boat .... and this fitted like a glove ! ! !

Rules are very clear in the Netherlands, max 2 families in one boat, and 1, ½ meters distance had to be taken into account... well no problem on that end ! ! !

Before we left, we were visited by the family duck. The shadows give away the nice weather. Noah was fired up, ready to leave ! ! !

Time to leave, all relaxed, distanced, and enjoying ...

We saw nice things on our little trip, like amazing looking wind mills ( the Netherlands still has about 1.100 mills; about 100 years ago this was more than 10.000).

Some history about mills: the oldest one dates from the 1450's, and mills used to “talk” with each other ! ! !

W H A T ???

Yes, they used to have “mill language”. In the early days, when there was no phone around, they used mills to send messages around. The first positive thing: Mills can be seen from a large distance, in 4 different directions.

If the windmill wings were put in a particular state, the miller was able to give the appropriate message:

Long rest: If the mill needs to be repaired, the miller puts the blades in a cross.

Short rest: If the mill is stopped for a short time, the blades are set so that one rod is put straight down.

Mourning position: When the mill is in the mourning position, the miller has fixed the “going” blade just after the lowest point. The “going on” expresses the sadness.

Joy position: In this position, the bottom or “arriving” wick is fixed just before the lowest point. This “shared” joy ! ! !

If you ever go to the Netherlands and want to visit a(n operating) windmill, look for a blue flag on top of the mill; that means you can visit it ! ! !

The area where we were “boating” also has a lot of houseboats. A lot of different ones. There are around 9.800 houseboats in the Netherlands, having a little over 21.000 people living on them. Amsterdam has about 2.500 of them and is the most famous place for visiting and/ or watch houseboats. These boats have bathrooms, kitchens bedrooms, some of them are really big and don't be surprised if you want to buy one, you have to pay over 1.000.000 dollars. The location most of the time is what you pay for.

Beautiful house besides the water with an even more amazing tree

House boat

Obviously we were not the only one on the water; although not busy, it was a lot of fun to be out.

Even amazing pictures of airplanes going over our heads.

If you are looking at the sky..... It is SOOOOO blue, absolutely love it. Less polution, the sky is becoming its original color again. Maybe the world needs quarantine from time to time ! ! !

The police was out also. They are checking the “ maximum 2 families a boat” policy as the virus is taken very seriously. We are at the stage that warnings are not given anymore and you will receive a fine immediately. Fines are close to 400 dollars a person, so serious money ... let's just enjoy a day on the water without worrying ...

It was really nice on the water, away of the “real world”, just out, the wind through our hairs, looking at nature, birds, deer, cows, sheep, elephants ( eh .... scratch that last one). It was really relaxing ...

If you want to share your opinion/ thought or story about this blog, you can just reply the following Tweet

If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to get/ see some extra information ! ! !


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Without any speculations, you should know where that title is coming from ....

Over 35,000 subscribers on YouTube and 18,200 followers on Twitter, this Animal leaves his mark very clearly ......

The Bearable Bull, the positive minded XRP-Holder brings all his Content Average Aggressively .... Let's see if XRP really works like a red flag on this animal ...


Who is The Bearable Bull ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

The Bearable Bull is a Business Owner with a Background in Economics & Political Science. See me as a Real Life Monopoly Player. Some details, I have a background in social media marketing and am self educated in Jungian Psychology.


How did you get involved in Crypto when, how , why ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

2016 was the year it all started; due to knowledge of how currencies work & the upcoming economic crisis, I saw Crypto as THE alternative to traditional finance.


Why XRP ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

It is the correct answer; the only answer ! ! !


When did the YouTube channel start ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

March 2019


You have enemies and friends. People like you, others think nothing of it .... what do you think about this ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Polarization is inevitable when you are trying to accomplish goals


Favorite video you did ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

101 reasons


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

It’s been confirmed since the BoA patent & people’s lack of foresight frustrates me. They wait for “official announcements” which usually means it’s too late for money to be made


The coolest thing that happened this year ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

started a new business that’s current on pause


What do you expect from 2020 ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Life Changing Wealth & a paradigm shift in business & education


What can we expect from The Bearable Bull in 2020 ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Stay tuned.. I’m full of surprise (Shushing face)


A video is a success when ...... ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

People buy/ continue to hold/ people learn something new/see a new perspective


I love your laugh, can you please keep that in your videos ?!?

The Bearable Bull:



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Helps accelerate adoption


When the Bull grows up he wants to be ..... ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Secret but I’ll let my audience know when it’s time


A quick round of single word(s) question, what do you think about:

Polysign ?!?

ODL gaining traction in current corridors ?!?

IPO Ripple ?!?

BOA rumors ?!?

US Regulations ?!?

The Bearable Bull:

Polysign is a must b/c custody is a hindrance towards adoption

ODL will explode when they light up all corridors

Ripple will likely be a bank one day & an IPO is a positive for their future

BOA is confirmed not a rumor

Regulations will skyrocket the price

Previous Interview: The Revolution will be Televised

Next Interview: Socks make a (Wo)Man ! ! !

So, we have to hurry with this Lego car as oil demand is small and the large supply cannot be distributed.

In other words, yesterday was an exciting day; people talking about joining the oil ship, wanted to earn on the falling oil price; dangerous, because many of these “traders” had NO IDEA the price in the news was regarding the May contracts expiring. A lot of money was lost, definitely people made money of this “oil ship” going down, but a lot of people also LOST a lot of money, even after oil going below zero. Play it “SAVE” stick with XR ...... I mean LEGO !

So, back to the Car and Transporter... The Car part had been done, now it was time for the Transporter ...

First issue .... a lot of number 2 bags, so we had to take care of some business. What are the correct ones ..... oh well, have to prepare Noah on a next project, so good if there are a lot of parts together.

Reminds me of the Amazon Management of their Inventory

Space: “Chaotic Storage”.

Chaotic Storage has been adopted by a lot of different businesses but to explain it the simple way, the following two pictures explain how it works:

Think of a closet with 9 shelves; none of the 9 shelves can have the same products next to each other.

In the first picture there are 2 figures next to each other, computers will mess up and won't work an order correct, so .......... the second picture: everything is fine ! ! !

Long story, we also have CHAOS:

But we tried to make it a little less chaos; let me tell you it works much easier, working it like that ! ! !

Like yesterday, we had a lot of bags with the number 2 on it, so we needed to manage ! ! !

This is how we left the manual yesterday:

This is the what we are working on as of today:

Like yesterday, the car is forming starting with the cascas ! ! !


A place for the front tires has been created ! ! !

Now it is time to go outside a bit because it is nice weather and we need to get some balloons for a friend that has birthday tomorrow. As a surprise we are going to “party up” the garden.

If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to see a little video showing the car and moving parts ! ! !


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If you have been part of the XRPCommunity these past years, this sentence will make sense to you. This gentleman does not really need an introduction, he is well known across the different social platforms (1 ½ meter distance please). Whether within the XRPZoo or in his own Channel people have found him: A little shy of 30.000 subscribers on YouTube, with 515 videos, and counting; well over 25.000 people on Twitter ..... he of course stands for Jungle Inc.

The man who starts his videos with:

What is up Good People, Jungle Inc. here

The man who finishes his videos with:

As always, please like, please subscribe the revolution will be televised right here on Jungle Inc.

Always talking about popping bottles and Bentleys .... Let's find out who the popping bottle guy is ...... ?!?


Who is Jungle Inc. ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

Not much exciting background information. I’m a tax accountant. I have always had an interest in tech. Companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. How they started; more over, how they change and changed the world.

I think we are going to see the same thing with Crypto ! ! !


Where does the affection come from for all the Roman Empire backgrounds/ screenshots ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

Never told the story before, always answered: well..... just like it ,but

three generations ago in the Jungle Family, the grandma at that time went to Rome, Italy to face her biggest fear: swimming in a fountain ! ! !

Old Mrs. Jungle was scared of water, but wanted to face her fears and wanted to take a dive in the “1732 Trevi Fountain” ! ! !

With led in her shoes she got on the plane made it all the way to Rome, Italy and on a Sunday morning she got in her one piece and jumped in the Fountain.

Three weeks later she was released from prison, but she was not scared of water anymore ... Since that time, the Jungle Family could not hide their fondness of Roman artifacts ....

(XRPTwin: and you did not want to share THAT story, that is legend....ary ! ! ! )


How did You get involved in Crypto when, how , why ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

I was initially fascinated by the mining aspect. The idea that you somehow could plug a machine into the wall and make money was crazy to me. My friend Billy was really into it early on. He had miners in his house. I didn’t have the money or the space to get into mining. We would just sit around and talk about Bitcoin, but I never bought any. I wasn’t interested in the coin I wanted a mining farm.


Why XRP ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

The first time you use XRP you understand why it’s so great. It just checks every box. The tech, the team, built for scale, advanced features, powerful partner developing and testing with it.

If you believe that this technology is more than fools gold then you have to be excited about the future that’s being built using XRP.


When did the YouTube Channel start for you ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

My YouTube Channel started a few years back as a gaming channel. No one ever watched it but I just enjoy making videos. Like most people during 2017 I was captivated by Crypto and started making videos about the subject in February 2018. It just grew from there. XRP is interesting not me.


Favorite video you did ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

I enjoy the opportunities I get to make videos with other people in the XRPCommunity. I don’t get to do that often but those are the most memorable videos for me. So far this year I have got to record with Malpass, Sam & Jerry Hall. I hope to do a lot more collaborations with people as continue in 2020.


Bank of America is a hot topic, what do you think about that ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

Bank of America is an exciting topic. They are on the Ripplenet Committee, they are an institution that has been improving their infrastructure going digital. You can’t get too carried away until something is announced, but its definitely something to keep an eye on.


The coolest thing that happened this year ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

The coolest thing that’s happened in 2020? Where have you been Ferdi?? 2020 has been a disaster and its just starting!

Hmmmmm ..... let's look back at the first 4 months, we had ..... and well, what if ...... but maybe if ..... OH whatecer, you are right ! ! ! has been a disaster, MOVE ON ! ! !


What do you expect from 2020 ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

The last few years we have gotten major developments that have really pushed XRP forward. You start with the announcement of xRapid in 2018 to MoneyGram using XRP in 2019.

I think we will get something similar this year. An announcement that takes things to the next level. BofA using XRP would be big, US Government, who knows. Ripples tricky it could be anything but I have no doubt it will be exciting.


A video is a success when ...... ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

If you’ve seen one Jungle Video you’ve seen them all.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

I don’t think its possible to know at this point how Corona will affect the world economy. Crypto is so unpredictable on a good day.

I fear a financial crisis is coming worse than many of us realize. It is definitely an opportunity for Crypto to step in and fill some of the short comings of the current financial system.


How many hours a day, you think about XRP and how many hours are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ?!?

Jungle Inc.:

I spend too many hours thinking about Crypto and XRP, but its really a hobby for me. Its an exciting adventure that provides a break from the daily grind.


The quick round of single word(s) questions, what do you think about:


ODL gaining traction in current corridors


Jungle Inc.:

Polysign: Arthur & David. Good things happen when those two join forces.

ODL: The first major app for crypto mass adoption

XUMM: When Bitcoin was first invented this is what Satoshi wanted to accomplish.

Amazing stuff. I would like to thank Jungle for an amazing interview. Very friendly, knowledgeable and amazing guy.

If you don't follow him on Twitter, click THIS LINK

If you don't follow him on YouTube, click THIS LINK

Previous Interview: Different Approach: Fractals

Next Interview: Aggressively Average Content

So , day 2 of the new project: Project Blue CAR ! ! ! I seriously like it, little tougher with the little man, as you need a little more strength to push some parts to three other parts.

So the car body was pretty much made yesterday, now the exterior parts needed to be done. We were excited, because, we already checked, only needed to do around 70 pictures (100 down).

The motor was really forming well, pistons are moving and there is an actual engine block.

Now moving to the back: checking if the actual build piece resembles the picture in the book ! ! !

Really good we can check actual sizes with the pictures as some of the parts really look the same.

Time for the roof, it goes pretty fast and we want to finish it fast, Noah is very eager, motivated and actually wants to play with a finished car. I want to see him play with it :–)

As there are way less pieces for this project, steps are made MUCH faster and improvements can be seen by actually finishing up 1 page:

The front forms nicely and it looks like a fierce car. Some tires underneath and our first part of the project:


If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to see a little video showing the car and moving parts ! ! !


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So last night I had a crying son, because daddy had to leave the house to drive around restaurant deliveries. I love helping out, I love bringing the food to people. See happy faces; stories of people setting the table in the garden and that is there idea of: Eating out ! !

So it was Lego Chapter II A and II B: a Transporter with car ...... available in two formats: Red Transporter / Blue Car and Blue Transporter / Red Car .... Building up the momentum because Chapter III was clear already ...... a Blue Bugatti.

So this was last night:

And this was this morning; later than expected, but I was ready ! ! !

All the bags on the table again and the feeling was back: Bag number 1.

That is already where we noticed a difference: there were 3 bags with the number 1 ! ! !

On top of the avengers puzzle !!!

We started and we noticed another difference. Lego Technic is different, it is difficult (the box says 11+) and keeping your attention on the game ....... is much tougher if it does not go in one try ! ! !

The pieces are nicer, things actually move and if you touch something on the left, something moves on the right ... That is fun, but tougher to get there ! ! !

Also very interesting, where the castle is big and you are building different things ..... building a car you know exactly what you are building ! ! ! The steps are clear and you see immedately what you have in front of your eyes. So a couple steps:

The car shape was already there ! ! !

Bigger and bigger, Red needs to be covered by the blue of the car ! !

There we go, MUCH BLUER

So, this is where we leave the car for today. We already covered 100 pictures of the 1 book in total. Tomorrow we will definitely finish this first car. But it is a lot of fun again ! ! !

If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to see something that ...... probably will be the next project ! ! !


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