
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Saturday, April 18th and I have a Dilemma... @NordicAnn and @Jade333xrp and @TXrpmr have triggered Noah and myself.

I am competitive and I see that back in Noah, is that a good thing, Yes and No ! ! !

He wants to be first, the quickest, the best and sometimes, you are just NOT ! ! ! And that is fine, took me 30+ years to figure out, so he has some time.

We did the Harry Potter Castle, which we liked, wanted to do it quicker of course, but knowing the #StayHomeSaveLives Period is not done yet, we had to curb that a bit.

So the competitiveness between @NordicAnn and @Jade333xrp started something in Noah and my body .... We envisioned two Blood-Thirsty women, geared up with all kinds of things, sitting in a great Jigsaw Puzzle Chair, partners in crime, ready to wipe sweat off the forehead, feed, give nutritious drinks at the right time and a lot of screaming: I NEED TO FINISH THIS PUZZLE .... WHERE IS THAT BORDER PIECE ... I CANNOT FIND THE SECOND EYE ..... (Please keep us in this dream, don't burst our bubble).

Noah said: We've got to make a puzzle to dad, we need to .... We owe it to mankind and the world will look up ... the second part ..... well, honestly, he did not mention that part ! ! !

So, confession time: I LOVE MAKING PUZZLES ! ! ! !

It is in my DNA, My grandmother did it, my mom loves to make puzzles, my brother does, with his kids now, and my sister may occasionally start one in the winter ... My mother in law created the nicest puzzles and Noah, ..... Well .... he like it also ! ! !

In the Netherlands there is a chain called Action. The non-food discount chain has more than 1.500 stores in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, France and Poland. Owner, an English Investment Company: 3i ! ! !

Funny to screenshot it in German :–)


It is one of those stores, if you go there for 1 thing, you will get home with 25 other things, but NOT the item you went for. Dollar Store level I guess ! ! ! Corona Proof, have so many shopping baskets, otherwise you have to wait outside, mandatory to use and people check in the store if you keep your distance. Children need to sit in the shopping cart, if they don't want to, or to big, they need to use their own cart...

So, we have been there a lot because they have ..... Jigsaw Puzzles; not just Jigsaw Puzzles, they have 1,99 Jigsaw Puzzles.

I love Puzzles, I love 1,99, I love Action

Little screenshot:

1000 is a nice amount, 500, the Frozen One and puppies, I need to create together with Noah once and then he does it by himself. Think it is a gift, 4.5 years old, he does it by himself ! ! !

So we have done our fair share of puzzling, did not want to jump on the stayhomechallenge with Ann and Jade immediately but hands were itching ...

So coming back at Lego, the Castle was done, thinking about getting a new box as it is so much fun to do together, but did not want to jump in too fast. My brother in law bought the Lego Bugatti

and probably still busy with it for a bit, so ..... puzzles

We went to the store and saw this one right of the bat .... Avengers. I love the Avengers, the OG XRPCommunity knows that:

So we had to get that one and we saw ... Noah saw, a Peter Pan Puzzle, PPP, we had to get that one also. Two more, ... 1,99, worth much more, getting through a quarantine and the bonding,

priceless ! ! !

Noah loves animals, which makes sense (Noah's Arc), that is why we had to get the bottom right also ...

The Avengers was the first one to create. Fairly easy because it has very distinctive colors. The Hulk, called “the Bear” by Noah, was the first one and Iron had to be number 2... It was a fun one to make, but went fast:

So , Peter Pan was Second, but that was when the Dilmma's started.

Couple distinctive things things, green, Peter Pan and of course the flying children ... and the Big Ben, Tower Bridge ... all nice things. So we started to sort some things. Bad thing, Mom wanted to have some quality time with Noah also, so they left the house ! ! !

W H A T ! ! !

But but but, Noah and I could:

Build the borders, all together piled up waiting to be assembled ! ! !

Many Green stuff, Peter Pan, the land on the right, waiting to be put together ..... R E A L L Y ! ! !

All the flying children .... eyes, arms heads ..... my hands are itching

The BigBen, easy easy easy, N O A H , where are you .....

And then there is something else ....

I was contacted by a store that wanted to donate a LEGO box, we were looking for:

The good thing about this one, it will cost time, as you can build two different ones:


So I cannot continue with the puzzle and I cannot Run .... I have a challenge with Adam, but I have to stay home as they are bringing the new LEGO project ..... life is tough (It so is NOT, if these are the issues to deal with , that are the hardest .... well, easy ride ! ! !)

We will see where this is heading. Dilemma was in a way solved:

Writing a blog ! ! !

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My wife and myself had a meeting, ONLINE, with 30 other parents of classmates of our son. It was a nice meeting, talk, informative, everybody listened very well, did not speak a lot, TILL the following question landed:

What if this lasts another month/ 2 months, your child(ren) at home and not in school, what would you think about that???

Well, the togetherness in the online meeting was ....... G O N E ! ! !

I do have to say, I was laughing a little and looked at my wife turning my eyes to the mute button, yes it was muted .....

Do we have a problem with another month / 2 months honey?!? NOT AT ALL, we seem to manage. I work around the hours of my wife's hours and Noah's hours, but we manage very well. We understand if you are busy, if there is stress, derived from a financial, time, job, family and / or physical situation, yes it can cause major stress, but what if you keep on managing the situation.

We know how it is, we know it may last a little longer and that is just the way it is.

But the children .... I have to .... in other words ...... the other day .... in the morning I ..... and you have to ..... what games can we play .... NO NO NO , people got mad with each other; I was so surprised this happened ! ! !

Are we doing an excellent job? Do we have the situation under control? Do we understand what is happening? How does Noah feel under the situation?

Coming back to my earlier Blogs, the LEGO castle was a dream come true; days went by fast, and well to be honest, I only saw a happy face ..... well, once in a while an unhappy face because the 4.5 year old buddy had to go to bed....

At the moment, it is a puzzle that rocks our world, but getting back to that question, what if 1 or 2 months longer ...... not a problem. Interesting question though, because new plans need to be made (the Bugatti is getting closer).

My wife and myself gave each other a hug and we did not day anything to each other, but we thought the same:

We are handling the situation pretty okay

Once again, we know that if there is stress, it is tough to handle, but you need to try to keep that stress level as low as possible. At the moment I am really enjoying helping out a restaurant by doing the deliveries. It helps him out tremendously and gives me a little bit of the alone time that everybody needs.

Let's all hope the world is smart, stays a little longer at home, keeps their social distance, helps out family, friends and beloved ones, but also the unknown but needy people, we will all be fine....

I still need to get that next project :–)

If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to see something that ...... probably will be the next project ! ! !


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Whether you invest in stocks, wine, options, cars or crypto, an easy way of looking whether the price goes up or down is playing with the law of supply and demand. When there is a lot of demand, this can cause prices to rise and when demand is low, well, .... this may suppress the price. Hence, if there is a lot of supply, not good for the price and if the supply is limited very good for the price ! ! !

Described in an example, if I have 1 very exclusive ball, the only one in the world, it could sell for a lot of money because of the scar in city of it all. The price could even go up higher if there is a lot of demand.

Creating 100 more of those exclusive balls, not so exclusive anymore, the price may go down, because the exclusivity is gone and the supply went up enormous.

This is something you learn in Economics 101 and makes sense. There are many other things that (can) influence the price of a financial vehicle and another one is looking at ........


W H A T ! ! !

Fractals – fragmented geometric shapes that can be made smaller into little parts in order to look at the bigger picture. Financial Vehicles seem to have a cyclical movement and repetitive motions can be found. It all has to do with Algorithms.

I can try to explain it , but why not allowing somebody else doing this ..... because he is very familiar in the world of fractals ..... the crypto currency fractals: Mr LevelUp / Awake – Chris (@mrlevelup). On Twitter, 13,3K people are following him and his YouTube Channel has 6,11K followers with 611 videos you can watch.

Who is Mr. Level Up? ! ? ! ?

Mr. Level Up, Chris used to be really hard on himself, self-made man, but a supportive family. Nice guy, likeable but a little attitude.

Went into Real Estate and figured it out. Became successful and helped people to make money in real estate. The past was painful, a big ride, lost a lot in life, struggled with health but found himself.

At the moment Chris feels he is driven, an educator, understands

life, succeeds having goals .... life has 4 parts: health, wealth, love, relationships and the fulfillment of it. Chris is a believer of a greater power and is seeking becoming a better person. Goal-driven ! ! !

Chris wants to get what he wants, a future he is looking at, is making it a little easier because it has been a rough life. Could have written it in three words:

A good person

Something that immediately comes to mind interviewing Chris is of course fractals, so


Fractals, some believe in it, some don't, can you elaborate on it?

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

See it as people going to a museum and look at a painting. Some of them see the art one way and others see it differently. It is the same for fractals, some see it, some believe in it and others think it is absolute nothing they are looking at .... I did a poll among my YouTube viewers and only 50% of them actually see the fractals and the rest , well, ...... don't see it ! ! ! People that cannot see it, hence don't believe in it are the once that are the toughest because you can never do it right. They don't see it, you are doing it wrong, so fuels the disbelieve in fractals ! ! !


Your love for XRP Chris, where is it coming from?

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

Well, I did my research and it just works. Ripple is just doing it right, looked at investors, partners and the idea. If you are willing to go against the elites of the world with a new technology, you have to be pretty certain of yourself/ your product it works and well, if they are, I am ! ! !


We are living in a different world at the moment where the news is controlled by fear and CoVid19, is the virus speeding up or slowing down Crypto?

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

That is a great question Ferdi, very up to date and I believe it is speeding up Crypto. It is hard to get masses for something new, to get adoption you need disruption; the system is broken, so the virus, without going into detail could be the catalyst. Not a PANDEMIC, but a PLANNEDEMIC ..... Everything is connected. Perception is everything and if the word spreads that money is dirty, could make you sick, you tend to listen to digital currency and / or liquidity solutions without having to touch physical money... So it speeds up...


Will BTC keep rising

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

Yes, it will, store of value; probably will go over 100.000 dollars, or even more; ..... “law of supply and demand” (this is NOT what Chris said, but XRPTwin —–) 21 million max (lots are lost already), LOW supply ! ! !


Most surprising thing that happened in the last 3 years

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

The ability to read fractals and having a large Twitter account, having a YouTube Channel ! ! !


What is the magic year: 2020, 2021 or 20** ?!??

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

It is happening right NOW the digital shift is happening, 2018, 2019 cannot be forgotten, but it is unfolding NOW, scaling of a monetary system. 2020 is the start of fireworks. Chris is a believer and sees the world changing with adopting the new monetary system


If Crypto pumps will you keep on streaming?

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

Probably , but less charting. Will more than likely do more for entrepreneurs ... After the Burst. A show about Scaling and Growing


Can you react to the following words:



Corona Virus:




Mr. Level Up, Chris:

BTC: Originator, Store of Value, Digital Gold

XRP: The greatest asset, the team behind it, above all


Corona Virus: HOAX, disruption, SCAM, sympathetic though with the victims and their families

Vechain: Amazing Technology, great concept, great use-case

YouTube: Replacing Television

Twitter: Great place to voice your opinion, but a lot of toxicity. Lot of smart people


Mr. LevelUp is all about owls, so what about this and what about the Mr. Level Up' and what about After the Burst ?!?

Mr. Level Up, Chris:

The Owl is all about wisdom, They fly – they are free.

Chris sees Owls everywhere ... great vision and very intelligent. At night a predator, hunting, night vision, sees things, you can't hear them , quiet power, under the radar.

The Mr. Level Up part is all about me personal, leveling up as a person, a better human.

After the Burst is a show impact anybody / everybody that wants to listen. Change yourself to change the world.

Well, Chris, thank you very much for your time. M personal opinion, you are a great guy, nice and smart. I believe that fractals is definitely a way to use, looking at the future of specific financial products. Let's see what is going to happen this year, because being part of this shift , is absolutely amazing.

If you are a Coil subscriber you are entitled to have some additional information ....... Enjoy ! ! !

So, I asked Chris for some predictions. Look at his stream and you will hear them but in cooperation with Chris, here some predictions:

EOY Price for:

BTC: above 40,000 dollars

XRP: above 10 dollars

VET: above 0.10 dollar cents

BCH: above 10,000 dollars

ADA: above 3 dollars

NEO: above 500 dollars

TRX: above 0.75 dollar cents

ETH: above 9,000 dollars

All these predictions are EOY, are an above price could go higher and are based on fractals ! ! !

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Previous Interview: “One Take, Uncut”

Next Interview: The Revolution will be Televised


So, the LEGO Harry Potter castle is finished and it threw us a little in a hole. What to do with quarantine time, what to do.

We went for a little walk. We wanted to buy some origami paper because the boat we made , nice, but paper not being squared is buying bitcoin instead of xrp, sorry had to make the joke .....

While walking we wanted to enjoy the nature and focus on animals and look at that the Easter bunny was encountered:

Yes, it is a bird, but look to the right !!!

And more animals on our road to the store:

Really nice.....

At the store all the origami paper was out, so still a problem..... what is next

An email by @Txrpmr gave the solution:

Don’t want to give him all the credits though because I already wrote @nordicann and @jade333xrp I would not count me out for bringing out the jigsaw puzzle .....

And so we came home with a bag filled with puzzles:

I guess Noah had a say in this .....

Getting home we had lunch and we wanted to start on the Avengers one.

Started with the borders, followed by the bear ......... Noah calls the Hulk “the Bear”

That part was easy-peasy as the color was really easy.

That went pretty fast.

I still have another event, the running with Adam, so we went out and started running. We literally ran into two of his friends, so we ran / bikes with 5

Noah in front .......

The running was pretty good, our friends left after 1 kilometer, so we went our own pace .....

Most important, took a couple kilometers of the challenge:

Once again minus 13 km , I already ran those before the challenge started , so 28 km done; more than half of the challenge in the running shoes. Still have a couple days this month , so easy challenge. Next month 100 Adam ?!?

After the 7 km run, shower, dinner and ..... time for the jigsaw puzzle

This is what happened:


2018 the XRPCommunity saw a new YouYuber arrive on the

scene ! ! ! Women want to know who he is .... especially when you here his dark voice and smart sentences and men want to be like him, ..... especially when you here his dark voice and smart sentences. We know he digs XRP, we know he is very smart talking about Digital Assets and serves us with about daily videos ! ! ! Let's dive a little more into the world of Kevin Cage, who is Kevin:


How did you get involved into Crypto when, how , why ?!?

Kevin Cage:

I remember my Economy Professor telling us about Bitcoin back in 2013. He was explaining it in great detail & he liked thinking outside the box. He & his wife owned some Bitcoin and that made me realize it was not just “Chinese Made-Up Internet Money”. I had friends in my class trading penny stocks and I was also into investing & trading.

I first saw XRP price around .006 in March 2017.

XRPTwin: HOLY $@#$^ Kevin just wrote .006 what if .... , but, and , ..... holy ! ! !

Seeing the use case and the friction in the Correspondent Banking Network picked my interest, purchased a little then, struggled learning how to purchase it initially though. Very few “How To” Videos or Instructions available. Have been accumulating ever since, along with a few other Alt Coins that have a higher probability of success.


Why XRP ?!?

Kevin Cage:

To anyone asking this question – Do several years of research into Correspondent Banking, Payments vs Settlement, Intermediaries, Interoperability, Digital Assets, Liquidity Tools, Tokenization, etc. and you’ll realize exactly why XRP. I have nearly 400 videos on YouTube explaining this.


When did the YouTube Channel start ?!?

Kevin Cage:

I’ve made YouTube Videos since 2008 covering other topics outside of Investing, but I did not make my first Crypto YouTube video until late 2017 on another Channel. I then started making videos on this Channel seriously around May of 2018 from what I can recall.


Your Favorite video ?!?

Kevin Cage:

Any video that encourages a person to do their own research to see for themselves.


You are the “one take, uncut” content creator. when did this start, and WHY ?!?

Kevin Cage:

“One take, uncut” is an inside joke with friends, since I go through info quickly ... usually stutter or run out of breath. I do One Take videos because I don’t have time to edit errors. I am busy and have multiple sources of income and projects that I work on. My XRP YouTube Channel is just a side hobby to put out decent info and updates for anyone that would like to listen to what I consider relevant. I try to upload every day if I have time.


What do you expect from 2020 ?!?

Kevin Cage:

I believe by the end of 2020 (The Year of the Digital Asset), we will know if we’ve made the right decision with XRP. Until then, we wait & hold.


What can we expect from Kevin Cage ?!?

Kevin Cage:

Continuous video updates regarding relevant Digital Assets & potentially some future Vlogs on my life & advice. Not sure yet. I’m open to anything fun or anything that will help people. I just want to provide value.


A video is a success when ...... ?!?

Kevin Cage:

...... it stimulates thinking and gets people to continue to do their own research.


When Kevin Cage grows up he wants to be ..... ?!?

Kevin Cage:

Haha, I grew up at a very young age, unfortunately. I did not have a choice. I will always be “becoming” the person I wish and try to be.


Anything to add..... ?!?

Kevin Cage:

I share my true thoughts on my Channel. I genuinely believe in the success of the XRP Ecosystem after everything I’ve seen in the past 3 years.

I encourage everyone to do their own research & think for themselves. I’m not here for a Popularity Contest or to compete with anyone else besides myself. I truly look forward to the day that we see our dreams come to fruition. I’m going to smile when I look back at this Blog Post by the end of the year. As of writing, XRP is at 18 cents in early April 2020. I believe by this time next year, people will not believe their eyes ! ! !

XRPTwin: I hope it you are right, that the XRPTwin cannot believe his eyes ! !!


By the way Kevin, Corona – Covid19, does it help, speed up the Crypto / Digital Currency process, or does it slow down XRP ?!?

Kevin Cage:

Belief/Opinion about this Pandemic: I believe in the political adage “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

By next year, people will realize how much was really happening during this Pandemic & Orchestrated Quarantine. The pandemic is very real but is definitely exaggerated to some degree as the excuse to implement change. Throughout History (even Roman times), Pandemics were the perfect solution/motivator to inspire change. Problem, Reaction, Solution. My heart goes out to all that have been affected financially, mentally, or in terms of health. But I still believe many things are going on behind the scenes. The financial landscape & XRP adoption may only be just 1% of the changes coming.


How many hours a day are dedicated to Ripple , XRP ?!?

Kevin Cage:

Oh gosh. 3-6 hours every day minimum ! ! !


Kevin, a quick round of single word(s) questions, what do you think about:


ODL gaining traction in current corridors

IPO Ripple


BOA rumors

US Regulations

Kevin Cage:


Digital Asset Custody will clearly shake the system & the infrastructure BUT is absolutely necessary. Regulations & Securing these assets is a must before moving forward & will allow the flood to come. Just like State Street said “Trickle, Trickle, Trickle, Then Flood”. Watch Polysign And https://standardcustody.com


“gaining traction in current corridors”:

Yes, absolutely. Ripple is doing everything I want to see. Developing liquidity, relationships, & new corridors are opening all the time.

IPO Ripple:

Yes, I believe Ripple, Circle, & Coinbase will go Public someday. I also think XRP Price will be higher before this occurs.


Yes, already coming. Various platforms are building, especially with XRP & ETH. All about getting rid of middle men = Disintermediation. Systems will be more efficient, will be based upon math & reduce counter-party risk.

BOA rumors:

Mark my words, this is all said & done. BoA has the most blockchain patents, relations to the board, various documents have been leaked to show Ripplenet relationship. This has been planned for a long time. Let’s see what happens by EOY.

US Regulations:

Stalling until they are ready to do so. This may have also been planned long ago. I do not believe for a second that the US is actually ‘behind’ other countries. I think they’re merely acting clueless but know what the end game really is.

None of this is financial advice. Please DYOR. I appreciate you all

So now you know more about Kevin Cage ... Have you watched him, you probably keep on watching ... have you not watched him before ... the time is right ! ! !

So click on the link and go check out his channel

Previous Interview: BUCKLE UP – NotoriousXRP

Next Interview: Different Approach: Fractals

The day started of doing a little Egg Hunt, so LEGO had to wait a bit. Eggs all hidden by the Easter Egg and Noah had to look for it:

Was a lot of fun, but now back to serious business ! ! ! Back to bag 34.

If dad works with Noah alone, a bag looks like this:

If mom works with us, a bag looks like this:

So once again, going into the sky. The second part is now reallly forming well, Chambers, details and now getting a real roof above the arches. Lots of windows, colors ! ! !

It is so strange that when we were starting this second part of the castle, we were a little down as it was a little side project, besides the big castle. But while we were busy with this second part, it became bigger; it became a serious contender for the first part ! ! !

With a big slide, as Noah names it, the building was growing and growing.

34 , when putting all the pieces together was a breeze, went very well, and organized ! ! !

Bag 35 ; red pieces , yellow pieces , green and blue, all nice , breaks the monotone color:

Noah watching from the other side ! ! !

The second building, nicely getting erected

Putting the colors in place. After the roof is on, you wan see a thing anymore.

The overall picture of the front of building two; we cannot wait to attach the two together.

Looks a little like the White House ; well, without the sites. Ready for Bag number 36:

Getting the pieces out of the bag, small with small and big by big ! !

Putting all the pieces together again ! ! !

The building now has a roof. Looks better and better ! ! !

With some details ! ! !

We had to work on the towers and before we knew it, was it time for the last bag; number 37.

The adventure started on the 25th of March , less than 3 weeks working on completion...

37 was all about connecting the 2 components together and wow , we were looking forward to that moment...

Putting the final pieces neatly together and starting with the final towers...

Noah wanted to already have a photo with the castle, so here we go:

The castle was growing, final towers erected, started to REALLY REALLY look good...

And then the moment came, the final page, the connecting of the 2 pieces. Thrilling moment for the both of us. Drumm rolls and


Amazing so big.

The building of the castle has been an amazing time. It was special bonding with my son, the smiles, the laughter, the bonding, THE BONDING. Quarantine is not only horrible to be in, but it presents new situations. My relationship with my son was already very strong, but it is even stronger now ! ! !

Please find below the pictures of the castle in different angles.

I also made a little video of the castle. If you are a Coil Subscriber, you will be able to see the magnificent building in a little video .....


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So early rise and shine .... was important because we wanted to start early... Finishing up Back number 32 ! ! !

This is where we ended up:

So we were going to build some arches. Really nice as this was going to be the connection between different parts:

We had to build on the separate part and then connected it to the bigger second part. We are ready to connect it to the first big castle, but we still have to be patient.... not long anymore as there are only 5 bags left ! ! !

The details were really nice again ... and that was the end of that bag ! ! !

Bag 33 showed some colors again, specifically red; we had to create a new room with a table, chairs and to our knowledge a cupboard ... pillars around and that was the end of 33

Bag 34 we only looked at the first picture and the bag; we saw we were going into the air again; which is really nice as we need it, to be a little more the same as the castle itself. We did not want to go on as we have another Easter holiday, the Netherlands has 2 days off.

So tomorrow we are going on, will be a lot of fun ... we may finish it ...

Be safe ! ! !

This morning I woke up early even before Noah woke us up; went downstairs and layed out bag number 31.

The end was near so we had to come up with a next project. Well, I heard somebody running of the stairs, so first bag number 31, the picture showed us ..... roofing ! ! !

Nothing specific in the bag, so just building stuff on the roof

And we did , Noah was putting details on the roof and we, it looked like, were placing pieces for an arch or so ....... yes we were ! ! !

That was the end of the bag and 32 was the next bag.

We just did a little part because we don’t want to go too fast and we were going to have some fresh air. This is what we actually did:

And that is where we left the castle.

We heard from a friend, who franchises a gas station business was going slow. In any given week in the month of April last year he would sell around 40.000 litres of gasoline. In the first week he sold 12.000 litres. That says something of the economy at the moment and it also says something about people being smart and not moving around by car ! ! !

Still having a challenge so still need for running. It is nice to get out of the house though and it is also good for the body and nowadays even more for the mental health.

To be really honest , I did not really feel like running, but was thinking about waking up on May 1st, Adam calling me at 1 minute after midnight, laughing for 1 straight minute ....... cannot even finish 50 kilometres Twin !!!!! Hahahaha, that is not gonna happen.

So running shoes on and here we go:

It was okay to be out, little sore, but once again, good to be outside.

I wanted to take it easy, relaxing run so looking all around !!!

Live action

Nice view over the water around kilometer 3. Did not feel to great , was not going to be a long run.

Nice evening, just taking a moment for a photo.

And finally I got a picture I asked Adam to take in his first run:

So, I finished after 6 kilometers and 300 meters, enough for tonight. That brings me on 34.01 – 13 ( I ran before the challenge) so 21 done. 4 more and I am half way, next week I will be closer to the end than half way !!!!

Time for Adam to write about a Next run. Little task, show us a picture of an animal, you can do it.

Be safe ! ! !

I do have some additional information for the Coil subscriber , so if you are a subscriber, scroll ahead and look at Noah’s next challenge, probably ! ! !


Additional content only for the Coil Subscriber ! ! !

If you want to get all these extra perks, click HERE


For about 1.5 year, the XRPCommunity and beyond has been treated with videos that combines movies with XRP. Thrilling movie scenes from movies like Star Wars, the Matrix, A Few Good Men and many others, are mixed with XRP scenes, quotes, meetings and crypto price actions ! ! !

He has delivered us 87 videos and counting, around 44 hours of video content ! ! ! So, if you have not seen all of these videos, have some time left over during this quarantine, you can definitely kill some time by watching some good videos ! ! !

You know who am I am talking about: NotoriousXRP (@INotoriousxrp )

Who is NotoriousXRP and why XRP. I had an interview with him regarding “his role in the XRPCommunity”


Who is NotoriousXRP, little background ?!?


NotoriousXRP is a symbol of hope, a reminder of were you are and why you are here. NotoriousXRP tells you a story of the past, the present and the future with cinamatic and factual news in the crypto space. My digital currency of choice is the one the only XRP and the company behind the technology Ripple.


How did you get involved in crypto when, how , why ?!?


I got involved in cryptocurrency through a friend of mine; like so many stories out there ... a friend that keeps talking to you about it till that one day ... you really hear him out...and from that moment ... I research daily in the crypto space... never regretted it ! ! !


Why XRP ?!?


After researching and doing my due diligence, I came to the conclusion that XRP, by far, is way ahead of the pack. I started to get more involved and did research on the company Ripple and XRP.

I loved the community behind the machine ...the rest is history...but i do diversify ...


Where did the movie start ?!?


The movie started October 21, 2018, when I released my first video when Dilip Rao said:

“First get the bank on Ripplenet to settle on fiat then get them to source liquidity using XRP Then get them to hold XRP.



Favourite movie ?!?


My favorite movie is the GOONIES....

XRPTwin: well did not see that coming


What do you expect from 2020 ?!?


The way 2020 started I hoping for safety and prosperity to all in the planet. We will prevail and begin a new start in this reset


What can we expect from NotoriousXRP ?!?


Bringing you bigger and better EPIC cinamatic news in the CRYPTO space


A video is a success when ...... ?!?


I get the chills and say wow that was good...


When NotoriousXRP grows up he wants to be ..... ?!?


a person that made an impact in the XRPCommunity and the CRYPTO world.....


Anything to add..... ?!?


I want to wish everybody in the CryptoWorld a good health and safety and to be patient ... our day will come and we will celebrate and you will finally see who is NotoriousXRP ...


Additional NotoriousXRP and XRPTwin content only for the Coil Subscriber ! ! !

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Previous Interview: DeFi according to … Kava Labs

Next Interview: “One Take, Uncut”


Something tells me that the Castle will be done this weekend. but it is early Friday and I want to wish everybody a safe Easter Holiday with a little bit of relief. There is Light after the Tunnel .... the Tunnel may be a little longer than anticipated :–(

We are starting with Bag 29, looks nice as we are still building piece number 2, not attached to the Castle yet. The piece is getting bigger and bigger, nice to see ! ! ! So Bag 29 it is:

Noah still happy to build and I am anticipating a couple bags :–)

Interestingly, we are working with the color pink at the moment. I know it will be covered by towers and stuff, so you won't see the colors. Makes it nice to build, keeps the monotone color out of it ...

So building the inside of the tower, little pink, little white, nice nice nice. The good thing, Noah is learning all the colors in Dutch and English, always like to teach him some other language, and I speak a lot of English with him ...

If you look at the photo, you actually see it becomes a nice little room, with a seat and a table. It is so nice you are working on stuff and suddenly you see what you are building. It is all so detailed, once more respect ! ! !

And a little roof on it and it is another tower. Tower beside it and we are at bag number 30; it is going fast:

Bag 30, the picture above shows a little head on the right .... so the 4th person is going to be displayed, all the houses represented:

Godric Gryffindor

Salazar Slytherin

Helga Hufflepuff

Rowena Ravenclaw

Now we have to build the famous Harry Potter tree. The Whomping Willow from the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:

They also put a little car in the tree. We love it.

We also had to do a little of the ceiling and, put a lot of stuff on top of it. Was fun to do because we really had to work hard getting it on the correct place.

Reminds me a little of Adam’s Community Chase:

Fun game by the way ! ! !

So here are some pics:

First Day of the Easter Weekend. The Coil Subscribers get to see what specific project Noah and myself did today ..... so if you want to get all these extra perks, click HERE