So Adam has accepted the challenge and did his first run and completed the first Kilometers of the 50K/ Month Challenge, awesome job buddy ! ! !
He did a run of a little over 17K so he is already 1/3 on his way. If this continues, I see him finish this Challenge next week ...... which is okay, as it is only a “let's finish 50K in a month. But if it looks like it is too easy, well for him it is, we may have to bump it up to 100K, not a promiss, not a challenge....... Y E T ! ! !
So today, I went with my biking son out for my second round. My son was setting the pace, we were staying together but before I knew it I was looking at his back.... from a distance ! ! !
I was not the only one running with family, so that was nice to see ! !
Where I asked Adam to share a picture of a waving runner, this was a bad day to return the favor. I tried, but only managed to have non-runners in front of the camera, ...... at least something.
I did not have the greatest run but at least I made it out there. I do want to have at least half the kilometers by next week, should not be a problem. Maybe this month we need to run only 50K , to warm up for next month: 100K, we will see.
So this is what I have behind me:
As you can see I have 27.7K on the counter, I have to subtract 12.94K, let's say 13K, so I ran 14.7K .... 35.3K to go. This weekend I definitely want to run 1 more run, but NOW:
If you are a Coil subscriber that you are able to see the animals I ran into during my run ..... and it is not normal to see these animals in the Netherlands ! ! !