First weekend of the LEGO Project, but not the first early wake up call. Today it was not 05.30 AM, so that was quiet okay. That was the good news, the bad news, it was 06.37 AM, but it is alright. The joy, the fun, the excitement reading in his eyes, makes me want to GO GO GO ! ! !
Going downstairs, coffee and bag nummer 8 ! ! ! !

Lot's of brown, gray, yellowish, I was thinking rocks again...
Bag 8 was the beginning of Book number 2 and bag number 8 was the first bag of a new group, bag 8 through 11: the surroundings and the lower level of the Castle... We were both excited. Also, because Mama was going out, so music was going to be loud, dancing and a lot of fun ..... The guys together. Started out though , the three of us starting with the number 8 bag:

We started out well, BUT first little booboo. Two pieces were together, that shouldn't be together. The nails did not do the job, so the LEGO ladies and LEGO gentlemen in Denmark gave us a tool and boy does it work ! ! !

We were seeing parts of the castle appear, very cool, that tower , that tower, look at that tower, somebody was screaming...
Mom, put all the piece neatly together, I read the pieces we had to get and the search, build and mouth drop came from the little man; he loves it, well, if you did not figure that one out by now ;–)

Of Daddy would not be Daddy if he did not play around a little with the small parts ... no further questions your honor ! ! ! :

The castle was really forming already .... layer by layer we were building it up. Once again, no clue about all the things “behind” the walls, but it is an immense building “behind” the outer wall; both still amazed about “the snake pit”

Finishing up bag number 8 the progress showed as following:

Bag number 9 had to be opened and we were going to create the great hall, later more ! ! !

The first thing we noticed , we had to complete much more color to the castle, exciting ! ! !
Second thing we noticed: WE WERE TOGETHER NOW, SOOOOOO:

Three arrows:
Left Top: Noah Dancing
Right Top: Blah Blah Blah by Armin Van Buuren
We enjoyed the music a lot and I will give a little playlist
(so you can enjoy it ALSO ...... we hope, ..... BUT WE DID ! ! ! ):
Armin van Buuren – Blah Blah Blah (Noah's favorite)
Calvin Harris – My Way
David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi – Memories
John Newman – Love Me Again (Noah's favorite)
Gareth Emery feat. Christina Novelli – Concrete Angel
Calvin Harris – Outside ft. Ellie Goulding
Tame Impala – Let It Happen
Editors – Papillon
Calvin Harris – We'll Be Coming Back ft. Example
Well, you got a good impression how we were enjoying the moment Maybe we should not have enjoyed the music, dancing so much ......
So, we were really busy creating the great hall and if you have seen Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone, you absolutely will know the scene with the Sorting Hat. We were creating the hall and I looked up a picture for Noah:

How cool is the part on top, the great hall, just like the movie. I see HeadMaster Dumbledore sitting in the big chair, the new students at the big tables, waiting to be “house” chosen by the Sorting hat:

I am looking forward watching the movie with my son, not sure if he would enjoy it as much now; there are enough scary scenes for a 4.5 year old.
Just a little impression of the bottom part of the castle. It is heavy, already has a lot of parts and show like this from the bottom:

Looks more like a Star Wars Spaceship, but it IS Hogwarts.
10 had to be done:

Many windows were visible, the castle was showing like a ..... like a real castle ! ! ! :–)
Noah like the big hall a lot with all it's color, the chairs, benches and it also had doors, and you were able to look through it, like you were there. A little bit too big, but still fun:

More details, and even, YES EVEN the first tower....

It went pretty fast, we already advanced to picture 218 in the workbook... it is going fast, still a lot to go, but already at 218 ! ! !
Yes even stained glass windows, looked amazing:

The horror, the absolute nightmare .... an open space, we forgot, or did not place the part in the right place. Well, than we have to tear down some walls ..... NO NO , I don't want that .... and then the sadness came:

Tears came down, when the walls were taken down. It knocked us back to picture 185; a loss of well over 30 steps and I had to step out for a bit, so I could not finish anything today anymore ..... I felt the pain:
This was the only thing Noah saw:

He did not want daddy to leave and work on the castle, but I had to leave. I am helping out a friend with his restaurant and promised him to help in this difficult time for him.
I was home at 09.00 PM, too late for the little man. My plan, that he is not aware of:
- Writing my blog today
- Re-building the castle, up to the point where we were
- Getting a huge smile
Will keep you guys up to date. Can beat myself on the head not catching the error, but will make it up. It is 11:30 PM right now (almost 12.30 AM, as the time is moving tomorrow ! ! !
I better get crackin' .... a day full of emotions ! ! !
Be safe