
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

This page will be dedicated to all my posts regarding our Corona Project. My son and I are building the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle, over 6.000 pieces to construct, because of CoVid 19. We are at home, so my wife, Noah's mom treated us with the LEGO project. We are dedicated and will build it totally and will share our adventure. This page will have all the blog posts about the project:

2020-03-25 Corona, what to do, what to do !

2020-03-26 Waiting till Monday .... N O ! ! !

2020-03-26 LEGO is for my son or .......

2020-03-26 Last bag of the Day (March 26)

2020-03-27 Daddy, wake up LEGO 05.30AM

2020-03-27 Book 1 out of 4 is no more

2020-03-28 Weekend LEGO

2020-03-29 Being somebody's hero

2020-03-29 Back in Business

2020-03-30 Well over 1/3 of the way

2020-03-30 Bigger & Bigger

2020-04-01 Wed. Better than Tue ! ! !

2020-04-02 Special Day – April 2nd

2020-04-03 End of Quarantine Week 3

2020-04-04 Another Lego Weekend

2020-04-05 Sunday – ALL DAY LONG ! ! !

2020-04-06 Week Number 4 L E G O

2020-04-08 Bag 27 ... 11 to GO ! ! !

2020-04-10 LEGO Easter Weekend Started

2020-04-11 LEGO & Evening Run !

2020-04-12 Sunday LEGO LEGO LEGO

2020-04-13 Last Day of the LEGO Castle ?

If you have questions, comments, would like to know something or just want to tell me you are enjoying it, you can always reach me @ XRPTwin on Twitter. I will update this page with all the entries in the coming days/ weeks.

Looking forward hearing from you. Be safe !!!

What ..... what is Corona .... I know what LEGO is ...... It is getting addictive ....

My son really wants to open bags, read, build, search and laugh a lot, but I have same, I want to keep on building but have one more motivation: a son that is feeling great; smiles and has a great time. That is what it is all done for. I feel great about myself; my wife, Noah's mom did a great job getting Noah ...... , getting us the Castle.

A day has more to offer though, so, although he wants to LEGO (verb, I LEGO, you LEGO, we LEGO) all the time, there is more stuff...

So bag number 4:

We had to buy an easter pyjamas as we do not know if we have another chance to do, so posing with his new pj's and ..... bag number 4.

And when we opened it, we already got our first surprise ..... the first animal !

There was a snake on the table and before we started to build with the parts from bag 4, we had to play a little with the snake. Call me weak, but it gives me so much joy seeing the little man with a smile, that is worth so much to me.

Once again, different colors, more orange, different blue colors and my son looking for the little detail.

Now we are seeing the part we are working on is getting bigger. Showing more detail, especially with ..... a snake ! ! !

Building, searching for the right parts, a couple stickers, playing with the snake, turning pages and suddenly, yeah suddenly we are at picture number 100 ! ! ! !

Turning pieces, pieces without buttons, large pieces, doubles, 2's, 3's, 4's, weird shaped ones, they are all there.

Difficult ones, where you have to push a little harder, maybe it is a little bit tough, daddy, ...... can you do this one ....... :–)

and then, that horrible moment ...... bag number 4 is ready. Okay, let's open number 5 .... daddy can we please do another one. No, little buddy, it is too late, you need to sleep a little, in order for us to excell tomorrow with LEGO (and all the other stuff, but he doesn't know .... or care)!

That is why you get the following picture:

A little, very little smile, but that only took like 1 minute. That is when he started crying, knowing number 5 was NOT going to happen. I really felt the sadness and I didn't want to do it, but he really needed to go to bed; knowing the week had one more working day ..... working meaning LEGO and the good thing, you can do that during the weekend also.

Update on the project:

Getting bigger and bigger, loving it. Will take you through the journey and thank you reader ..... you are also the reason why I am writing. I love spending the time with my son, playing with LEGO, but I also love the writing. Tomorrow M O R E ! ! ! !

LEGO, the whole world knows about it. It doesn't matter what age you are, where you stand in life, you have heard of LEGO, played with it, in your own childhood, re-live it through your children .....

That is where I stand. I know LEGO, because I played with it, the regular once though. The regular colors, we did not have the 13 different colors purple, but boy am I re-living it at the moment. Gets me back to Bag Number 2 of the Hogwarts Castle:

Page 23 we are at which also shows picture 23. Talking about the level of cooperation: no fighting yet, no harsh words and we are having a great time. Although the wife / mother is joining from time to time , this is great male bonding time. Harry Potter, Noah has NO clue, but oh boy, will he enjoy the books ..... NO NO NO, the movies in like three years or so ....

Still not having an idea on what we are working, but that makes fun working it. Obviously it is the grounds on which the castle is build but very clear, like towers or rooms or ..... , no not yet ....

Yesterday, we thought Noah about distances, this was an exercise we got from school, that we had to home-school. Distances between, blocks for example, can be the same, bigger, smaller and that was the lesson. Well, we put it to the test today. The following picture says it all:

Symmetry, a word I discussed with my son, wow, symmetry, a 4,5 year old boy !!!! So, all the red, white, black, brown and grey blocks had to be distanced the same way. I love that LEGO stands for so many other things to learn. Now he understands to look at the picture and place the parts correctly.

Unfortunately , the brown part on the right was not placed correctly, so we had to replace that again:

We solved the whole symmetry situation, so we were able to continue ! ! ! !

The bonding with my son is so important. I want him to enjoy childhood and spend time with him as much as possible .... we he is maybe getting more than he likes, but that is just how it works. Let's play a little tennis in the garden Noah ..... no no daddy .... LEGO ! ! !

Sharing an update:

It is all still basic, but time for B A G number 3 :–)

Making it all strong , love the smile on my sons face. He is so busy:

  1. watching the picture
  2. searching for the correct pieces
  3. putting them on the correct place
  4. success smiles

I don't want to see the end of this castle, although still a lot to do, I am so enjoying this quality time.

Colors are added, look at the orange and the purple. Oh, love it , LOVE IT....

The project is so advancing .... this is how it looks like after we completed number 3:

We started of with a plan, doing 2 bags a day ...... well, that didn't work and guess what,



The title already says it, having a four and a half year old, asking him to wait till Monday .... no, I don't think so ! ! !

We have to continue today, to get to the ultimate goal: HOGWARTS

So, it all starts with number 1, the beginning of a journey.... Dad, don't we have to open the box first ...... beat me on that one little guy !!!!

Oh boy .... well, I like IKEA also, so this should be doable.... the LEGO is, I think, not the hardest, but not opening 27 (that is the highest number I see in the picture) sacks of LEGO stones and keeping somebody's focus .....

Looking forward to the castle but will give some information:

  • 4 books
  • 177 pages of LEGO building
  • 326 pictures how to build the castle
  • 4 sheets of stickers
  • many, many, MANY yellow heads without body, arms and legs
  • 37 numbered bags and four bagswithout numbers
  • The Castle measures 58cm high, 69cm wide and 43cm deep
  • Over 6.000 pieces

Impressive numbers especially the last one: over 6.000 pieces. Keeping the momentum with a 4.5 year old boy ..... oh boy ! !

This is going to be a lot of fun ...... SO, number 1:

I am definitely making friends, by opening it, because somebody REALLY wants to start ! ! ! Really starting with the first parts, our son is really into it:

The blog will have a lot of pictures, because pictures show the best results.

Besides the fun building a product, it is so nice to see the stages, what it becomes and .... well, we have NO clue where we are and what it is going to be, BUT it is fun, we are working together and it kills the time. Counting, where the little parts go exactly, searching for the correct ones, looking at the pictures to see if, what has been built, is the same as what is shown in the book. Lots of fun

The result of the first bag shows below. It does not show something clear yet, but that will be clearer when we are a couple bags in... We do know that we have some boats on the left and on the right we already have the logos of all the houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Why am I sure that we are going to build more today ..... Love it though ! !

2020, has been an interesting year, at least. Where we had a very good feeling, ODL was going to keep us busy, looking at all the shooting on www.fiatleak.com ; checking Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Coinbase, Bitrue and/ or Binance, on a daily .... eh I mean an hourly base !!!

So instead of XRP, we are hearing a lot of news regarding the financial crisis, corona, lock down, you name it, all BUT crypto currency. And yes, of course, there is news, but it is over shadowed by the sad news of infections, fatalities, lost jobs, quests for money and all not to positives things....

And then there was this package in the mail. My wife wanted Noah, our son, to get through the Corona time. In the package, we, Noah, found the following present:

If the picture doesn't ring a bell, it is ..... the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle ... A W E S O M E ....

Thank you, but this present is not only for our son, but also for ME ! !

So in the coming days (maybe weeks), my son and me will be building the Hogwarts Castle and I will write daily, including pictures, how we are doing .... As we have some school work for the little man, a jigsaw puzzle to finish, this project will start NEXT week and I will be writing about the progress.

In the back of my mind and the phone besides me, I will still check the price and the progress on the Crypto Currency market, so I will not be out of the picture ......

Hope to give you guys some ideas as of next week.

For now, EVERYBODY BE SAFE ! ! !

2020, it started pretty okay. As XRP-Holders we knew and KNOW this is our year. ODL – On Demand Liquidity, DeFi – DeCentralized Finance, Mass Adoption, words we all want to read, write and see in the media ...... but it is NOT what is keeping the world busy. Instead of the Digital Industry, I will talk about later, is pushed to the back by a virus.... the Corona Virus ... started out in Wuhan China and spreading all over the world with an epi center in Italy .....

In what kind of world are we living, we have to be careful walking outside .... it is like a movie we have seen, about the future, no no no no, it will never be like that .... well, a virus spreading/ killing sounds like a movie synopsis and not a real life situation. Or coming straight out of a book like: the Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz, for example:

Conspiracy Theorist are rising, but let me get this one straight, Wuhan-400 was added later on. In the original book it was Gorki-400, in 2008. Interesting though, but there are far more “predictions”, “situations” , “story lines” that have NOT happened in time although spoken about. If you Google Wuhan you will find the Wuhan Microbiology Laboratory as one of the top found articles.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is interesting that Dean Koontz wrote about it, but writing a book about viruses, these writers do their research and it makes sense to include Wuhan.... like, if you want to write about particle accelerators, you will definitely write about The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Cern, Switzerland, that I was fortunate enough to visit in 2008:

Getting back to life in 2020, leaving all the futuristic things behind us .... well, that is not possible anymore ! ! !

So many people infected, in hospital, intensive care, dead. No more flying, no more crossing borders, freedom has been taken away ... Needs to be taken away though if you want to get rid of this nasty virus. Although I do think that some people do not want to get rid of it.

There are only three things, as civilians, we must do:

  1. Wash hands .... THOROUGHLY
  2. Social Distance (at least 1 meter)
  3. Sneeze and Cough in your elbow

So writing that some people do not want to get rid of this virus points at all the people that still think it is save to meet together, party together, sit together ..... no people, three weeks, only THREE weeks, stay at home, if you can, do your thing, work, entertain, care, but ..... if you have been outside .... wash your hands ! ! !

A doctor told me, if you get infected by corona virus, as a civilian, you are getting it out of stupidity. I am not talking about all the people out there that NEED to be out there, medical staff, super market, IT, politicians, the mail, teachers, garbage (wo)men, stockers, fillers all the people we know, but if you have NO business outside, you DO NOT have to get corona anymore...

And yes, I am thinking of the elderly among us. Every week I am visiting a retirement home and play cards with the old people. Every week, I get cookies from a 90- year old lady that is “secretly” a little bit in love with me ..... well “her loverboy” has not visited for two weeks, and will not visit for at least another 4 weeks. Hope everything is going to be fine.

And then the children, I have a son, we need to educate and entertain at home. It is fun but now we find out the value of teachers. The header already showed the picture, but we have been building, constructing and playing a lot. Here we see an incredible fast Rocket, made of toilet paper rolls ....

hmm.... the magic word .... Toilet Paper ..... OUT ! ! ! Everybody things it is the end of the world, 2020, well .... it is not ! ! ! If you go to the Supermarket, you see the craziest visions, people fighting over toilet paper and then you see this:

Empty, but guess what they will come tomorrow and the day after, only to see the shelves empty again. Hoarding, really not needed, but according to the toilet paper, canned food, chips, bread and medicin supplies, not everybody thinks the same.

Once again we need to take this serious, but if we are cautious for the following three weeks a lot of virus is not transmitted. Listen to the official bodies regarding information and hopefully we will have more light at the end of this virus tunnel. The smartest people are looking at a cure, may already be there, and as long as we work together, + 1 meter, we are going to win this race.

Somewhere in January I was shared ....... an XRP-Meetup some time end February / beginning of March. Well, it had been a while since I attended one, so I was ready !!!

@cryptobaum was the one organising it and I had contact before the actual meet-up with him , and he had everything under control:

I wanted to be active also, asked if I was allowed to do a Bitrue presentation. @Cryptobaum stimulated it me to do it. He still had a slot open, so I was able to speak ! ! !

I discussed it with Bitrue and they were very supportive, also a give-away. They wanted to reward people to attend the meet-up with BTR, so whoever put their email address on the list, was awarded BTR, existing member / new member. I wanted to do something else at the meet-up, like to be active, so later more....

What I had heard, was that 40/50 people had RSVP'd, I had a feeling this was going to be a stretch .... ——) “The Corona Scare”. I am not sure if it was the case , but it kinda looked not everybody showed up. I got a WhatsApp message from a friend he was not able to make it .... the flue, well too bad... Was looking forward .....

Getting to Utrecht was not difficult, but parking the car was. Finding the right spot was tough, then the next difficulty, carrying a shuffle board (later more), heavy winds and not exactly knowing where the meet-up was. It was at the Lisk Center but nobody knew where this was..... well, in a busy area but was tough to find. The agenda was the following:

Once again, getting there was really tough, was happy I took some pictures how to get back. Inside a mall, taking the escalator, another building ....... around a restaurant ....... Theater on my left .......

AAAAAAAAAHHHHH ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Once again, I was carrying a shuffleboard .... a what, well, had to carry that also with me:

Coming at the venue, some people were aleady there, so I decided to go live with an OnTheChain Video Stream on YouTube, to share the meet-up with the XRPCommunity .... It was a first impression, with some members ... @XRPBooBoo and @sentosumosaba (CryptoEri) who was presenting live starting of. Was fun to do , sharing the atmosphere at the LiskCenter ( keep it in mind).

@CryptoBaum opened the meet-up and a contact person from the Lisk Center shared some information about ..... the LiskCenter. A place where many Crypto Projects were situated under the same roof. I may have to do another Blog with the Center to share what happens in the Dutch Blockchain scene ..... besides XRP.

It was Eri who started the meet-up, with a live stream from the US. She just travelled from Japan and Hawaii and was happy to be part of the meet-up.

The audience was listening to CryptoEri, how she shared her stories, starting of with the ties between Japan and the Netherlands, all the words borrowed from the Dutch and what all the influences were that are still visible at Japan....

After her first part, CryptoEri allowed the audience to ask questions and when Moon, what is mass-adoption and how much ODL is needed to be visible in the price of XRP were some of the questions that were asked... Very interesting, BUT I am not going to share answers as CryptoEri may share this in one of her YouTube videos; If you do not watch her, if you are not subscribed to her channel, please do, very interesting FACTS, information, followed by interesting facts about Japan:


It was very interactive, people laughed and we, in Utrecht, had the feeling CryptoEri also had a good time.

After a quick bathroom break, people were asked to come back and go into a discussion with Ali from XRPL Labs, talking Xumm, talking XRPL Dex.

Not too many people know the XRPL has a DEX and is a very interesting project by our “Dutch Ripple Team” Wietse, Ali and Tristan.

Xumm, an APP that is in Beta for Developers, making it possible to transact between Dollars, Euros and XRP, with fewer transaction cost than Exchanges. The team is still waiting for the Bank License, but once again, this is very promising, may be live in 1 – 2 months, and will make some difference, also a lot of interaction, Ali was asked about many things, when live, who can use it, will my mother be able to use it and what about Moneygram. It is only tied to Bitstamp and Github at the moment.

NOW it was Bitrue Time, XRPTwin Time ! ! ! !

I brought a shuffle board, with 5 (shuffle) stones, for people to throw on the 4 open slots. If people would hit the middle 2 openings, the would get 10 BTR and the outside 2 openings 5 BTR. People liked it a lot and were standing in line to throw the stones.

Some impressions:

So there was 1 special Stone ( I love Bitrue) that gave double the points. Was fun to see; people liked it, conversed around the shuffle board; so felt good I brought it along.

After this break, it was up to me to talk about Bitrue. Bitrue of course does not need introduction, but still still did. The knowledge level in the audience was high and many of the people in the room already had a Bitrue account.

Questions about PowerPiggy were expected and did come, besides the issues with the Bitrue Ambassadors. I only had one answer:

Overall a very good session, also a point that was raised, that was liked, the pairings:

Overall, the sentiment was ALL and ONLY XRP. There were some Vechain People in the audience, some well known and respected #VETFAM members, that also participated in the discussions.

XRPBooBoo also got some stage time, talking about the XRP Meetup in May in Los Angeles, organised by LoveForCrypto. It is going to be a wild event; no doubt about that.

@CryptoBaum is going to evaluate the meet-up and more than likely we are going to see more meet-ups. I am looking forward to the next one and hopefully more people will join.

Thanks everybody ! ! !

Investi em opções, ações, pedras preciosas, vinho, carros, tempo, minha esposa, mas o que sinto em moedas criptográficas, investindo em XRP, XRPCommunity, nunca senti

Vamos dar um momento:

2020, se você investir em moeda criptografada, provavelmente estará aqui por um período máximo de 2 anos e interagiu com muitas pessoas. A criptografia está em todo o mundo, ocupando o mundo inteiro e lidando com o mundo inteiro. Gostaria que este blog fosse mais fácil para todos, por isso traduzi o blog para vários idiomas, espero que o seu também esteja lá. Muitas pessoas me ajudaram, então vou terminar este blog agradecendo a todos:


República Checa
















África do Sul





Investi mais uma vez em Opções, Ações, Metais preciosos, Vinho, Carros, Tempo, Minha esposa, mas o que sinto em moedas criptográficas, investindo em XRP, XRPCommunity, nunca senti.

As pessoas estão prontas a gritar de seu topo a longo prazo quantos XRPs irão comprar / vender, comprar e vender, exceto por um grande grupo que também ouve um urso de desenho animado que alimenta enigmas em vez de falar sobre enigmas e outros “fatores externos” . “Para justificar seus investimentos.

Surpreende-me quanta energia é colocada nesse rebanho, a que taxas, principalmente o Bearableguy 123, cresceu e ... que ele ainda está lá. ! !

Eu corri SOMENTE PALAVRA, o que abriu meus olhos


($ 10 palavras se você não é um falante nativo de inglês ..... $ 10 palavras para falante nativo de inglês ...)

A Wikipedia nos mostra:


é uma tentativa de ver exemplos ou conexões significativos em dados aleatórios ou sem sentido.

Isso descreve as pessoas que ouvem todos os enigmas que atingem os trilhos do Crypto Twitter, XRPChat, Telegram, YouTube e outras mídias sociais. Falando em Bearableguy123, o Ripple Riddler provavelmente é mais conhecido, mas há mais. Decodificador e não tenho certeza de quem está lá.

Nesta foto, você não pode dizer que não é legal

Os últimos dois anos foram muito bons, então o Bearableguy123 foi um objetivo particularmente agradável para mim, e me divertiu muito.

Eu li as mensagens SIM.

Eu li MAIS posts, NÃO!

A conexão é sempre divertida, mas tenha cuidado. Muitas vezes, você poderá encontrar links diretos diretamente para as coisas, se não diretamente. A tal ponto que você sempre pode amarrar as coisas, desde que procure bastante, teorias da conspiração nascem dessa maneira. Datas, preços, eventos são objetivos, mas você pode torná-los subjetivos se mover a linha de destino.

Uma das imagens mais populares de Bearableguy123 é o castelo. Sei que provavelmente todos, sim, TODOS que ouviram falar de Castle Picture na área há mais de um ano:

As pessoas se perguntam o que significa boneca, cavaleiro, fênix, certo dente, sinal do infinito, bandeiras, cor e texto, tantas coisas para procurar…

Não sei onde estamos se esses “quebra-cabeças” forem resolvidos, mas é divertido. Se as pessoas acreditarem, seja uma dama, seja um cavalheiro e não julgue. Pode não ser algo para você, mas outros acreditam nisso e usam strings para investir mais ou menos em XRP.

Eu diria que o poder de Bearableguy e Ripple Riddler atinge o status de adoração, como também aparecem nos produtos.

Vamos ver o que 2020 nos trará. Espero que eles, Ripple, pretendam prestar atenção ao seu progresso na formação dos regulamentos dos EUA, abrindo corredores e novos negócios. O que usamos para chegar lá, não sou contra se é um urso ou um quebra-cabeça enquanto isso acontecer ...

Obrigado por se juntar a este blog: @kalycabos, @Axesswe @XRPTwin @bluemarvel10, @marko_badovinac, @KosIreneusz, @PattyAlexx, Jay_Yabs, @AhmetCILI1, @vicrisfoto, @IamFatboyTim, @sanmarinoinnova, @JosefKhait, @FizwigHS, @DeutschlandXrp, @Kando_TJ, @sentosumosaba, Pablo, @pisiform1

I have invested in Options, Stock, Commodities, Precious Metals, Wine, Cars, Time, my Wife, but what I am experiencing with Crypto Currencies, investing in XRP, the XRPCommunity, I have never experienced.

Let's step back for a moment:

2020, if you invest in Crypto Currency , you probably have been here a maximum of 2 years and have interacted with many people. Crypto is worldwide, attracts the whole world and deals with the whole world. I would like to make THIS Blog easier for everybody so, I and others translated the blog in many languages, hopefully yours is also there. I was helped by many people, so I will finish this Blog by thanking all:



Czech Republic
















South Africa





Once again, I have invested in Options, Stock, Commodities, Precious Metals, Wine, Cars, Time, my Wife, but what I am experiencing with Crypto Currencies, investing in XRP, the XRPCommunity, I have never experienced.

People are willing to scream from the top of their longs, how many XRP they have, at what price they bought/ sold, will buy and will sell, besides a large group that is also listening to a cartoon bear that feeds riddles, not to speak of the riddler and other “external factors” to justify their investment.

It amazes me what power lays in this herd behavior, at what pace, specifically theBearableguy 123, grew and .... that he is still there ! ! !

I ran across ONE WORD, that opened my eyes:


(10 dollar word if you are not native English speakers ..... 10 dollar word also for native English speakers)

Wikipedia shows us:


the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.

This describes the people listening to all the Riddles hitting Crypto Twitter, XRPChat, Telegram, YouTube and other social media routes. Talking about the Bearableguy123, Ripple Riddler, probably the most well known, but there are more. Decoder and I am not sure who is there.

This picture , you cannot say it is not cool

The last two years, have been pretty Bearish, so Bearableguy123 especially, served a nice purpose for me, it entertained me in a rough time.

Did I read the messages, YES.

Did I read MORE in the messages, NO!

Connecting dots is always fun, but you have to be careful. Often, you WILL find relations between things, if not directly, in-directly. To the point that you can always link stuff together as long as you search hard enough, conspiracy theories are born that way. Dates, prices, events, all are objective, but you can make them subjective if you move the goal line.

One of the most famous pictures of the Bearableguy123 is the castle. I know that probably everybody, yes EVERYBODY that has been in this space for longer than a year heard of the Castle Picture:

People asking themselves what the doll means, the knight, the phoenix, the pointing at a particular tooth, the infinity sign, the flagues, color and text, so many things to look into....

I do not know where we stand if these 'riddles' have been solved but it is fun. If people believe in it, be a lady, be a gentleman and don't judge. Maybe it is not something for you, but others believe in it and use the clues to invest more or less in XRP.

The power of Bearableguy and the Ripple Riddler almost reaches cult status I would say, because they also appear in merchandise

Let's just see what 2020 is going to bring us. I hope Ripple themselves are going to pay attention to their progress, that US regulations will be formed, corridors will be opened and new acquired businesses. What we use to get there, I don't mind if it is a bear or a riddle as long as it happens....

Thank you for being part of this blog: @kalycabos, @Axesswe @XRPTwin @bluemarvel10, @marko_badovinac, @KosIreneusz, @PattyAlexx, Jay_Yabs, @AhmetCILI1, @vicrisfoto, @IamFatboyTim, @sanmarinoinnova, @JosefKhait, @FizwigHS, @DeutschlandXrp, @Kando_TJ, @sentosumosaba, Pablo

Ho investito in opzioni, azioni, materie prime, metalli preziosi, vino, automobili, tempo, mia moglie, ma ciò che sto vivendo con le criptovalute, investendo in XRP, la comunità XRPC, non ho mai sperimentato.

Facciamo un passo indietro per un momento:

2020, se investi in Crypto Currency, probabilmente sei stato qui per un massimo di 2 anni e hai interagito con molte persone. Crypto è in tutto il mondo, attira tutto il mondo e si occupa di tutto il mondo. Vorrei rendere QUESTO Blog più semplice per tutti, quindi ho tradotto il blog in molte lingue, speriamo che ci sia anche la tua. Sono stato aiutato da molte persone, quindi finirò questo blog ringraziando tutti:


Repubblica Ceca










Paesi Bassi











Ancora una volta, ho investito in opzioni, azioni, materie prime, metalli preziosi, vino, automobili, tempo, mia moglie, ma ciò che sto vivendo con le criptovalute, investendo in XRP, la comunità XRPC, non ho mai sperimentato.

Le persone sono disposte a urlare dalla cima delle loro conoscenze, quanti XRP hanno, a quale prezzo hanno comprato / venduto, compreranno e venderanno, oltre a un grande gruppo che sta anche ascoltando un orso dei cartoni animati che sviolina indovinelli, per non parlare dell'enigmista e di altri “fattori esterni” per giustificare il loro investimento.

Mi stupisce il potere che sta in questo comportamento della mandria, a quale ritmo, in particolare il trauma 123, è cresciuto e ... che è ancora lì! ! !

Mi sono imbattuto in UNA PAROLA, che mi ha aperto gli occhi:


(parola da 10 dollari se non sei madrelingua Inglese ..... parola da 10 dollari per i madrelingua )

Wikipedia ci mostra:


L'apofenia è l'esperienza di vedere schemi o connessioni significativi in ​​dati casuali o insignificanti.

Questo descrive le persone che ascoltano tutti i Riddles che seguono Crypto Twitter, XRPChat, Telegram, YouTube e altri percorsi dei social media. Sto parlando del Bearableguy123, Ripple Riddler, probabilmente il più noto, ma ce ne sono altri. Decoder e non sono sicuro di chi ci sia.

Questa foto, non si può dire che non sia bella

Gli ultimi due anni sono stati piuttosto al ribasso, quindi Bearableguy123, in particolare, mi è servito molto, mi ha intrattenuto in un momento difficile.

Ho letto i messaggi, SÌ.

Ho letto PIÙ nei messaggi, NO!

Collegare i punti è sempre divertente, ma devi stare attento. Spesso troverai relazioni tra le cose, se non direttamente, indirettamente. Si può arrivare al punto collegando le cose insieme cercando intensamente, le teorie della cospirazioni nascono in quel modo. Date, prezzi, eventi sono tutti obiettivi, ma puoi renderli soggettivi se sposti la linea di visualizzazione.

Una delle immagini più famose del Bearableguy123 è il castello. So che probabilmente tutti, sì, TUTTI quelli che sono stati in questo spazio per più da un anno hanno sentito parlare della foto del castello:

Le persone si chiedono cosa significhi la bambola, il cavaliere, la fenice, l'indicazione di un particolare dente, il segno dell'infinito, le bandiere, il colore e il testo, così tante cose da esaminare ...

Non so a che punto siamo se questi “enigmi” siano stati risolti ma è divertente. Se la gente ci crede, sii una signora, sii un gentiluomo e non giudicare. Forse non è qualcosa per te, ma altri ci credono e usano gli indizi per investire più o meno in XRP.

Il potere di Bearableguy e Ripple Riddler quasi raggiunge lo stato di culto, direi, perché appaiono anche in merchandising

Vediamo solo cosa ci porterà il 2020. Spero che gli stessi Ripple prestino attenzione ai loro progressi, che saranno formate le normative statunitensi, che saranno aperti spazi e acquisiranno nuove attività commerciali. Quello che usiamo per arrivarci, non mi importa se sarà un orso o un indovinello finché tutto questo accadrà ...

Grazie per far parte di questo blog: @kalycabos, @Axesswe @XRPTwin @bluemarvel10, @marko_badovinac, @KosIreneusz, @PattyAlexx, Jay_Yabs, @AhmetCILI1, @vicrisfoto, @IamFatboyTim, @sanmarinoinnova, @JosefKhait, @FizwigHS, @DeutschlandXrp, @Kando_TJ, @sentosumosaba, Pablo