
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Some digital currencies stand out in the large quantity of offerings. Currencies, Tokens and/ or Coins having a utility, will make a difference and will survive the big boom of “digital nothings” going south. One of the Currencies that shines in the large offering is BeatzCoin

If you look at the light paper, you can read:

BeatzCoin is the currency used to transact on the VibraVid platform. All transactions, deals, products, services, bounties and giveaways are recorded on the blockchain ledger, eliminating the need for a middleman.

If you want to know more, you need to go to the source and who better to ask than the person behind the currency.... the founder and CEO! ! !

So, the founder of BeatzCoin is Steven Zambron. He came up with the concept of BeatzCoin in late December of 2017. Himself, Steven has a musical background and was discovering the innovative technology of blockchain. Right of the bat, he understood that cryptocurrency would pave the way for something disruptive in the creative content space.

It is common knowledge that musicians and good video content creators:

a) have a difficult time getting noticed;

b) are often censored when expressing an unpopular opinion,


c) rarely get fair pay from the platforms that profit from their content.

Therefore, it was a no-brainer in what direction to think and the first drafts were made.... what would later change into a whitepaper

The first steps were made in 2017. 2018 was a year when the project was formed and 2019, man, it is already nice to look back and see the tremendous amount of growth. VibraVid was formed and BeatzCoin saw day light

Two important words: VibraVid and BeatzCoin, what are those two?

VibraVid is a multi-chain, fully decentralized platform designed to efficiently stream audio and video, where users and creators engage toward earning cryptocurrency. It is built on the BitTorrent File System.

BeatzCoin is a digital token utilizing blockchain technology, created on the Tron network. With BeatzCoin, you can buy video and audio content, event tickets, fan merchandise and advertising; tip your favorite video and audio creators and support their crowdfunding efforts.

VibraVid is a software company that uses BeatzCoin as a means of payment within its platform, VibraVid.io.

The VibraVid Platform will be a place where everyone will have benefits. Artist get paid when Listeners purchase content, stream, crowd funds, merchandise and / or downloads. and listeners will receive marketing bounties. Both will receive a share of the ad revenue.

This would look like:

The platform itself looks very clean. You can listen to music, view videos, see what you played, your downloads and your wallet. Very user friendly:

Now that we know a little bit about the project, what does this all mean for the investors in BeatzCoin: YOU .... well staking!!!

BeatzCoin is a super representative, Tron’s system of governance, and you can freeze your TRON Tokens (TRX) with BeatzCoin. As a voter, you've frozen your TRX with BeatzCoin, you will receive TRX and BTZC rewards.

Let's see what 2019 has already meant for the project.

The first major milestone was the launch of VibraVid, the music and video platform.

The second milestone, BeatzCoin listed and traded on reputable exchanges, TronTrade, CryptoRank and ProBit are among those, but soon you can also use changelly, to trade BTZC with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron and more than 100 other coins. This will make on boarding very easy.

BeatzCoin is built on the BitTorrent File System; fair question, can you tell us something about Justin Sun, does he know BeatzCoin, does he know you?

“Unless you’re already well established, or involved within Justin’s inner-circle, it is usually challenging to gain his personal support. I met Justin at Nitron2019, and I had an opportunity to have a photo and brief chat with him. I was also able to have a longer discussion with Justin Knoll (from BitTorrent) that same night.

Justin Sun does follow @BeatzCoin on Twitter and has strategically re-tweeted some of our news and info.

Asking Steven for the biggest hurdles to overtake, he surprisingly mentioned that reaching out was not the biggest hurdle but educating musicians and video creators on how to monetize their work through the power of blockchain technology, the Tron network, and the BeatzCoin token. It is moreover the internal hurdle, the content creators themselves instead of all the factors coming from outside.

More details about BeatzCoin:

Pre-Sale: 12 Aug 2018 – 15 Oct 2018 (1.0 TRX = 5.0 btzc)

Public Sale: 1 Nov 2018 – 1 Feb 2019 (1.0 TRX = 1.0 btzc)

Ticker: BTZC

Platform: TRON

Country: Canada

Accepting: TRX

Hard Cap: 733,333,369 TRX

Total Tokens: 3,000,000,000

Available For Sale: 46%

Registered Wallets: 18.119

Transaction in Ledger: 937,808

Another fun fact, John McAfee is a BeatzCoin Advisor. What does this do to your project, what does it bring?

“Hate him or love him…the man has been in the space for a long time and is very knowledgeable. He too is someone who is reluctant to give his support, unless you are showing more than just words and ideas. John has many connections and has been key in his advisory for the project. A music lover, I caught John’s attention almost by accident…and the rest is history” ! ! !

Good moment to mention the most Prominent People @ VibraVid:

Steven Zambron Founder and CEO

Dallas Tatlow COO

Misha Lederman CCO

Neil Gordon Technology Director

Alex Guerra Director of Artist Relations

Tasos Oureilidis CBDO

Steven Brown Marketing Associate

Steve Lourenco Project Manager

Cleon Fernandes Branding & Design Engineer

David Wawrzyniak GuildChat Community Manager

Lionell Jenious Artist Relations

Mike Hanson Artist Relations

Blake Suarez Artist Relations

What is in store for BeatzCoin:

“Incorporating advertising, where both the content creator and user have an opportunity to enjoy a portion of that revenue. We are also working on our highly anticipated POLS system, where BTZC holders can lock away a certain portion of their tokens and be rewarded with a hefty percentage of tokens for doing so. We also have a few more things up our sleeve that I cannot address at this time” ! ! !

Being invested in XRP and my name is XRPTwin, I had to ask Steven about Scooter Braun? If he is a competitor?

“Of course not. Mr. Braun is, however, a manager, and their job is to make money from the person that they are managing. It’s somewhat of an advantage to be connected with people that have vast experience in the industry, however, you wouldn’t trust the central banking system to operate all of the Bitcoin nodes, would you?”

Talking about XRP, I think, looking at my name, another success story. Maybe combining the two would be a huge thing. A new CryptoExchange where BeatzCoin should / could be listed is Bitrue. What about a pairing with XRP (and TRX of course)....... would be nice/ amazing......

BeatzCoin is an organic project of community members who understand the room for change and growth in the un-noticed music and video industry. BeatzCoin is secure, instant, has a nearly free transaction cost, and is the driving force behind the revolutionary cryptocurrency-based music and video platform, VibraVid.

It has a real-world use-case, and VibraVid has the potential to attract many users ! ! !

Stevens entire vision is to provide an alternative to the senseless censorship, and lack of ownership of one’s content. At the end of the day, it’s about a better distribution of wealth. There is no reason I should be flying in private jets and making a 6-figure salary, while the stars of my platform are paid pennies.

Steven asked me to make it clear the project would be much harder if there wasn't such a great ever-growing community of BeatzCoin supporters.

I also asked Stephen some random questions:

01. Are you able to juggle three tennis 🎾 balls in the air?

“Yes, and I am getting rather good at multi-tasking day-to-day activities in order to borrow as much of my time as possible to the project”.

02. Better sport: darts or cricket?

“I prefer darts, though I’m not very good at it”.

03. If Justin asks me to go to Warren Buffet, I ... (fill in the blank)?

“I would go in a heart-beat! I am not the perfect candidate to explain blockchain technology, or to try to persuade Mr. Buffet that Bitcoin is not “rat poison” but any and all exposure is good for BeatzCoin, and I could definitely present the no-brainer of an alternative that VibraVid is bringing to the masses”.

I asked Crypto Exchange Bitrue to support me, support Steven and support the BeatzCoin Community in a give-away.

There are three prizes to win:

First Price 200 BTR

Second Price 100 BTR

Third Price 50 BTR

You have to do the following:

Go back to the tweet:


Follow @BitrueOfficial and @BeatzCoin on Twitter

Have an Account on Bitrue (to collect the prices)

Forward the Tweet and Tag 3 friends

The prices will be randomly drawn on November 20

If you do not have an account yet, click here

Thank you Steven for the interview and I am pretty sure BeatzCoin is a currency we WILL hear more of in the (near) future. I will revisit and look what has happened. Good luck on the progress!

Next Interview: ALL Flavors Together

So going home tonight, I was driving on the Interstate, listening to a YouTube streamer, I felt my car wasn't running smoothly. Something was off, so I stopped at the gas station ........

Well that was a wise thing to do because before I knew my tires were flat ..... it was freezing outside and had a meeting .......

My luck, I am a member of Triple A and they were changing a tire of another car right next to me. The guy looked nice, I still had to call it in. I can help you, was his answer, but I have one more guy, who has difficulties with his car fluids ..... whatever that means. You will be fine, the flat tire guy said .... I waited 2 ½ hours for him to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later, he came back, and said he was not going to leave me alone

He looked at the tires and both Valves of the back tires were dried out. They had to be replaced ..... my luck ..... but the guy was there, my hero. I offered him coffee, but he said that he did not want it, they cannot accept it.

First he checked the left one .... , he took the tire of, and the valve broke ...... wow !!!!

Took the wheel of, the tire and changed the valve. Was quiet some business, but while doing it, the guy explained what he was doing. He did not want to use the newest technology ..... no Ripple ..... but Swift ..... Well, Swift in this case .... worked pretty well, sorry to write it.

To get in the tire, to pull the valve out he first took the air out, and drove with his car over the tire, old school stuff he said, the young ones did not know about. They use expensive tools, this works as well and faster ..... Love fast things eh .....Ripple ...... XRP ?!?

That was the first one... Asked him if I had to do the second one, because now I knew how to do it..... He laughed but said no ....

Like a real Formula I pit crew member, the second tire was taken off and the same steps were taken with the second tire

It went pretty fast, and before I knew the job was done ! ! !

When everything was done... I thanked the guy and asked him once more if I could offer him some warm coffee or something else sold at a gas station ..... He declined once more, you are a member and it is my job, so I wanted to offer him some information. I don't have pocket money anymore, but I would like you to look into something ..... You, reader of this blog, feel what I was about to do .....

Sir, can you promise me something .... please look at XRP, that is a crypto currency, a digital token ....

oh is it not from Facebook? .......

interesting ...... Facebook , welll, eh NO ... it is a currency used, not owned, by Ripple ....

It didn't ring a bell..... ,

so I added a couple words: money from one country to an other country ..... Swift ..... airplane cheaper and faster ..... XRP.

Please sir look into it, invest 50 dollars , 100 dollars, forget about it and think about me in a couple years ...

He said that he would do it, but haven;t we all heard that story before: colleagues, friends and family ..... Started my car, but still had a little (blue) wrench from the good guy.

I got out and walked to the man and he opened the window; here you go, this belongs to you. He said cool oh and by the way, I really appreciated your story about Ripple, look at this. He showed me a little piece of paper, with three letters ..... followed by: Be careful with your car and please say hi to Brad Garlinghouse ............. He closed the window and drove away ...........

what ... what ... WHAT ! ! ! ! !

Did I just got trolled by the guy who did an amazing job with my car, I don't know why but although I was cold, I could not stop smiling. There are a lot of people out there supporting XRP, whether you are a fan of Justin Bieber, or you are just a faceless voice on YouTube,

XRP is out there as the best kept secret in the open

This is the second part to my YouTube Research; Finishes up on my 41 Channel Research.

For newcomers to the crypto realms, I wanted to list many YouTubers that inform us about Ripple, XRP and everything that deals with these two words. There is so much info out there, it may help to look at the different channels, looking at their strengths and approaches. Not only for the new investors/interested, but also for the existing investing dinosaurs; the +2 years in the industry investors.

I reached out to many YouTubers, to ask a little feedback, researched and did some YouTube views in the past days/ week. Not all of them answered, but that is okay; lots of questions, DM's reaches them. I wonder if they know how many videos they did themselves; if some of them are surprised, well here comes the info:

Mr Level Up – 4.000 Followers – 38 Videos

Maybe not the most well known YouTuber, but definitely one to watch. What if XRP makes us a little money: WATCH MR. LEVEL UP

He has been 15+ years in Real Estate and explains in a series of multiple videos how to invest at better times. Amazing videos, amazing guy, definitely a must watch...

Besides real estate he shares, graphs and Technical Analysis. I hope he will get some more followers coming up because it is very interesting information he shares.

The first videos were shared about 4 months ago, but I reckon more videos to come.

He has been sharing many videos regarding an October Burst and well, people started to watch him closer due to the recent price changes ! ! !

Kungfunerd – 3.730 Followers – 826 Videos

Has been in the market for a long time already. He likes to play around, this kungfu master. Besides Crypto, KFN is taking care of his body, that he also shares videos about. He has been quiet lately but started to stream again. Has hot keys and very interactive shows. Oh and if you did not know it yet, he is not a financial fiduciary

LoveForCrypto – 14.000 Followers – 434 Videos

LoveForCrypto (LFC) has been around since late 2017/early 2018. LFC is Scott, Curt, Chris and their newest member XRP Booboo. Probably the most used words by this group are ILP, DLT and IOV. We need to address the way Scott starts the streams or is it Sco; does he actually pronounce the double TT :)

What's happening Crypto Fam ..... Appy Appy.... followed by the day the stream was recorded. I was fortunate to meet these guys in Manchester, at DLTCONUK and they were exactly as how portrayed on the Internet: Loud, here and there a little cuss word, but VERY knowledgeable and very dedicated. Thumbs up back at these guys.

LFC is here to educate and entertain the masses any way we can. They believe the catalyst for Crypto is going to be regulations and the migration to ISO20220. Only then will the IoV truly begin to grow and mature. Their message to the world:

We have learned, Main Stream Media lies, A LOT... learned YouTube and Twitter are probably the best places for information but be careful who you believe, make sure the info is backed up; DYOR – Do Your Own Research.

Michael Zischeck – 3.240 Followers – 185 Videos

Michael Zischeck's Channel is different than most channels as Michael is having his channel in two languages. He does livestreams on Tuesdays and Thursday where Tuesday the language is in English and Thursday the educational streams are in German. If you want to learn something, I highly recommend watching this channel as Michael teaches us about XRP/ILP and how market mechanics work.

He also has videos in French. His newest videos in English, also have subtitles in 4 languages, Portuguese included.

Michael has a track record with received answers from Ripple employees, David/Ethan/Evan etc. on questions. He started in June 2018.

Moon Lambo – 10.900 Followers – 448 Videos

Moon Lambo, .... I was looking forward writing about Matt. He began creating YouTube videos on at the end of 2018. The channel was already created a year prior, but Moon Lambo decided to first learn a little bit about cryptocurrencies before becoming an influencer; He is here for the long haul !!!

Moon Lambo feels “at the top of his game”, he is notably excited and interested in particular content and articulate what he is thinking in a succinct manner....... like ..... eh ..... every video !!!!! He covers XRP news; not technically, as he shares ....... like ..... eh ..... every video !!!

Three things you need to know about Moon Lambo, he wants you to delicately tap that like button; you are not allowed to break it and if you are a fan of Ripple/ XRP you came to the right place, just subscribe. Another pet peeve is when Moon Lambo is paraphrasing a journalist that mistakenly uses XRP instead of Ripple and/ or Ripple instead of XRP..... He will make it clear that a proof reader needs to be fired (joking) and that it is WRONG WRONG WRONG. Also clear, do not buy or sell because of anything Matt says or writes; he is not a financial advisor; that would be a very very very very very very VERY bad idea.

As for what will be a catalyst for Ripple/XRP... in terms of XRP price action, there is clearly a frenzy around the entire asset class. Moon Lambo does not suspect there will be one particular news article that will launch XRP price. Rather, he believes that people have confidence to hold XRP because of the seemingly endless flow of good news and positive developments. It's simply the continuation of real world adoption of Ripple technology and XRP that matters. To share how fast things can go in XRP YouTube country: In early June Moon Lambo had about 200 subscribers, and just four months later he now has almost 11,000 subscribers.

Notorious XRP – 3.860 Followers – 67 Videos

Well, Notorious XRP, he is a little bit different than the rest also. He creates content around events, interviews and other meetings accompanied with famous movies. He has been creating now for 2 years. He takes time to create the videos and it shows. His videos are top notch. No No No No Notorious himself loves the the XRP Matrix video but it's hard there are many.

The period in time when things are going to change in Crypto Space is when we get regulation clarity when they officially announce XRP is not a security.

Myself, I had the pleasure to feature in one of his videos. It was with the Amersfoort XRP Meetup. I shared the XRPTorch around and interviewed with another XRP YouTuber XRP BooBoo:

Amazing stuff created by Notorious XRP

Oak the Duckman – 4.610 Followers – 210 Videos

Oak th Duckman, been in this space for about a year now. Been streaming since October 2018, more than 200 video's.

The Duckman started out with a flock of ducks, but don't want to write too much about this.

Streams a lot, sitting in his car, discussing specific topics with a toothpick between the teeth... He streams with his heart; being an XRP investors he shows his feelings and emotions.

Duckman likes his YouTube fellow streamers; watches them a lot; like Crypto Eri, DAI, BearableBull, Kevin Cage, Brad Kimes, Jungle Inc, ToTheLifeboats,NotoriousXRP,Ayden Trading,Moon Lambo. That’s just for XRP and Crypto.

Utility is going to be the catalyst according the Duckman ... Moneygram is where it starts and FOMO will follow.

Asking Oak if he is having fun, he gave me a quick yes. Very rewarding especially the live streams. For him it is a nice creative outlet, which he has realized he needs.

On The Chain – 1.330 Followers – 89 Videos

Just to be a clear right from the start: On the Chain has two Youtube channels:

1. On The Chain – Uploaded videos. This channel has 1.500 subs.

2. On The Chaim LIVE – Live streams, interviews, and premiere content. This channel has over 3.000 subs.

On The Chain is a team of more YouTubers. I will highlight 2 streamers: XRP Minute and the HODL Review:

XRP Minute started creating videos in December 2018 while HODL started a little earlier.

We all know Chip showing the XRP Minute. One Minute of quick news. About his take. Quick and Dirty, Love it! But he also has his longer streams; those are roughly an hour or so. He shares XRP updates and his thoughts on the space. The new channel, OFF THE BLOCK (On The Chain) is designed to be more about blockchain technology, tech, gadgets, digital assets, etc. Where the XRP Minute is more focused on XRP and tech. HODL enjoys analyzing content more and having on point discussions based on current status. He has been moving more and more into: reviewing projects.

Asking the Minute Man about YouTube and if he has fun: I’ve learned that creating content is therapeutic for me. It’s a work out but for your brain. I’m sure you get the same rush from writing ....Yes it is !! and .....the XRP Minute Man has more fun that a human being is allowed to have!

HODL loves working on the OTC Platform. He has learnt a lot about delivery. How best to deliver content whether on a live stream or recorded. Length of video, viewer attention span, engagement from viewers. He has found what he truly enjoys doing and the interaction with the community. The idea behind OTC was born out of this interaction and engagement with the community and helping others launch their own content.

OZ Crypto – 8.110 Followers – 266 Videos

This is our Australian YouTuber, lot of followers and lots of knowledge.

Listens to live chatters during live streams, has a lot of interactions and brings it as it is .... what we need.

Ripple – 31.700 Followers – 118 Videos

Ripple themselves cannot be forgotten. Shows many videos under the name: The Ripple Drop. These show us how it is to work at Ripple, big interviews with colleagues, gives us a nice insight in the company we believe in, the company we indirectly invest in. Not too many videos but when they come out, they get there views ! ! !

Rob Cash – 4.020 Followers – 82 Videos

Rob Cash's videos has a clear content: the poor man's guide to basic knowledge of what's going on with cryptocurrencies and how to hedge against the failure of fiat. He also shares current crypto news and speculative interests & opinions in assets viewers hold..

It is very down to earth, clear and shows the world it is not only the people working at Wall Street that have a chance getting good returns in the crypto spheres.

Short, Sweet and To the Point. This is Rob Cash and is OFF the Set !

Sincerely George – 633 Followers – 81 Videos

Sincerely George's show (SG) is about the XRPCommunity Update – what is happening in the community & news, views, and events. During her show, she talk about breaking news but more about having fun. She has a passion for developers and content creators and even brought the XRPCommunity Award alive.

She only started 2 months ago but when you look at her stream, you see she is enjoying it a lot. From time to time she has a difficulty to follow the chat, but loves to interact ! ! !

SPQR – 7.320 Followers – 93 Videos

SPQR is a whole different YouTuber group. They do research and shows are about specific topics. This is Rabbit Hole deep research. SPQR is a team of people: Jay, Kody, Andy, Matt, Dom, Charlie, Martin, King Solomon and Lee. They take research to a next level and don't get scared easily, when finding “weird” answers ! ! !

The name SPQR comes from an abbreviation for Senātus Populusque Rōmānus: “The Roman Senate and People” The main reason for calling themselves SPQR has more to do with the Romans creation of money.

Straight up Streams, with one more thing to mention .... Vanguard is the end of everything. Their last Research Project was all about Vanguard and if you have Vanguard on your side ...... the smile should appear on your face ! ! !

The Bearable Bull – 18.300 Followers – 171 Videos

The Bearable Bull only started 6 months ago. A very positive Content Creator that delivers aggressively average content. Starts of with Bull videos and talks with a dark hidden voice.

The Bearable Bull has his own unique style. His videos cost a lot of time, but very fulfilling when viewers react with likes or reactions. The Financial Crisis is going to be the catalyst for crypto/ for XRP to show its true face ! ! !

The Crypto Ginger – 8.240 Followers – 338 Videos

The Crypto Ginger has short and sweet videos, a lot of them are around 10 minutes and covers data what is up to date. Was one of the first in this list, has been around since July 2017. Started of with Bitcoin, moved over to Alt Coins to end up with Ripple / XRP.

Always wishing us a wonderful day, amazing ! ! !

The Modern Investor – 152.000 Followers – 1.196 Videos

Well, talking about somebody in a different league, the modern investor. Who has not heard the Hello everybody..... I was able to find a video from June 2017, has been in the industry already for a long time. Definitely changed a lot , if you listen to this show, but very interesting. Was more into Bitcoin in the beginning, but follows the current news and shows a lot of Ripple / XRP Video Content. Very interesting and very knowledgeable man.

Thinking Crypto – 35.400 Followers – 809 Videos

Thinking Crypto is also a name that has been in the community for a while. Speaks about more than Ripple / XRP but he does belong in this list. Has been in the cryptospheres since the end of 2017.

To The Liveboats – 26.600 Followers – 150 Videos

A very well known blogger is Sam I Am. To The Life Boats, a sea-change is underway, Sam I am is an Anarchyst, wants to teach the listener that the current financial system is flawed and if governments don't listen to the bigger picture, they will be left behind. You love him or hate him, but makes a point in the chaos we currently live in. Has been streaming since August 2018. He is very pro Ripple/ XRP and feels he needs to explain the world about Ripple/ XRP. The beginning of his Channel shows a lot of Puzzles, Clues, Riddles, Insider Information and Conspiracy Theories. He loves Bearable Guy 123 and the Ripple Riddler

He also fights FUD and he has debunked a lot of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Scams, Riddles, and Wrong Sayers are put in place by Sam, and he is very VERY knowledgeable.


XRP Booboo – 1.210 Followers – 69 Videos

XRPBooboo started her first ever video 9 months ago.. and another 7 months ago.. but didn't really start doing regular videos and live streams 5 months ago.

She loves it when challenged during live stream.

she is all about maximizing the efficiencies of what you have and ways to protect it as well as how to view the money objectively when we get the bull run.

The catalyst is when the BBC says the words Crypto, XRP, Ripple and Digital Assets .. or Libra coin comes out.. and the **** hits the fan.

XRPZoo – 2.470 Followers – 114 Videos

The XRPZoo celebrate their first year yesterday and it is all about laughing. XRP Bones Kickboy Triple and Malpass have brought a whole new XRP stream to YouTube.

Many interviews where the laugh is very important. Bob Moneybags is also part of many interviews.

The XRPZoo streams about once / twice a week and is a guarantee for a lot of fun and smiles. Been on the show with Bitrue and it was a lot of laughs.

Working Money Channel – 25.800 Followers – 608 Videos

Who does not know the HEEEEEEEEEY Guys .... Clear YouTube Videos about the whole XRP Crypto Market. Serious content, explained in looking at Twitter, Crypto Websites, TA and other places where the great info can be found.

Fast informative data. Has been in the Crypto Videos for well over a year and is XRP driven. Fast talker and streams daily !

This was part II of my research around YouTube Content Creators. They are important as they spread the updates around Crypto and the Blockchain. A review of 41 YouTubers. I tried to cover the whole market, but there are a lot of creators out there.

Very interesting things about creating this: many different styles of presenting. Some did not respond to my DM's / YouTube reactions/ questions, others answered immediately.

YouTube is a place to visit for XRP and definitely is a place where you can DYOR:

Do Your Own Research

Crypto / Blockchain is still a naisant industry that needs a couple more days – weeks – months – years before it really gets widely adopted .... who knows how long.

Twitter, Crypto Twitter (CT) is a place where you will be able to find a lot of the up to date information. Although any or all industries have a lot of knowledge that needs to be shared and is shared, it is almost NOT possible to follow all the news in crypto world. If you are an XRP Investor, it is already (too) hard to keep up with all the XRP news out there.... so no time to look at other crypto projects.

Besides Crypto Twitter, you can keep up to date by checking out YouTube. YouTube has grown, attracted many new content creators, but also saw many new followers. There are a lot of different shows, live shows, update shows, interview shows and just the “I am different” shows!!

For newcomers to the Crypto realms, I wanted to list many YouTubers that inform us about Ripple, XRP and everything that deals with these two words. There is so much info out there, it may help to look at the different channels, looking at their strengths and approaches. Not only for the new investors/interested, but also for the existing investing dinosaurs; the +2 years in the industry investors.

I reached out to many YouTubers, to ask a little feedback, researched and did some YouTube views in the past days/ week. Not all of them answered, but that is okay; lots of questions, DM's reach them. I was surprised how much videos each of them has made. I wonder if they know how many videos they did themselves; if some of them are suprised, well here comes the info:

Alex Cobb – 36.900 Followers – 961 Videos

Pretty sure everybody knows Alex Cobb in the XRPCommunity, whether you like him or not. Streams every day and shares the newest information accompanied with his own motivation. Does a lot of life streaming, gets more into uploading regular, but short video's.

Well known for his: Yo what is going on everyone in the XRPCommunity and P E A C E ! ! ! His channel is very pro XRP, well, what is negative, is there something negative ..... The FOMO ... So, from time to time a little hype, but there is nothing wrong with that

Asking Alex: Why XRP? Well, Simply because it’s the most efficient cryptocurrency and banks will be using it.

AuburnRain – 378 Followers – 284 Videos

Friday Night with Rain, starting with music, followed with a big smile: How is going everyone, it is Rain, coming at you live!!!

Rain has been on YouTube since 2010, but was doing other types of content. 2018 was when it really started with Crypto. Rain likes his streams when he is interacting live with the Crypto family, he talks real talk , XRP , Blockchain and the Global Reset . Watches many other streamers, YouTubers like Jungle Inc , Hodl Review, XRP Minute , Crypto Eri, Alex Cobb, Rob Cash, Sam I am, XRPZOO, Crypto Mike.

Once again, Auburn Rain can be found on YouTube on an American Friday night.....

Asking him what year is going to be important ('20, '21, '22) Rain is saying 2021; that is when stuff is starting off. Rain: “I must say that the Political tensions here in the U.S. could speed it up a lot also”.

AydenTrading – 4.060 Followers – 284 Videos

Ayden, started when he was 13 years old, so one year ago. It is a good accomplishment having already more than 250 videos behind your name at this age. Ayden informs his audience with facts and he also introduced the market with the Bearable Bull Toy. Who can forget his father, who frequently visits the stream. Asking Ayden what he things is going to be the catalyst for ripple / XRP, he believes that the catalyst hits when more institutions start buying on public exchanges instead of otc and a possible IPO.

BearableGuy123 Doll 589 XRP Giveaway

Bank XRP – 6.790 Followers – 156 Videos

BankXRP, everybody knows him probably ........ on Twitter. Shares a lot of good info on Twitter, but he delivers the goods also on YouTube.

His YouTube Channel is all about information and information only, no talking , no comments. If you just want to hear the news, see the latest video's, don't look any further.

BankXRP watches many many YouTube channels. with the officical Ripple Channel being his favorite!

CKJ – 19.700 Followers – 1.130 Videos

Well, if you are looking for hype, you came to the right person ... CKJ likes hype, he also shares good info during his daily streams, but hype can definitely be found. CKJ loves to do Rabbit Hole Research showing Partnerships and Foundation being built.

The Proof is in the Partnerships, that is CKJ's key phrase, besides his signature laugh. He watches a lot of video: Bakkup Brad Kimes., Jungle Inc. , Cobb, DAI, XRP Zoo. Kick Boy is very funny. Team Work Make the Dream Work. December 2017 CKJ started and Bearable Guy 123 has been a major part of his show. Doctor FOMO ! ! !

Cryptocurrency News – 21.100 Followers – 694 Videos

So, blogging about YouTubers can get you funny answers. It was actually Bob, Cryptocurrency News, that answered my questions during a stream. Was really nice. Bob doesn't like “the shiller”, all the forecasters, saying XRP is going to a 1000 over night, well that is not for him. Bob doesn't think there is going to be one catalyst. He believes a slow rise and utilization is going to be the way forward. 2021 is going to be the year for im. If you believe in the cycles, well this is going to be the year and Jay Clayton is going to step down in that year, and that will help, as he is not the most positive individual.

CryptoEri – 23.100 Followers – 419 Videos

CryptoEri is a well known name in community. And who doesn't know her starter: Hey Hey everybody it is eddy/ eri .... what do YOU hear??? She has been in the crypto realms for 19 months, before she was covering Sumo..... yeah she is into Sumo and you will here he talk about rugby and Japanese KitKat.... She is looking for the unfound articles and she finds, as she is our liaison with

Mr. Kitao – SBI ! ! !

Eri is all about Breaking News, that is why she is VERY busy.... but she also likes to 'entertain' us, teach us her fluff. And signing off with her Sayonara.

Eri on 2018, 2019, 2020 ?!?!? .......2020 will see more change than 2019, 2018, 2017 combined. Eri is having a lot of fun.

CryptoJeremy – 5.700 Followers – 136 Videos

CryptoJeremy started in October 2017 and he covers news on Ripple and does TA. If you start with a video, it will start of with candles, candles and candles. He started in 2017 and grew over 5.000 followers.

Crypto Mike – 4.600 Followers – 419 Videos

Mike has been around for a bit. His show is about “Abundance by diversity... diversity in mindset, diversity in approach, diversity in portfolio. And getting down to the truth of things. Starting with the Crypto Mike here, you are welcomed to a show filled with energy and information. Always asked to hodl strong. Gematria is a big thing for Crypto Mike....the Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code. Always ready for a stream and answering a question to the best of his knowledge, and knowledgeable he is ! ! !

Cryptzilla – 6.160 Followers – 227 Videos

Cryptzilla gives the viewers facts and info like it is. Uses the well known websites for his videos which are filled with good information. Has been in the game for almost exactly a year, if I am correct, October 189, so congrats. Channel has matured, and 227 Videos later and followed by over 6.000 viewers, steady growth.

David Schwartz – 4.040 Followers – 5 Videos

Not too many videos but the ones made get views that are viewed intensely. The Ripple CTO brings the videos all informative, all high level Ripple content; all amazing.

Some of them need to be watched more than once, as the content is massive.

Digital Asset Investor – 57.500 Followers – 1.094 Videos

The Cinnemon in my coffee YouTuber, that determines the algorithm for XRP YouTubers. He has massive followers and brings out videos daily. No facial identity to the Investor yet, but may change after Swell 2019, at least for a couple guys ! ! ! Very informative, gives good credit to where he gets his information and is pro pro PRO XRP.

I have heard his children play baseball and that the dishwasher is DAI's biggest friend ! Among the YouTubers, his name appeared the most, when answering the question: What YouTuber is more than likely not going to answer my DM? Whether he did or did not, I will not disclose .....

Digital Nomad Investor – 2.480 Followers – 233 Videos

Digital Nomad Investor is into what is happening, where Ripple is going, to indicate where the XRP Investment is going. His show is about an end game and he is using his background in the goverment/ intel world to decipher geopolitical influences on XRP.

He has a manifesto that has 9 parts. He updates us on it from time to time. He watches Kimes, Cobb, Martian Report, Kevin Gage, XRP Zoo, and many many more!

DNI has already been in this space for 5 years !!!

DM Logic – 14.400 Followers – 154 Videos

I do not have too much information on the good guy, but I do want to say he was one of my first YouTubers to watch. He has been streaming since the first part of 2018 and is of course the person that was talking about the citizens of Rippletopia.

Always good to teach the viewer the tough stuff in an easy way; that is a quality ! ! ! Has been silent for a while but is around again. Talks about more than XRP but still attracks a lot of viewers.

Dusty BC – 29.400 Followers – 280 Videos

DustyBC creates content with a big title. The Crypto giver for 200, 300, 500 likes when you comment likes to do his videos on breaking news, little bit of technical Analysis and overviews of what is out there. Twitter is a big source and the well known Crypto Sites. He gives his own opinion, but in some cases he is completely objective.

Dusty does not only cover XRP, but also Cardano, Stellar, Bitcoin, Ehereum, Litecoin and others. Has been folowing Crypto since 2012, more active in 2015 and 2017 was the year things got serious! YouTube since 2011, went from Music to Gaming, PokemonGo to Crypto in 2016. July 2017 was when it really started for Dusty.

Freecoiner – 5.490 Followers – 257 Videos

Mr. Freecoiner: He is NOT a financial analyst, his channel is also for entertainment purposes ONLY! BUT, he wants GOD to bless us. The channel beginning with the beats.

He is all about the truth side of things. He likes watching Crypto Eri, To The Lifeboats, Modern Investor, DAI and Working Money. Fun to watch.

The funny thing about Freecoiner, he ALSO asked me some questions, when I DM'd him: he asked me whether I believe XRP can reach $1000... Ever??? Easy question: I am not doing predictions, so I no hopium from me.. that it will see ATH again .. without a doubt !!!

He also wanted to know if I think XRP will be the world currency or will it back “a world currency”? Well, tough question, because there are still some hurdles to take before that happens. The United States still has to state a little more about what kind of financial vehicle XRP is, before something like this could actually happen. If there is some more clarity, yes, I believe there is a lot possible!!

If I will ever cash out ALL my XRP was the next question and NO, I will not do that. I will always leave some in and maybe collateralize in some way, so I don't HAVE to sell. Make money with your XRP without sending !

Finally, how does your family feel about you investing in Crypto/XRP? Nice question, because I have some mixed feelings in the family. The really close ones understand it, are also invested, but others have no clue what HODL, ODL and ILP stand for; understand what it is. Looking forward seeing your answers in a reply to my Tweet ;–)

Investment Perspectives – 10.400 Followers – 438 Videos

Brad “Come on In” Kimes has been in the YouTube scene for 9 months now. He loves to dig deep into specific topics. The tokenisation, Kava Labs, some of the topics he definitely likes to talk about. Watching the crypto and traditional market come together is something special; a once in two lifetime event. Brad does share info, but is more of an analyst commentator of the market action.

The collaborations videos “The Big Reveal,Holy Grail” series Brad did with Love for Crypto`s Curt, SPQR Media`s Lee and Micky B Fresh belong to his most favorite video's of all time. collaboration is Brad's thing and is of course also THE word with his new project: Cryptonaires, the documentary he is creating with Dustin Plantholt. To me, Mrs.Bakkup is also a highlight of the show. An important from Brad to everybody: Be humble, there is a lot of brilliant people in this space. If you focus to much on what you`re saying to the audience you`re going to miss an opportunity to gain some incredible insight from so many smart people in this space.

Jayed The Martian Report – 12.300 Followers – 292 Videos

Jayed the Martian, talking about somebody being different than the other YouTubers. The Martian lives in his car, saving up, buying XRP, no rent, no electricity. Understands it well, knows what he talks about and the fun part shows us around. No only the back seat of his car, but university campuses, amazing sceneries, and wildlife like sea lions and seals

the Martian has only been making video content for the last 4 ½ months, putting everything into perspective at once is when he feels at home

He tries to cover all the bases for his viewers, understands the tech, and spends a lot of time learning to do TA, is more into the fundamental though!

He tries to learn from literally everyone. DAI, Alex Cobb, SamIAm, Brad Kimes, Moon Lambo, Kevin Cage, Crypto Eri, Crypto Mike, He loves hearing everyone's perspectives.

Asking for the catalyst for XRP and crypto in general, Jayed is looking at the coming recession, regardless regulatory clarity or not before things get ugly in the traditional markets.

What the Martian has learnt:

“No matter how objective you try to be, you'll never make everyone happy. And probably tick most people off in the process of starting true to objectivity. So few seem interested in the truth, but rather want their biases confirmed”.

Jungle Inc – 25.300 Followers – 381 Videos

Jungle Inc is also one of the big YouTubers, well known bu the big audience. Crossed 25.000 followers, by telling the truth. Jungle Inc's catchy phrase is that the Revolution will be televised and always greets his audience with: What is up good people, Jungle Inc ......

Ending his streams, As always, Please like, Please Subscribe, the Revolution will be televised here on Jungle Inc...

He is also well known for his screen , being the gladiator scene. Always teaching, helping people to understand the eco system. Just a little bit of hype, having a lot of faith what is happening with XRP/ Ripple and the whole industry. Jungle Inc also likes his Bentley's and popping bottles.

Kevin Cage – 19.800 Followers – 189 Videos

Talking about Kevin Cage, and his show, well he shares all things relating to XRP and the XRP Ecosystem. This primarily includes fundamentals, Ripple, R3, SBI, All Partnerships, Corridors, Technicals on how Ripple Software ODL functions, the World of Trade Finance, World Economic Status, Global and Technological Trends, Investment Advice, and his opinion on all of this, including best practices.

This YouTuber is incredible in doing research and consuming info. He listens to 80 hours of info (news, Youtube, podcasts per week) and probably reads 3 hours a day researching news or just better understanding the XRP Ledger and how it functions. Follows

DAI, Love For Crypto, Digital Nomad Investor, Brad Kimes, Crypto Eri,Jungle Inc, Moon Lambo, Jayed – The Martian Report, The Modern Investor, Alex Cobb, To The Lifeboats, The Bearable Bull, Working Money Channel, Ayden Trading, Michael Zischek, SPQR, Digital Nomad Investor, Crypto Oak and probably forgetting several

Has been into YouTube since a long long time, but as of last year it really started to be really serious. Well, and if we talk about THE VOICE of XRP YouTube, let's nominate Kevin twice. I know that he will get my vote :–)

So, this was a lot of reviewing of Youtubers..... only the first half of it, many more to come.

There is a lot of knowledge out there and if you want to learn, see breaking news, you WILL find.

YouTube is a place to visit for XRP and definitely is a place where you can DIOR:

Do Your Own Research

As of September 30th, Bitrue's Users will be able to pledge BTC, XRP amongst other coins to receive loans in BTC, XRP, ETH and USDT.

Another step made by Bitrue to show they are for real and serious about their platform, that is not only a crypt exchange, but also a financial services platform, a one stop shop for financial


During the DLTCONUK Bitrue's CEO Curis, who doesn't know him, already spoke about thr Crypto-backed Loans:

The slide didn't say too much.... eh .... the slide did not say anything, but the passion Curis spoke with said more than a slide can grasp ..... well a little bit more than this slide, because it really doesn't say anything !!!

So what is it: Bitrue Crypto Lending Service:

It is a service that is for EVERYBODY on the Platform. Yes, you understand of course it is to promote the platform, but it enables a lot of people to get a loan that normally were not able to get a loan: whether you are rich or poor and wherever you are in the world; you do need to have a Bitrue account.

Bitrue one of the younger well respected platforms, chose wisely to do it now because respect has been earned. Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of people yelling scam and don't join Bitrue but it is all legit. Bitrue stands 100% behind what they say and they back it up. If Bitrue would be a scam would the following not be overkill:

  • Running a validator

  • Funding Power Piggy, at the moment, by paying Marketing Money, they could also use to promote the platform by doing (online) advertising.

  • Contributing over 6% of XRP total trading volume

  • Supporting over 50 XRP Pairs because the have asked / listened (to) the XRP Community

  • Preferred Ripple Partner and possible future X-Rapid Partner

  • 60+ employees in multiple countries

  • Vote for new coins to join the PowerPiggy Program

  • Bitrue has a partnership with Wietse Wind and the XRPTipbot

  • Running a validator

  • Funding Power Piggy at the moment by paying Marketing Money, they could also use to promote the platform by doing (online) advertising.

It is quiet amazing; all these points; shows me this company wants to do everything to succeed on every level ! ! !

So Bitrue Loans: They will be offered at a daily basic interest rate of 0,04% without a limit to the repayment period of the collateral. Reduced repayment rates will be introduced at a later stage

(phase 2) if the Bitrue User possesses enough Bitrue Coins (BTR). The specific amount will be determined at a later stage.

Some questions that already reached me at the time of writing were:

The percentage of Payout?

- Interest payments are 0.04% per day, equivalent to 14.6% per year. Later this will be reducible if the user holds sufficient BTR.

Is there a max loan?

- There is no maximum, although there is a minimum of 100 USD

What timescales do you have to stop Bitrue from liquidating you?

- Bills will be sent at the end of the month, then payments must be delivered within 5 days. If the payment is not received, we will automatically deduct the required amount of the borrowed coin from the user's Bitrue asset account. If there are no assets, we will deduct from the pledged collateral instead.

What kind of checks are done by Bitrue?

- Users must first pass KYC verification before they can use the service.

I see a bright future for Bitrue but also for BTR. This coin will definitely gain over time, which is not a guarantee, a promise or anything that sounds like financial advise.

This whole article is no financial advice but written for entertainment purposes only

Distributed Ledger Technology in Business & Life. Saturday September 07, It was all going to happen ! ! !

Getting up at 05.30 AM I was ready to go to the UK; wanted to hear a lot about CryptoCurrency, wanted to go to Manchester to meet the Bitrue team like I did in Amsterdam, earlier this year, wanted to meet Scott and Curt from, Love for Crypto, the SPQR Media lads, XRPBooBoo, like earlier this year and just wanted to give the love and receive the love of our beloved hobby and investment: X R P ! ! ! I was also looking forward to the Zoo Stream we were going to have at night.

Going to the airport I was a little nervous, why, I don't know, just was. I pushed my luck a little and 10 minutes before the gate closed I was present and wow, close .... sweating ....

When I walked into the Manchester Conference Centre, I walked straight into the Bitrue Booth. Iris and Adam were talking to visitors and gave all of them a 5 XRP Tip for being there. A bunch of people I saw, downloaded the app and received their first ever tipped XRP, great stuff.

Scott himself opened the event and wow did I recognize a lot of the stories he was sharing.

A couple years ago, Scott and Curt got interested in blockchain and they started to look a little deeper into it. Things did start of with Bitcoin as that is the entry point for most of us but it took a week before XRP was bought. Took a little while as they hit the same questions as everybody does: What exactly is out there, what should we buy, where should we buy and HOW do we buy. The price of XRP had jumped 6 cents before the first Coins / Tokens were purchased.

It would change their lives......... and it has.

Another story many people have lived through: Sending BITCOIN. It is a cycle that exists of a couple steps, starting with paying 'valuable' fiat to buy something that has three letters B. T. C. ..... after an hour, hey Curt ..... eh .... where is our money ..... after three hours ..... who should we call .... who is reliable ..... responsible ..... after 12 hours ...... WELL, that is gone..... forget it, we should not have ......

Going to bed, the waking up and immediately jumping into the account is the final step: Joy, IT DID WORK !!! but it took a little TOO long to feel relaxed .....

So that first step was taken. Scott spoke about the journey he envisions and where he things it all leads us. The following gif shows us his view of the (near) future and speaks for itself. Two very important words: Regulations and Adoptions. Nice introduction and start of DLTCONUK.

Important detail: All the presentations were videoed by Love for Crypto themselves but XRP Booboo also video taped during the whole day.

If you have ever watched a YouTube Video by Scott; watching him on stage, walking by, in the cafeteria, you have seen it also. Watching a Video, Scott sitting in his car, or live in Manchester; it both show the energy, the believe, the fun, ' that thing ' we all share; that little thing called XRP ! ! !

After Scott's Presentation, I had to go next door, because the Legendary CrypTOEman was there with his legendary socks. Had to show him my pair, although the old ones, it was nice meeting him. Saw all the socks laying on the table and searched for my own emoticon on Mozaic Picture; found it of course !!! So much fun to be around so many great XRP Community Members in the picture.

While the presentation were given Bitrue, Iris and Adam, were still welcoming people that were coming in; coming from everywhere , even from the United States, and the Netherlands of course ....

After Scott, we had a presentation about the wireless racer. A project showing us 'the future of gaming' Very interesting to see. Physical control of a car that is not around. eSports are growing with a rapid pace so Wireless Racer was created so gamers from all over the world can compete without having to travel; just compete in your own living room. I wanted to test it out in a live environment, but never made it over there. Definitely interesting and wonder where this will go in the (near) future; at least a lot of fun.

The Wireless Racer was followed by Vita DLT Mortgages, which I missed and I also missed part of the Crypto Mob Traders. These guys, what I did see, offer crypto trading courses. You will learn how to use Trading View, How to manage your assets, and also important, how to manage risk ... So if you are interested in trading courses, please look these guys up.

SPQR was next and boy oh boy were they the talk of the town. I had spoken with Lee before and from YouTube Video's, I knew he and the crew were the researchers; if they wanted to find something, they would find it .... in a lot of depth .... till today .....

Their presentation can be described in one word: Vanguard ... Many people had no bells ringing with this name, but oh boy, after today, it opened a lot of eyes..... Although for some it was rocket science. SPQR dug deep and found out that Vanguard shows up everywhere. I just show some slides, they presented and will not say too much about it.... Please type into Google SPQR and Vanguard and you will find what you are looking for... Very interesting ...

The pictures above are nice, but just a detail that was discussed in the whole presentation ! ! !

Fun Fact: TipBots were created for the waitresses, so you were able to tip... was really nice and used a lot ! ! !

Curis Wang, the CEO Bitrue had the honor to step on the podium after SPQR ... and he had some news ! ! !

Bitrue came with some facts that showed Bitrue is not a joke, they are here to stay and rumble the industry, some things that were discussed:

Bitrue contributes over 6% of the XRP total trading volume

Bitrue grew 1.000% bigger in 10 months

50 XRP Trading Pairs

Bitrue Crypto Lending Service

Bitrue is going to be a financial platform

Personal Power Piggy Cap

Fiat on-ramp / off-ramp ................. soon

Yes, Curis spoke about the Power Piggy, 2 words that can be seen daily on twitter. Crypto Twitter asked for it and Bitrue gave: the Personal Power Piggy. Let's see what this is going to do for the people that were not able to get in .......yet ! ! !

In between people went to the cafeteria area next door to talk with each other about all the topics that were presented and the words Ripple and XRP were heard all around. You were also hearing words like: Blockchain, Moon, BTC, Schwartz, Swell, Witze, Weitse, Wotse.... that Wind guy !!! Lot's of interesting discussions, that's what people came from. Mixed audience I must say, ... many very knowledgeable, technical, but also people that were just introduced to the crypto industry..... welcomed to the crypto industry.

Next up was Jason , from the Good Souls Group. Had a very compelling story ... very impressive and he ended his speech with an incredible speech. I will not repeat or say anything in my blog about this speech, because any try will fail miserably, for Jason spoke so beautiful, I do not even want to attempt! ! !

Get Fifo was next on the agenda. A Session about the Best Service Cryptocurrency Platform in the UK. They showed us a little bit and well, if you are looking for a platform, please look into get Fifo....

Next up was the last presentation, Crypto WZRD. Very interesting presentation about a platform, a one stop shop in which you can find all the news, take courses, have all your crypto information and even earn finishing courses. As the platform is nearly finished, the team used 'fake/ not updated ' numbers, so I will not post it here, as it would only confuse. Very impressive platform and I am wondering how this will turn out. More to come, I am pretty sure ....

What can I say about the day, ..... very educational ... a lot of fun. Speaking with a lot of people, fellow investors, fellow HODL'ers. The day was not over yet .... a Stream was planned with the ZOO and the team from Bitrue...

In the UK, the Bitrue Team Iris, Curis, Adam and Ferdi (Bitrue Ambassador) were sitting in front of the camera, together with XRPBooBoo and XRP Dave ... a well round table all together, interviewed by Bones and Bob Moneybags. Tough questions were fired at Bitrue, all about Power Piggy, Insurance and the Bitrue Ambassador Program. It was a lot of fun and everybody in Manchester got a lot of questions. We even had to play Fact or Fud and have to say it was a lot of fun ..... oh I said that already ..... well it was really fun ! ! !

If you want

to see this video, you should , please go to YouTube and find XRPZoo and go have a look...

While searching in YouTube, go look at the videos of LoveForCrypto and XRP BooBoo; many video's; showing great content about the whole day.

During the day, there was also time for some fun and coffee:

It had been a long day ... lots of great presentation, going to the hotel .... good thing: the hotel was in the Manchester Conference Centre. Up early and goodbye Manchester , goodbye UK, till we meet again.