
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Stock Market is high, the Fed pumping money, shorts, longs, money, interest, positive, negative, precious metals, oil, Iran, Trump,

Q U A N T I T A T I V E E A S I N G ! ! ! !

What is the market doing, what do you need to know , WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW.

Been around in Crypto for 2 years, it has shown me you have to be patient; the economy does what it does and crypto does what it does; especially without regulations; whales can do whatever they want.

Quantitative Easing (QE), what is it?

QE is, in the easiest explanation that I can use, Thin air money printing. That pretty much covers it, but it needs a couple more letters/ words to explain properly...

the Fed buying debt from banks comes closer, but do you understand the whole issue now? NO; .... and by the way, what is the FED ?!?

The FED is The Federal Reserve System in short and is the central bank of the United States. The FED has 5 operating functions to deal with in the U.S. economy:

  1. Encourage borrowing
  2. Encourage lending
  3. Bring maximum employment
  4. Increase spending
  5. Complement low interest rates

Do I still have your interest / attention ...... read on .....

QE is not conventional and is used when conventional methods do not work anymore. That by itself sounds concerning and should sound concerning .... QE is implemented by Central Banks (FED) by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions. Better said, money is created and is injected in the industry at a per-determined quantity of money. I am testing your economic skills with the following sentence:

Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield. It is “a helping out” commercial banks. Banks that need help by the FED, made mistakes and can only be helped with the quantity of money.

QE is nothing more than a central bank that credits its own account with money it has created out of nothing. With this “nothing” money, it purchases financial assets (could be government / corporate bonds). The purchase is called an open market operation. Creating money out of thin air; just to make it clear, no actual paper money was created and exchanged; QE, is a few clicks on a computer and billions of dollars have been created.

QE is used to stimulate the economy by making it easier for banks to borrow money and QE is to lower interest rates, increase economic growth.

But how is it done. That is where a second “big bad wolf” word needs to be mentioned: REPO

More learning to do: REPO – Repurchase Agreement is:

a form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. In the case of a repo, a dealer sells government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day at a slightly higher price. Repos are actual purchases. Repos are short term injections and amounted 75 Billion Dollars a night.... in the beginning .... they were enlarged to 120 Billion Dollars a night...

A little bit more information regarding the 2019 REPO injection. It started mid September. The idea was to do this till the end of the year, but was extended till the end of January 2020. This probably won't be the solution; so extension to at least end of Q1 is more than likely .... But stories are shared that Q2 will also be included, especially because we are in a year the United States getting a (new) president.

In other words, money is needed, to make banks liquid again. Repo money is needed but we, as XRP holders, know a different solution. This solution, I will just call it “ Freeing up sleeping money “ may be THE solution, but in the end, we also need regulations.

Let's go back a step and go back to what happens with the FED printing “additional” money, why does that give “an OOPS”


Oops, because “printing” money besides the supply that already exists is not without risks. Laws of Demand & Supply, if supply goes up, the value of the currency (the Dollar) is kept low, or will even go lower. This is one of the biggest RISK factors because it makes the Stock Market more appealing for foreign investors .... it will make it “almost free” to buy the well-known stocks, Fortune 500, hence all the news regarding All Time High prices of the individual stock.....

The Stock Market being so high is nice, if you had invested at a lower price, but the markets will fall at a certain moment. They will fall when the FED stops QE, stops “Printing” Money, pushing that computer button! If, the FED doesn't print anymore, it will start that first domino, falling and the next will fall, etc. etc... Numbers of -50% have spread, so that is definitely going to hurt the economy.

Thinking about QE, you also have to think short term. You help the economy at THAT moment, but as soon as QE is stopped, you just created a ticking time bomb ...

Going back to 2019, President Trump asked the Fed to lower interest rates a couple times and pushed for QE ... As described above, it did what it needed to do, stimulating the economy, boosting the stock market. QE should help, but it does not have it's power anymore, what it used to have. When QE ends, the FED basically says: the Economy can stand on its own legs again ..... but we all know that this is artificial at the moment .... the economy cannot really rely on what is going on....

So what will happen, “The cheap borrowers” will move their money away from the Stock Market towards, traditionally Precious Metals, but also ETF's. Besides these Financial Vehicles, suddenly, the Crypto market could be appealing for the Institutional Investor. Yes, very unstable at the moment, due to lack of regulation, but we all know that the different bodies are working hard to get this done.

Once again NOT a given, that money will move into Crypto when QE is stopped, but the billions / trillions of dollars not invested, will move into something else ....

2020 overall will be a very interesting year. Whether stopping QE will boost the Crypto Industry or Digital Asset Regulations will start a Boom ; well we need to wait and see. Crypto Investors at least seem to have heard of the words Quantitative Easing , what cannot be said of many people NOT invested in Crypto. A (possible) recession is almost inevitable; I am thinking of a magician at the moment ..... a rabbit and a hat ... we can only hope it will give the push we are looking for...

The word following Bitrue, most of the times is ......... ?!?

Let me give you one hint: It starts with an X and ends on RP .....

NOT THIS TIME, this time we are going to talk about Vechain. A little bit about Vechain themselves, but MORE about the Vechain Community – “the people in the know”

First, Bitrue, what is the advantage for the VeChain Holder?!?

  • PowerPiggy – High Interest
  • CryptoLoans – Pledging VET
  • VTHO – Airdrop

Three very interesting reasons why the VET-holder should / can use Bitrue as exchange.

Vechain had some nice coverage in Patricia C's Coil Blog (https://coil.com/u/PatriciaC):

I love XRP but also hold VET! A very light intro to VET...

I am just going to highlight one paragraph from this blog:

In Patricia her own words:

“Let's take a closer look at VET today… VET is VeChain’s Foundation Token based on Proof of Authority. VET holders also get VTHO. VET carries value from smart contracts while VTHO is the energy or gas for VET. The token was a ERC20 (Ethereum) but after August 2018 they migrated to their own main net. That swap made 1 token to be equal to 100 VET and it’s how we know VET today. VET is energy efficient and its transactions are fast at 10 seconds per transaction.”

Vechain has some good contributors like in the XRPCommunity, probably not very well known among us. Why are they so heavily involved in the VET, what make VET the greatest digital asset and

eh ....... W H Y ! ! !

So Voting:

Bitrue is looking for 5 winners: Who is YOUR favorite VET-Contributor ? ! ?

Voting can be done 2 more days, SO HURRY UP,

go to:


I reached out to all the nominees except SolomonGrundle and the last person with the Red emoticon. These two are not on Twitter and I could not reach. This does not mean you should NOT vote for them, just go for it :)

This is the message I send out to all the contributors:

As you may know I am a Bitrue Ambassador and a Blogger.

I would like to give a little more information to all the voters and would like to give you a blog to show why people should vote for you. I am asking all the nominees the same questions,

I have no favoritism, so if you want to answer , would be awesome ! ! ! :–)

I would like to post this blog on Thursday, latest Friday, so people still have time to vote, thank you....

1. Can you write in three sentences a bit about yourself, or Vechain, or the Blockchain?

2. First reaction when you saw you were nominated?

3. Why should people vote for you?

4. What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

5. Vechain is a great Digital Asset, you know another great Digital Asset .... ;–) (not a trick question)

Thank you

Once Again,

I would like to post this blog on Thursday, latest Friday, so people still have time to vote, thank you

Let me give you all the candidates:

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@wazapepe: I guess I've been the VeChain sleuth since the beginning, the progress within Vechain has always intrigued me, and thats' why I'm still here.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@wazapepe: Immense honor

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@wazapepe: Haha, I don't know, some people dislike what I'm doing and argue that what I do hurts VeChain, I argue that it makes things more interesting. (I would never intentionally jeopardize anything.)

People should vote for who they think deserves it most.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@wazapepe: Adoption

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@wazapepe: Bitcoin

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?


My name is Jamie, and I'm the CEO of VeriArti which utilises VeChain's fee delegation in order to allow NFT dapps to onboard and use VeChain seamlessly and without the need for crypto.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@veriartivra: Enlightenment.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@veriartivra: Because baller.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@veriartivra: Balling TX.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@veriartivra: VRAs.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@MoonShotCaller: Can you write in three sentences a bit about yourself, or Vechain, or the Blockchain?

I am in investor in Cryptocurrency since early 2017 and have experienced the Bullrun in that year. I have switched from project to project (successfully) during that Bullrun and ended up holding VeChain due to it’s great fundamentals and it’s extraordinary hard-working team.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@MoonShotCaller: First reaction when you saw you were nominated?

Well, my first reaction was kind of described in my first tweet the moment I heard it.


XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@MoonShotCaller: Why should people vote for you?

It’s hard to say people should vote for me, I do believe the other nominees are also a very important contributor to the VeChain ecosystem. That being said: I did invest a lot of time and research into my tweets. At a certain point I had more than 1 Million monthly (I believe it was even 1.5) ‘tweet impressions’. (number of times a tweet shows up on somebody’s timeline).

And since 99% of the time I tweet about VeChain, that’s over a Million times people seen my VeChain tweets.

A few months ago I also noticed a big interest in VeChain from the #XRPCommunity and I tried to unite both communities by creating Twitter Groups:


XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@MoonShotCaller: A lot of growth and ‘mainstream’ enterprise adoption. I’m hoping and assuming the price will also follow that growth.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@MoonShotCaller: I do believe XRP is an interesting cryptocurrency. It does have high level partnerships, but it's also working with banks and not against them. This differentiates XRP from many other Crypto's and I believe that's one of their strenghts as well.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@Martijncvv: My name is Martijn, I have a passion for cutting-edge technologies and companies that develop solutions to improve the world. In 2017 I wrote abstracts of different kind of cryptocurrency projects. The moment I read about VeChain was like finding a company that combines both of my passions, and it only became better and better. My favorite solutions are the ecosystems to reward individuals who exhibit environmental friendly behavior and the food safety solutions.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@Martijncvv: It felt pretty crazy to see myself in the list next to contributors like @VeChainStats, @BenYorke and @TokenVision99. Together with some of my CT friends; @MoonShotCaller and @RealTacoCrypto. Thank you guys!

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@Martijncvv: I do really like to see how everyone focuses on something else. Different people being creative all on their own way.

But why vote for me? Basically what I try to do is explaining all kinds of VeChain ecosystem related things on a basic way on Twitter. I enjoy answering questions and hope other people will share the knowledge. In my opinion, the only way how we can grow this community bigger is by spreading valuable knowledge, facts and positive vibes. We should welcome the newcomers with open arms and shouldn’t forget we also had to start somewhere.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@Martijncvv: I hope we can see some big business use-cases going live. Getting the transactions running and the VTHO burning.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@Martijncvv: There is no “other” for a maximalist ;P

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@BenYorke: I’ve always been drawn to the commercial applications of blockchain, particularly in China where I’m based. We’ve seen the blockchain industry shift towards enterprise usage of late, a trend that should continue. I think there’s going to be a few more huge success stories in the public blockchain space as new business models spring up – being in the middle of it is a great place to be.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@BenYorke: The core community guys have been there for awhile so there weren’t too many surprises. No shock to see Fabian at the top of the list, he’s probably going to win for his contributions with VeChainStats.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@BenYorke: It’s not a competitive thing for me, I’d love to see some of the other guys get recognition. I won’t mention who I voted for, but it wasn’t myself, it was someone on the lower half of the list.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@BenYorke: The million-dollar question. I’ve spoken with a lot of people working for various companies that are either partnered or considering partnering with VeChain – the technology is real, the incentives are there. Obviously there’s a lot of regulatory and implementation obstacles still to come – but I believe the future will have digital assets, tokenized products, and verified data all over our everyday lives. VeChain is well-positioned to play a major role in that.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@BenYorke: Haha, these days I’m not very adventurous with my investments. I keep a couple of VET stashed away for a rainy day but I always found the markets so distracting. Hard to be productive when you are checking prices every five minutes!

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@VeChainStats: My name is Fabian and my background is that I am an enthusiastic, innovation-driven developer and passionate about data analytics. I established the non-profit, community-funded platform http://vechainstats.com.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@VeChainStats: Cool...

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@VeChainStats: People should vote for the person they feel most strongly about. There are far more people inside the VeChain Ecosystem than nominees that do a brilliant job. In my view, everybody deserves the upmost gratitude from the community – not just by this voting.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@VeChainStats: From my perception, I expect in 2020 an increasing transaction volume and various more advanced solutions being launched on top of the VeChain Thor blockchain.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@VeChainStats: Honestly, I am not so much into cryptocurrency speculation (or day trading) rather than being committed to digital assets with real-world adoption and valuable transactions. From that, only a few well-known tokens including VeChain match my interest.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@TokenVision99: I'm a full time AAA game developer at one of the leading game studios(Digital Extremes). I started learning about Bitcoin in 2012 through documentaries on YouTube, friends, podcasts, articles, and eventually I fell down the rabbit hole in 2016 and started to invest. Here I am today totally enamored trying to see if I can do anything to help advance this space with the skill sets I've acquired from working professionally in various industries including finance/tech/video games and film industry.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@TokenVision99: I love Vechain and everything it stands for, from the outstanding team, the tokenomics, the community, and also the wider global social impact it'll have on our daily life (eventually), so I'm totally honored! #VEFAM.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@TokenVision99: I guess you can vote for me if you think I'm a good representative of this community and you enjoy and see value in my YouTube videos/twitter posts. :)

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@TokenVision99: 2020? Well probably the same as 2019, more killer announcements of the top fortune companies signing on to do business on their platform, and of course the ramp up of enterprise transactions on Mainnet. Lets see those VTHO burn baby!

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@TokenVision99: Bitcoin is my main squeeze outside of Vechain, but I hold a bit of BNB, XRP, ENJ, TFD, ETH.. Never hurts to have favorites but diversification this early in the game is important. ;)

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@RealTacoCrypto: I'm a CEO of a software company in Belgium and developing web-based software for over 10 years.

Active in Blockchain since mid 2017 (mining, MasterNodes, trading, investing) as a hobby.

I've been in love of the Vechain Ecosystem ever since they launched their ICO and try to spread information on Vechain any way i can on private and public groups.

Literally all the Crypto savvy people around me already have invested either in X-nodes or bought Vechain for long term.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@RealTacoCrypto: I was very surprised to be honest but also honored, there are plenty of people online (Reddit, Telegram, Twitter) that do a kick ass job making content and videos.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@RealTacoCrypto: At this point I've been mostly busy spreading the word of Vechain (tweets, giveaways).

My goal in 2020 will be to post more information on how to develop blockchain applications and more specific on how to develop on Vechain.

This will help developers and CEOs to overcome their fear of blockchain.

I would love it to make to the top 5 of course but being nominated itself is an honor.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@RealTacoCrypto: 2020 will be the year that the network will fire up because of all the products that go online on Vechain. (900K Wallets, San Marino, Vaccine Tracking, ...)

Next to this I'm looking forward to all the new partnerships that will be announced.

I try not to look at the price at the moment but only at the transaction on the Mainnet.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@RealTacoCrypto: I also hold some XRP , even though it's a small bag. Hopefully in 2020 we will see a change of trend for this asset

Well, to ALL contributors, good luck ...... I will not vote, so BEST of luck from XRPTwin ! ! !

oh..... and guys, ...... if you have some time ...... you may look into eh ....


Yes, if you are an OG in the Crypto Industry, and I am talking 2017 OG, you are having a good day today ..... Yes, it only takes 2 years to be an OG, but many have left.

I posted a picture the other day I created in 2018, that has many of these “OG's” in the background. At that time, I had no clue what was all going to happen within the couple weeks after:

I asked the XRPCommunity if the OG's were still in the house and I got many nice reactions, still here, I AM HERE, still present .... nice!

Well, I still remember December, 2017, the big price gains. I was living the days ...... and the nights. Let me describe you the day:

In the morning it were the European Connections and the Asian Connections and the Crazy American Connections (that were awake), that started. Twitter was showing us all the posts from Asia, Korea was the big buyer, Japan was there also, don't forget China, Thailand and Indonesia .... You read all the posts, translate ..... ALL great stuff ! ! !

Big gains, what would happen if all Europe wakes up, would they also buy. Not knowing that it more than likely were only 1.000's , 10.000's that looked at XRP/ bought XRP – Traded XRP. But yes, WE were still going up....

America wakes up .... besides the ones that were also pulling all nighters (remember College) ! ! !

Yes, America liked it, New York, liked it, so we just had to wait at least 3 hours, before the West Coast would sell ! ! ! NOPE, they did not, they also were buying. Where was this going to stop.... maybe in Asia, a couple hours later. Knowing all the times, when Korea wakes up, Japan wakes up, China wakes up .... when the Korean Exchanges were opening, the Japanese Exchanges were opening and the Chinese Exchanges were opening.

Talking” with a friend on Whatsapp, about where it would stop .... would it stop. All those people FOMOing in.... Are you staying awake for Korea..... not tonight ...... Are they open yet ?!?

Three weeks, it was a run.... wow, it was really nice ! ! !

2020, January 6th .... It started with 3% that is a nice little run ... but then suddenly:

Really nice, and that feeling, what if... People have been talking about it .... well, if there is going to be a Bullrun again ..... it is not going to be only FOMO, but it is going to be a UTILITY bullrun, a PARTNERS bullrun, a WE NEED RIPPLE FOR THE FUTURE bullrun ! ! !

Not only looking at Fomo and the “nothing is there, but everything is there”. Now we look at partners, we look at utility but also at TPS – transactions per seconds. IF you are in the XRPCommunity, if you are invested you know EVERYTHING because .... well because you just do ! ! !

So at the moment +10% , I do get a little happy because of it, but let's not get toooooo excited, we want at least three digit changes , maybe four, but let's not be greedy, THIS is really nice and THIS is how things start ! ! ! !

YouTube is on fire also ... We have received all the news from all the different streamers, but the message is picked up, it is noticed, let's see where it takes us....

Tho .... little scared of a drop, things that go up, alway go down, especially in the last two years ...... ah SHHHH ..... let us enjoy the moment, .... the United States is about to wake up .... what if the East Coast is happy .... well, we just wait another 3 hours and wait for the West Coast and what if ...............

One of the Buzzwords of Q4 of 2019 is DeFi ... Decentralised Finance .... what is it and what will it do in the future; for the whole finance industry, for the Crypto industry.

Most people store their money with banks and other centralized financial institutions, and only invest in stocks and bonds; traditional and may have some competition of DeFi ! ! !

DeFi ..... Decentralized Finance .... This generally refers to Digital Assets and Financial Smart Contracts and DApps; Financial Software built on the blockchain. Many of these projects are build on the Ethereum Blockchain.

DeFi is definitely the way forward, but it does have some issues to work with... In 2019, like 99% of the world population, is not even invested in Crypto Currencies ... For the vast majority it is still unknown territory ... too difficult territory ! ! !

Two things to work on:

1. DeFi already sounds better than Decentralised Finance, but how to attract people to something that is ....... difficult; make it easy ?!?

2. DeFi needs to find a way to get to the mass?!?

These two things are going to take time, but getting Regulations will definitely help. Hopefully, U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar's proposed draft, the Crypto-Currency Act of 2020, and the U.S. lawmaker Warren Davidson's Token Taxonomy Act will push all Blockchain and Crypto Projects to a new level

Most, if not all, financial institutions are centralized. We can talk about Governments, printing money, banks, investing your money or any financial analyst, investing your money, your profits are always shared ! ! ! Trust in the different 'financial bodies' is a big issue, as governments are loosing that battle and banks, well let's not write too many words on that. Decentralization is the word and we do have to mention Bitcoin: the first decentralized digital currency making waves. From Bitcoin, many steps have been taken; Control a financial system without the need for central authorities. In other words, DeFi allows a person to take charge of his / her own financial well-being, without being influenced by somebody else ! ! !

Defi is growing interest, at least by people that are invested in the Blockchain, and borrowing and loans are the most looked up words in this industry. Earning interest by collateralizing your digital asset, in combination of smart contracts is a topic discussed a lot. No need for a third party anymore ... middleman, what shows in the drawn interest.

Many DeFi projects are out there. This brings me to Kava – a cross-chain DeFi platform offering collateralized loans and stablecoins to users of major Crypto assets, including BTC, XRP, BNB, ATOM, etc. Users can collateralize their crypto assets in exchange of USDX, Kava's stablecoin. Oops, let's back up, eh ..... W H A T ! ! !

Kava, also a project spoken about a lot ... Focuses on decentralised finance and, mentioned before, offers collateralized loans. Many people are showing interest, so I wanted to write about this project.

A little overview:

Kava Labs about themselves:

Kava Labs runs its Mainnet in the Cosmos ecosystem. It went live early November this year (2019) and this was a big step. Kava will auction Collateralized Debt Positions (CDP) to peg their stablecoin, USDX, to the US dollar. Kava, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), uses the KAVA token as transaction and that is what crypto enthusiasts, YOU, are buying.

Before the Mainnet Launch on Binance Launchpad, Kava raised 3 Million Dollars in an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO). This was the first DeFi project for Binance and CZ showed major interest and believes in the success of the project ! ! !

To understand the project better, there isn't probably a better way than to ask the CEO and Co-Founder about the ins and outs. I reached out to Brian Kerr and challenged him a couple questions:


Can you share something about yourself, your career and how you started in the Blockchain/ Crypto industry?

Kava Labs Brian:

My name is Brian Kerr. I'm a Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur. Kava is my 2nd venture-backed company. The first was Fnatic (fnatic.com) a leading esports organization. I became fascinated by blockchain in 2016 and begun advising a blockchain project called Dmarket.io focused on NFT gaming. It was through working with Dmarket that I realized blockchain was my next calling and shortly after stepped down as CEO at Fnatic Gear and started Kava shortly after.


If I am correct you started about two years ago but the first signs of Kava heading into the DeFi industry has been since June 2019, what can you tell about these past '2' years and when or why did you take a different route?

Kava Labs Brian:

Payments seemed like the best use case for Crypto at the time. Ripple, Stellar, BTC with lightning was all focused around payments. It turns out Crypto payments being adopted by the world is still very very small and hard to make a business around. Payment companies by definition need to take a small fraction of payment amounts as a fee (usually 0.5% or less) to be competitive. This means payment volumes a company processes needs to be in 50M ++ range just to be a small business. Crypto is far away from supporting a high-growth payment company at present. With this mind, we changed our initial direction of Kava and focused on interoperable Crypto assets rather than Crypto payments.


Where are you based and how many people are working on the project?

Kava Labs Brian:

I am based a good amount of the time in San Francisco, but I travel very frequently due to my role at Kava. We have 8 people full time and many extended team members working on Kava at our partner organizations.


I believe you stated you are not a consensus wizard, so why did you choose for the Cosmos SDK?

Kava Labs Brian:

The SDK is the easiest thing to create, an application specific blockchain, today. The Cosmos SDK allows us to focus on the smart contract modules required for the our multi-collateral CDPs and not need to spend years developing a consensus mechanism.


With a Compound Finance CEO on Kava Labs Board of Directors, will you be building products on top of the Kava platform?

Kava Labs Brian:

Robert is one of our advisors, (not a board of directors). Robert is very committed the Ethereum ecosystem due to the user base. He believes if Cosmos gains users and primitives such as Kava with collateral and stable coins, in time, it can become compelling for compound to consider.


What type of projects would you like to see built on top of Kava platform after CDP’s launch?

Kava Labs Brian:

Compound-like money markets is a big one. Many supply pegs of assets is another. A synthetic asset market which facilitates buyers and sellers of derivatives is definitely something I'd like to see. I'd also love to see a tip bot made for twitter that features Kava + USDX.

well, I have had some cooking classes with @wietsewind:


, so, if you need some contact details .....


When paying loans or buying or selling Crypto will they show what there prices are not done blindly like Nexo?

Kava Labs Brian:

I'm not sure what this question is referencing. I have not used Nexo before. This may or may not answer the question, but price feeds on Kava will be visible for users.

Perfect, thank you ! ! !


A minor issue with Kava's CDPs is that there is no KYC/AML. That might raise some eyebrows with the IRS ... I know you talk to the different regulators, but what can you say about this?

Just to make sure: (for the readers: KYC = Know Your Customer and AML = Anti Money Laundering)

Kava Labs Brian:

No, KYC/AML is important for any open Crypto or platform. KYC/AML is a form of censorship and blockchain is designed specifically to remove these frictions from the world and provide open access to everyone who has a computer and internet regardless of ID, nationality, credit report, etc.


Is there a concerted effort by either Ripple, Interchain and/ or Kava to work together to create a connected DeFi ecosystem between Cosmos DeFi ecosystem (Kava platform) and a future XRPL DeFi Ecosystem?

Kava Labs Brian:

We have support from all these organizations and more in one way or another to further Kava's vision of open financial services for the world.


Is there a CAP on the number of XRP that can be locked up in CDP’s?

Kava Labs Brian:

This has not been determined yet.


11. Are you in discussions with other projects thinking about building on Kava platform or integrating Kava platform into their products; Dharma?

Kava Labs Brian:

I have not spoken to Dharma about building on Kava. We do have quite a lot of interest from developers to use Kava to build new products or integrate it with existing ones. Kava is still quite early in its development so the majority of projects integrating us are wallets, staking providers, and other platforms focused on giving DeFi to users.


Is the ultimate goal to eventually attract traditional markets and investors?

Kava Labs Brian:

Our goal is to provider Crypto Traders to unrivaled access to leverage and hedging. Mom & pop investors may come later, but I do not think of them as our target market today.


What are the benefits of integrating ILP modules into Kava blockchain integrated and into the Cosmos SDK???

Kava Labs Brian:

ILP enables inter-blockchain payments. It's not critical to Kava in the short term but as Interledger grows and the number of providers on Interledger increases, it will enable Kava and USDX payments to a number of Web3 services. Kava and USDX are both great assets to be used for settlement on Interledger.


2020 in Crypto?

Kava Labs Brian:

Sovereign Crypto. Macro economic issues. Pay attention to both as they are very related. DeFi will continue to be a major theme and heart beat of the growing Crypto industry.


If you look at the Crypto-Currency Act of 2020, there is going to be 3 classes:

Crypto-Commodities: (dealt by the CFTC)

economic goods or services that a) has full or substantial fungibility, b) the markets treat with no regard for who produced the goods or services, and c) rests on a blockchain or decentralized cryptographic ledger.

Crypto-Securities: (dealt by the SEC)

defined as representations of United States currency or synthetic derivatives resting on a blockchain or decentralized cryptographic ledger. The types that are included in this definition are:

(1) such representations or synthetic derivatives that are reserve-backed digital assets that are fully collateralized in a correspondent banking account, such as stablecoins.

(2) synthetic derivatives that are determined by decentralized oracles or smart contracts; and collateralized by crypto-commodities, other crypto-currencies, or crypto-securities.

Crypto-Currencies: (dealt by the FinCen)

all debt, equity, and derivative instruments that rest on a blockchain or decentralized cryptographic ledger, with an exception. For a synthetic derivative that is operated and registered with the Department of the Treasury as a money services business and is operated in compliance with all Bank Secrecy Act and all other Federal anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism, and screening requirements of the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

Where do you see yourself with Kava and where do you think this regulation is heading?

Kava Labs Brian:

Businesses that wish to integrate Kava or USDX might need to follow the regulations above if they operate within the US or with US customers. I will not speculate on any of these regulation developments until there is a bit more progress and commitment from the agencies to move forward with implementations of appropriate frameworks.

Short questions


Trustless Lending is that: SOOOO 2020?

Kava Labs Brian:

SOOOO 2025. Still along way to go!

Got to love this answer, I did not change this ! ! !


Is Liquidity Key?

Kava Labs Brian:



CDP, main focus is targeting people that want to Long Crypto; to begin with?

Kava Labs Brian:

Yes, CDP users are long users. Stablecoin users are hedgers!


Kava is not for America ....... yet?

Kava Labs Brian:

Kava is for everyone. Accessing Kava through a US exchange has not happened yet. Hopefully soon!

Well, I became smarter talking to Brian, learning about the Kava Project. 2020 is going to be a very interesting year for the DeFi industry and I will keep on following this project.

Once again thank you Brian for you time and knowledge. Wish you a great 2019 personally but also for Kava Labs.

Oh and eh ... no financial advice .. Entertainment purposes only ! ! ! !

Previous Interview: Contentos – Reinvent the Content Value Ecosystem

Next Interview: BUCKLE UP – NotoriousXRP

2020, A couple countries in the world are already in the new decade and may be VERY drunk forgetting things that happened in 2019. Or thought about all the good things that happened in (the old year) 2019. What has happened in your crypto 2019; are you satisfied, are you not happy about 2019?


Well, price wise, maybe we expected a little bit more, but I am definitely happy with 2019. A lot of things happened, many things changed, more things have to change ...

Moneygram is for me the big changer. That pushed the use of our first corridors. Philippines and Mexico, glued to the live streams, sites that showed the international transactions between Bitso and Bitstamp and Bitstamp and Coins.ph ... and vice versa. All the positive talks of Alex Holmes wanting to grow the amount of corridors ... Well, I think it is going to be a different future for Moneygram in 2020, but we are getting there.

All the banks, all the financial institutions, all the partnerships, all the aquirements, all the news. It used to be monthly news to collect, it went weekly, daily, heck, we are almost on hourly news. Many facts. With all the confidentiality, all the NDA's in the air, yes, we are not getting all the stories that we are looking for, but we know a lot, but there is so much more out there, we still don't know and that is not always ...... nice.

Not knowing means guessing ... and that leads to speculation and well, there is a lot of speculations. 2019, like 2018 was another year that saw Bearableguy123, Riddlers, speculators and other stories that were disrupting the stream of facts and hard evidence the company we are 'rooting for' is going the distance. The bear market has been tough for a lot, specifically for the ones that needed to sell, but we need to keep it real. Investing in stock with a yearly return of 5%, many Wallstreet investors will sign this contract in a

heartbeat .... We are talking about 100 percentages , 1000 of percentages, well even more if you can believe some of the predictions. Get real people .... if you expect this in the shortes amount of time .... it is going to hurt you.

I have invested in Stock, Bonds, Options, Cars, Wine and a couple other stuff I do not want to list here, but what I see with Crypto, I was not familiar with. People that want to share their holdings, their opinions and all want to be part of a group, the XRPCommunity. I have never seen something like this, always news, always speculators, always scammers and always hype.

I also saw Bitrue grow big time in the market. Besides Binance and Coinbase, I believe Bitrue is part of the big three Crypto Exchanges making moves. Power Piggy, well we have heard a lot about it, Crypto Loans, making waves ... All the XRP pairings, amazing stuff. 2019 was a great year for Bitrue, looking forward to 2020.

I miss Hodor, I miss XRP Trump, many I probably forget, but those two names stand out. I was lucky enough to write a blog with him before he stepped down (https://xrpcommunity.blog/corridors-easy-difficult/) , which came out when “Corridor” became THE buzzword. Once again, thank you Hodor, it was pure magic working with you.


What can we expect, what do I expect. Biggest things that NEEDS to happen, regulations in the United States. Many countries are working on regulations, will be regulated in January 2020 and this will push other countries. China is pushing the US, the US is a leader in many things, not a follower, so it is only a matter of time.

The Crypto-Currency Act of 2020 has been drafted and will be presented to congress soon. Getting this voted for is not going to be the tough step, it is going to be the classification. What is falling in what bucket .... bucket .... MoneyBags ....?!?

Crypto – Security

Crypto – Commodities

Crypto – Currency

We will see how that goes, hopefully the United States will be on the ball. That said, hopefully Ripple can:

1. Share, because of this, many partnerships with banks and financial institutions.

2. Open many corridors to exotic and less exotic countries

3. Acquire new businesses to strengthen their position (maybe R3)??

4. Grow their core industry, (inter)national transactions, to maybe DeFi, Smart Contracting, Gaming, Micro Payments, FX, etc.....

This also for Moneygram, I don't think transactions are going to be their safe haven, they need to build out their position, grow into the DeFi Products, that is going to make them the leader, the one to follow. Too many playes in the international transaction world, that are going to disrupt the giant.

Whatever happens in 2020, let it be a lively one, one with a lot of news but still, people:


I know it sounds overdone, but please do not invest too much money, even with this 'low' price, don't expect something tomorrow, it may happen, but don't bet your life on it. YES, XRP is a great investment, but it is going to cost time. It is not the only diamond out there.

Be nice to each other. If others believe in Bitcoin, it is okay, if people talk positive, more than positive in CasinoCoin, read into it, or not, but respect people. VET, LTC, KAVA, etc, there is so much out there, just:


you are to blame yourself for failures / successes.

But overall, just have fun, it is fun.... A new market, price may stay under the radar, but sooner or later evolution will step up, time will tell. I wish you all a prosperous 2020, with the best of health to you and your family and that 2020 may be a year all your wishes come true.



The market is “L I T T L E” red, but there are enough giveaways, to make it a bit better. You have to stay relaxed and not watch the market all the times, as that does not make you smile ....

It is the 20th of December and next week the world is all happy and joy joy. Well, not the whole world, there are a lot of people that are not in their happy place, have a hard time and may need a little push in the back. You may know somebody; help them out wherever you can, it will ALWAYS pay of ! ! !

CasinoCoin Community's giveaway has a daily winner. Actually not 1, but multiple .... every day, ...... there will be multiple gifts and crypto given to participants on Twitter. December 14th the giveaways will start and will run through the 25th of December. Prizes that can be won, are given by numerous parties ...

The mandatory steps to take:

  1. Like and Retweet the Daily GiveAway
  2. You have to follow the donator(s) of the prize(s)
  3. Tagging 3 friends
  4. Comment #12daysofcryptmas

The CasinoCoin Community's giveaway is just a fun way to look at the Crypto World and the coming Holidays. People congratulate each other when prizes are given to others. We all want to win, but we all wish each other the biggest prize; that is already a prize by itself.

I asked @HolyK1cks, one of the creators of these giveaways some questions regarding the giveaways:


Who are you guys?

12 Days of Cryptmas:

Myself (CSCookieMonster @HolyK1cks) along with a few members of the CasinoCoin Community; including Massadoption (@mass_adoption), and DM Logic (@ImTheDebate) started this giveaway. To be clear, this is not sponsored by the CasinoCoin Foundation, but by the Community itself!


Why this giveaway?

12 Days of Cryptmas:

We took it upon ourselves to start a holiday giveaway to bring some joy to the crypto community, raise awareness for CasinoCoin, and to have some fun along the way. The idea started with just having 1 day of gifts, but we recieved so many donations, we had to change our plans. This is how the, “12 Days of Cryptmas” idea was born. This goes to show how giving and amazing our community is!

6-10 winners per day with over $14,000 worth of prizes over 12 days.


What was 2019?

12 Days of Cryptmas:

2019 was a roller coaster in regards to Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin started a bull run again, but slowly fizzled out. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. The market is still definitely tied to bitcoins up and down days.

On the other side of things, some coins are displaying some great signs of adoption. XRP, VET, and CasinoCoin are all pushing out partnership announcements and will be used by their respective markets.


Are you guys having fun?

12 Days of Cryptmas:

We had so much fun setting up this giveaway. I couldn't have asked for a better community to do this with. We hope everybody enjoys this giveaway as much as we have enjoyed putting it together.

Some prizes that have been given away:

CasinoCoin Community:

There are some more days to come, so if you want to check it out, visit on Twitter:


The market is “L I T T L E” red, but there are enough giveaways, to make it a bit better. You have to stay relaxed and not watch the market all the times, as that does not make you smile ....

It is the 19th of December and next week the world is all happy and joy joy. Well, not the whole world, there are a lot of people that are not in their happy place, have a hard time and may need a little push in the back. You may know somebody; help them out wherever you can, it will ALWAYS pay of ! ! !

Bitrue's giveaway will have a winner everyday to win a jackpot of crypto! There will be giveaways daily from 14 December through the 25th of December 2019. All prizes are given by Bitrue ! ! !

The Mandatory Steps you need to take ! ! !

  1. You need to follow @BitrueOfficial on Twitter. (Doesn't hurt to follow @Curis_Wang, but that is not a must)

  2. You need to hold 1.000 BTR in your Bitrue Account , so .... you need to have a Bitrue account. You could always use my referral, BUT, you can also visit the site directly: (https://bitrue.com/activity/task/task-landing?inviteCode=EZWQWA&cn=900000)

  3. You need to Retweet the specific Tweet on Twitter you are referring to.

  4. Register your entry into a form, filling in every section (https://forms.gle/L7QF5GcWPgwFxNQD7)

Diving a little more into Bitrue; Bitrue of course, is the XRP friendly exchange that does more than being the trading place for crypto. The Most Reliable Digital Asset Trading Platform also offers Power Piggy: stable interest returns by “freezing” your assets on the platform, besides offering Bitrue Loans that give you greater flexibility for investments!


on the question “Why these GiveAways”? Well, it is always nice to give away prizes and giving back to the community ! !

Some prizes that have been given away:



Socks from the CrypToe_Man

There are some more days to come, so if you want to check both giveaways, visit these on Twitter:

12 Days of Christmas

Crypto and Sports, is that a combination that can help sports ... In my opinion, and I am not a financial advisor: A B S O L U T E L Y !!!

I am not the only one as some of the Crypto currencies/ coins/ tokens feel the connection with sports... Sports cannot be thought of without sponsors. Shirts, Pants, Attributes they all carry brand names that want to be connected with an athlete, a team, a particular sport, the sports industry. Is your currency a synonym for soccer, basketball, tennis and / or darts...

I first saw a connection through eToro ... I was in France and saw a commercial from eToro; linked to Tennis, ..... I liked what I saw....

As we all know, Broker eToro, has been in the Fintech business for over 10 years and is a well established name. It makes an entry into the Crypto industry easier, what I have experienced myself. I have been critical with eToro, what got me blocked by @MatiGreenspan; still work with eToro though ! ! !

eToro has been a front-runner in sports marketing/ sponsoring and the tennis and football (soccer) industry has been appealing; I first ran across a campaign with Gael Monfils, the former number 6 of the world, with eToro CEO Yoni Assia. Match made in heaven and the name looks very well on Gael's arm. Gael trades on eToro . . .

Tennis was not the only match that eToro found... Football (soccer) was also big time in the news. Football was not just a wild guess, as eToro teamed up with their platform users and they shared Football was the sport they identified themselves with and had a big interest in. So the Israeli company has been in the news a lot with the English Premier League.

In August 2018, eToro announced a sponsorship deal with seven UK Premiership teams including

1. Brighton & Hove Albion F.C.,

2. Cardiff City F.C.,

3. Crystal Palace F.C.,

4. Leicester City F.C.,

5. Newcastle United F.C.

6. Southampton F.C.

7. Tottenham Hotspur,

eToro continued the 2019-20 Premier League Season with

1. Aston Villa F.C.

2. Everton F.C.


3. Crystal Palace F.C.

4. Leicester City F.C.

5. Southampton F.C.

6. Tottenham Hotspur F.C.

eToro, not only tied to tennis and football, but also struck a deal in 2019 with Moto2 team, American Racing KTM. Their name appears in the bikes driven by: Iker Lecuona and Joe Roberts.

eToro is not the only broker that is affiliated with football. Broker Exness has a relationship with Real Madrid, Swissquote sponsors Manchester United and Scope Markets had a deal with West Ham.

There are more partnerships:

Rimini FC 1912, an Italian Serie C soccer club started a partership with blockchain venture Quantocoin. Quantocoin purchased 25 percent of Rimini entirely with cryptocurrency, precisely its native token, the Quantocoin (QRCt). This is significant, as it was the first time that a soccer team has been purchased using cryptocurrency.

English Premier League club, Newcastle United has also partnered with a blockchain project, StormGain, cryptocurrency margin trading platform.

S.L. Benfica (Portugal) shared their merchandise would be available for purchase with cryptocurrency; accepting Bitcoin Ethereum and the UTRUST token.

CoinMarketCap, also entered a sports-based partnership. Beitar Jerusalem (Israel) wears the CoinMarketCap brand prominently during their matches. It helps when the owner is into

cryptocurrency ! ! ! !

Atlético de Madrid (Spain) partnered with Chiliz, a sports blockchain; to create Fan Tokens. These tokens can be used by fans to buy team merchandise ! ! !

Paris Saint-Germain (France) partnered with Socios in 2018 to issue its own blockchain currency; also for fans to interact, buy and show their interest in the club. The Crypto Currency does not really play a monetary role, but will give fans who hold the token to vote and decide on less strategic matters, such as choosing team shirts. Meeting players is also part of the deal.

The big story behind these partnerships is fans to acquire club tokens, some for free, others bought using Socios’ cryptocurrency, Chiliz. The man behind Socios is Alexandre Dreyfus, a crypto enthusiast and former poker entrepreneur. Socios is planning to tokenize more football clubs around the world. It has already lined up six deals for Q1 2020.

1. Paris Saint-Germain (France)

2. Atlético de Madrid

3. West Ham United

4. Galatasaray

5. A.S. Roma

6. Esports provider OG

More clubs are to follow.

In August 2018, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) also did some testing with a blockchain-based ticketing application for a match between two top Spanish clubs. It was successful.

Juventus tops the latest stories. Last week we read that the Italian Club has its own Crypto token: $JUV. The token can be bought on Socios.com ! ! ! The fan token allows fans to have an influence over some fan-based initiatives.

I believe there is more to the story, Socios.com, so let's leave it like that ! ! !

Let's go to the American “Football” ..... the Miami Dolphins ... In July the American football teamed up with the Litecoin Foundation to accept cryptocurrency payments.

The partnership started on Sept. 5 – the start of the 2019 NFL season – and starts with the Dolphins accepting Litecoin as their “official cryptocurrency.”

As of the ninth month of the year, Dolphins fans are able to use Litecoin and bitcoin buying tickets for the Dolphin’s 50/50 raffle, which gives half of proceeds to the Miami Dolphins Foundation and charities. Aliant Payments will do the payments.

Besides the Dolphins, we have seen the Litecoin Foundation partnering with UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, the mixed martial arts organization. The logo was visible on the canvas of the octagon during a former UFC light heavyweight champion fight.

If you think Sports partnering with Crypto is something new .... the Sacramento Kings proof differently. In 2014, the Professional Basketball team accepted Bitcoin as the first Professional Athletic Team.

Besides the Sacramento Kings, the University Georgia Tech accepted Bitcoin in 2014.

In 2018 the Houston Rockets partnered with AntPool, the Crypto Mining Company.

Logical next step is .... Baseball ....

Major League Baseball team Los Angeles Dodgers introduced the first ever Crypto-Giveaway during an event in 2018. The first 40,000 fans to enter Dodger Stadium, playing against the Padres, received a crypto token. These 40.000 fans were ablt to download a digital bobblehead of three of their players. The collectible would then be added to the fans’ Ethereum Crypto wallet.

The Newest sport to show a partnership is ...... DARTS ! ! !

Wise Cryptos is an independent crypto website that provides unbiased cryptocurrency news, information, and live prices sourced from leading cryptocurrency exchanges.

Their website wisecryptos.com showed the following message:

“Wise Cryptos is delighted to announce that we’ll be spreading the crypto word on TV stations around the world this December as proud sponsors of six PDC professional darters:

1. Krzysztof Ratajski

2. Ryan Searle

3. Matthew Edgar

4. Luke Woodhouse

5. Callan Rydz

6. Jan Dekker

I have followed Darts for many many years, so I got in contact with Wise Cryptos and asked them some questions:


Darts and Crypto?

Wise Cryptos:

Darts is a global sport; many people don't realize just how incredibly popular it is. On Sky Sports for example it is only second to football whilst in Europe the most television viewers actually come from Germany ahead of both The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. All across the world it is played and watched by countless millions and ... in Asia ...... massive.

Much like cryptocurrency itself. The reach is global and completely underestimated. Did you know there are 9 companies making darts and accessories in Japan alone? Japan also being the cryptocurrency market leader ! ! !


Can darts start mass adoption?

Wise Cryptos:

The darts industry is currently heavily sponsored by gambling companies. But globally regulators are clamping down heavily on gambling and we see Crypto as a “perfect bet-fellow” for the darts industry.

Conversely there are more and more darts tournaments all over the world and with fans and players traveling so much, using global remittance companies, products like ODL can make life much easier for darts players and fans.


Who is sponsoring and who is sponsored?

Wise Cryptos:

XRP.co alongside Wise Cryptos are sponsors of Matthew Edgar (who plays on Saturday afternoon).

Wise Cryptos additionally sponsor Krzysztof Ratajski, Ryan Searle, Luke Woodhouse, Callan Rydz and Jan Dekker.


What tournament is starting Friday?

Wise Cryptos:

Friday evening sees the start of the PDC World Darts Championship. The flagship event on the darts calendar and one of the most watched annual sporting events globally.


The real big players?

Wise Cryptos:

World number 1 Michael van Gerwen is definitely the man to beat but there are other heavyweights like, former number 2, rugby international Gerwyn Price, two-time champion Gary Anderson and Adrian Lewis along with newer stars like Rob Cross, Michael Smith and of course our very own Polish Eagle Krzysztof Ratajskiwho; he has had a stellar year so far.

A stellar year ...... hmm ... wonder why Wise Cryptos is using that word ! ! ! !


Can you share something about the dart world?

Wise Cryptos:

Darts players are generally very humble, down to earth and approachable. We have found them to make a lot of time for the fans and never turn down a selfie or autograph request even when relaxing away from the darts in a restaurant or bar.


What can we expect?

Wise Cryptos:

I think we can expect a really interesting tournament this year with a number of players challenging “Mighty Mike” for the title. It could very well be a year filled with shocks as we have seen in a number of tournaments leading up to the World Championship. Wise Cryptos sponsored Luke Woodhouse causing the upset of the tournament, the other week, when defeating world number six Daryl Gurney.

Thank you Wise Cryptos for this interview. I will be watching the tournament and if I see the logo and I find the time to shoot it, I will throw out a TWEET.

I was surprised about all the partnerships that are already in place. I probably only touched the tip of the iceberg .... many many more things out there. I probably have to revisit this topic to cover it in more detail.

Next week, on December 10th Contentos $COS is landing on Bitrue and tonight there is going to be an AMA hosted by the XRPZOO with Bitrue's CEO Curis Wang and Contentos' CEO Mick Tsai.

Events are planned, ........ but what is Contentos, as probably not everybody is probably aware of this coin that sits on place 317 at the moment; with a Marketcap of $8,295,544 USD. COS is officially only listed on Binance DEX. Crypto trading pairs include COS/BNB, COS/BTCB, and COS/USDSB.

Contentos has a circulating supply of 674,240,346 and a supply of

10 Billion in total. hmmmmm CMC, not really up to date are we

not .... Circulating supply is a little over 1 Billion, so let's update this... maybe reach out to the different projects from time to time, to get the numbers correct ! ! !

Just FYI CMC, this is the Token Release Plan, please update your numbers ! ! !

and in Numbers:

So who is or what is Contentos ?!?!?!?!?

The Contentos Charts above taken from Marketcap shows the route Contentos has taken between 2019, June 21 and the beginning of December 2019. Since September the Price has been pretty steady, of course little dips and rises, but overall a pretty steady line....

A couple weeks ago I wrote about Beatzcoin and starting to write about Contentos, I had to think about Beatzcoin. Where Beatzcoin specializes in Music, Contentos also looks at content creators and facing their hurdles. You can find two great graphics on the homepage: https://www.contentos.io

The Rewards / Income/ Revenue that content creators should receive is lowered (tremendously) by the platform that displays their content. It is a choice to use that 'specific platform' but some cuts, that in some instances are well over 40% are easily earned by these platforms. Besides these diminished Revenues, the traffic is controlled, there is a lack of copyright protection and credit systems are centralized ........ centralized ...... centralized .... scary word .... (if you are an XRP-Holder)....

Contentos has the solutions for these issues and are shown in the following 4 pictures:

In other words, Contentos is and has been building a decentralized community that allows content to be freely:

01 produced

02 distributed

03 rewarded

04 traded

while protecting author rights ! ! !

Sounds legit, especially while I am writing this blog as a content creator on a Coil page ......

To repeat what Mick Tsai shared during an AMA, 2 months ago, Mick shared that Contentos is a decentralized global content ecosystem. Contentos is supported by various content-related services including Live.me (live streaming), Cheez (short video), PhotoGrid (image) and COS.TV with over 60M overseas MAU combined. Contentos has attracted global investors in blockchain, internet, and venture capital community in its early-sales rounds including Binance Lab, DHVC and IDG.

Compared to any other similar content blockchain, Contentos has real content products that supports photo, live streaming and video, millions of content creators and a large number of potential users worldwide, these three unique advantages provide Contentos with the chance to stand out among any similar projects.

Contentos' Mainnet was lauched at the end of September, 25 to be precise, and COS.TV, a Dapp built on Contentos is now fully integrated to the mainnet, the system has over 2K daily on-chain users and 30K daily TX.... so ...... promising ! ! !

Talking about Dapps, Contentos has 4:





PhotoGrid is a popular photo editing App with a community similar to that of Instagram.

COS2048 is an Android game App derived from the original 2048 game. Users are able to earn COS through single-player games and use them as bet in double-player games.

WalkCoin is an Android App that keeps track of users’ walking record.

COS.TV shares project information and serves as a blockchain explorer. The platform is also a wallet for COS holders.

So I ran into Patrick, he has a special relationship with Contentos; he is admin for Contentos on Telegram and is very knowledgeable; not only when talking about Contentos. I was very surprised about the whole Contentos Community .... On Telegram the Global Community Group is shy from passing 3.000 members ... amazing. Well, I had a little conversation with Patrick:

Patrick can you say something about yourself and what Contentos means to you, how did you get involved?

Personally, I'm very associated with content creation and it is not only in my life but embedded to everyone's personal life. Content is everywhere and owned by everyone and nobody, this should be managed in a decentralized manner. While managing the Ontology overseas community and after Ontology 's investment arm (OGC) invested technical and monetary support to Contentos, I started to get involved with contentos.io, that has offices in Taipei & Beijing.

What does Contentos mean to you?

Contentos for me means, content blockchain solutions.

What did / does 2019 mean to you regarding Contentos?

During 2019 Contentos has made many world wide live appearances. This gave us a strong feeling and understanding of their philosophy.

What is 2020 going to bring?

2020 Technical Roadmap

Q1 Publish Techincal Whitepaper 2.0, tackling scaling solutions

Q2 Complete Mainnet 2.0 Blockchain development

Q3 Complete Mainnet 2.0 Cross-chain (Main & Sub) communication development

Q4 Preparation for Migration from Mainnet 1.0 to Mainnet 2.0

2021 Mainnet 2.0 Launch

Do you know Coil, BeatzCoin? Are those competitors or ...?!?!?


I say: ———–) L . . . . . O . . . . . L . . . . .

Finishing up this blog, I had another great experience to learn more regarding Contentos.

Moving along, after this great opportunity I ran into, I came across the name Jeff, who was introduced to me by multiple Contentos Community members. I also ran some questions by Jeff:

Hi Jeff, I hope you are doing fine. As I shared with you I am writing a Blog regarding Contentos.


Without taking away all the fire from the upcoming AMA, could you please tell me something about the Contentos Project. Please tell me a little about yourself and your role within the Contentos Project?

Jeff, Contentos:

I am the Operation Manager of Contentos, ensuring smooth daily COS-related operations and also, responsible for our social media marketing.


How old is the project, what is the idea behind it and where is it going?

Jeff, Contentos:

Founded mid 2018, Contentos project is 1.5 years old and to date,our decentralized content ecosystem consist of our own Mainnet, our first DApp – COS.TV and our strategic partnering Apps (PhotoGrid, LiveMe and Cheez).

As I quote from Mick, our Co-Founder & CEO, in his recent medium article “We believe blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) has the best chance to facilitate a healthier content ecosystem. While centralized platforms may have already established their businesses, their inherent centralization is a pitfall that blockchain systems veer away from. Blockchain, with its decentralization and transparency, is better geared at dealing with multi-stakeholder industries such as content platforms who deal with creators, audiences, and advertisers.”

For the full article Jeff is referring to:


As for where we are going next, we are constantly improving our decentralized ecosystem.

Currently we are focused on improving COS.TV on 2 major aspects:

1. Functions for daily consumers: By improving the overall product and adding functions such as Gifting Votes, Voting for Block Producers so that COS.TV users can engage with the platform more efficiently and effectively


2. On-boarding more content and creators to COS.TV as we localize the product to different parts of the world. BTW, to date, we are already covering 8 languages for COS.TV.

By improving COS.TV, we are also improving Contentos blockchain concurrently as we ensure that Contentos blockchain is able to function under our intense growth rate and constantly upgrade and build tools so that our blockchain can handle more.

In 2019, we have integrated Contentos blockchain into existing Apps such as PhotoGrid, which has over 40 million global active users, and conducted campaigns to educate users on blockchain technology. We definitely look forward to assisting others who are interested to adopt blockchain technology into their product out as well in the near future.


Contentos is still a rather young project, can you please share with me what some great accomplishments have been so far and what we can expect?

Jeff, Contentos:

A week after our Mainnet launch in September, we achieved 10k+ accounts, 1.3k+ daily active users and 28k+ daily transactions. And in 2+ months, we have achieved 200K+ accounts, 9k+ active users and 40k+ daily transactions.


COS.TV is now ranked top-30000 websites worldwide, according to Alexa.

The first “10K Follower” content creator on COS.TV was just crowned

With the promotion from PhotoGrid and COS.TV, Contentos drew lots of attention in Brazil. Local crypto KOLs started to produce content and build their community on COS.TV.


Are you familiar with Beatzcoin and Coil. Can you share with me if they are competitors or going for a different industry?

Jeff, Contentos:

Fundamentally, Contentos, Coil and Beatzcoin are all tackling issues in today’s content industry. However, we are approaching these issues using different methodologies.

Beatzcoin is a TRC20 token, used on the VibraVid social streaming platform, used to pay for video and audio content, marketing and advertising by users, creators and advertisers.

On the other hand, Coil is a platform that utilizes Web Monetization – an open API built on the Interledger Protocol, for creators to monetize their content online, by receiving micro-payments instantaneously as subscribing consumers consume the contents.

Contentos is a decentralized content ecosystem which allows content to be freely produced, distributed, rewarded, and traded, while protecting author rights. Contentos has its own blockchain with built-in ecological reward model and native token to facilitate the transfer of value between creators and consumers across applications (e.g. COS.TV, PhotoGrid etc.)

Given that we are all in the same space using different methodologies, chances are that a collaboration with either companies will make more sense for us to tackle the issues in today’s content industry as compared to seeing us as competitors.

If you would have some pictures of the headquarters and / or the office can you please share these in order to use in the blog

Is there anything readers of this blog should know?

Jeff, Contentos:

COS is listing on Bitrue on 10 Dec 2019 (Link) and we are looking forward to more interaction with XRP community.

Also, come experience COS.TV! We just launched a new feature—Gifting Vote! With Gifting Vote, we hope to align content creators and consumers, to better distribute higher quality of content.


Just a finishing question:

I have read up and came across some projects, partners .... Can you comment on the following:

TomoChain . . .

KardiaChain . . .


Harmony . . .

Somesing . . .

Jeff, Contentos:

TomoChain: One of our initial ecosystem partners, the leading project in Vietnam! Together we have co-organized a few offline meetups and they have a channel on COS.TV.

KardiaChain: Another partner of Contentos who is based in Vietnam, similar to Tomochain, we have co-organized a few offline meetups and they have a channel on COS.TV as well.

MIXMARVEL: Their DApp game, HyperSnakes, is the first DApp to be promoted on cos.tv! MixMarvel remains as one of the leading pioneers in Game DApp industry.

Harmony: When talk about open consensus, Harmony is definitely the name to pop up. We have collaborated with them to promote their first on-chain game – Harmony Puzzle.

Somesing: Our first Korea ecosystem partner! Built a fantastic Karaoke DApp which we had recently collaborated with when organizing our “COS we love Sing” Campaign in Korea.

Jeff, thank you for answering all these questions. Indeed Contentos is a project that is going further than a listing on Bitrue... Good luck on the projects coming up and I will definitely follow this closely, thank you.

So Staking Contentos on Bitrue starts December 13, looking much forward to this after learning so much about the project.

Later today there is going to be the AMA with Curis and Mick, conducted by the XRPZoo – with @1000bonesXRP, @KickboyTriple and @FakeCoinExpert. Going to be a lot of fun and I will DEFINITELY watch it ! ! ! !

Previous Interview: ALL Flavors Together

Next Interview: DeFi according to … Kava Labs

In two days there will be an AMA between CryptoEri, Sunny Lu and Curis Wang, three amazing people meeting each other on common ground, a blockchain AMA.....so, besides these two CEO's our XRP YouTube Queen CryptoEri.

So, who is in this AMA = Ask Me Anything:

Curis Wang, The XRPCommunity and the VETCommunity should know him, is the Bitrue CEO that has shared before he loves XRP, the XRPCommunity knows and he loves VET, the VETCommunity

knows ! ! !

Before Curis started the CryptoExchange Bitrue, Curis used to manage a blockchain incubator in Silicon Valley.

I have met Curis a couple times and if you want to see Crypto passion, look no further, you have found it in the California based Bitrue CEO ! ! !


Sunny Lu is well known in the Crypto Industry being the VeChain CEO. Before starting VeChain Sunny's most prominent job was as CIO of Louis Vuitton; what may have been fueling to pursue working as VeChain founder and CEO full time.

CryptoEri is a very well known YouTuber, that covers all the Asian, specifically Japanese, news regarding XRP. She teaches the XRPCommunity about SBI and all the partnerships, updates and fluff.


So, this coming Monday an amazing match-up with three powerhouses. What can we expect. Without asking for highlights or stealing any thunder I asked Curis Wang, Sunny Lu and CryptoEri a couple questions regarding the AMA, that I am REALLY looking forward to:


So Curis What about this AMA, what can you tell me how you feel about the interview coming up?


We saw some common interest between the XRP- and VETCommunity. Both of them are looking for massive adoption, enterprise adoption. So both community members mostly are professional and looking for long term investment.

I’m excited to seeing how much common ground we are sharing between each other and like to facilitate the adoption of blockchain solutions.


Have you met CryptoEri and / or Sunny before?

Curis Wang:

Yes, Eri in Tokyo and Sunny in our Silicon Valley office

In the picture, taken when Sunny came to Bitrue Silicon Valley office, from left to right: vechain marketing and community management, Curis, Sunny, Bitrue BD head and Vechain Management.


What can we expect of the interview

Curis Wang:

Well ......... Why don't you wait on Monday ....... the fireworks are ready ! ! !

I had the same questions for Sunny:


So Sunny, What about this AMA, what can you tell me how you feel about the interview coming up?


It’s gonna be fun. I know XRP has quite big and concrete community support especially in Japan, and XRP has been focus on applications for bank and finance sector. I am sure VeChain can learn from that.


Have you met Curis and / or CryptoEri before?


I know Curis when we met in Palo Alto. And he is very interesting guy and passionate about Blockchain. but I don’t know Eri yet and I hope we can meet some day in person.


What can we expect of the interview

Sunny: Well..... just watch on Monday

I had the same questions for CryptoEri:


So CryptoEri What about this AMA, what can you tell me how you feel about the interview coming up?


I am impressed with people who are shaping this space, and both Vechain and Bitrue are making significant contributions.


Have you met Curis and / or Sunny before?


I met Curis in Tokyo for the first time at the XRP Meetup in Japan. As you know, they were a sponsor and Curis was on a question answer panel with Ripple.

I've not met or spoken to Sunny yet, however very much looking forward to it. We have a short window to talk in the AMA, so will make the most of it.


What can we expect of the interview


I expect we all will be good students of the space from their answers.

Indeed, Curis, Sunny and CryptoEri are right, let's wait for the amazing AMA .... on Monday ....

So the AMA , people were able to fill in some questions and as you can see, there are already some amazing questions on CryptoEri's Twitter Handle:



For Sunny specifically:

When will we start seeing signs of ecosystem growth in the US; Like QR codes on products such as Food and Beverage?


For Curis specifically:

Will Bitrue become an ODL exchange for Ripple? You’re located in the Singapore area. SBI is in Japan. There’s also the phippines corridor. Is there a need and market in your area to become ODL exchange and will you work towards this?


Since an AMA is being held with both ceo's, there's obviously a cooperative effort in place. Can you elaborate on the cooperation and if there are any plans to list vtho for trading in the near future?

Maybe these questions will be answered during the AMA, but it is nice to see the Communities interact.

IF ..... you still want to post some questions, there is still time ...... GO GO GO

Looking forward to the AMA this Monday. Ready to hear about the successes of VeChain, the never ending passion of the Bitrue CEO and the “Deep-Dive” questions of the YouTube Queen ! ! !

Previous Interview: Behind the beat of Beatzcoin

Next Interview: Contentos – Reinvent the Content Value Ecosystem